BE SEEN ÊTRE VU WINNERS’ CATALOGUE CATALOGUE DES GAGNANTS 2015 20 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Our judges repeatedly used the term “attention to craft” and commented on your bold new techniques for motivating, engaging and guiding audiences through a story or brand experience. As we observed last year, you continued to design with high-end print values in mind, unafraid to use the medium’s capabilities for producing tangible, thought-provoking pieces that engage both the visual and tactile senses. SUSAN R. CORBEIL DIRECTOR OF SPECIFICATION DIRECTRICE, PROMOTION VERITIV CANADA One of the great joys of this job is seeing the fresh and often brilliant ways designers approach and resolve communications challenges. Clearly, print design and the creative use of paper are not fading away in this digital age. If anything, you are bringing a resurgence to print. One need only review the winning entries in the 2015 uVU Veritiv Canada Design and Print Excellence Awards to understand you are embracing print as a medium, perhaps like never before. Congratulations from all of us at Veritiv Canada. You have shown us that the classic, age-old technique of using thoughtful design, photography, illustration and typography to reinforce key messages is thriving and in good hands. 6 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS A prominent theme of this year’s entries was your use of great photography. While it’s true that the online world has provided a whole new stage for imagery, nothing matches fine print for harnessing the real power of a photo. This year’s winners featured evocative, compelling presentations of images that triggered emotions, reinforced key messages or simply grabbed one’s attention. Apparently, great design knows no boundaries in Canada. Like last year, impressive entries came from across the country, and also from non-profits as well as corporations. This is how it should be, and it gives us great hope for the future of both design and print. We have no doubt you will take inspiration from the designs and solutions inside this booklet. I look forward to seeing your new print collateral entered in our 2016 uVU Veritiv Canada Design and Print Excellence Awards competition. UVU 2015 L’un des plus grands plaisirs de mon travail est de découvrir les différentes façons originales et souvent géniales dont les concepteurs abordent et résolvent les défis de la communication. Il est clair que la conception graphique et l’utilisation créative du papier ne sont pas en voie de disparaître en cette ère numérique. En fait, c’est vous qui êtes à l’origine de la renaissance de l’imprimé. Il suffit de parcourir les différents documents soumis à l’occasion des Prix d’excellence en graphisme et en impression 2015 uVU de Veritiv Canada pour comprendre que vous considérez l’imprimé comme un moyen d’expression, peut-être comme jamais auparavant. Recevez les félicitations de tous les membres de l’équipe de Veritiv Canada. Vous nous avez encore une fois démontré que cette classique et vénérable technique qui fait appel à une conception réfléchie, aux photographies, aux illustrations et à la typographie pour renforcer les messages clés est florissante et entre bonnes mains. Nos juges ont utilisé à plusieurs reprises l’expression « attention à la forme » et reconnu vos nouvelles techniques audacieuses pour motiver, charmer et guider l’auditoire avec une histoire ou une expérience de la marque. Tout comme l’an dernier, vous avez conçu des documents en ayant à l’esprit des critères de qualité supérieure, sans craindre d’utiliser les capacités de ce moyen d’expression pour produire des UVU 2015 documents concrets et inspirants qui sollicitent à la fois le sens de la vue et celui du toucher. L’une des caractéristiques prédominantes des inscriptions de cette année a été l’utilisation de magnifiques photographies. Même s’il est vrai que l’Internet a bouleversé le monde de l’imagerie, rien ne vaut une impression de qualité pour bénéficier du véritable pouvoir des photographies. Les gagnants de cette année ont présenté des images évocatrices et fascinantes qui suscitent des émotions, renforcent les messages clés ou attirent tout simplement l’attention. Il semblerait que le design de qualité ne connaisse pas de frontières au Canada. Comme l’an dernier, des documents impressionnants nous ont été soumis des différents coins du pays, tant d’entreprises que d’organismes à but non lucratif. Et c’est exactement ce que nous espérons : l’avenir s’annonce prometteur pour la conception et l’impression. Il ne fait aucun doute que vous vous inspirerez des concepts et des solutions présentés dans ce document. J’ai déjà hâte de voir les nouveaux documents que vous soumettrez pour le concours des Prix d’excellence en graphisme et en impression 2016 uVU de Veritiv Canada. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 7 JUDGES | JUGES JUDGES | JUGES JUDGES | JUGES JUDGES JUGES RENÉ CLÉMENT ART DIRECTOR | DIRECTEUR ARTISTIQUE PAPRIKA MONTRÉAL René Clément is a man with a passion for design, art and architecture. René’s projects convey a strikingly natural, uncomplicated character. All of which fits in very nicely with the general outlook at Paprika, the Montréal communications firm he joined 14 years ago. Indeed, Paprika is well known mainly for its simple and unique design methodology. “Ideas matter more than beauty,” René says. Effective graphic expression goes way beyond mere aesthetics. His approach involves a radically simplified style that places paramount importance on the message as such, resulting in just the right degree of transparency. Over the years, René has received many awards and honours for his work, including recognition from prestigious competitions like AIGA, D&AD, Art Directors Club, Type Directors Club, Communication Arts and Coupe Magazine, to name just a few. In addition to this, a number of his creative endeavours are now part of the permanent collection of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. TONY PONZO CREATIVE DIRECTOR | DIRECTEUR DE CRÉATION THE BRAND FACTORY TORONTO It’s safe to say that Tony Ponzo is passionate, if not obsessed, with great design. And he sees it everywhere, from big brands to photography to PEZ dispensers. His passion is driven by a curiosity about the world and how to push design to truly elevate communication, experiences and interactions. Previously as Associated Creative Director of Design at john st. advertising, Tony delivered that passion and expertise to brands like Tangerine, Kobo, Future Shop and President’s Choice. With over 20 years in the biz, Tony’s career has taken him to some of Canada’s premier advertising and design firms. His work has been featured in Time International and Sports Illustrated magazines, and has been recognized by Communication Arts, the ADCC, HOW Magazine and Applied Arts, to name a few. When he’s not helping to solve big business problems with great design, he’s obsessing about his solar-powered camera. Yes, it’s a thing. And yes, it can totally take pictures in the dark. 10 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS René Clément est passionné par le design, l’art et l’architecture. Ses projets se démarquent par leur côté naturel et simple, des qualités qui correspondent parfaitement aux valeurs générales de Paprika, la firme de communication montréalaise à laquelle il s’est joint il y a 14 ans. Paprika est en effet reconnue pour sa méthodologie de conception simple et unique. Selon René, « les idées sont plus importantes que la beauté ». L’expression graphique efficace dépasse largement la simple esthétique. Son approche préconise un style très épuré qui accorde une importance primordiale au message, ce qui se traduit par un degré de transparence optimal. Au fil des ans, René a remporté un grand nombre de prix et de distinctions pour son travail, notamment lors de concours prestigieux tels que AIGA, D&AD, Art Directors Club, Type Directors Club, Communication Arts et Coupe Magazine, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. En outre, plusieurs de ses projets de création font maintenant partie de la collection permanente du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. On ne risque guère de se tromper en affirmant que Tony est passionné, sinon obsédé, par l’excellence dans le design. Il la voit même partout, qu’il s’agisse des grandes marques, de la photographie ou des distributeurs de bonbons PEZ. Sa passion est alimentée par la curiosité qu’il éprouve pour le monde et par son désir d’utiliser la conception pour rehausser la communication, l’expérience et l’interaction. En qualité de directeur artistique adjoint de la conception chez john st. advertising, Tony a mis à contribution sa passion et son expertise pour des marques telles Tangerine, Kobo, Future Shop et Le Choix du Président. Tony, qui compte plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, a travaillé dans certaines des plus importantes firmes canadiennes de publicité et de conception. Son travail a été présenté dans les revues Time International et Sports Illustrated, en plus d’être reconnu par Communication Arts, l’ADCC, HOW Magazine et Applied Arts, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. Lorsqu’il n’est pas en train de résoudre un gros problème de nature commerciale avec un design de grande qualité, il est obsédé par son appareil photo à énergie solaire. Oui, il existe. Et oui, il peut prendre des photos dans le noir. UVU 2015 JUDGES | JUGES DAVID WALKER FOUNDING PARTNER, CREATIVE DIRECTOR PARTENAIRE FONDATEUR, DIRECTEUR ARTISTIQUE ST. BERNADINE MISSION COMMUNICATIONS VANCOUVER David Walker is a Founding Partner and Creative Director at St. Bernadine, an award-winning creative agency that drives meaningful results for their client-partners through branding, design, advertising, digital and social. With a wide range of clients across almost every industry, St. Bernadine prides itself on producing ideas that are relevant, compelling and creative. Selected honours and recognition include One Show, Communication Arts, Applied Arts, ADCC, Pentawards, Rebrand 100, Dieline Awards, Digital Marketing Awards and Obies. KELLY HARTMAN CREATIVE DIRECTOR, DESIGNER DIRECTRICE ARTISTIQUE, CONCEPTRICE HARTMAN DESIGN STUDIO CALGARY Kelly Hartman has 20+ years experience as a practicing designer and creative director. Her design studio is predominantly a print-focused studio with expertise in branding and editorial design. Kelly’s editorial design—33 books and 18 magazines to date—have garnered her 41 national/international design awards, including AIGA, Graphex, Unisource National Design and Print Excellence (uVU), Applied Arts, Redgees and Ad Rodeo, to list a few. She has also been published in over a dozen publications throughout North America and Europe. Most of the recognized work has pushed the boundaries on traditional printing and manufacturing with unique design solutions that engage the reader and encourage interaction. There is no question: Kelly loves craft in design, typography and the object as a coveted artifact. She has been a judge for the Junos (design), is a sessional instructor at ACAD, an avid music junkie (some would say obsessed), a newbie scuba diver and a closet disk golf fanatic. NICOLAS BOISSY DGA, CREATIVE DIRECTOR | DIRECTEUR DE CRÉATION ORANGETANGO MONTRÉAL With a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from UQAM, Nicolas Boissy worked for a number of years in different Montréal design studios before completing his studies with a postgraduate diploma (DESS) in event design, where he gained in-depth knowledge of scene design and museology. For the past 10 years, Nicolas has worked at orangetango on branding, packaging and exhibition design accounts. His output has earned recognition at national and international design competitions. His work ethic, stamina and ability to view projects in full detail are highly valued and in much demand by everyone on the orangetango team. Nicolas is a creative director and member of the agency’s executive. UVU 2015 David Walker est partenaire fondateur et directeur artistique de St. Bernadine, une agence de création primée qui produit des résultats significatifs pour ses clients et ses partenaires avec ses services de valorisation de la marque, de conception, de publicité et de marketing numérique et sur les médias sociaux. Bénéficiant d’une large clientèle issue de pratiquement tous les secteurs d’activité, St. Bernadine tire fierté de ses idées pertinentes, innovantes et séduisantes. Quelques distinctions et reconnaissances : One Show, Communication Arts, Applied Arts, ADCC, Pentawards, Rebrand 100, Dieline Awards, Digital Marketing Awards et Obies. Kelly cumule plus de 20 ans d’expérience en tant que conceptrice et directrice artistique. Son studio de design est axé sur l’imprimé et cumule une solide expertise dans les domaines de la valorisation de la marque et de la conception éditoriale. D’ailleurs, les projets de conception éditoriale réalisés par Kelly – 33 livres et 18 magazines à ce jour – lui ont valu 41 prix nationaux et internationaux de design, notamment AIGA, Graphex, Prix national d’excellence en graphisme et en impression d’Unisource (uVU), Applied Arts, Redgees et Ad Rodeo. Son travail a également été diffusé dans plus d’une douzaine de publications en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. La plupart de ses projets récompensés ont repoussé les limites de l’impression et de la production traditionnelles avec des solutions uniques qui attirent l’attention du lecteur et favorisent l’interaction. Il ne fait aucun doute que Kelly apprécie le professionnalisme, qu’il s’agisse de la conception ou de la typographie, et qu’elle adore les objets vus comme des artéfacts recherchés. Kelly est chargée de cours à temps partiel à l’ACAD. Ses intérêts sont multiples : juge aux Juno (conception), accro à la musique (certains diraient obsédée), plongeuse autonome néophyte et mordue du « disque golf ». Titulaire d’un baccalauréat en design graphique de l’UQAM, Nicolas Boissy a travaillé pendant quelques années pour différents studios de design de Montréal avant de poursuivre un programme d’études supérieures (DESS) en design d’événements, études qui lui ont permis d’approfondir ses connaissances dans les domaines de la scénographie et de la muséologie. Depuis dix ans, Nicolas œuvre chez orangetango à la réalisation de projets touchant l’image de marque, la conception d’emballages et la conception d’expositions. Son travail a été reconnu dans le cadre de divers concours nationaux et internationaux de design. Son éthique de travail, sa vigueur intellectuelle et son aptitude à voir tous les détails d’un projet sont hautement appréciées et très prisées par les autres membres de l’équipe d’orangetango. Nicolas est directeur de création et membre de la direction de l’agence. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 11 TABLE OF CONTENT | TABLE DES MATIÈRES AWARD OF JUDGES’ EXCELLENCE CHOICES DESIGN WINNERS DESIGN AND PRINT | DESIGN ET IMPRESSION BOOKS | LIVRES PRIX CHOIX D’EXCELLENCE DES JUGES EMPOWERING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP BOOK 16 CIRCO DE BAKUZA AND IMPRIMERIE L’EMPREINTE Burgo Chorus Art Gloss and Silk Text Endleaf: Neenah Classic Crest® Text MONTRÉAL BEST IN SHOW GRANDS PRIX DU CONCOURS DESIGN | CONCEPTION DAVID R. HARPER – ENTRE LE CHIEN ET LE LOUP 20 LAUREN WICKWARE AND ANDORA GRAPHICS INC. Domtar Cougar® Vellum Text and Mohawk Carnival Vellum Deep Blue Cover TORONTO PRINT | IMPRESSION YOU CAN EVEN ASK MY DAD 22 IA COLLABORATIVE AND MET FINE PRINTERS YUPO® Translucent Text, Mohawk Everyday Digital and Black Arrestox Linen VANCOUVER Kelly Hartman Hartman Design BROCHURES | BROCHURES UNION STATION MANUAL 26 IDEA COUTURE AND ANDORA GRAPHICS INC. Domtar Lynx® Opaque TORONTO David Walker St. Bernadine Communications Tony Ponzo The Brand Factory BRAND – CORPORATE IDENTITY | MARQUE – IMAGE DE MARQUE PR%F IDENTITY 28 WAX DESIGN AND UNICOM GRAPHICS Domtar Cougar® Text and Cover CALGARY René Clément Paprika ANNUAL REPORTS | RAPPORTS ANNUELS DNA 30 WAX DESIGN AND UNICOM GRAPHICS Domtar Lynx® Opaque Text CALGARY Nicolas Boissy orangetango POSTERS | AFFICHES ADCC DESIGN BARCELONA POSTERS 32 UNDERLINE STUDIO AND FLASH REPRODUCTIONS Domtar Cougar® Smooth Text TORONTO LAURÉATS EN DESIGN GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE SCHOOL OF DESIGN – ANNUAL 2012/2013 36 GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE SCHOOL OF DESIGN IN-HOUSE AND ANDORA GRAPHICS INC. Verso Sterling® Premium Matte Text and Neenah EAMES® Canvas Painting TORONTO BROCHURES | BROCHURES PROVENCHER_ROY – CORPORATE BROCHURES (SERIES) 37 PROVENCHER_ROY IN COLLABORATION WITH STUDIO T-BONE AND PRODUCTION JG Domtar Lynx® Digital Smooth Text and Cover MONTRÉAL KINGSTON&CO BROCHURE 38 BLOK DESIGN AND SOMERSET GRAPHICS Domtar Cougar® Natural Text, Cougar® Smooth Text, Colorplan Tabriz Blue TORONTO MAGAZINES | REVUES FSHNUNLIMITED (FU) MAGAZINE ISSUE 3 39 FAITH AND FLASH REPRODUCTIONS Domtar Cougar® and Verso Sterling® Premium Dull Text TORONTO BRAND IDENTITY | IDENTITÉ DE MARQUE PARCEL IDENTITY 40 PARCEL DESIGN AND FLASH REPRODUCTIONS Mohawk Loop Antique Vellum Fossil Cover and Mohawk Loop Jute A7 Envelope, Domtar Husky® Offset Text, Mohawk Superfine Ultrawhite Smooth Label TORONTO 12 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS UVU 2015 JACKNIFE STATIONERY 41 JACKNIFE AND FLASH REPRODUCTIONS Mohawk Loop Jute Envelope, Mohawk Loop Jute pasted to ASTROBRIGHTS® Cover Solar Yellow TORONTO LÉON COURVILLE VIGNERON 42 LG2BOUTIQUE AND LG CHABOT Domtar Cougar® Natural MONTRÉAL POSTERS | AFFICHES 2015 BEAUMONT BLUES AND ROOTS FESTIVAL POSTER SERIES 43 WOODRUFF SWEITZER AND MCARA PRINTING Domtar Cougar® Smooth CALGARY PACKAGING | EMBALLAGES XOXOLAT CHOCOLATE BARS 44 CARTER HALES DESIGN LAB INC., ANCAN MARKETING AND HEMLOCK PRINTERS Neenah Classic® Laid Text, Neenah ASTROBRIGHTS® Rocket Red VANCOUVER PRINT WINNERS LAURÉATS EN IMPRESSION WIDE FORMAT | GRAND FORMAT CEMENTING RELATIONSHIPS 46 IMAGINATION INK LTD. Avery® MPI 1005 EZ, Avery® DOL 1460 Laminate REGINA UVU 2015 BROCHURES | BROCHURES BENNINGTON BROCHURE 46 TANNER WILSON DESIGN AND HEMLOCK PRINTERS OJI Topkote® Gloss Cover VANCOUVER THE SHANNON MASTER PLAN 47 LETTERBOX DESIGN AND HEMLOCK PRINTERS OJI Topkote® Dull Text VANCOUVER SWEET – A SELECTION OF TEMPTATIONS 47 EDWARD CLARK AND C.J. GRAPHICS Verso Sterling® Premium Gloss Text, Neenah Classic Crest® Cover TORONTO HÉLÈNE AND MICHAEL NOT GETTING MARRIED INVITATION 50 HÉLÈNE LAROCHELLE AND C.J. GRAPHICS Neenah Classic Crest® Epic Black Cover TORONTO BOOKS | LIVRES DAVID THAUBERGER: ROAD TRIPS AND OTHER DIVERSIONS 50 HARTMAN DESIGN STUDIO INC. AND KALLEN PRINTING INC. Domtar Cougar® Text CALGARY KEEPING TIME: PLAINS INDIAN LEDGER DRAWINGS 1865-1900 51 HAMBLY & WOOLLEY INC. AND SOMERSET GRAPHICS Domtar Cougar® Super Smooth Text and Cover TORONTO ONE THOUSAND MUSEUM 48 CATAPULT 13 AND C.J. GRAPHICS Burgo Chorus Art Silk, Neenah Classic Crest® Epic Black TORONTO GROSVENOR AMBLESIDE 51 LETTERBOX DESIGN GROUP AND MET FINE PRINTERS OJI Topkote® Gloss Text VANCOUVER CATALOGUE | CATALOGUE MINDHAM FINE JEWELLERY 2014 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE 48 DIGITAL | NUMÉRIQUE IN-HOUSE AND C.J. GRAPHICS Verso Sterling® Premium Gloss, Neenah UV ULTRA® 11, Neenah Classic® Laid TORONTO MAGAZINES | REVUES LIFE & THYME 49 IN-HOUSE AND HEMLOCK PRINTERS Domtar Lynx® Opaque Text and Cover VANCOUVER THE NEW MEASURE OF INNOVATION 52 EMERSON CLARKE PRINTING OJI Topkote® Dull Cover, Domtar Cougar® Text and Cover, Mohawk Chromolux C1S Cover, Neenah ESSE® Textured Cover and Neenah UV ULTRA® II CALGARY PACKAGING | EMBALLAGES PREMIUM SOY CANDLE PACKAGING AND BRANDING 52 NOTE CARDS AND INVITATIONS | CARTES DE CORRESPONDANCE ET INVITATIONS POLYESTER HOLIDAY CARDS 49 PORCHLIGHT PRESS LTD. LETTERPRESS AND DESIGN, MET FINE PRINTERS Domtar Cougar® Super Smooth Cover VANCOUVER POLYESTER STUDIO AND FLASH REPRODUCTIONS Domtar Cougar® Natural pasted to Cougar® Smooth White TORONTO VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 13 AWARD OF EXCELLENCE PRIX D’EXCELLENCE AWARD OF EXCELLENCE – DESIGN AND PRINT | PRIX D’EXCELLENCE – DESIGN ET IMPRESSION EMPOWERING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP BOOK Circo de Bakuza has been commissioned by Arton Capital to rethink their visual identity. In addition to a new logo, stationery, promotional brochures and website, Circo de Bakuza recommended the creation of an inspirational coffee table book: The Black Book – Empowering Global Citizenship. This artistic book has been created in collaboration with the photographer Nicolas Ruel. The main objective was to translate the tagline “Empowering Global Citizenship” into an artistic yet promotional tool, by transmitting the brand codes of Arton Capital with a high-end visual identity. 16 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS DESIGN FIRM Circo De Bakuza COPYWRITER Tony Babinski FINISHED SIZE 8" X 11.5" CREATIVE DIRECTORS Laurence Pasteels Julie Brassard CLIENT Arton Capital NUMBER OF COLOURS 7 Colours (2 Hits of Silver + Process + Gold 874) + Aqueous Gloss & Silk Coating ART DIRECTOR Catherine D’Amours DESIGNERS Catherine D’Amours Julia Modesti Patricia Tremblay PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR Nicolas Ruel Catherine D’Amours PRINTER Imprimerie l’Empreinte PAPER Burgo Chorus Art Gloss and Silk Text Endleaf: Neenah Classic Crest® Text OTHER TECHNIQUES Blind Deboss on Cover NUMBER OF PAGES 114 Pages + Endleaf + Hard Cover UVU 2015 JUDGES’ COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DES JUGES KELLY HARTMAN The book introduces Arton Capital but with a heavy focus on the Global Citizenship Movement as seen through the lens of artist Nicolas Ruel. The take-away: to empower and insight action. As it guides you through this global journey, the messaging and imagery perfectly unfold, draw you in and inspire you to want to know more. The photographer’s fresh take on these iconic structures, landscapes and artifacts is both engaging and thought-provoking. The images themselves are originally printed on stainless steel and the book does an exceptional job of reproducing these and maintaining the metallic look. While the imagery is a gift in itself, the designer has managed to use these to craft the story and keep the focus on the overall message. The materials and print all lend to an exceptionally well-produced book. Simply stunning. Ce livre présente Arton Capital, mais en mettant grandement l’accent sur le mouvement Citoyens du monde vu à travers la lentille de l’artiste Nicolas Ruel. La conclusion : habiliter et agir. Tout en nous guidant dans ce voyage à travers le monde, les messages et les images s’imbriquent parfaitement, suscitant notre intérêt et nous amenant à vouloir en savoir UVU 2015 davantage. Le nouveau regard de ce photographe sur ces structures iconiques, ces paysages et ces artéfacts est à la fois engageant et inspirant. Les images elles-mêmes ont été à l’origine imprimées sur de l’acier inoxydable : ce livre les reproduit d’une manière exceptionnelle en préservant leur aspect métallique. Même si les images sont un cadeau en elles-mêmes, le concepteur s’en est servi pour créer une histoire et maintenir l’attention sur le message global. Les matériaux et l’impression se traduisent par un livre d’une facture exceptionnelle. Simplement stupéfiant. TONY PONZO This publication evokes everything I love about the craft of design—a beautiful design treatment that will last the test of time. It allured me when I first experienced its overall sensibilities, and if I am fortunate enough to experience that moment again, I’m sure I will say that it still feels fresh and current. I was also drawn in by its controlled and poignant sense of pacing. As the pages turned the flow from type to complex illustrations to photography, it took me on a journey of discovery—it kept me intrigued from start to finish. Cette publication évoque tout ce que j’aime du métier de concepteur – un traitement graphique magnifique qui passera l’épreuve du temps. Ce livre m’a séduit lorsque j’ai découvert toute sa finesse ; si j’ai encore la chance de vivre une nouvelle fois ce moment, je suis sûr que j’éprouverai le même sentiment de fraîcheur et d’actualité. J’ai également été épaté par le rythme contrôlé et émouvant. En tournant les pages et en passant de la typographie à des illustrations complexes puis aux photographies, j’ai fait un voyage de découverte. J’ai été intrigué du début à la fin. NICOLAS BOISSY This book deserved special mention for the excellent combination of creativity and technical prowess. Printing the photos on metallic ink yields a modern version of early photographic printing using film. This impression of the past, mixed with the contemporary nature of the subjects, produces a powerful and elegant result. Ce livre méritait une mention spéciale pour l’excellente combinaison de créativité et de prouesse technique. L’impression des photos sur encre métallique confère à l’ensemble une version moderne des premières impressions photographiques en argentique. Cette impression du passé, mélangée à la nature contemporaine des sujets, donne un résultat élégant et puissant. RENÉ CLÉMENT Luxurious. One word that describes this book perfectly for both its refined and extravagant nature. A dream project for a design studio and a printer. It presents very beautiful superimposed photos by artist Nicolas Baier, enhanced by metallic and varnish effects that repeat in leitmotiv throughout the book. Numerous graphical elements (typography, geographical map and others) stand out for their extreme finesse and elegance. A major corporate communication project that interprets financial language with clarity. Luxueux. Voilà un mot qui décrit parfaitement ce livre, au caractère à la fois raffiné et extravagant. Un projet de rêve pour un studio de design et pour un imprimeur. Il présente les très belles superpositions de photos de l’artiste Nicolas Baier, mises en valeur par des effets métalliques et de vernis, et se répétant dans l’ensemble de l’ouvrage comme un leitmotiv. Des nombreux éléments graphiques (typographie, carte géographique et autres) se dégagent aussi beaucoup de finesse, d’élégance. Un grand projet de communication corporative qui interprète clairement le langage financier. DAVID WALKER This piece was overwhelmingly well received by all of us for its exquisite design, degree of difficulty, and the detail in the production that delivered an overall fantastic result. This piece was obviously well cared for and well considered, which resulted in an exceptional final product. Ce document a été extraordinairement bien reçu par nous tous du fait de sa conception exquise, de son niveau de difficulté technique et des détails de la production, le tout se traduisant par un résultat fantastique. La production de ce livre est de toute évidence des plus soignée, d’où la qualité exceptionnelle du produit final. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 17 BEST IN SHOW G∏ANDS P∏IX DU CONCOU∏S Aza Ali, Umid Ali BEST IN SHOW – DESIGN | GRAND PRIX DU CONCOURS – DESIGN DAVID R. HARPER – ENTRE LE CHIEN ET LE LOUP For David R. Harper’s Entre le chien et le loup, careful design choices suggest the artist’s influences upon his practice through the use of special materials. Laser-cut stars, referencing constellations, embellish the book’s slipcase. Signature shades of blue, suggesting a twilight sky (neither dawn nor dusk), appear throughout the catalogue—most prominently in the texts and the star-filled endpapers. Foil stamping and a powerful 10-page roll-fold insert complete the range of materials and processes selected to enhance this publication. DESIGN FIRM Lauren Wickware ART DIRECTOR Lauren Wickware DESIGNER Lauren Wickware CLIENT Doris McCarthy Gallery, University of Toronto, Scarborough PRINTER Andora Graphics Inc. PAPER Domtar Cougar® Vellum Text, Mohawk Carnival Vellum Deep Blue Cover 20 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS NUMBER OF PAGES 120 Pages + 10-Page Foldout + Cover FINISHED SIZE 5.5" X 8.5" NUMBER OF COLOURS Text: 5/5 – Process + PMS Endpapers: 4/0 Process OTHER TECHNIQUES Laser Die-Cut, Smyth-Sewn, Foil Stamp Slipcase and Linen Book Cover UVU 2015 JUDGES’ COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DES JUGES KELLY HARTMAN This book was simply beautiful. Delicate, understated, engaging. Starting with the outer sleeve’s tiny holes illuminating the book’s cover, then subtly carrying through to the interior endpapers. The well-crafted typography along with the beautiful juxtaposing of images and graphics were captivating. The more I interacted with this book, the more engaged I became. As if I was being carefully and masterfully escorted on a journey of discovery. Well done. Ce livre est tout simplement magnifique. Délicat, discret, charmant. Depuis les minuscules perforations dans la jaquette qui illuminent la couverture du livre, pour passer subtilement aux pages de garde intérieures. La typographie soignée et la magnifique juxtaposition des images et des graphismes m’ont captivée. Plus j’interagissais avec ce livre, plus j’étais charmée. Comme si j’étais accompagnée de façon magistrale tout au long d’un voyage de découverte. Beau travail. UVU 2015 TONY PONZO Everything about this book oozed design craft at its best and it became especially clear in its details: a poignant and totally controlled use of typography, an appropriate use of colour palette, and a bold yet graphic approach to imagery treatment. I admired how these elements melded together to create a seamless design approach. I especially loved the slipcover and endpaper treatments: these were the final touches that elevated the book from good to great. Tout dans ce livre illustre à merveille la conception à son meilleur, tout particulièrement dans les détails : une utilisation émouvante et totalement contrôlée de la typographie, l’utilisation appropriée de la palette de couleurs et une approche graphique audacieuse du traitement des images. J’ai admiré la façon dont ces éléments fusionnent pour créer une approche graphique transparente. J’ai particulièrement aimé le traitement de l’étui et du papier de garde : la touche finale qui classe ce livre dans la catégorie des grands livres. Aza Ali, Umid Ali NICOLAS BOISSY A charming book with multiple facets, full of surprises, inventiveness and savoir-faire. A work of complete sobriety that marvelously reveals the world of David R. Harper’s work, in addition to making it a romantic and mysterious object that one is eager to explore. Un livre charmant aux multiples facettes, rempli de surprises, d’inventivité et de savoir-faire. Un travail tout en sobriété, qui révèle à merveille l’univers de l’œuvre de David R. Harper, en plus d’en faire un objet romantique et mystérieux qu’on a le goût de découvrir. RENÉ CLÉMENT Graphic design at its best! This is exactly the type of book that I love to have in my library. Lauren Wickware has crafted a remarkable exhibit catalog. Discreet, sober graphics full of nuance serve the artist David Harper and his works beautifully. It contains wonderful visual surprises: I am thinking, among other things, of the stunning gatefold at the center of the book. The typographical treatment, at once classical and contemporary, is remarkable. There are no unnecessary elements weighing down its content. Truly a perfect book. Le design graphique à son meilleur ! C’est exactement le genre de livre que j’aime avoir dans ma bibliothèque. Lauren Wickware a ciselé un catalogue d’exposition remarquable. Le graphisme sobre, discret, tout en nuances se met au service des œuvres et de l’artiste, David R. Harper. Il nous réserve de belles surprises visuelles : je pense, entre autres, à l’étonnant encart à volet (gatefold) au centre du livre. Le traitement typographique, à la fois classique et contemporain, est remarquable. Aucun élément inutile n’alourdit son contenu. Un livre vraiment parfait. DAVID WALKER The sleeve was enticing, and the inside delivered with a balanced, tasteful, and controlled expression that was befitting for a longer format piece, yet engaging enough for one to pick up immediately and explore repeatedly. The type and grid were both excellently chosen for the content, as well as for the reader’s experience. La jaquette était alléchante et le contenu livré d’une façon équilibrée, contrôlée et avec goût, qui aurait convenu à un document de plus grand format. Suffisamment attirant pour qu’on veuille le prendre immédiatement et y revenir sans cesse. Les caractères et la disposition constituaient un excellent choix pour le contenu, de même que pour l’expérience du lecteur. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 21 BEST IN SHOW – PRINT | GRAND PRIX DU CONCOURS – IMPRESSION YOU CAN EVEN ASK MY DAD Nike is focused on designing performance footwear and outerwear that helps unlock Young Athletes’ potential. Young Athletes have been an underserved market and Nike is enabling great things through thoughtful communication design. DESIGN FIRM IA Collaborative CLIENT Nike Inc. FINISHED SIZE 11" X 15" CREATIVE DIRECTORS Dan Kraemer John Foust PRINTER MET Fine Printers NUMBER OF COLOURS CMYK Digital for Text + 2x Match Fluorescent Green and Seal Varnish on YUPO® DESIGNERS Derek Smith Kristopher Leigh PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR James Schonzeit Michael Clarke COPYWRITERS James Schonzeit Matt Alverson 22 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali PAPER YUPO® Translucent Text, Mohawk Everyday Digital, Black Arrestox Linen NUMBER OF PAGES 54-Page Text + 4 Translucent Dividers OTHER TECHNIQUES Moffat-Sewn, Gathered, Case Bound with Register Foil and Deboss on Covers UVU 2015 JUDGES’ COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DES JUGES KELLY HARTMAN This piece was perfectly executed. The printing, bindery, trimming, foiling... everything was done with complete attention to craft. Even the cross-overs were bang on. When the manufacturing is flawless, it allows the design experience to come forward and sing. When things are done right, they just feel right. Ce document a été exécuté à la perfection. L’impression, la reliure, le rognage, l’estampage... tout a été fait avec une grande attention à la forme. Même les transitions étaient stupéfiantes. Lorsque la fabrication est impeccable, l’expérience de la conception est parfaitement ressentie. Lorsque les choses sont bien faites, elles inspirent la confiance. TONY PONZO What I loved most about the NIKE Young Athletes Book was that it stayed true to its mission: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete UVU 2015 in the world.” This revealed itself though its poignant writing style, typography that evokes boldness, a controlled sense of simplicity, and a photography treatment that captures moments of greatness, emotion, and a sense of confidence through the eyes of young athletes. It is the complete brand through these impactful messages. Ce que j’ai aimé le plus du livre NIKE Young Athletes était le fait qu’il respectait sa mission : « Susciter l’inspiration et l’innovation chez tous les athlètes du monde. » L’écriture émouvante, une typographie qui évoque l’audace, une simplicité contrôlée et un traitement photographique qui capte des moments de grandeur, d’émotion et de confiance à travers les yeux des jeunes athlètes. Ces messages percutants représentent parfaitement cette marque. NICOLAS BOISSY Just because one is small does not mean that one can’t be great! And this large-format book, which highlights the exploits of young athletes, does it wonderfully. Beautiful job with the colours, contrasts and the subtle nuances. Large inserts of YUPO paper printed in fluorescent are at once a tonic and add delicacy to this rigorously produced book. C’est pas parce qu’on est petit qu’on ne peut pas être grand ! Et ce livre grand format, qui souligne les exploits de jeunes athlètes, le fait à merveille. Beau travail sur les couleurs, les contrastes et la subtilité dans les nuances. Les grandes insertions de papier YUPO imprimées en fluorescent ajoutent du tonique autant que de la délicatesse à ce livre produit avec rigueur. RENÉ CLÉMENT It feels good to see a book that reaches out to kids without the usual graphical clichés. The style is modern, the typography dynamic, and it all relies on the words for strength and impact. The journalistic photography is simple, direct and reflects the reality of young athletes. The cover is at its most simple and the appropriate use of tone-on-tone hot foil stamping contributes to the book’s thoughtful nature. Technically, its production is impeccable. The detail that makes this book a winner is the judicious use of translucent paper that gives it an interactive aspect. A technically flawless book, remarkable. Ça fait du bien de voir un livre qui parle aux jeunes sans avoir recours aux clichés graphiques habituels. La facture est moderne, la typographie dynamique, l’ensemble joue sur l’impact et la force des mots. La photographie de type reportage est simple, directe et reflète la réalité des jeunes athlètes. La couverture est simplissime et l’utilisation appropriée de l’estampage à chaud, en ton sur ton, contribue au caractère réfléchi du livre. Techniquement, sa réalisation est impeccable. Le détail qui fait de cet ouvrage un gagnant est l’utilisation judicieuse du papier translucide lui donnant un aspect interactif. Un livre sans fautes techniques, remarquable. DAVID WALKER The richness in the images, the boldness in the spot colours, the mix of stocks—all were executed extremely well. While the subject matter was admittedly engaging, the printing improved the reading experience and helped really lift the content off the page. La richesse des images, l’audace des couleurs d’accompagnement, la combinaison des papiers, une exécution de très grande qualité. Même si le sujet était de toute évidence émouvant, l’impression a rehaussé l’expérience de lecture et le contenu des pages. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 23 JUDGES’ CHOICES CHOIX DES JUGES JUDGES’ CHOICES | CHOIX DES JUGES UNION STATION MANUAL A fluid stage for Toronto’s most imaginative combinations of culinary, cultural, and retail offerings: this is the position of Union Station presented herein the Brand Guidelines. The manual sets forth the broader vision and principles, as well as offering guidance for activating the current visual identity. The design of the publication responds to the thinking inside with certain sensitivity towards evolving formats, adaptive strategies, and new programmatic possibilities. DESIGN FIRM Idea Couture ART DIRECTOR Emery Lane Norton DESIGNER Emery Lane Norton COPYWRITERS Andrew P. Francis Will Novosedlik Emery Lane Norton CLIENT Osmington Inc. PRINTER Andora Graphics Inc. 26 Aza Ali, Umid Ali VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS PAPER Domtar Lynx® Opaque NUMBER OF PAGES 100 Pages + 6-Page Cover FINISHED SIZE 5.25" X 8" NUMBER OF COLOURS 5/5 – Process + Fluorescent PMS OTHER TECHNIQUES Scuff Proof Film Lamination, Smyth-Sewn UVU 2015 Aza Ali, Umid Ali JUDGE’S COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DU JUGE UVU 2015 KELLY HARTMAN Rarely—if ever—have I been excited about a brand guideline book. Appropriately informative and utilitarian, they scarcely ignite enthusiasm for a brand. This book, however, took a giant step forward. Its captivating images provided a glimpse into the rich history of the station. Paired with contemporary graphics, fresh vibrant colours and a raw open binding, it drew me in, got me excited about the brand, and even encouraged me to want to know more. While chock-full of useful information, it was insightful, truly engaging and inspiring. I’d like to live in this brand world! Rarement, sinon jamais, ai-je été stimulée par un livre de directives sur l’image de marque. Informatifs et utilitaires, ces documents suscitent rarement l’enthousiasme pour une marque. Toutefois, celui-ci a fait un pas de géant. Ses images captivantes nous donnent un aperçu de la riche histoire de cette gare. Utilisant un graphisme contemporain, des couleurs vives et rafraîchissantes et une reliure ouverte brute, ce document a attiré mon attention et suscité mon intérêt pour la marque et m’a même incitée à vouloir en savoir davantage. Regorgeant d’informations utiles, il est instructif, inspirant et vraiment intéressant. J’aimerais vivre dans ce monde ! VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 27 JUDGES’ CHOICES | CHOIX DES JUGES PR%F IDENTITY Aza Ali, Umid Ali PR%F is a throwback cocktail bar dedicated to the fine art of drink making. Much like the bold mixtures they serve up nightly, PR%F was in search of a design system that seamlessly blended the old with the new. To achieve this, we paired elegant modern design with turn-of-the-century art and “cabinet-of-curiosities”— style illustrations, creating an overall look that pays homage to the past, yet still comes across as fresh, hip and contemporary. DESIGN FIRM WAX CREATIVE DIRECTORS Trent Burton Monique Gamache ART DIRECTOR Jake Lim DESIGNER Eric Seymour COPYWRITER Chris Lihou PAPER Domtar Cougar® Text and Cover NUMBER OF PAGES 16 Pages + Cover FINISHED SIZE 6" X 9" NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 OTHER TECHNIQUES Laminate on Cover CLIENT PR%F PRINTER Unicom Graphics 28 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS UVU 2015 JUDGES’ COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DES JUGES & UVU 2015 TONY PONZO I simply admired everything about this design and it was one of those design pieces that makes you say: “I wish I had done this”. A beautifully executed illustration juxtaposed with a minimal and clean typography treatment: it was wonderfully elegant in every way. But the best thing really is that it created a brand experience for PR%F Bar—you immediately knew what it was about and the experience you would get—and that was the best part! J’ai tout simplement admiré chacun des éléments de la conception de ce document, dont on aimerait dire : « J’aurais bien aimé le réaliser ». Une illustration magnifique, juxtaposée à un traitement typographique minimaliste et net : une superbe élégance à tous points de vue. Mais ce qui m’a le plus marqué, c’est l’expérience de la marque PR%F Bar que permet ce document : vous comprenez immédiatement de quoi il s’agit et l’expérience que vous pourriez vivre ! a darker environment, and was part of a design system that is inherently intriguing. J’ai choisi ce document simplement parce que dans le large éventail de documents d’excellente facture qui nous ont été soumis, celui-ci sollicitait mon attention et demandait constamment à être relu et exploré. La couverture complète parfaitement l’image de marque. Elle serait efficace dans un environnement plus sombre et fait partie d’un concept intriguant par nature. DAVID WALKER I chose this simply because in the vast array of excellent pieces, this one continually begged to be picked up, explored, and demanded engagement. The cover complemented the brand, would function well in VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Aza Ali, Umid Ali 29 JUDGES’ CHOICES | CHOIX DES JUGES DNA The CSPD wanted an annual report that changes the way people think about the disabled. So we mapped the DNA from CSPD clients, guardians and staff, demonstrating that no matter our differences, we are all just versions of one another: we are all human. DESIGN FIRM WAX CREATIVE DIRECTORS Trent Burton Monique Gamache ART DIRECTORS Eric Seymour Brad Connell DESIGNER Monique Gamache 30 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali CLIENT Calgary Society For Persons With Disabilities PRINTER Unicom Graphics PAPER Domtar Lynx® Opaque Text NUMBER OF PAGES 40 Pages Self Cover PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR FINISHED SIZE 8" X 12" COPYWRITER Chris Lihou NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 UVU 2015 JUDGE’S COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DU JUGE UVU 2015 RENÉ CLÉMENT I am still blown away by the previous annual report, with that staple at the center of the document. The bar was high for the new version! Mission accomplished. Here is a report that goes straight to what matters, that takes the time and the space it needs to communicate its message properly. Both sober and refined, the tone is perfect. It does not spread itself too thin, it does not try to do too much, and there is sufficient confidence in the concept to let it stand without artifice. The singular typography of the titles echoes the iconography and the sober typographical treatment of the texts, giving the document a timeless look, a far cry from today’s trends. Each double page is perfectly crafted. The symmetrical design of the document culminates in the center with a gallery of black-and-white portraits that neatly caps the rest and enhances the principal theme: “We are all human”. The tone, the approach, the iconography, the typography, the paper, even the graphics speak the same language, in the same voice. They leave a strong impression. This is a document of great mastery and great humility, which makes it my great favorite. Kudos. Je suis encore bouche bée devant le rapport annuel précédent, affichant cette agrafe au centre du document. La barre était haute pour la nouvelle mouture ! Mission accomplie. Voilà un rapport qui va droit à l’essentiel, qui prend le temps et l’espace nécessaires pour bien communiquer son message. Il est à la fois sobre et raffiné, le ton est juste. On ne s’éparpille pas, on ne cherche pas à en faire trop, on a suffisamment confiance dans le concept pour le laisser vivre sans artifices. La typographie singulière des titres fait écho à l’iconographie et à la sobriété du traitement typographique des textes, donnant au document un aspect intemporel, loin des tendances du jour. Chaque double page est parfaitement maîtrisée. La conception symétrique du document culmine au centre avec une galerie de portraits en noir et blanc, qui tranche nettement sur le reste et met en valeur la thématique principale : « We are all human ». Le ton, l’approche, l’iconographie, la typographie, le papier, même les graphiques parlent le même langage, de la même voix. Ils laissent une impression très forte. C’est un document d’une grande maîtrise et d’une grande humilité, ce qui en a fait mon grand coup de cœur. Chapeau. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 31 JUDGES’ CHOICES | CHOIX DES JUGES ADCC DESIGN BARCELONA POSTERS Design Barcelona was an event organized in Toronto by the Advertising and Design Club of Canada. It showcased the work from seven of Barcelona’s best graphic design studios and featured guest speaker and curator Pablo Juncadella from Mucho. Underline asked each of the participating studios to submit their favourite phrase about design. We used these phrases to design a series of posters representing each of the studios and to promote the event. DESIGN FIRM Underline Studio PAPER Domtar Cougar® Smooth Text CREATIVE DIRECTORS Claire Dawson Fidel Peña FINISHED SIZE 15.75" X 19.75" DESIGNER Fidel Peña NUMBER OF PAGES 7 Different Posters CLIENT Advertising and Design Club of Canada NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 PRINTER Flash Reproductions 32 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali UVU 2015 JUDGE’S COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES DU JUGE UVU 2015 NICOLAS BOISSY Designing a campaign on such an abstract subject as design is not simple and they have met the challenge with zest! I was seduced by the spontaneity and the humor that emanates from the graphical interpretation of the quotations. The result is simple, very relevant and draws a diversified and inspiring portrait of Barcelonan creativity. Concevoir une campagne sur un sujet abstrait comme le design n’est pas simple et ils ont relevé le défi avec brio ! J’ai été séduit par la spontanéité et l’humour qui se dégage de l’interprétation graphique des citations. Le résultat est simple, très pertinent et dresse un portrait diversifié et inspirant de la créativité barcelonaise. VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Aza Ali, Umid Ali 33 DESIGN WINNERS LAURÉATS EN DESIGN DESIGN – BOOKS | DESIGN – LIVRES GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE SCHOOL OF DESIGN – ANNUAL 2012/2013 The School of Design Annual catalogues the best student work from the 2012/2013 academic year of all undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the School of Design, Centre for Arts and Design at George Brown College in Toronto. DESIGN FIRM George Brown College School of Design CLIENT George Brown College School of Design CREATIVE DIRECTOR Luigi Ferrara PRINTER Andora Graphics Inc. The title and concept, Follow Your Heart, explores the personal experience of learning and growth, conveyed through creative die-cuts and striking photography, and featuring delicately-crafted paper sculptures of bodily systems interspersed throughout the book. DESIGNERS Ginny Chen Sisley Leung Jane Weber PAPER Verso Sterling® Premium Matte Text, Neenah EAMES™ Canvas Painting The laser die-cut front and back gatefold covers add an intricately detailed and tactile element to the catalogue. 36 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali COPYWRITER Matthew Kelling FINISHED SIZE 8" X 10" NUMBER OF PAGES 272 Pages + Front & Back 6-Page Endpaper Covers NUMBER OF COLOURS 6/6 – 2 PMS + Process OTHER TECHNIQUES Laser Die-Cut, Smyth-Sewn PHOTOGRAPHERS ILLUSTRATORS Ginny Chen Michelle Desgroseilliers Daniela Mason Trent Scherer UVU 2015 DESIGN – BROCHURES | DESIGN – BROCHURES PROVENCHER_ROY CORPORATE BROCHURES (SERIES) Our publication program is designed to convey the scope of the firm’s activities and expertise in the various sectors in which it operates by means of a general brochure on our integrated services, and a series of supplementary brochures that treat each category in detail. In carrying out its mission, the department supports and reinforces the firm’s brand image by defining an innovative creative concept that reflects its personality and by demonstrating the quality of its creations, the depth of its conceptual thinking, and its ability to execute large projects. The department devotes special attention to highlighting the value and contribution of architecture and design to the quality of living environments by presenting projects in their context and their environment. Our publications also serve to promote our group’s services in graphic design and branding. We regularly use short-run digital printing to achieve a highly flexible production system that facilitates regular information updates in response to changes in the portfolio of projects. UVU 2015 DESIGN FIRM Provencher_Roy in collaboration with Studio T-Bone CREATIVE DIRECTOR Provencher_Roy ART DIRECTORS Provencher_Roy Studio T-Bone PRINTER Production JG PAPER Domtar Lynx® Digital Smooth Text and Cover NUMBER OF PAGES Brochure: Between 112 and 120 Pages DESIGNERS Provencher_Roy Studio T-Bone FINISHED SIZE 8.5" X 12" COPYWRITER Provencher_Roy NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 – Indigo Press CLIENT Provencher_Roy OTHER TECHNIQUES Digital Printing, Satin Lamination on Covers VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Aza Ali, Umid Ali 37 DESIGN – BROCHURES | DESIGN – BROCHURES KINGSTON&CO BROCHURE TAS needed a brochure for their Kingston&Co condominium property that would ignite the imagination of potential owners and help open doors for the sales team. Through our strategic process, we defined the building’s distinctive offering of contemporary living in one of Toronto’s most charming neighbourhoods. We wrote the content, romancing the feeling of living in the village while highlighting the condo’s unique features. The design approach weds British tradition with a decidedly modern flair, incorporating patterns inspired by the building’s unique architecture and introducing readers to the village through a whimsical map, inspired by old maps from London. 38 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali DESIGN FIRM Blok Design PRINTER Somerset Graphics CREATIVE DIRECTORS Vanessa Eckstein Marta Cutler PAPER Domtar Cougar® Natural Text, Cougar® Smooth Text, Colorplan Tabriz Blue DESIGNER Miki Arai PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR Martin Haake COPYWRITER Marta Cutler CLIENT TAS Design Build NUMBER OF PAGES 32 Pages + 8-Page Mini-Brochure + 4-Page Cover NUMBER OF COLOURS CMYK Throughout Mini: CMYK + 1 Pantone Ink OTHER TECHNIQUES Outside Front Cover: Matte Silver Foil Stamping + Blind Deboss, UV Offset Inks Throughout, Coloured Centre-Sewn Thread FINISHED SIZES Main: 8.25" X 11.75" Mini: 5.25" X 8.25" UVU 2015 DESIGN – MAGAZINES | DESIGN – REVUES FSHNUNLIMITED (FU) MAGAZINE ISSUE 3 Fshnunlimited (FU) acts as a collective archive of profound Canadian creativity in fashion, art, design, and media. Produced seasonally in the spirit of collaboration and community, FU’s brash aesthetic and powerful visual narrative are a direct reflection of the very artists— photographers, writers, designers, illustrators, painters, and entire creative teams—that join together to build it. With a defined mandate to support, nurture, and celebrate local talent, FU aspires to provide a lasting and endearing portrait of the creative Canadian landscape and the incredible individuals therein. UVU 2015 DESIGN FIRM Faith CREATIVE DIRECTOR Paul Sych ART DIRECTOR Paul Sych DESIGNER Paul Sych PHOTOGRAPHERS ILLUSTRATORS Chad Burton Regen Chen Veronica Formos Emil Monty Freddie Amarsana Gendunova Robert Huynh Jane + Jane Sarah Jay Patrick Lacsina Ruo Bing Li Matthew Lyn Luis Mora Mike Ruiz Katie Sadie Sarah Thomson Brian Ziff COPYWRITERS Dylan Dias Tara Bartolini Melanie Johns ARTISTS Brian M. Atyeo Tara Dougans Scott Waters FINISHED SIZE 9.5" X 12.875" CLIENT Fshnunlimited PRINTER Flash Reproductions PAPER Domtar Cougar® and Verso Sterling® Premium Dull Text NUMBER OF PAGES 168 Pages + Cover NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 Colours + 1 PMS VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Aza Ali, Umid Ali 39 DESIGN – BRAND IDENTITY | DESIGN – IDENTITÉ DE MARQUE PARCEL IDENTITY Ten years after Parcel was founded, it has grown into a full-service integrated creative firm of strategists, designers and storytellers that help leadership teams develop new directions for their business. This evolution of our brand is the result of the 2012 merger of Parcel and Soapbox. Friendly, approachable, sophisticated and professional: Parcel’s rebranded word mark and collateral represent our work and the way we work. And our new colour ties into the merged team— we call it “tomango” and it’s a very close blend of Parcel’s former red and Soapbox’s orange. 40 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS DESIGN FIRM Parcel Design CLIENT Parcel Design CREATIVE DIRECTOR Gary Beelik PRINTER Flash Reproductions ART DIRECTOR Katina Constantinou PAPER Mohawk Loop Antique Vellum Fossil Cover and Mohawk Loop Jute A7 Envelope, Domtar Husky® Offset Text, Mohawk Superfine Ultrawhite Smooth Label DESIGNER Kristin Steenstra COPYWRITER Erin Brand STATIONERY PACKAGE Business Cards, Letterhead, Note Card, Envelopes, Calendar, Notebook FINISHED SIZES Various NUMBER OF COLOURS 2/2 PMS Colours + 3/0 PMS OTHER TECHNIQUES Offset and Letterpress Printing UVU 2015 DESIGN – BRAND IDENTITY | DESIGN – IDENTITÉ DE MARQUE JACKNIFE STATIONERY The approach to the design of the Jacknife stationery was to create something honest, warm, simple and memorable—a reflection of our company culture and our approach to design. We selected natural materials and the warmth of yellow, and utilized a number of finishing techniques which would add visual interest without becoming distracting and stealing the show. We wanted to create stationery that would feature several little detailed moments of interest for the viewer—a reflection of our belief that good design is in the details. DESIGN FIRM Jacknife PRINTER Flash Reproductions CREATIVE DIRECTOR Mike Kelar PAPER Mohawk Loop Jute Envelope, Mohawk Loop Jute pasted to Neenah ASTROBRIGHTS® Cover Solar Yellow DESIGNER Sandy Jakkavanrangsri COPYWRITER Mike Kelar CLIENT Jacknife UVU 2015 FINISHED SIZES Various OTHER TECHNIQUES Screen Print & Letterpress VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 41 DESIGN – BRAND IDENTITY | DESIGN – IDENTITÉ DE MARQUE LÉON COURVILLE VIGNERON Léon Courville Vigneron’s winemaking knowledge and expertise have no peer in Quebec. To firmly establish the winery’s professionalism and expertise, we developed strong and refined corporate stationery, based on quality paper and a well-established information structure. And to communicate the strength of this expertise and the authenticity of the winery, the stationery is embossed with the official seal, a seal directly inspired by Mr. Courville’s avid enthusiasm for collecting corkscrews. This was all supported by a series of souvenir postcards showcasing the scenic beauty and grandeur of the vineyard. DESIGN FIRM lg2boutique PRINTER LG Chabot CREATIVE DIRECTOR Claude Auchu PAPER Domtar Cougar® Natural DESIGNER Maude Lescarbeau PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR Maude Lescarbeau COPYWRITERS Gabrielle Godbout Pierre Lussier FINISHED SIZES Various NUMBER OF COLOURS 2 PMS OTHER TECHNIQUES Embossed CLIENT Léon Courville 42 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS UVU 2015 DESIGN – POSTERS | DESIGN – AFFICHES 2015 BEAUMONT BLUES AND ROOTS FESTIVAL POSTER SERIES The posters that Woodruff Sweitzer designed for the 2015 Beaumont Blues and Roots Festival were printed offset with three fluorescent inks. They are part of a complete package of new creative work we began for the BBRF last year, which included swag and a redesigned website. We wanted to do something fun that would stand out against the regular street noise, hence the fluorescents. We also wanted to position the festival as an age-agnostic event that a younger demographic could also enjoy. This year, we commissioned the very talented Jason Blower ( to do some custom illustrations of festivalgoers dancing. These images tile when you put the three versions together to create a tableau of fun. Last year, the client was thrilled as ticket sales were up 375% vs. 2013—a big jump for “Canada’s biggest little music festival”! UVU 2015 DESIGN FIRM Woodruff Sweitzer PRINTER McAra Printing CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alexandra (Alita) Gonzalez PAPER Domtar Cougar® Smooth ART DIRECTOR Alexandra (Alita) Gonzalez NUMBER OF PAGES 1 (of 3) DESIGNER Alexandra (Alita) Gonzalez ILLUSTRATOR Jason Blower FINISHED SIZE 18" X 24" NUMBER OF COLOURS 3 OTHER TECHNIQUES Offset CLIENT Beaumont Blues and Roots Festival Society VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Aza Ali, Umid Ali 43 DESIGN – PACKAGING | DESIGN – EMBALLAGES XOXOLAT CHOCOLATE BARS Vancouver chocolatier XOXOLAT has Canada’s largest selection of single origin chocolate bars as well as some truly wild flavor combinations. It also has its own line of XOXOLAT branded chocolates, which Carter Hales designed, making it easier for serious chocolate lovers to find their favourites, and add a bit of adventure to discovering new tastes. DESIGN FIRM Carter Hales Design Lab Inc. DESIGN DIRECTOR Sean Carter DESIGNERS Andrew Schick Miles Chic Dave McAnsh Sean Carter ILLUSTRATORS Miles Chic Andrew Schick CLIENT Xoxolat Chocolate PRINTER Ancan Marketing and Hemlock Printers 44 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali PAPER Neenah Classic® Laid Text, Neenah ASTROBRIGHTS® Rocket Red NUMBER OF PAGES 2 Base Wraps + 6 Outer Wraps FINISHED SIZE 5" X 4.5" NUMBER OF COLOURS Heidelberg Digital on Outer Wraps (Hemlock Printers) OTHER TECHNIQUES Foil Stamping and Scoring on Base Wraps (Ancan Marketing) UVU 2015 PRINT WINNERS LAURÉATS EN IMPRESSION PRINT – WIDE FORMAT | IMPRESSION – GRAND FORMAT CEMENTING RELATIONSHIPS DESIGN FIRM Imagination Ink Ltd. PRINTER Imagination Ink Ltd. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Nathan Binns PAPER Avery® MPI 1005 EZ, Avery® DOL 1460 Laminate DESIGNER Warren Marko CLIENT Inland Concrete/ Lehigh Hanson Canada NUMBER OF COLOURS 7 PRINT – BROCHURES | IMPRESSION – BROCHURES BENNINGTON BROCHURE DESIGN FIRM Tanner Wilson Design PAPER OJI Topkote® Gloss Cover CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tanner Wilson NUMBER OF PAGES 14 Pages + Pocketed Cover ART DIRECTOR Tanner Wilson DESIGNER Tanner Wilson PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR Adam Blasberg David Strongman COPYWRITER Sandra O’Connell CLIENT Pennyfarthing King Edward PRINTER Hemlock Printers 46 FINISHED SIZE 10.5" X 12.5" NUMBER OF COLOURS Cover: PMS Colour UV one side and 4 Colour Process UV + 1 PMS UV on the other side Text: 4 Colour Process UV + 1 PMS UV OTHER TECHNIQUES Strike-Through, Die-Cut, Foil, Emboss VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali UVU 2015 PRINT – BROCHURES | IMPRESSION – BROCHURES THE SHANNON MASTER PLAN DESIGN FIRM Letterbox Design COPYWRITER Christina Symons CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kiky Kambylis CLIENT Wall Financial Corp. Shannon Mews DESIGNERS Lindsay Rankin Valerie Turnbull PHOTOGRAPHERS ILLUSTRATORS John Sinal Ryan Broda Chris Haylett Archival Images and Stock Photography PRINTER Hemlock Printers PAPER OJI Topkote® Dull Text FINISHED SIZE 8" X 9" NUMBER OF PAGES 32 Pages + Cover NUMBER OF COLOURS Cover: UV Black + 5 PMS UV Colours on one side and 3 PMS UV Colours on the other side Text: 4 Colour Process + 2 PMS OTHER TECHNIQUES Text Pages: Satin Aqueous Coating Throughout, Embossed in Two Places, Die-Cut and Glue for 4" Vertical Pocket PRINT – BROCHURES | IMPRESSION – BROCHURES SWEET – A SELECTION OF TEMPTATIONS DESIGN FIRM Edward Clark CREATIVE DIRECTOR Edward Clark PAPER Verso Sterling® Premium Gloss Text, Neenah Classic Crest® Cover ART DIRECTOR Edward Clark FINISHED SIZE 7.874" X 7.874" PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR Douglas Bradshaw NUMBER OF PAGES 28 Pages + Cover COPYWRITER Douglas Bradshaw NUMBER OF COLOURS 5/5 Plus Satin AQ + Opaque White CLIENT Bradshaw PRINTER C.J. Graphics UVU 2015 OTHER TECHNIQUES Foil Stamp, Stochastic Printing VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 47 PRINT – BROCHURES | IMPRESSION – BROCHURES ONE THOUSAND MUSEUM DESIGN FIRM Catapult 13 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Rodrigo Londono ART DIRECTOR Rodrigo Londono CLIENT 1000 Biscayne Tower NUMBER OF PAGES 20 Pages + Cover FINISHED SIZE 6" X 6" NUMBER OF COLOURS 4/4 OTHER TECHNIQUES Envelope Foil Stamp PRINTER C.J. Graphics PAPER Burgo Chorus Art Silk, Neenah Classic Crest® Epic Black PRINT – CATALOGUE | IMPRESSION – CATALOGUE MINDHAM FINE JEWELLERY 2014 HOLIDAY CATALOGUE DESIGN FIRM In-House CLIENT Mindham Fine Jewellery Ltd. PRINTER C.J. Graphics PAPER Verso Sterling® Premium Gloss, Neenah UV ULTRA® 11, Neenah Classic® Laid 48 NUMBER OF PAGES 48 Pages + 2 Page Fly Sheet + Cover FINISHED SIZE 8" X 8" NUMBER OF COLOURS 4/4 + AQ OTHER TECHNIQUES Foil Stamp, Emboss VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS UVU 2015 PRINT – MAGAZINES | IMPRESSION – REVUES LIFE & THYME DESIGN FIRM In-House CREATIVE DIRECTOR Antonio Diaz DESIGNER Antonio Diaz COPYWRITERS Liz Goulding Blair Smith Meg Abbott Nicole Gulotta Jaime Valdovino Sheila Lam Veronica Rogov Stef Ferrari PHOTOGRAPHERS ILLUSTRATORS Kim+Phil Alicia Cho Martin Kaufmann Melissa Ryan Patrick Chan Issy Croker Robert Strickland Sam Ortiz James McClung Tawny Alipoon Kari Young Antonio Diaz Josh Telles CLIENT Life & Thyme PAPER Domtar Lynx® Opaque Text and Cover FINISHED SIZE 7.5" X 9.5" NUMBER OF PAGES 96 Pages + Cover NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 OTHER TECHNIQUES Overall Satin Varnish on Cover PRINTER Hemlock Printers PRINT – NOTE CARDS AND INVITATIONS | IMPRESSION – CARTES DE CORRESPONDANCE ET INVITATIONS POLYESTER HOLIDAY CARDS DESIGN FIRM Polyester Studio PRINTER Flash Reproductions CREATIVE DIRECTORS Jeremy Dimmock Bob Zagorskis PAPER Domtar Cougar® Natural pasted to Cougar® Smooth White ART DIRECTOR Jeremy Dimmock DESIGNER Jeremy Dimmock PHOTOGRAPHER ILLUSTRATOR Jeremy Dimmock FINISHED SIZE 5.5" X 8.5" NUMBER OF COLOURS 2-Colour Letterpress CLIENT Polyester Studio UVU 2015 VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION Aza Ali, Umid Ali 49 PRINT – NOTE CARDS AND INVITATIONS | IMPRESSION – CARTES DE CORRESPONDANCE ET INVITATIONS HÉLÈNE AND MICHAEL NOT GETTING MARRIED INVITATION DESIGNER Hélène Larochelle CLIENT Hélène Larochelle PRINTER C.J. Graphics PAPER Neenah Classic Crest® Epic Black Cover NUMBER OF PAGES 2 FINISHED SIZE 4" X 9" NUMBER OF COLOURS 2/2 PRINT – BOOKS | IMPRESSION – LIVRES DAVID THAUBERGER: ROAD TRIPS AND OTHER DIVERSIONS DESIGN FIRM Hartman Design Studio Inc. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kelly Hartman DESIGNER Kelly Hartman CLIENT Mendel Art Gallery PRINTER Kallen Printing Inc. NUMBER OF PAGES 208 Pages + Cover + Insert FINISHED SIZE 9" X 10.5" NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 Colour Process, Satin Varnish OTHER TECHNIQUES Black Flocking on Front Cover PAPER Domtar Cougar® Text 50 VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS UVU 2015 PRINT – BOOKS | IMPRESSION – LIVRES KEEPING TIME: PLAINS INDIAN LEDGER DRAWINGS 1865-1900 DESIGN FIRM Hambly & Woolley Inc. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Barbara Woolley ART DIRECTOR Barbara Woolley DESIGNER Barbara Woolley PHOTOGRAPHER John Bigelow Taylor COPYWRITERS Donald Ellis Ross Frank Janet Catherine Berlo CLIENT Donald Ellis Gallery PRINTER Somerset Graphics PAPER Domtar Cougar® Super Smooth Text and Cover NUMBER OF PAGES 88 Pages + Cover FINISHED SIZE 11 7/8" X 8" NUMBER OF COLOURS 4 Colour Process + 2 Special PMS Colours OTHER TECHNIQUES Registered Emboss, Custom Hardbound Case, Perfect Binding PRINT – BOOKS | IMPRESSION – LIVRES GROSVENOR AMBLESIDE DESIGN FIRM Letterbox Design Group NUMBER OF PAGES 68 Pages + Case Cover CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kiky Kambylis FINISHED SIZE 11.75" X 8.75" DESIGNER Lindsay Rankin NUMBER OF COLOURS MET UV CMYK + Extra K + Metallic Silver + Match Grey + UV Satin Varnish PHOTOGRAPHER Ryan Broda CLIENT Grosvenor International PRINTER MET Fine Printers PAPER OJI Topkote® Gloss Text UVU 2015 OTHER TECHNIQUES Endleaf: 2x Match Grey, Double Black, UV Spot Gloss Word Mark Case Cover: Smythe-Sewn, Gathered and Drawn VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 51 PRINT – DIGITAL | IMPRESSION – NUMÉRIQUE THE NEW MEASURE OF INNOVATION DESIGN FIRM Emerson Clarke Printing PRINTER Emerson Clarke Printing DESIGNERS William Miller Ely Ross PAPER OJI Topkote® Dull Cover, Domtar Cougar® Text and Cover, Mohawk Chromolux C1S Cover, Neenah ESSE® Textured Cover and Neenah UV ULTRA® II COPYWRITER William Miller CLIENT Emerson Clarke Printing Corporation/Kodak (Promotional) FINISHED SIZE 6.5" X 8" NUMBER OF COLOURS 8 Colours (CMYK + Nexpress Dry Inks: Gold, Red, Green & Blue) OTHER TECHNIQUES Nexpress Clear and Clear Dimensional Dry Inks, Die-Cut and Hidden Wire-O Binding PRINT – PACKAGING | IMPRESSION – EMBALLAGES PREMIUM SOY CANDLE PACKAGING AND BRANDING DESIGN FIRM Porchlight Press Ltd. Letterpress and Design CREATIVE DIRECTORS Heather Braun Kristin Liu CLIENT Vancouver Candle Company PRINTER MET Fine Printers PAPER Domtar Cougar® Super Smooth Cover 52 FINISHED SIZES Lids: 16.8125" X 16.8125" Flat, folds to 3.375" X 3.375" X 3" Bases: 19.6875" X 19.6875" Flat, folds to 3.25" X 3.25" X 3.75" NUMBER OF COLOURS Box: 1 PMS Colour + Black (8 Colours Total across 6 Boxes) OTHER TECHNIQUES Deboss, Foil, Die-Cut VERITIV CANADA DESIGN AND PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS Aza Ali, Umid Ali UVU 2015 INDEX DESIGN FIRMS | AGENCES DE DESIGN BLOK DESIGN CARTER HALES DESIGN LAB INC. CIRCO DE BAKUZA FAITH HAMBLY & WOOLLEY INC. HARTMAN DESIGN STUDIO INC. IA COLLABORATIVE IDEA COUTURE IMAGINATION INK LTD. JACKNIFE LAUREN WICKWARE DESIGN LETTERBOX DESIGN PROVENCHER_ROY WOODRUFF SWEITZER TAS DESIGN BUILD CLIENTS | CLIENTS ADVERTISING AND DESIGN CLUB OF CANADA VANCOUVER CANDLE COMPANY ARTON CAPITAL BEAUMONT BLUES AND ROOTS FESTIVAL SOCIETY BRADSHAW CALGARY SOCIETY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES DORIS MCCARTHY GALLERY, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH EMERSON CLARKE PRINTING FSHNUNLIMITED WALL FINANCIAL CORP. – SHANNON MEWS XOXOLAT CHOCOLATE PRINTERS | IMPRIMEURS ANCAN MARKETING ANDORA GRAPHICS C.J. GRAPHICS EMERSON CLARKE PRINTING FLASH REPRODUCTIONS IMAGINATION INK LTD. IMPRIMERIE L’EMPREINTE LG2BOUTIQUE GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE SCHOOL OF DESIGN HEMLOCK PRINTERS PARCEL DESIGN LÉON COURVILLE KALLEN PRINTING INC. POLYESTER STUDIO LIFE & THYME LG CHABOT PORCHLIGHT PRESS LTD. – LETTERPRESS AND DESIGN MENDEL ART GALLERY MCARA PRINTING NIKE INC. MET FINE PRINTERS OSMINGTON INC. PRODUCTION JG PENNYFARTHING – KING EDWARD SOMERSET GRAPHICS POLYESTER STUDIO UNICOM GRAPHICS PROVENCHER_ROY STUDIO T-BONE TANNER WILSON: ART DIRECTION & GRAPHIC DESIGN UNDERLINE STUDIO UVU 2015 WAX PR%F VERITIV CANADA PRIX D’EXCELLENCE EN GRAPHISME ET EN IMPRESSION 53 Chorus ART is especially designed for the North American market: simply the best choice from offset to digital 3RVW&RQVXPHU)LEHUV (QYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\)6&® HOHPHQWDOFKORULQHIUHHDQGDFLGIUHH 7ULSOHFRDWHGVXUIDFH EULJKWQHVV7$33, +LJKEXONDQGRSDFLW\ 6XSHULRUVWLIIQHVV 5DQJHIURPOE7H[WWROE&RYHU Perfection even for short runs with ;HUR[UHFRPPHQGHG 6XSHULRUWRQHUDGKHVLRQ 3UHFLVLRQFXWWRHQVXUHGXSOH[ UHJLVWUDWLRQ 'LJLWDOUHDPZUDSSHGLQFDUWRQV WRJXDUDQWHHTXDOLW\DQGFRQVLVWHQF\ from Paul Davis - Burgo Group 2006 Calendar digital 7KHUHDUe FRDWHGSDSHUV DQGWKHUHLV chorus ART CELEBRATE THE POWER OF PAPER & PRINT ONLINE Visit Blueline By Domtar®, join the conversation on our Blueline blog, share printed pieces in our Blueline Gallery, absorb the latest news in print by visiting the Print Works! page, and engage with the industry’s top paper brands: Cougar®, Lynx®, Husky®, and EarthChoice®. Scan the QR code to the right to visit GET SOCIAL WITH BLUELINE BY DOMTAR! Two Respected Paper Manufacturers. One Powerful New Resource. Verso and NewPage are now Verso Corporation— a leading provider of Printing Papers, Specialty Papers, and Pulp. The new Verso is a stronger, more stable supplier for our customers. Our distinguished product line, streamlined supply chain and flexible manufacturing capabilities make us ultra-responsive to market demand, extending our ability to get you the products you need, when you need them. To learn more visit us at Verso Corporation 6775 Lenox Center Court Suite 400 Memphis, TN 38115 800-258-8852 ©2015 Verso Corporation. All rights reserved. SFI STANDS FOR FUTURE FORESTS There’s a simple way you can ensure healthy forests for generations to come while supporting the people and communities in North America who depend on them. Look and ask for the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) label for all your paper and packaging projects. As we celebrate 20 years of leadership and growth, we know that the actions we take today determine the future of our forests. Learn more at $ 1.5 BILLION INVESTED since 1995 SFI is the only forest certification program in North America that requires participants to support research to improve forest health, productivity, conservation understanding, and sustainable management of forest resources. $ 63 MILLION in forest research in 2014. GROWING OUR FUTURE DID YOU KNOW? More than a quarterbillion acres / 100 million hectares are certified to the SFI Forest Management Standard. SFI IS THE LARGEST SINGLE CERTIFICATION STANDARD IN THE WORLD. A U z ,A a m id A lil 5IJOLUIF&DPOPNJDBMMZ7JBCMF BOE4VTUBJOBCMF$IPJDF 1$8*)JHI4UJGGOFTTBOE#VML &YDFQUJPOBM1SFTT1FSGPSNBODF &YDFMMFOU1SJOUBCJMJUZBOE$PMPS3FQSPEVDUJPO 911 9 BRIGHTNESS Participate in the PREPS tool 45.49E564@8E9(9E*98E5488*/E94EE49)E/'39E3E3@*643039//CE %*3/C E45.49E*8E4689E9A68(*5E 4>3*/ E69* + 3E439*38E E >/ 9>8E"6EE63A/E84>6E)6@89E%40E 5/399*438E 8@*3'E4>6E4/E'64A9(E#689E)EE56E64>5E564>8E 9*06E>8*3'E8>89*3/E#689E03'039E569*8EA)*/E'*@*3'E>E 438*69*43E94E*4*@68*=E*88>8EE9(EA//*3'E4/4E42>3*9*8E )EE56E64>5E9368)*5E64>6039E4/*CE410*98E94E @6*&*3'E9(E3@*643039/E3E84*/E*059E4E9)*6E8>55/CE(*3E*3E//E 564>6039E4E6AE096*/8E E4>/49E8)9E4!6E*3E'/488EE?/E"3*8(8E(E8)98E"694D 49*3'E69*4E'*@8E*9EB<46*3 4CE>3*9*3'EB59*43E/EE*56E A*;E;E3"98E4E56*3:*3'E8E3E$6,*=EE45.49E'*@8E@7E 564-9EE94>)E4/E DESIGNED BY lg2boutique GRAPHIC PRODUCTION lg2fabrique PHOTOGRAPHERS Winning Pieces: Christel Bourque André Courtemanche PRINTER L’Empreinte PAPER Outside Cover: Monadnock Astrolite® Smooth 100 lb Cover Catalogue: Monadnock Astrolite® Smooth 80 lb Text FINISHED SIZE 8.25" x 11" NUMBER OF COLOURS CMYK + Fluorescent PMS 802 + Fluo Bump