Pozzolanic materials - PFA and silica fume Main references: Neville A et al "Concrete Technology", revised reprint 1990, Longman Scientific and Technical. (Chapter 2). Pozzolanic materials A pozzolanic material or a pozzolan, is a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material which in itself has little or no cementitious value but will chemically react with lime (liberated from hydrating cement) at ordinary temperature to form compounds possessing cementitious properties. There are many types of pozzolans including volcanic ash sometimes referred to as original pozzolan or natural pozzolan, silica fume (SF), pulverized fuel ash (PFA) also called fly ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and others. In this lecture we shall study two most commonly used pozzolan for concrete: PFA and SF. Pulverized fuel ash (PFA) PFA is fine powder collected from coal-burning electric power plants. In Hong Kong PFA became available in large quantity since mid 1980s when the power plans replace oil by coal as their primary fuel. About one million tones of PAF collected each year. Physical and chemical properties of PFA PFA produced from different power plants or at one plant with different coal sources may have different colours. Particle size and shape characteristics of PFA are dependent on the source and uniformity of the coal, the degree of pulverization prior to burning, the combustion environment, uniformity of combustion, and the type of collection system used. The majority of PFA are glassy, solid or hollow, and spherical in shape. The fineness of PFA is the same order as ordinary Portland cement. Specific gravity of solid PFA particle normally ranges from 2.2 to 2.8. PFA collected from Castle Peak Power stations is spherical in shape having a particle diameter ranging from 1 to 200 m. PFA contains mainly silica and alumina. The following table list the chemical composition of local PFA, UK PFA and typical ordinary Portland cement. ASTM C618-87 classify PFA (fly ash) in to two lasses, namely Class F and Class C. Generally, Class F consists of less than 10% of CaO while Class C contains more than 10% CaO. Chemical compound SiO2 % Al2O3 % Fe2O3 % CaO % MgO % TiO % K2O % Na2O % SO3 Castle Peak 45-80 18-30 1-6 0.5-8 0.5-3 0.5-1.5 <1 <1 0-2 Typical UK 45-51 24-32 7-11 1-5 1-4 0.8-1.1 3-4.5 0.9-1.7 0.3-1.3 Typical OPC 18-25 4-7 1-4 63-68 0.5-3.5 0.2-0.8 3 Pozolanic reaction of PFA Main compounds formed from hydration of cement are hydrated calcium silicate and calcium hydroxide. Calcium hydroxide is water-soluble and has no cementitious value. Calcium hydroxide may come out of the concrete with moisture, leaving voids in concrete. PFA chemically combine with calcium hydroxides and other soluble alkalis such as potassium and sodium hydroxides to produce calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H). The C-S-H strengthens cement paste and filling the voids improving impermeability of concrete. Influence of PFA on Concrete The description of the influences of PFA on properties of concrete in this section is based on researches conducted in Hong Kong using local PFA and commonly adopted concrete mixes. The research findings in Hong Kong on local PFA concrete is generally in line with research outcomes elsewhere, although different conclusions exist, such as the sensitivity to curing condition. a. Effect of PFA on properties of fresh concrete Workability: Generally, adding PFA in a concrete mix as a replacement of cement will increase the slump value of the mix or, if the same slump value is to be maintained, reduce the water demand. In this case, however, due to the slow reaction of PFA and the reduction of cement content, early strength of the concrete will suffer. In order to maintain workability and at the same time to raise early age strength, water reducing agent or superplasticiser is usually added to the mix so that water content is reduced and so is the W/C ratio. Alternatively, cement may be added to the mix to maintain required W/C ratio and achieve required early age strength. In this case the heat of cement hydration and alkali content of the mix may be higher than the mix using water reducing agent. Stability: The term stability here refers to the properties concerning bleeding, cohesion and segregation of fresh concrete. It is generally reported that PFA concrete shows improved cohesiveness and finishibility, reduced bleeding and segregation. b. Effect of PFA on strength development Strength development: Strength development due to Pozzolanic reaction in PFA concrete is a relatively slow process compared to that due to OPC hydration in conventional OPC concrete. Strength development due to OPC hydration start from a few hours after casting, while strength development due to pozzolans can only be observed after 1-7 days. For conventional OPC concrete, 28-day strength is about 90% of its final strength while for PFA concrete 28-day strength is only about 70-80 % of its final strength. Strength growth in PFA concrete depends on dosage of PFA, type of cement, curing conditions etc. If PFA concrete is compared with conventional OPC concrete on the basis of percentage of its 28-day strength, the general trend is that the early relative strength (before 28 days) of PFA concrete is lower, and the relative strength after 28 days is higher than conventional OPC concrete. c. Effects of W/C ratio, temperature and curing on PFA concrete W/C ratio: The trend that increased W/C ratio results in decreased 28-day strength applies to both conventional OPC concrete and PFA concrete. For a given W/C ratio, however, 28-day strength of PFA concrete is generally lower than control concrete without PFA as cement replacement. Low temperature: Low curing temperature delays the development of strength. This effect is greater for PFA concrete than for OPC concrete. In an investigation on Hong Kong PFA concrete, it was found that for concrete without PFA, a curing temperature as low as 10C (for the first 3 days and then cured at about 20C) does not have significant influence on 28-day strength compared to the same concrete cured at standard temperature of 27 C. For PFA concrete, however, the 28-day strength of PFA concrete cured at 10C is significantly lower than the strength of the same concrete cured at 27C. The effect of low temperature on strength of PFA concrete reduces with time, and the full strength of the concrete eventually develops at a later time. Higher temperature: The final strength of a concrete reaches its maximum when the concrete is cured at an "optimum temperature". For conventional OPC concrete, optimum temperature is normally about say 10C. Curing temperature above or below the optimum will result in a reduced final strength of the concrete. For PFA concrete, the optimum temperature appears to be much higher than for concrete without PFA. For example, an investigation on Hong Kong PFA concrete, at a curing temperature of 50C, the 90-day strength of PFA concrete is not reduced compared to 90-day strength of the same concrete cured at lower temperature. At higher curing temperature greater than 50C and up to 75C, 90-day strength of PFA concrete is reduced compared to the 90-day strength of the concrete cured at standard temperature of 27C. But the reduction is much less than that for ordinary OPC concrete. The above investigation indicates that PFA concrete can tolerate higher temperature than Conventional OPC concrete. Impermeability: PFA concrete has a better impermeability than comparable concrete without PFA. Calcium hydroxide liberated by hydrating cement is water-soluble and may be leached out of hardened concrete, leaving voids for the ingress of water. Due to pozzolanic reaction, PFA chemically combine with calcium, potassium, and sodium hydroxides to produce calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H), thus reducing the risk of leaching calcium hydroxide. Hong Kong regulations concerning PFA In Hong Kong, a PFA replacement up to 25% of cement content is permitted by the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works. Cost of PFA concrete in Hong Kong The material cost of PFA concrete in Hong Kong is close to that of normal OPC concrete without PFA. In 1994, material cost for OPC concrete is about HK$284 Per cubic meter for grade 30 concrete, HK$313 for grade 45 concrete. PFA concrete cost is HK$3-8 less than OPC concrete. Silica fume Silica fume is a by-product resulting from the production of silicon or ferrosilicon alloys or other silicon alloys. Silica fume is light or dark gray in colour containing high content of amorphous silicon dioxide. Silica fume powder as collected from waste gasses without further treatment is some times referred to as undensified silica fume to distinguish it with other forms of treated silica fume. Undensified silicon fume consists of very fine vitreous spherical particles with average diameter about 0.1m, which is 100 times smaller than the average cement particle. The undensified silica fume is almost as fine as cigarette ash and the bulk density is only about 200 300 kg/m3 and relative density of typical silica fume particle is 2.2 to 2.5. Because the extreme fineness and high silicon content, silica fume is a highly effective pozzolan. Types of silica fume The extreme fineness and low loose density create handling problem. For this reason silica fume is normally condensed or slurrified before delivered to the end users. Condensed silica fume is the product of further treatment of undensified silica fume, in which fine undensified silica fume powder is condensed into small spheres about 0.5 - 1 mm in diameter. The bulk density of condensed silica fume is increased to about 600kg/m3. In the past, condensed silica fume is also referred to as densified silica fume, microsilica, silica powder or pelletized silica fume, etc. The widely accepted name now is condensed silica fume. In practice, condensed silica fume is often added into the concrete mix in a slurry form which is made by mixing the solid fume with water before adding to the whole mix. Silica fume may also added to concrete mix in its dry solid form. Slurrified silica fume is a thick liquid produced by blending silica fume powder with an ordinary water and water reducing agent. Condensed silica fume is easy to transport and handle comparing to other forms of silica fume. Slurrified silica fume can directly added in to concrete but difficult to store and transportation cost is relatively high. Brief history of silica fume concrete The first known tests on the silica fume concrete (SFC) were in the early 1950's at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. At the same time SFC was employed in a tunnel project in Oslo alum shale region. However the world-wide investigation and practical use of silica fume was not starrted until 1970s when a large amount of silica fume was collected as a results of introduction of far stricter environmental legislation in many countries. When silica fume was first introduced in concrete industry as cement replacement and was usually for economic purpose. As research work progress and with better knowledge about SFC, also because the increased price, silica fume is now often used as an effective additive to produce a better quality concrete. High strength SFC up to 300 Mpa have been used in some countries; calcium nitrate attack was effectively reduced by applying silica fume in concrete fertilizer storage silos; CSF has been used in repairing a dam stilling basin for suitable abrasion erosion resistance; silica fume has been employed as essential additives to prevent alkali-silica reaction. Chemical composition of silica fume Chemical composition of SF varies depending on the nature of the product from the manufacture process of which the SF is collected. The main constituent material in SF is silica (SiO2), the content of which is normally over 90%. The following table lists a chemical analysis of a commercially available silica fume. SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O 92.85 0.61 0.94 0.39 1.58 0.87 0.5 Fundamental performance of silica fume in concrete The influence of SF on the properties of concrete may be explained by two fundamental performance of SF, i.e. pozzolanic reaction and microfiller effect. Pozzolanic reaction of SF is the reaction with calcium hydroxide produced by the cement hydration. This reaction has been shown by researchers by measuring the CaOH content in a cement-SF mortars or paste. CaOH content reduces with increasing SF content. The reaction forms more aggregate-binding gel and at the same time reduce detrimental product of cement hydration, CaOH. The net effect is an increase in overall strength and durability. Pozzolanic reaction in concrete or mortar is generally observed after 3 - 7 days. Diameter of SF particle is about 0.1 m, 100 times smaller than cement particles. The extreme fineness allows SF to fill the microscopic voids between cement particles. The micro filer effect is credited with greatly reduced permeability and improved paste-to-aggregate bond of SFC compared with conventional concrete. Properties of fresh concrete Workability - water demand: Use of SF in concrete usually increases water demand. The increased water demand causes an increase in water to cement ratio and could negate the benefits of adding silica fume. For this reason the SFC normally incorporates a water reducing agent or superplasticiser. Stability: SFC is more cohesive than convention concrete. This is true for SFCs both with and without superplasticiser. Increased cohesiveness reduces the chance for bleeding and segregation. The increased cohesiveness, however, increase the required compaction energy. Plastic shrinkage: Increased cohesiveness of SFC encourages the potentiality of plastic shrinkage and cracking which appears when the bleeding water cannot compensate for the water loss on the surface by evaporation. It has recommended that under conditions of fast evaporation, curing measures should be taken immediately after placing the concrete. Strength development Strength development is a major concern in the production of concrete incorporating pozzolan materials. Like PFA concrete, SFC shows a two-stage strength development pattern: before and after the commencement of the pozzolanic reaction of SF. The pozzolanic reaction of SF takes place at between 3 - 7 days at about 20C. At higher temperature the reaction could be accelerated. At a temperature of 5C, pozzolanic reaction could be delayed for a month or even longer. However the absolute early age strength of SFC incorporating medium dosage of silica fume as a cement replacement is not lower than the concrete without SF replacement. This is due to the effect of micro filler action. If the comparison of early age strength is based on the percentage of 28-day strength, SFC is generally lower than conventional concrete. Properties of hardened concrete Compressive strength: High strength concrete with a cube compressive strength around 100MPa can be easily achieved by incorporating SF with suitable water reducing agent and suitable aggregates. With constant W/C ratio, compressive strength of SFC is normally higher than conventional concrete. Researches indicate that the shape of W/C to strength curve of SFC is similar to conventional concrete but shifted to a higher level. Optimum dosage of silica depends on many factors including type of water reducing agent and type of cement. It can be determined using trial mixes and, 10% of SF by weight of cement is a good starting point. Impermeability: Impermeability of SFC is improved compare with similar concrete without SF. Questions Why water reducing agent or superplasticiser are normally used in concrete containing silica fume.