Clayton Brook Primary School

Writing target: To develop composition
and effect in independent writing
Begin to use story
language, such as ‘Once
upon a time’ in own
writing from a bank
created by the teacher
Must: I can say a simple sentence and begin to write with meaning.
Should: I can use story language, such as ‘Once upon a time’ in my own writing
Could: I can choose interesting words in my stories from a bank created by the
teacher/or create own.
Choose interesting uses
of story language from a
bank created by the
teacher/or create own.
Use appropriate words in
reports and instructions
Must: I can choose interesting words in my stories from a bank created by the
teacher/or create own.
Should: I can use appropriate words in stories, reports and instructions
Could: I can use a range of interesting words for stories, poems, reports and
instructions and be selective in my choice
Consider and select from
alternative word choices
and give detail to engage
the reader.
Must: I can use a range of interesting words for stories, poems, reports and
instructions and be selective in my choice
Should: I can consider and select from alternative word choices and give detail
to make it interesting to the reader.
Could: I can use a range of story language and descriptive phrases to entertain
the reader. I use different types of words when writing in different text types.
Use a variety of
adjectives, verbs and
nouns to interest the
reader in a range of texts.
Must: I can use a range of story language and descriptive phrases to entertain
the reader. I use different types of words when writing in different text types.
Should: I can use a variety of adjectives, verbs and nouns to interest the reader
in a range of texts.
Could: I can use a developing range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and
nouns/noun phrases in a range of texts.
Use adjectives and
adverbs selectively in a
variety of texts e.g.
stories, poems,
persuasive writing,
explanations. Consider
appropriate forms for
each text type.
Must: I can use a developing range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and
nouns/noun phrases in a range of texts
Should: I can use adjectives and adverbs selectively in a variety of texts e.g.
stories, poems, persuasive writing, explanations. I can think about the most
appropriate forms for each text type.
Could: I can use a developing range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and
nouns in a range of texts to try and engage the reader
Use a range of
adjectives, adverbs,
powerful verbs and
phrases selectively in a
variety of texts in order to
amuse, entertain,
persuade, inform
Must: I can use a developing range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and
nouns in a range of texts to try and engage the reader
Should: I can use a range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and phrases
selectively in a variety of texts in order to amuse, entertain, persuade, inform.
Could: I can use precise vocabulary and sentence variation to help me write
Use precise vocabulary
and sentence variation to
contribute to the
effectiveness of the
writing. Some effective
use of figurative language
Must: I can use a range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and phrases
selectively in a variety of texts in order to amuse, entertain, persuade, inform
Should: I can use precise vocabulary and sentence variation to contribute to the
effectiveness of the writing. I can use of figurative language effectively.
Could: I can use varied vocabulary to create effects, appropriate to form and
purpose of the writing and to create specific effects, e.g. alliteration/patterning. I
can maintain a style throughout (e.g. impersonal or formal style) is maintained
activities to
Share targets with children, support assistants and parents / carers
Display targets on the wall
Include use of target in Guided reading / writing
Include targets into homework activities
Link targets into other curricular areas
Include teacher / pupil modelling into target setting