Early Medieval

AP Art History Style Review: Early Medieval
Purse Cover from Sutton Hoo
Lindisfarne Gospels ca 698
ca 625
Book of Kells
8th or 9th century
Early medieval is sometimes characterized by intricate jewel-like designs. The so-called animal style of the Sutton Hoo
purse cover reappears in the intricate designs in both illuminated manuscripts.
St Matthew, Ebbo Gospels
ca 820
St Matthew, Coronation Gospels ca 800 Saint Matthew, Lindisfarne Gospels ca
In manuscript Illumination, artistic styles vary but the composition usually remains similar because of the belief that the
image is as sacred as the text and therefore would not be altered.
9th century Marcus Aurelius
Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne
St. Vitale
Carolingian art under the reign of Emperor Charlemagne is a revival of the grandeur of Rome as seen in the equestrian
statues and the monumental architecture.
Suicide of Judas and Crucifixion 420
Gero Crucifix
The Early Christian depiction of Christ who is not suffering depicted in the artwork on the left has later evolved into a
more naturalistic representation showing the physical suffering of a crucifixion.