Historical Fiction WWII

Humanities II
Historical Fiction Unit
For our World War II era unit you will be writing historical fiction; specifically 4 chapters from the story of a character
that you create. Historical fiction is historically accurate to the era it is written for but the characters, plot and other
elements of the pieces are completely developed by you the author. For our project you can assume one of the
following basic personas:
An American citizen by natural birth or naturalization
A legal resident of the United States, 16 years of age or older (as of 1941)
You may not develop a character of Japanese descent
Consider being of German or Italian or Asian descent; or of the Jewish faith
These basic personas will be developed into full characters who are 100% historically accurate regarding the type of
person your character is. We will be doing this through research and classroom learning activities throughout the unit.
As time marches on in the World War II era your character must develop, mature, and react appropriately and in a
historically accurate manner.
Each of the chapters must occur during the times listed below:
Pre-WWII (American Involvement) – 1938 through Dec. 6, 1941
Early WWII – Dec. 7, 1941 through Dec. 31, 1943
Late WWII – Jan. 1, 1944 through May 8, 1945
Post-WWII/Nuclear Age – starting Aug. 10, 1945 through Dec. 31, 1948
While each chapter will not have a specific page minimum, all four chapters together must make up 15-25 pages, typed,
12 point courier, and double spaced.