APPROVED THE 1382nd REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2012 @ 7:00PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Mayor Roll who led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed the public. Mrs. Williams, Mr. Olsen, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Desch and Mr. Bischoff were present. City Administrator Jim Hammons and City Clerk Treasurer Glena L. Hook were also present. Prayer was offered by Lloyd Miller of the Amish Church. Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting September 17, 2012, Public Hearing September 17, 2012 and Special Meeting September 26, 2012. Mrs. Benson seconded the motion. Mr. Olsen made a motion to add the amount that was going to be paid to Shannon Industries to the Special Meeting minutes. Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion. Motion Passed. Mr. Olsen made a motion to change River Front Park to the city gravel pit on Pipe Creek Road in the Regular minutes under hear the public in DC Orr’s second sentence. Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion. Motion Passed. Motion passed on first motion to approve the minutes. ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMITTEE REPORTS Cemetery/Parks; None Fire; None Resolutions/Ordinances; None Personnel; Mr. Bischoff stated they were interviewing for the City Service Worker positions. Building; None Water/Sewer; Mrs. Benson stated her and Mrs. Lawrence were present during the 11 month walk through at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Mike Voorhies pointed out a problem with a light intensity sensor he believes should be changed out. The sensors purpose is to tell the employees when to clean the UV bulbs. The main concern was at the contact basin area. Algae is growing possibly due to sunlight and slow movement. This was an unforeseen problem that does need to be addressed. Mrs. Benson stated they received a bid from Thompson Contracting Inc. for $19,850. Ryan Jones of Morrison-Maierle, 125 School House Road Kalispell, explained to the council what needed to be done about the algae problem and a problem with some solids coming down and collecting in the basin. The council discussed the problems. Mr. Jones also commented on the League of Cities and Towns convention. Budget/Finance; None Police; Police Chief Smith stated there were 282 case reports, 36 citations and 17 arrests for the month of September. Lights/Streets/Sidewalks; Mrs. Desch stated the Asphalt Zipper was used on Balsam St. and they were trying a new technique. City Administrator; None Finance; None HEAR THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS ON THE AGENDA LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES DC Orr residing at 1117 Nevada Avenue Libby stated his concerns with the items on the agenda and his concerns with the minutes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Sarah Murphey, Turkey Dash through the City Limits; Sarah Murphey residing at 97 Cedar Creek ext. Libby asked the council for permission to use some of the city streets for a 2.7 mile run and asked for Police support through the intersections. Chief Smith asked Sarah Murphey to contact him before the race. The council agreed to support the race. Chamber of Commerce, placement of Eagle; Tabled by the mayor. COUNCIL ACTION/DISCUSSION Approval of Business Licenses received to date; Mr. Olsen made a motion to approve the Business Licenses received to date. Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion. Motion Passed. Approval of Payroll and Claims for September 2012; Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve Payroll and Claims for September 2012. Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion. Mr. Olsen had some questions about some of the claims which the council discussed. Motion Passed. Strom Electric what funds to use for payment; Mrs. Lawrence made a motion to pay Strom Electric out of ED Funds. Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion. Motion Passed. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES Ryan Jones of Morrison-Maierle stated they would be on site with representatives from Rizzo on October 17, 2012. Mr. Jones said they were going to look over the Flower Creek Dam site and would like to set aside time for council questions. Mr. Jones also stated they have sent in a revised application to Intercap for Interim financing for the Flower Creek Dam Project. Joann Newman residing at 302 City service Road Libby wanted to know if the dead trees at River Front Park are going to be removed and replaced by the contractors. DC Orr residing at 1117 Nevada Avenue Libby stated his concerns on building codes and felt they were uniform and should be kept that way. Mr. Orr stated his concerns about the sidewalks and stated they should be up to code. with making comments on the agenda items before council discussion and his concerns with the brevity of the minutes. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm. _________________________ Mayor Doug Roll Attest; ______________________________ City Clerk Glena L. Hook