Star 13/04/03 Positioned for harmony

Star 13/04/03 Positioned for harmony
PEACE of mind is what everyone is seeking now because of late, news on the war in Iraq and
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) has affected all of us in some way or other.
Vasthu stresses the importance of domestic happiness because only when your home is in
harmony will its occupants will be able to enjoy happiness, prosperity, health – and peace of
I have e-mails from readers asking how to avoid or reduce tension and quarrels between
husband and wife, or between parents and children. Another complaint is that household
expenditure usually exceeds income.
It is vital to identify which sector of the house the property owner or head of the family
occupies as the wrong sector can affect the dwellers' peace of mind, behaviour, education,
happiness, health and finances.
In ancient times, kings used to ensure that they sat on their thrones in the correct sector of
the palace when delivering judgments or meeting the people, so that their decisions would be
well received.
The south-west was deemed the most powerful sector by the kings; Vasthu stresses that it's
the best location for the head of the family.
If you are moving into or already occupying a property, make sure the breadwinner or head of
the family occupies the bedroom in the south-west. (See graphic.)
Do not use the bedroom in this sector of the house for guests or the children.
Also ensure the south-west of your plot has no ponds or fountains because the water element
in this sector can affect the peace of mind of the owner or his/her elders. If there is a
depressed south-west sector on your plot that collects rain water, fill it up with earth to remedy
the fault.
I found that many readers who related their problems to me were not staying in the southwest bedroom, mainly due to the design of their properties.
But they can still observe Vasthu principles if they are willing to give up their master bedroom
that is not in the south-west and occupy a smaller bedroom or space in the south-west –
highly recommended for the harmonious relationship of couples, and the prosperity of the
Administration assistant G. Moganesh from Selayang, Selangor, said she and her husband
have seen profound changes in their life, particularly where finances are concerned, after
sleeping in the south-west sector of their apartment, which is the hall. They are now looking to
rent a property with a bedroom in the correct position and want to give up their current place,
which they co-own.
A family's good behaviour is crucial to its happiness, and to ensure t members stay united.
Children who stay in a non-Vasthu recommended sector like the south-east can be rebellious
and experience constant conflict with their parents, verbally or even physically. Such an
unfavourable location can also affect their studies.
Vasthu recommends that the female child should stay in the north-west bedroom and the
male child, the north-east. These sectors will ensure that they are calm and composed, and
have a positive personality and frame of mind. .
The north-west is unfavourable for infants and those whose minds are disturbed. This room
could be used for guests.
If your child is timid or shy, try placing her in the south-east bedroom. This is the fire corner,
which relates to an aggressive attitude. This sector will help her come out of her shell and
boost her confidence.
But one should avoid placing hyperactive or combative children in the south-east bedroom.
Married couples should also avoid sleeping there or they will be constantly hostile to each
Children’s education is another major concern; a child who performs well in her studies brings
happiness to the home.
But some kids do not fare well despite putting in a lot of hard work and effort. There are also
those who feel tired and lose their focus. This can be a result of being in the wrong location
and direction.
Students who have problems with their studies should head for the south-east sector, and
occupy the extreme north-east corner of the room facing east. The same can be done in the
north-east room, which is the first corner of the property to be touched by the rays of the
morning sun.
Vasthu advises children to sleep facing east to enjoy the goodness of the positive energy that
flows into the property. This position is said to help students understand their lessons better.
Satisfaction and happiness at work contribute to a happy family. To achieve that, the dweller
should observe the art of placement in the office as well as at home.
Check the seating area of your room in the office and ensure that you occupy the south-west
sector and face east or north-east. This will enable you to think properly and make fair
decisions on work-related matters.
To enhance your finances, place a bowl of water in the north-east sector and keep the place
clean and free from weight. Valuables, cash and important documents should be kept in the
north sector of the property and the safe should open towards the north.
Case study
Supervisor V. Selvakumar of Taman Markisah, Penang, found that his life improved after
following Vasthu rules.
He had wanted to take up a part-time job and re-finance his house to settle his debts. But two
banks that he approached turned him down because his name had been blacklisted. He was
also unable to get a second job in the past year.
Selvakumar then decided to make changes to his east-facing house. He had been sleeping in
the north-east bedroom and his prayer room was in the south-west.
He and his wife shifted to the south-west bedroom and moved the altar to the north-east
room. They also removed a blue carpet and a money plant.
Two weeks after these changes, Selvakumar approached a bank and was surprised to be
offered a RM100,000 loan. That same week, he managed to secure a part-time job.
“I’m now confident about settling my credit card debts in three months. I’m very happy
because the Vasthu changes in my house have improved my life and my family's,” said the
father of three.
He was also delighted that he could follow the Vasthu recommendations without having to
renovate his house.
A talk on Vasthu Sastra and Ayurveda will be held on May 11, 3pm at Lake View Club
(SS12/1, Subang Jaya) Speakers are T.Selva and Ayurveda expert Dr.C.D.Siby. Admission
is free. To register, contact Shen at 03-79542899.
The writer can be contacted at