The First-Person Historical Fiction Writing Assignment Writing first

The First-Person Historical Fiction Writing Assignment
Writing first-person fiction stimulates the creative imagination, helps us relate to the story, and aids retention of material because we must
recreate a historical setting. We are all familiar with writing in the first person—some of us keep diaries, some write letters, and others keep
journals. Almost all of us know something about historical fiction from watching movies. This familiarity can translate into big opportunities
for learning.
Your Assignment:
You will be writing a historical fiction short story. Your story should include characters from a time and place that we studied this year
(1607- 1881), and be written in first person. Your story should include at least one important event that we studied in class and should
give an accurate description of that event . It is not necessary that your character witness everything first hand, just that he/she know people
who are close to the event. .It is very important that the writing be believable and show an accurate understanding of the life and time of your
character. For example, for a story dated in the 1780s, modern slang would be out of place. Avoid anachronisms, especially products of
technology that did not exist at the time. Your story should be at least 450 words long (about 2 pages) and not longer than 750 words (about
3 pages). You will submit your story, with rough draft(s) and a KWL research chart in a folder including a cover page and reference page.
Student Checklist:
□ I have read the assignment instructions and rubric and am clear on what is expected for an A on this assignment
□ My story is between 450-750 words long
□ My story has a historically accurate setting
□ My story includes characters that easily fit into my setting and are also historically accurate
□ I wrote my story in first person
□ My story includes at least one event we studied in class and provides a historically accurate description of that event
□ My writing is accurate, my tone is realistic, and I have no anachronisms
□ The spelling and grammar in my story are correct and have been checked by at least two other people
□ I have included a cover page, all notes, KWL chart,
□ I have talked to Mrs. Camarillo about my characters, setting, and events before I began.
Rubric for the Historical Fiction Essay
My story brings the My story reveals the The time & place my I tell the reader when The setting of my
I didn’t write
time & place my
time and place my
character lived is
and where my story is story is murky, and enough to judge
character lived alive; character lived;
clear, but his/her
set but make no
the characters’
my own ideas and
describes a day in
experiences are more attempt to include
experiences and/or content.
(Up to 30 vividly describes
her/his experiences her/his life; most or like a list than a story; historically accurate values are often
and values; refers to all details are
some details may be facts or details.
relevant, historically historically accurate. historically inaccurate
accurate details, and And/or includes at and/or my story does
includes at least one least one event we
not include one
event we studied in studied in class.
historical event we
studied in class
My story has a strong I have either a strong I have a beginning, My organization is My writing is aimless I didn’t write
lead, a developed
lead, developed
middle and end in
rough but workable. and disorganized; it is enough to judge.
My writing may drag probably confusing to
(Up to 10
its feet then race
a reader.
in an order that makes three.
ahead; my ending
sense, flows, and
may stop suddenly.
hangs together.
I indent the
Some of my
I have several
I use incorrect
I didn’t write
Paragraphs I indent the
beginnings of all
beginnings of all
paragraphs are too
problems with
paragraph format
enough to judge.
(Up to 10 paragraphs & have paragraphs, have one long, too short, or not paragraphs .
one topic per
topic/paragraph, and I indented..
paragraph. I have at wrote less than 450
least 450 words and words or more than
not more than 750
750 words.
Ideas and
Voice and Tone I use 1st person. My I sound like I care
(Up to 10
voice sounds like a about the topic. My
real person. My paper writing voice is
has personality &
engaging but may
shows how my
fade in and out.
character thinks and
My tone is OK but
my paper could have
been written by
anyone. I need to
reveal more about
how I think and feel
about the topic.
My writing is bland,
mechanical or
pretentious. It sounds
like I have not found
my own way to say
things. I used 2nd or
3rd person.
My writing is too
didn’t write
formal or
enough to judge
informal. There may
be no hints of a real
person in it. It may
sound like I don’t like
the topic.
Word choice The words I use are My paper has some
The words I use are My word choice is The same words are I had better get
striking but natural, fine word choices and acceptable but
uninspired, colorless repeated over and
(Up to 10
instead of "thought." I language. Some parts to use more
like I am trying too over. Some words
use powerful verbs & may be routine.
expressive words.
hard to impress.
may be confusing to a
historically accurate
Some words may be reader.
words, phrases and
used incorrectly.
slang from the period.
My sentences are
My sentences are
I have a few problems My sentences are
My paper is tough to I didn’t write
clear; they begin in mostly wellwith fragments or
often awkward or
read because almost enough to judge.
different ways; some constructed, some
awkward sentences mechanical; little
all of my sentences
(Up to 10 are longer than
minor errors. My
that I should fix.
variety in length; may are incomplete, runPoints)
others; no fragments; essay marches along
have many sentences ons, and/or awkward.
my paper is a delight but doesn’t dance.
that begin with the
to read out loud.
same word.
I made some errors, My spelling is correct Frequent errors are Many errors in
I didn’t write
Conventions I use the correct
grammar, capitals,
perhaps by taking
on common words. distracting but do not grammar,
enough to judge.
(Up to 20 spelling, and
risks and using
Some errors in
interfere with the
punctuation. I have interesting words or grammar and
meaning of my paper. spelling &
included a cover page sentences . I have
punctuation. I need to And/or I have not
punctuation make my
and reference page. I included a cover page check it again. And/or included a cover page paper hard to read.
turned in with all
and reference page. I I have not included a and reference page And/or I have not
notes, KWL chart,
have turned in with cover page and
included a cover page
and rough draft.
all notes, KWL chart , reference page
and reference page
and rough draft.