Farming health - Vasthu Sastra

Farming wealth
THE recent bird flu scare in Sungai Buloh, Selangor, prompted readers to ask whether
Vasthu Sastra rules can be applied in poultry farms to avoid such situations.
Yes, there are Vasthu recommendations to ensure poultry and livestock breed healthily.
The ancient science of construction stresses that all living things should live
harmoniously with the environment, particularly in the space they occupy, so that they
enjoy health and peace.
Just like human beings, animals are also sensitive to improper orientation of the five
elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth) in space they occupy. In fact, research and
studies have shown that animals are more responsive to their surroundings than humans,
which is why they react faster and even more strongly than people to any environmental
change or impending natural calamities.
This was evident during the Asian tsunami on Dec 26, 2004, when animals in many
countries were reported to have moved to higher ground before the waves hit the shore.
According to Vasthu Sastra, an auspicious farm should have its entrance in the north or
east, as these two directions would allow positive energy to flow in to ensure that the
owner will enjoy improved growth. Livestock in such farms will be calm and healthy and
will grow well.
West and south facing farms are not ideal because the farm owner will experience a
higher operating expenditure and have unwanted expenses, like animals requiring
medical attention regularly.
Cattle owners should avoid properties with a diagonal orientation, like north-east, northwest, south-east and south-west, as these entrances are not favourable. People operating a
farm business in such locations will experience stress, have no peace of mind, face a lot
of hard work and have weak financial results.
Within the farm, animal sheds, for cows in particular, should be in the north or south
quadrants. Cow pens should be arranged so the animals face north, as such placement
will ensure the animals are comfortable.
Animals, like humans, need to live in harmony with
their environment if they are to be healthy.
The second choice of location for the animal shed should be in the east or north-west.
Avoid completely placing animals in the south-east, the fire corner, because animals in
this location will behave aggressively, be unhealthy and give poor produce.
The north-west quadrant should be used for workers’ quarters, as employees located here
will be obedient and hardworking.
The storeroom and machine room should be placed in the west and any water features,
like ponds or catchments, should be in the north-east.
The farm office should be located in the south-west corner, which is the prosperity and
master’s quadrant, and the boss should face north when sitting and conducting business.
As all farms are, of course, located in rural areas, the surroundings are also vital. Try to
ensure there are no bodies of water, like rivers or streams, in areas other than the north
and east.
If there are mountains in the vicinity, ensure the farm is located so the mountains are to
the farm’s south and west.
Avoid any “spearing” roads leading into the farm; and if a portion of the farm is on raised
ground, the higher ground should be in the western and southern quadrants. The lower
ground should be in the eastern and northern regions. The best situation, of course, is to
have the farm on level ground.
Vasthu talks
The columnist will present a talk on Vasthu Sastra today at MPH Bookstore, Mid Valley
Megamall, Kuala Lumpur. Admission is free.
Another talk will be held on July 1 at 3pm at Auditorium Tan Sri Soma at Wisma Tun
Sambanthan, Kuala Lumpur. Admission is by contribution of RM10 to the Art of Living
Centre welfare activities. To register, contact Ambika at 012-656 4943.
A similar session will be held on July 8 at 3pm at the Emperor Hotel in Malacca.
Admission is by contribution of RM10 to the Happiness Centre for Mentally Disabled
Children. To register, contact Chandran at 016-601 8237.
 T. Selva, The Star’s Sunday Metro Editor, has spent years researching and writing
about the ancient Indian science of construction, better known as ‘Indian feng shui’. He
is the first disciple of 7th generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai,