Overseas Player - Hertfordshire Cricket League

Saracens Hertfordshire Premier Cricket League
Player Registration - Season 2015
Premier Registration Information
Player eligibility criteria are set out below and detailed on Player Category Flow Chart Checker or if in doubt, contact
SHCL Registration Secretary for clarification
Cat 1 – Player who has a British or Irish citizenship and was born within England & Wales
Players who have been permanently resident in UK for four or more years at the time of registration
Cat 2 – Players with full summer contract to First Class County Club & eligible to play for England - one per team
Cat 3 – Players who are genuinely visiting UK under UKBA rules and have been permanently resident in UK for less than 18
months at the time of registration – one per team
Cat 3E –Players who are genuinely visiting UK under UKBA rules and with between 18 months & 4 years UK permanent
residency at time of registration – one per team or two if no cat 3 player
All players must be registered on ECB play-cricket & on SHPCL websites prior to playing first match.
Category 1 Players have a yearly role over registration subject to meeting yearly registration requirements
Category 2, 3, & 3E Players must be re-registered each season, subject to Registration rules on play cricket-cricket and
with SHPCL, by using form below.
Emailing copy of player documentation to registration@hertsleague.co.uk for confirmation
Registration - www.play-cricket.com as a Hertfordshire Cricket League player and on
SHPCL website - www.hertsleague.co.uk as a Premier player
Players can only be registered for one ECB Premier league at a time and can only play for one team in a particular ECB
Cat 1 Players must be registered by 10am on day of match
Cat 2, 3 & 3E players must be registered by 10pm on Wednesday prior to first match in which, the player is eligible to
Transfers between clubs (including transfers from other ECB leagues) are allowed subject to completing conditions, but
must be completed by 10 pm on the Wednesday prior to a Saturday / Sunday match.
Players playing in wrong category will be treated as an unregistered player
Playing an unregistered player will be an automatic team 10 point penalty for each occasion.
All Players must conform to UK Border Agency (UKBA) requirements (updated 24th April 2015) as per UK Border
Agency website
 Clubs should be aware that the UK Government has introduced a “Managed Migration” System
 Players with a UKBA – Sponsors Licence
Tiers 2 & 5 – Players with Cricket Sponsors Certificate are eligible to play in SHPCL Premier Divisions subject
to UK Border Agency rules
 From 24th April 2015, UKBA introduced a new STANDARD VISIT VISA (up to six months)
Players are now eligible to play in recreational cricket as long as the main purpose they entered UK was to join an
amateur team or club to gain experience in playing cricket in the UK
The player must NOT receive payment from a UK source for any activities undertaken in UK, except for reasonable
 Non Visa Nationals are treated the same as Standard Visitors with same conditions of entry into UK
a) Players working in the community, including cricket coaches who are not permanently resident in UK, require a new
Overseas Police Clearance Certificate every year, prior to commencement of work whether paid or voluntary.
b) Non UK coaches must be registered with ECB prior to commencement of work whether paid or voluntary
Saracens Hertfordshire Premier Cricket League
Non-UK Resident
Premier Player Registration Form
Season 2015
Name of Club ............................................................................................ Registration Category
Players First Name…………………………………………Players Second Name………………………………………..
Player details for SHPCL Premier Player Registration – (All must be completed)
(Club to email copy of player passport to SHPCL Registration secretary PRIOR TO REGISTRATION and other
documents as specified within seven days. In certain circumstances original documents may be asked for).
Nationality......................................................... ...........Date Player last entered UK ……………………............
Passport No………………………………....................Date of Birth....................................................................
Players UK Postal Address.................................................................................................................... Post code........................
Dual Passport or Right of Abode
Yes/ No
Sponsors certificate
Standard Visit visa
Work Permit
Yes / No
Yes/ No
Non –visa National
Yes / No
(Compliant to Standard Visit visa rules)
Overseas Federal Police Check
Yes / No
Coaching Qualifications
Player registered with ECB, as an Overseas Coach
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Is the main purpose of the players visit to the UK, to be a Sports Person and to join an amateur
cricket team or club to gain experience in playing cricket?
Yes / No
If No – state reason why ........................................................................................................................
Player agrees to abide by Club & SHPCL Code of Conduct
Yes / No
Player’s signature (confirming above detail)..................................................................................
Players with a UK STANDARD
VISIT VISA or equivalent
Must NOT receive payment or undertake work, subject to UK Visa & Immigration rules.
Club to confirm that above player conforms to UKBA rules, as far as the club is concerned
Yes / No
Previous UK Clubs; insert none if applicable 2013 ......................................................:2014: ....................................................
Highest level of cricket played by player:
(indicate as appropriate)
National Age Group team
First Class
Non First Class
Club Official verifying information: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Club contact email address: ………………………………………………………………….
Club contact telephone number.....................................................................................Date.................................................
No Non-UK player registered under ABOVE may play in any SHPCL division until
The League Registration Officer has confirmed acceptance of the registration
RJB – 18th May 2015