Tennis - Aldeburgh Town Council

Present: Cllr Jones took the Chair
Committee members:
Cllr Cox
Cllr Davis
Cllr Jones
Cllr Marson
Cllr Stedman-Keeble
Cllr Worster
There were 3 members of the public present.
Apologies: Cllr Digby
Approval of Previous Minutes
Cllr Jones commended the draft minutes of the Estates Committee Meeting held on 30 January
2012 for APPROVAL without amendment. There was one Abstention through absence.
APPROVED. The Minutes were duly signed.
Matters for Discussion
On Friday 17th February sport England visited Aldeburgh to present a giant sized-cheque of
£20000 from the LTA. This was accepted by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. A bigger celebration
will take place with the LTA in April after the works are complete and the 'real' monies received.
Cllr Jones reported that free coaching lessons on Saturday mornings has taken place the last two
weeks and this week had 3 enthusiastic children. Hopefully as the weather gets warmer and word
gets around numbers will increase. Work commences on the floodlighting on 5 March and EDF
are completing their survey the same day.
Cllr Davis asked that secretarial activities re memberships be on the agenda this month. As a
reminder, ATC brought the admin for this in-house when it was decided it was more cost
effective to do the admin and retain 100% of the membership fees, than for the Bowls club to
administer and retain half. The Tennis club have taken over the cash collection of Pay as you
Go from the Bowls club and annually handover the full takings to ATC.
Cllr Jones confirmed the arrangement with the Bowls Club sees them collecting their
membership and green fees and they retain this money to cover the non vat-able greenkeeping
and cleaning costs that they manage and account for on behalf of ATC. Unlike the Bowls Club
Tennis do not fund any maintenance costs on behalf of the Council. Over the last year the Tennis
Club has tried to get email contact details for members, so most of the contact can be via this
medium. The Tennis club use this to send out regular newsletters to members. Cllr Jones
suggested that ATC retains the control of membership to support the leading role there has been
on the successful grant applications. Part of the plan to support the LTA grant is to increase
membership. The success of this will be very dependent on the Tennis Club seeking further new
members, and their focus should be on getting new members and chasing up renewals for
existing members. It was agreed to proceed with the current situation and review in early 2013.
Once frosts have cleared, the groundsman will repair the concrete render on the low wall
between the two courts. A builder may be required to look at the far end where some of the
brickwork might need replacing.
Bowls Pavilion
There was nothing new to report.
Football Pitches
There was nothing to report.
Cllr Jones reported that Roger Gladwell has agreed to re-surface the pitch in March and will
confirm a date shortly, but will require dry weather to do this work.
3.2 Project Plan Updates
All projects are being discussed at this meeting.
Management/maintenance of Council Property and Land
Property maintenance
Collapsed Wall – Jubilee Walk & Kings Field Wall
Cllr Jones confirmed receipt of three quotes for the rebuilding of the wall using and
supplementing the existing bricks on new foundations and installing two gates and the
recommendation is for Fieldens to undertake the work. They have been extremely helpful during
the process and the quote will enable us to complete the work under budget.
Cllr Worster PROPOSED the Committee RECOMMEND to Full Council that ATC proceeds
with Fieldens and envisage a 50% donation from the three residents who are supportive of
reaching a conclusion. SECONDED BY: Cllr Harris.
In Favour:
Abstentions: 0
Kings Field Shelter
Cllr Jones explained that the Shelter has now been repaired and anti vandalism measures been
taken and disabled access created. She thanked Cllr Cox and Brian Nickels for their hard work
last week doing this. Cllr Jones confirmed that the supplier came and repaired the roof, so it is
now looking good again. She went on to outline that the height of the seating was unable to be
raised, so suggested either putting a bench in there or create some seating.
Cllr Webster enquired if the modifications have invalidated the guarantee on the structure in any
There was no update from Anne Westover at SCDC on the horse chestnut tree adjacent to the
tennis courts.
This has now become the responsibility of Cllr Harris, who has reallocated three allotments. He
requested assistance as he was keen to renumber the plots. Cllrs Jones and Marson agreed to
support the allotments.
Aldeburgh Community & Sports Trust
Cllr Jones stated that there was little progress to report, but there was work going on to actively
fill the vacant Trustee positions and requested that any recommendations were given to existing
Trustees. The accounts were being produced, which is currently preventing a budget plan being
Kings Field Marshes
Cllr Jones suggested a plan of ditch drainage needed to be agreed with Strutt & Parker as this
work cannot now take place until October. Cllr Marson pointed out that the ditch directly behind
the allotments required draining. Cllr Jones explained there will be a rent review in May and the
plan should be secured as part of these negotiations.
Cllr Jones has spoken to the Groundsman & he will meet with Cllrs Cox and Jones to review the
recommendations and agree how to proceed – in particular with regard to the work on the
wooden climbing equipment in the fenced in area.
Scout Hut
Cllr Jones confirmed she has been in contact with the association regarding a leaking overflow
and they will deal with it asap.
Committee Finance Business
There was nothing to report.
New Estates Business
Cllr Jones asked Cllrs to consider allocating a section of the Town Noticeboard to Sport. She
explained that all sports functions in the town would be encouraged to have a small poster
advertising where and when they play and who to contact if you are interesting in
participating/joining. It would cover all sporting activities in the town, wherever they take place.
Cllrs Cox and Jones have been discussing a couple of linked initiatives. The first is to contact the
Youth Club to see if there is any Sports equipment they would like to use now the evenings will
lengthen as they may want to be outside for some of their meetings, including five-a- side goal
posts and rounders sets. She confirmed she had spoken with Cllr Herbert Jones who believes this
project could be funded from the Playspaces fund.
Cllr Jones went on to explain that linked to this, is to work with representatives to develop a Sports
activities week during the summer holidays where there is a different Sports activity every
afternoon, culminating in an event on the final afternoon/ evening at the Community Centre
where all Sports get together and promote a wide range of activities, including football, cricket,
darts, the Golf Club, Yacht Club, Bowls and Boules. Cllr Jones asked for other Cllrs to join a
working party to develop this initiative further and Cllrs Worster and Stedman-Keeble offered
their support. Cllr Jones stated that she intended to contact and work with the Community Centre
and the Youth Club to move the concept along to fruition.
There being nothing further to discuss, the meeting was formally closed at 8.45pm