
R9: Please provide a summary of what over-arching science has been used to
frame management of Marine Park habitats and the NSW specific application of
it. This may include a synthesis of what data has been collected, how it has
been interpreted and then applied.
Over-arching science used to frame management of Marine Park habitats
Banks and Skilleter (2010) provide a useful description of the establishment of NSW
marine parks. They cite much of the relevant scientific information underpinning the
establishment process, including journal articles and grey literature. They also
compare the implementation of multi-use parks in NSW to the establishment of a
network of marine reserves in New Zealand, which highlights the different strategies
utilised to achieve common purpose. Further valuable insight into how scientific
information was used in the initial establishment of NSW marine parks can be found
in Breen (2007). A broader consideration of protecting marine biodiversity in NSW is
contained in a special issue of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW (Hutchings and
Lunney 2003), which contains several papers which consider issues of how science
needs to be used in management of biodiversity and habitats in Marine Protected
In general, there are four key stages in the implementation and management of
network of marine protected areas: (1) establishment of a strategic framework, (2) a
systematic conservation assessment (e.g. mapping biodiversity features, identifying
key habitats and threats, etc.), (3) conservation planning (e.g. stakeholder
involvement and collaboration, site selection, designation) and (4) implementation
and management (e.g. compliance, monitoring, etc.) (Banks and Skilleter 2010).
Overarching scientific documents, primary scientific literature and, in some cases,
directed research have had a role at each of these stages and the major linkages are
highlighted below.
1. Establishment of strategic framework for NSW Marine Parks
The justification and framework for establishment and zoning of NSW Marine Parks
was outlined in “Developing a network of marine protected areas in NSW – an
overview” (NSW Government 2001). The stated motivation for this approach was the
NSW Government’s aim to establish a system of marine protected areas in NSW
waters to fulfil its broader commitments to the establishment of a National
Representative System of Marine Protected Areas. However, it stated that “marine
protected areas are not the only means by which biodiversity is conserved. Others
include fishery management plans, fishing closures, estuary and coastal
management plans, conservation agreements, threatened species recovery plans,
threat abatement plans and habitat protection plans”.
The approach used in NSW was strongly guided by the national framework provided
by “Guidelines for establishing the national representative system of marine
protected areas” (ANZECC Task Force on Marine Protected Areas 1998) and the
“Strategic plan of action for the national representative system of marine protected
areas: a guide for action by Australian governments (ANZECC Task Force on Marine
Protected Areas 1999). These documents provide summaries of the broader
National and International commitments to establish and manage a comprehensive,
adequate and representative system of marine protected areas that contributes to the
long-term ecological viability of marine and estuarine systems, as well as the
maintenance of ecological processes and species.
The primary aim of the NSW Government (2001) was to establish a comprehensive,
adequate and representative (CAR) system of marine protected areas that includes a
full range of marine biodiversity at ecosystem, habitat and species level. The guiding
document from the ANZECC Task Force on Marine Protected Areas (1998)
predominantly cites grey literature to justify the use of CAR principles in the design of
marine protected areas. Although the NSW plan includes more primary scientific
literature (e.g. journal articles), it is far from exhaustive. Despite few direct links to
published journal papers, scientists and their discipline-specific knowledge were used
at various stages in the development of the ANZECC guidelines (1998). Most
environmental scientists would recognise that CAR principles have their roots in
ecology and biogeography because they relate the structure and function of
assemblages to ecosystem type and extent, habitat heterogeneity and ecological
gradients at a hierarchy of spatial scales. Since the initial use of CAR principles in
Australian marine protected area management, their application has been further
refined, enhanced and clarified by scientific input (e.g. Fairweather 2009) and
improving analytical techniques (e.g. higher resolution mapping, Jordan et al. 2010,
better defined habitat classifications, Malcolm et al. 2011 or improved optimisation
tools such as Marxan with zones, Watts et al. 2008).
2. Systematic conservation assessment
A science-based systematic conservation assessment of NSW estuarine and coastal
waters was a key part of the establishment of system of marine parks and the
definition of habitats. For the largest and most recent marine parks, this was done
principally through broadscale bioregional assessments in NSW (Avery 2001, Breen
et al. 2004, 2005a, b; Breen 2007). Sixty mesoscale and marine bioregions in
inshore waters and 17 continental shelf provinces and biotones were identified by
scientists and conservation managers in Australian waters to underpin the
establishment of a National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas
(Interim Marine and Coastal Regionalisation for Australia Technical Group 1998).
The bioregionalisation was further developed for off-shore shelf waters in 2006
(Commonwealth of Australia 2006). Six bioregions were identified in NSW waters,
with five coastal mesoscale bioregions (Tweed-Moreton, Manning Shelf, Hawkesbury
Shelf, Batemans Shelf and Twofold Shelf bioregions) and one remote provincialscale bioregion, the Lord Howe Province.
Broadscale biodiversity assessments of NSW coastal bioregions began with an
assessment of Cape Byron Marine Park (Avery 2001) and were progressively
completed and released up to 2005 (Breen et al. 2004, 2005a, b). All NSW waters in
the Lord Howe Provincial Bioregion were incorporated into the NSW Lord Howe
Island Marine Park in 1999 and further assessment of these waters was done in
establishing zoning arrangements for this marine park. The broadscale biodiversity
assessments contain extensive scientific information aimed at facilitating marine
conservation planning, including the establishment and zoning NSW marine parks.
They contain environmental classifications of key ecosystems and habitats,
threatened species information, irreplaceability analyses for ecosystem and habitat
units (done using C-plan software), and evaluations of ecological importance,
condition and vulnerability of marine and estuarine habitats. They included reviews
of adjacent national parks and nature reserves, estuarine condition, catchment
condition, ecological importance, vulnerability and the identification of biodiversity
values. It is important to note that these documents were often starting from a strong
base because they built on previous reviews of conservation values (e.g. potential
aquatic reserve sites, Frances 2000, or potential intertidal protected areas for rocky
shores, Otway 1999). Components of the bioregional assessments were based on
published scientific literature that included appropriate international, national and
local studies.
The zoning of NSW marine parks was done with the best available information at the
time. Estuarine vegetation maps from West et al. (1985) were utilised in the
assessment process, as was spatial information from the NSW Wildlife Atlas.
Specific information on threatened species, such as shore birds and grey nurse
sharks were also included (see references in Avery 2001, Breen et al. 2004, 2005a,
b). To various degrees, information was gathered on marine habitats by collating
existing broad scale bathymetric and other data obtained from acoustic surveys and
aerial photography. This information was complemented during recent zoning
reviews with swath acoustic data from key areas collected using interferometric
sidescan sonar, allowing for the development of high-resolution maps of the seabed
bathymetry and habitats (Jordan et al. 2010, NSW Marine Parks Authority 2010a, b).
Where possible, this information was validated by vessel-towed underwater video
surveys, which also allowed for the description of dominant sessile biota over large
areas of the seabed. Importantly, all of this key habitat information has been
continuously improving as more detailed acoustic habitat mapping and estuarine
habitat mapping has occurred (e.g. Williams et al. 2007). This improved information
has, and will continue to be, used for adaptive management.
Detailed and extensive scientific information typically has a greater potential to inform
the zoning and management of marine protected areas. Moreover, planning can be
conducted with more certainty when applying design criteria. There is, however, a
trade off between delaying for improved scientific information to inform conservation
action and potential further degradation of ecosystems. Consequently,
environmental legislation, policy and management decisions are generally made with
the best information available at that time. More often than not this action results in
positive conservation outcomes in the long-term (e.g. Grantham et al. 2009, Hanson
et al. 2010). Because there are continuing improvements in scientific knowledge
about protected areas, legislation and policy should enable adaptive management to
optimise conservation outcomes (Fuller et al. 2010). For example, recent detailed
mapping of relict reefs on the mid continental shelf of both the mainland coast and
Lord Howe Island has identified unique geomorphic features and allowed an
assessment of their current level of conservation protection. These reefs support
diverse sessile invertebrate assemblages (Jordan et al. 2010, NSW Marine Parks
Authority 2010b), and may be important seabed features used by white sharks
(Bruce and Bradford 2011). In terms of adaptive management, this mapping was
used in the recent zoning plan review for Lord Howe Island Marine Park (NSW
Marine Parks Authority 2010c).
3. Conservation planning
The data compiled in the bioregional assessments and supporting information
underpinned the development of zoning plans for NSW marine parks. In addition,
recent zoning plans and reviews have been conducted with newly acquired data on
estuarine and continental shelf habitats. For example, complete coverage of habitat
mapping for Cape Byron Marine Park was done in 2004 and underpinned
development of the zoning plan. Habitat data has allowed for a spatial analysis of
conservation features and key habitats types and subsequent Marxan analyses
(Breen 2007).
The development and review of zoning plans has involved extensive community
consultation (e.g. information packages, community and stakeholder meetings and
workshops, calls for submissions, information days, work with local advisory
committees, etc.) to incorporate local knowledge and local social and economic
information into zoning plans. Consultation also focuses on Aboriginal people’s
cultural usage and aspirations and how to best incorporate these into the marine park
planning process. The response to request 7 from the Audit Panel includes further
information on community consultation for zoning plan reviews.
The conservation planning teams for zoning NSW marine parks had staff with
scientific training including some with relevant PhDs. Additional science input has
been provided by scientific representatives on individual marine park advisory
committees, as well as targeted science stakeholder workshops. Science
organisations (e.g. AMSA) and individual scientists have also contributed expert
opinion and information towards zoning of NSW Marine Parks through submissions
and as science representatives on local Advisory Committees and the Advisory
Planning for marine parks also involved gathering information on land-based threats
and on ecological risks associated with commercial fishing (see the Environmental
Impact Statements completed for NSW fisheries). In addition, fine scale local
information on licences, catch data and other key variables was evaluated.
Recreational fishers were also consulted via focus group workshops and meetings
with key fishing clubs and organisations. An example of the range of data sources
utilised during park establishment and zoning plan development for Batemans Marine
Park is presented in Appendix 1.
For some NSW marine parks, monitoring was undertaken during the conservation
planning phase to gather “before” data to establish baselines to inform future
adaptive management. For example, shallow reef fish, invertebrate and algal
assemblages were surveyed in Batemans Marine Park (BMP) prior to the
commencement of the zoning plan and these data will allow a comparison of
changes between pre- and post-zoning patterns. In addition, a comprehensive
Baited Remote Underwater Video sampling program has been conducted on
intermediate depth reefs annually since the park was established. Both datasets will
provide an important input into the assessment and review of the BMP zoning and
operational plans.
As well as biophysical data, socio-economic studies were often undertaken and
incorporated into the planning process. In some cases, this included socio-economic
assessments of NSW marine parks (e.g. AgEcon Plus 2010 a, b, CARE 2006, NSW
Marine Parks Authority 2006 a, b, 2010d). Such assessments have included socioeconomic profiles, establishment of costs and benefits of marine parks, input-output
analyses, projected impacts of the marine parks on resource use activities and
projected influences on the regional economy. See the document “23 Backgrounder
on economics research in marine parks” for more information.
Recent operational plans for Cape Byron, Port Stephens–Great Lakes and Batemans
marine parks (NSW Marine Parks Authority 2010 e, f, g) have considered and
documented the values and threats to marine biodiversity in each park as a basis for
developing and prioritising strategies and actions for operational park management
activities. Scientific information on the natural, cultural and economic values of each
park and how threats of resource use, land-based pollution and habitat impacts,
marine-based pollution, marine biosecurity and climate change are likely to affect
these values in each park were considered in these operational plans.
4. On-going management of NSW marine parks
There is ongoing scientific research to support the management of NSW marine
parks. This is delivered principally through (i) five marine park research scientists
and (ii) science-trained managers (e.g. 2 managers have relevant PhDs).
Furthermore, the scientific research undertaken in marine parks remains heavily
dependent on linkages with other researchers, expertise, facilities, and infrastructure
in broader marine and coastal science programs within the NSW Office of
Environment and Heritage Scientific Services Division and the NSW Department of
Primary Industries Fisheries Research Branch. For example, a Marine Conservation
Science Unit was established in the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage to
coordinate the marine parks science program and conduct the marine mapping
research, which has been widely recognised as a key component of the information
required to effectively plan and monitor marine park zoning arrangements
(Fairweather et al. 2009). The seabed mapping program has involved contributions
from numerous agency and external scientists, and ongoing capital investment in
vessels and mapping equipment has continued to enhance the capabilities (Creese
et al. 2009, Jordan et al. 2010). In addition, both organisations have collectively
developed the marine park research and monitoring program from a team of two
scientists in the mid 2000s, and continue to facilitate linkages to national marine and
coastal science forums, academic collaborations such as the Sydney Institute of
Marine Science, and facilities such as the Integrated Marine Observing System.
Australian Government agencies, as well as University-based researchers and
environmental, socio-economic, archaeological and social science consultants often
conduct fundamental, applied and strategic research within and adjacent to NSW
marine parks. Such activities has resulted in significant expertise being available for
interpreting the scientific literature and communicating and brokering the science in a
way that it can be used to inform marine park planning and reviews.
A Strategic Framework for the Evaluation and Monitoring of Marine Parks in NSW
was initially developed in 2004 by the then Marine Parks Research Committee. This
framework underpinned the NSW Marine Parks Strategic Research Plan 2005-2010.
In 2010 the two documents were revised and combined, incorporating advice from
the Marine Parks Advisory Council, local marine park advisory committees and the
annual Marine Parks Authority research planning workshops, which involve marine
park scientists, scientific representatives on the Advisory Council and Advisory
Committees, additional researchers active in marine parks and representatives from
the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and NSW Department of Primary
Industries. Preparation of the Marine Parks Strategic Research Framework 20102015 also took into account and addressed all recommendations from an
independent review of marine park science (Fairweather et al. 2009). The Strategic
Research Framework 2010-2015 identifies thirty research objectives which are used
by the Marine Parks Authority to identify and prioritise research programs that will
receive significant funding and operational support from the Authority. It also
includes activities that have important components of research into marine parks
which are part of the whole of government approach to marine biodiversity
conservation and are led by other agencies.
Direct links between science and NSW marine park management form part of routine
business for marine park staff. This is especially the case for permit assessment,
which is a key method for NSW marine parks to manage threats to marine
biodiversity. For example, a recent application for a permit to establish a water ski
slalom area in a narrow section of the Clyde River Estuary was declined based on (i)
the results of experiments demonstrating impacts of boat wakes to seagrass fauna
(Bishop 2008), with seagrass being an important habitat in the areas of the marine
park in question and (ii) the use of a science-derived decision support tool to assess
the impacts of boat wakes on unconsolidated shores (Glamore 2008).
5. Specific examples of the interactions between science, legislation and
management in a NSW marine park management
The application of scientific research is often directly used to frame the specific
management of threats and habitats in NSW marine parks.
For example, the habitat surrogates for marine biodiversity used in the establishment
of NSW marine parks were based on the best available data at the time. For rocky
reefs habitat surrogates were originally largely based on depth, with shallow (<25 m),
intermediate (25–60 m) and deep (>60 m) reef areas identified. It is clear that these
simple descriptors would miss much of the variation in reefs assemblages, especially
in relation to habitat complexity or distance from shore. Several years of research
demonstrated significant cross shelf variation in reef fish assemblages in the Solitary
Islands Marine Park, and the importance of distance from shore in capturing reef
biodiversity in conservation planning (Malcolm et al. 2009, 2011). The combination
of a greater coverage of local high-definition habitat mapping (NSW MPA 2010b),
and the refinement of habitat surrogates from Malcolm et al.’s research enhanced
biodiversity planning in the review of the zoning plan of the Solitary Islands Marine
Another useful example comes from trawling in the Batemans Marine Park. Prior to
the establishment of the Park, trawling occurred throughout much of the Batemans
Shelf Bioregion. During the systematic conservation assessment phase, it was
established that Batemans Marine Park had large expanses of low-relief reef. A risk
assessment for trawling in NSW determined that biota on low-relief reefs was at high
risk from trawling activities (DPI 2004, Astles et al. 2009). Consultation, economic
assessment, industry agreement and appropriate commercial fishing buy-out
arrangements resulted in the cessation of trawling in Batemans Marine Park in 2007.
Significantly, this action complements the Ocean Trawl Fishery Management
Strategy (2007) demonstrating an alignment between marine parks and fisheries
management. Management response 1.1b in the Strategy specifies that
approximately 75 percent of NSW waters south of Barrenjoey Point (Sydney) would
be closed to trawling to protect a range of ocean habitats and associated biodiversity.
The waters of Batemans Marine Park represent the single largest component of
those waters protected from trawling. The buy-out of trawling from Batemans Marine
Park also contributed to the implementation of a zoning plan that has most effectively
met the objectives of the managed-use zones and permitted activities, compared with
other NSW marine parks (Read and West 2010).
Given the potential impacts of illegal trawling activity, enforcement was prioritised in
the compliance plan for Batemans Marine Park and is a key part of the day-to-day
activities of staff in the Marine Park. To evaluate the effectiveness of these
management actions, monitoring programs were expanded to include areas inside
and outside Batemans Marine Park. The aim of this monitoring is to contribute to
zoning plan reviews and to help determine whether adaptive management action is
required for trawling and other threats.
6. Conclusion
In summary, the establishment and management of NSW marine parks has a strong
basis in ecological and to a lesser extent social and economic science. In many
cases, there are clear and direct linkages among science, legislation and
management. However, these linkages are not always explicit and instead have
evolved over decades of scientific and departmental input, with the original links to
the primary scientific literature becoming incorporated into government corporate
knowledge and management plans for marine parks.
7. References
ANZECC Task Force on Marine Protected Areas (1998) Guidelines for establishing
the National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas. Australian and
New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Task Force on Marine
Protected Areas. Environment Australia, Canberra.
ANZECC Task Force on Marine Protected Areas (1999) Strategic Plan of Action for
the national representative System of Marine Protected Areas: A guide for action
by Australian Governments. Australian and New Zealand Environment and
Conservation Council, Task Force on Marine Protected Areas. Environment
Australia, Canberra.
Astles KA, Gibbs PJ, Steffe AS, Green M (2009) A qualitative risk-based assessment
of impacts on marine habitats and harvested species for a data deficient wild
capture fishery. Biological Conservation 142: 2759–2773.
Avery RP (2001) Byron Bay Marine Park Assessment. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
Banks SA, Skilleter GA (2010) Implimenting marine reserve networks: a comparison
of approaches in New South Wales (Australia) and New Zealand. Marine Policy
34: 197-207.
Bishop MJ (2008) Displacement of epifauna from seagrass blades by boat wake.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 354: 111-118.
Breen DA, Avery RP and Otway NM (2004) Broadscale biodiversity assessment of
the Manning Shelf marine bioregion. NSW Marine Parks Authority and the
Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage.
Breen DA, Avery RP and Otway NM (2005a) Broadscale biodiversity assessment of
the Batemans Shelf and Twofold Shelf marine bioregions. NSW Marine Parks
Authority and the Australian Government Department of Environment and
Breen DA, Avery RP and Otway NM (2005b) Broadscale biodiversity assessment of
the Hawkesbury Shelf marine bioregion. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
Breen D (2007) Systematic conservation assessments for marine protected areas in
New South Wales, Australia. PhD Thesis, James Cook University, Queensland.
Bruce BD, Bradford RW (2011) Near-shore habitat use by white sharks in coastal
waters off Port Stephens. Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management
CARE (2006) The estimated economic impact of Batemans Marine Park on
commercial activities. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
Creese R, Glasby T, West G, Gallen C (2009) Mapping the habitats of NSW
estuaries. Report to the Hunter Central Rivers Catchment Management
Authority, 95pp.
Fairweather P (2009) How South Australia is embedding CAR - and the science
behind marine parks - across a whole network. Australian Marine Science
Bulletin 180 32-33.
Fairweather P, Buxton C, Robinson J (2009) Marine park science in NSW – an
independent review. NSW Marine Park Advisory Council.
Frances J (2000) Identification of candidate site for aquatic reserves in the
Hawkesbury Shelf and Batemans Shelf bioregions. NSW Fisheries (DPI).
Fuller RA, McDonald-Madden E, Wilson KA, Carwardine J, Grantham HS, Watson
JE, Klein CJ, Green DC, Possingham HP (2010) Replacing underperforming
protected areas achieves better conservation outcomes. Nature 466, 365–367.
Glamore WC (2008) A Decision Support Tool for Assessing the Impact of Boat Wake
Waves on Inland Waterways. On-Course. Water Research Laboratory, UNSW.
Grantham HS, Bode M, McDonald-Madden E, Game ET, Knight AT, Possingham HP
(2009) Effective conservation planning requires learning and adaption. Frontiers
in Ecology and the Environment 8: 431–437.
Hansen GJA., Ban NC, Jones ML, Kaufman L, Panes HM, Yasué M, Vincent, ACJ
(2011) Hindsight in marine protected area selection: A comparison of ecological
representation arising from opportunistic and systematic approaches. Biological
Conservation 144:1866-1875.
Hutchings PA and Lunney D (2003) Conserving Marine Environments: out of sight
out of mind. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
Interim Marine and Coastal Regionalisation for Australia Technical Group (1998)
Interim Marine and Coastal Regionalisation for Australia: and ecosystem-based
classification for marine and coastal environments, Version 3.3. Environment
Australia, Commonwealth Department of Environment, Canberra.
Jordan A, Davies P, Ingleton T, Mesley E, Neilson J and Pritchard T (2010) Seabed
habitat mapping of continental shelf waters of NSW. NSW Department of
Environment, Climate Change and Water Occasional Paper Series.
Malcolm H, Smith SDA and Jordan A (2009) Using patterns of reef fish assemblages
to refine a Habitat Classification System for marine parks in NSW, Australia.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20: 83–92.
Malcolm H, Jordan A and Smith SDA (2011) Testing a depth-based habitat
classification system against reef fish assemblage patterns in a subtropical
marine park. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21: 173–
NSW Department of Primary Industries (2004) Ocean Trawl Fishery Environmental
Impact Statement. NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla.
NSW Department of Primary Industries (2007) Fisheries management strategy for
the NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery. NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla.
NSW Government (2001) Developing an representative system of marine protected
areas in NSW: an overview. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
NSW Marine Parks Authority (2006) Socio-Economic Assessment of the Batemans
Marine Park. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
NSW MPA (2010a) Solitary Islands and Jervis Bay Marine Parks, Research Project
Summaries 2002 – 2009. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
NSW MPA (2010b) Seabed mapping in the Solitary Islands Marine Park and Jervis
Bay Marine Park. NSW Marine Parks Authority.
Otway N (1999) Identification of candidate sites for declaration as aquatic reserves
for the conservation of rocky intertidal communities in the Hawkesbury Shelf and
Batemans Shelf bioregions. NSW Fisheries.
Read AD and West RJ (2010) Qualitative risk assessment of multiple-use marine
park effectiveness - a case study from NSW, Australia. Ocean & Coastal
Management 53: 636-644.
Watts ME, Klein CK, Stewart RR, Ball IR, Possingham HP (2008) Marxan with zones
(V1.0.1): Conservation Zoning using Spatially Explicit Annealing. Environmental
Modelling & Software 24: 1513-1521.
West RJ, Thorogood CA, Walford TR, Williams RJ (1985) An estuarine inventory for
New South Wales, Australia. Fisheries Bulletin 2. NSW Dept of Agriculture.
Williams RJ, West G, Morrison N, Creese RG (2007) Estuarine Resources of NSW.
Report prepared for the NSW Department of Planning.
Table 1: Example scientific data and stakeholder information used to establish
the zoning plan of the Batemans Marine Park
Breen DA, Avery, RP and Otway NM (2005) Broadscale Biodiversity Assessment of the
Batemans Shelf and Twofold Shelf Marine Bioregions. Marine Parks Authority
The bioregional assessments required datasets that covered whole bioregions (to minimise
bias towards well-studies sites).
The Batemans/Twofold bioregional assessment used the following datasets:
Estuarine ecosystems
ecosystems classification from Roy et al. (2001) Structure and function of southeast Australian estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 53: 351-384
GIS coverage from NSW Waterways (NSW Maritime)
oblique aerial photos from DIPNR (DNR/DECC)
Ocean ecosystems
classification from NSW Waterways and Australian Hydrographic Office
bathymetric data
oceanography – summary of oceanographic process from several scientific
seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh habitats – West et al. (1985) An estuarine
inventory for NSW. NSW Fisheries
shallow subtidal reef and shoal – digitised from aerial photography and Australian
Hydrographic Office marine survey charts
islands and emergent rocks – from Australian Marine Boundary Information
System (Commonwealth, Geoscience Australia)
shallow subtidal sediments – digitised from aerial photography
exposed intertidal beach and intertidal rocky shore– digital cadastral database and
1:25,000 topographic mapping (Department of Lands)
estuarine fish biodiversity dataset – NSW Fisheries
commercial fish catch data – NSW Fisheries
threatened fish species sightings – NSW Fisheries
threatened grey nurse shark surveys (65 sites) – NSW Fisheries
threatened birds – Wildlife Atlas and NPWS recovery plans
significant areas for shorebirds and seabirds – Commonwealth Department of
Environment and Heritage
marine mammals and reptiles – Commonwealth Department of Environment and
Heritage, Transport Safety Bureau ‘Oil Spill Response Atlas’
Ecological importance, condition and vulnerability
directory of important wetlands in Australia (Commonwealth)
independent inquiry into coastal lakes (NSW Healthy Rivers Commission)
environmental inventory of estuaries and coastal lagoons (Total Environment
Australian estuaries database and Ozestuaries database (Commonwealth)\
adjacent national parks and nature reserves (NPWS), wilderness (NPWS), state
forest (Forests NSW), SEPP14 wetlands (DIPNR), land capability (DLWC), built-up
areas (Geoscience Australia)and acid sulphate soils (DLWC)
Australian river and catchment condition database
Information from previous assessments
estuaries – Frances J (2000) Identification of candidate site for aquatic reserves in
the Hawkesbury Shelf and Batemans Shelf bioregions. NSW Fisheries (DPI)
rocky intertidal communities – Otway N (1999) Identification of candidate sites for
declaration as aquatic reserves for the conservation of rocky intertidal communities
in the Hawkesbury Shelf and Batemans Shelf bioregions. NSW Fisheries
rocky intertidal communities – Short JM (1995) Protection of coastal rock platforms
in NSW. Total Environment Centre
Data compiled and analysed in the bioregional assessment under-pinned development of
the zoning plan. Further finer scale data and information was collected as outlined below.
Ecological data
underwater visual census of rocky reef fish at key sites
habitat mapping (Geoswath habitat mapping program) – approx 11,000 ha of
ocean waters
consolidated habitat map for marine park
data from local Estuary Management Committees on estuarine vegetation
updated mapping of estuarine vegetation, with distribution of seagrasses,
mangroves and saltmarshes
updated shorebird data – distribution and breeding sites from Wildlife Atlas
baited underwater video surveys of fish communities (baseline survey following
zoning plan development, but preceding implementation)
Local knowledge and research
Eurobodalla Shire Council, providing a survey of local business and other expert
Stakeholder focus groups who provided information about locations of unusual or
significant habitat types
commercial fishers, who provided information on aggregations of commercially
important species
local Landcare groups
Commercial fishery data and information on risk and threats
Commercial fishery Environmental Impact Statements
Ocean Trawl
Estuarine Trawl
Estuarine General
Ocean Trap and Line
abalone catch data (for fine scale reporting zones of the fishery)
lobster catch data (for fine scale reporting zones of the fishery)
catch data for each estuary was also provided, giving a measure of the importance
of particular estuaries to commercial fishing
Recreational fishery data and information
State Fisheries Officers
focus group workshops, from individuals and fishing clubs
park user surveys
submissions on the draft zoning plan
Socio-economic information
input-output analysis of regional economy (including fisheries production)
socio-economic profile of region
park user surveys and focus group data about use of the marine park