TO DO: Add maths, visual aids & egs in text Assessing Speaking and Listening Introduction Just like other areas of the curriculum, when assessing Speaking and Listening we need to be clear about what it is we are assessing – find an agreed criteria against which to assess and find efficient ways of noting achievements. Speaking and Listening underpins the whole curriculum and will therefore be assessed in a number of situations across the curriculum or indeed outside of the school day (homework clubs, hobby clubs, performance in assemblies, etc). We can collect evidence of achievement when: activities have been specifically set up to teach and assess Speaking and Listening and the criteria for success are very clear and have been shared with the children. For example, if a task asks children to give instructions, then the criteria are likely to relate to the brevity and clarity of the wording, the sequence in which the instructions are given and the choice of appropriate vocabulary to convey technical information; the planned activity includes substantial oral or group work, which may be related to other aspects of English or another curriculum area. This could include group work in the literacy hour. The task should include explicit instructions about the nature of the talk expected, such as the roles group members should take, the phasing of the work so there are times built in for planning, recapping, agreeing action, reviewing progress and any particular demands in term of vocabulary and grammar; a contribution is recognised as excellent or significant for a particular child incidental or spontaneous opportunities arise during a range of learning contexts whether they are child initiated, teacher directed or adult led. Sometimes the social dimensions of talk can provide difficulties because we have to recognise the oral achievements of the child who only speaks confidently to the teacher on a one to one basis and the child who is verbose in all situations. What are the key features of effective assessment in speaking and listening ? Be clear about what is being assessed. It is not the accent or dialect that is being assessed, the length of the contribution, the opinion expressed or their confidence and leadership qualities. But it is: the effectiveness of their talk, including adaptation to purpose, context and audience; a contribution that shows positive and flexible work in groups; a contribution that builds on that of others – showing evidence of listening and responding clarity in communicating, including the use of reason, clear sequencing of ideas and the use of standard English. What does our plan look like for assessment in school? Agree, in school, how you will assess Speaking and Listening. You might include the following: encouraging children to assess and evaluate their own and each other’s performance; systematically collect tangible evidence of talk in the form of group observation sheets, video and audio recordings, written logs and diaries; summarising achievement; for example, at the end of a term or year, in order to provide information to help plan for progression in the most appropriate way; standardising assessments by visiting each other’s classrooms and discussing performance, both within school and using the QCA Exemplification on CD ROM, English: Speaking and Listening (QCA/02/898) What about making and recording assessments? The evidence can take different forms: notes made by the teacher or other adults as the activity is happening or soon after; notes made by the children in talk logs, group observations, notes for talk and reflections on them; some taped work, for example when the task is to produce a radio broadcast. Recording could be in different forms – but it needs to be clear, succinct and accessible. The easiest method might be a lose leaf folder that contains a page for each child (see example in Speaking and Listening Handbook). Speaking and Listening working party The following assessment materials were created by a group of Dudley teachers concerned that there should be some practical help with the assessment of Speaking and Listening in schools. The Pupil Self Assessment sheets transfer the Speaking and Listening objectives for each year group into pupil speak targets. Each of the four strands of Speaking and Listening (speaking, listening, group discussion and interaction and drama) has a separate sheet and the ‘steps’ refer to the year group in which the objective is found. Year 1 is therefore Step 1 and so on. These sheets are flexible, can be adapted and used in a number of contexts across the curriculum. Children should be encouraged to identify how confident they are against each step independently. However, this skill will initially need to be taught. Teaching assistants could be used to sit with small groups to support children through this process. Schools can choose to use the sheets in any way they wish: putting the grids on to A5 and making a booklet to accompany the child through school; combining these statements with the ‘Step into Writing’ materials to make an English assessment book; displaying the statements as posters in class when a Speaking and Listening assessment is taking place. The materials also include a formal Speaking and Listening record sheet working alongside the child speak steps, the four strands overview and a set of visual aids to support each strand.