Unit 11: Physiology of human body systems BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Applied Biology) Assignment brief – QCF BTEC Assignment front sheet: 11.1: Organisation within the human body Learner name Target Assessor name Ms Fensome Date issued Completion date 07/09/2015 09/10/2015 Submitted on Unit number and title Unit 11: Physiology of human body systems Assignment title Organisation within the human body In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: Task No. P1 Describe the organisation of the eukaryotic cell in terms of functions of the organelles 1 Evidence Model or poster on eukaryotic cell and explanations Describe the four different tissue types P2 2 Report on cell differentiation and tissue formation M1 Use diagrams or micrographs to compare and contrast the four tissue types 3 Diagrams and micrographs to compare tissue types Explain the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems in the organisation of the human body D1 4 Leaflet on the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Learner signature: Date: 1 Unit 11: Physiology of Human Body Systems Organisation within the human body BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Applied Biology) Assignment brief Qualification BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Unit number and title Unit 11: Physiology of human body systems Start date 07/09/2015 Deadline 09/10/2014 Assessor name Ms Fensome Assignment title Organisation within the human body The purpose of this assignment is to know the levels of organisation within the human body. Scenario You are required to produce a range of reference material covering the topic of cells and tissues. Your reference materials are to be used by doctors and health workers in providing explanations to patients about different aspects of health and disease. Task 1 P1: Describe the organisation of the eukaryotic cell in terms of functions of the organelles Make a 3D model or a detailed, annotated poster of a eukaryotic cell including all of the relevant organelles. To accompany your model, produce an explanation of the role that each of these organelles performs. You should include the following organelles: plasma membrane; cytoplasm; nucleus; nucleolus; endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi apparatus; vesicles; lysosomes; mitochondria; ribosomes; centrioles. This provides evidence for P1 Task 2 P2: Describe the four different tissue types Produce a written report on cell differentiation and tissue formation. Your report needs to include the following; What is cell differentiation and why it is important in organisms. Explain the level of organisation in organisms; how cells form tissues, organs and organ systems. Describe the 4 following groups of tissue types, including annotated diagrams. Epithelial tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue Connective tissue Comparing different tissues - explain similarities and differences in the structure of the tissues and how this relates to the function of different tissues with similar functions. Select two of the following to outline in more depth. o Voluntary (skeletal) and cardiac muscle o A comparison of epithelial cells o Exocrine and endocrine tissue o Nervous tissue (neurones and neuroglia or two sense organs/receptors) o Connective tissue (bone and cartilage) This provides evidence for P2 Task 3 M1: Use diagrams or micrographs to compare and contrast the four tissue types Use diagrams and micrographs to compare and contrast the four different tissue types (epithelial, muscle, nervous and connective) Make a large poster-sized table showing the features of each type, where they are found in the body, their function and how their structure enables them to carry out their function. Include labelled diagrams of examples of each tissue. Ensure that you explain how its structure enables it to carry out its function. This provides evidence for M1 2 BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Applied Biology) Task 4 Unit 11: Physiology of human body systems D1: Explain the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems in the organisation of the human body Design a leaflet that explains the organisation of the eukaryotic cell and explains the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems in the organisation of the human body. You should include examples of tissues that you have studied in previous tasks to illustrate the relationships. You are advised to use diagrams to illustrate your explanations and ensure that you explain how cells, tissues, organs and organ systems related to each other so that the human body can function as a whole. This provides evidence for D1 Evidence checklist [Summarise evidence required, e.g. ‘leaflet’, ‘presentation notes’ etc.] [tick boxes] Model or poster on eukaryotic cell and explanations Report on cell differentiation and tissue formation Diagrams and micrographs to compare tissue types Leaflet on the relationship between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Sources of information Boyle M et al – Human Biology (Collins Advanced Science Series) (Collins Educational, 2002) ISBN 9780007135998 Fullick A – Body Systems and Health (Life Science In Depth) (Heinemann, 2006) ISBN 9781403475190 Johnson M D – Human Biology: Concepts and Current Issues, 3rd Edition (Benjamin Cummings, 2005) ISBN 9780805354348 Parkinson P – ‘A’ Level Human Biology: Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Human Biology (2000) ISBN 9781853568961 Parkinson P – ‘A’ Level Human Biology: Advanced GCE (A2) Human Biology (2000) ISBN 9781853568978 Pickering W R – A-level Advanced Human Biology Through Diagrams (Oxford University Press, 2001) ISBN 9780199141968 Simpkins J and Williams J I – Advanced Human Biology (Collins Educational, 1987) ISBN 9780003222906 Tortora G J – Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (John Wiley & Sons, 2005) ISBN 9780471718710 Tucker L – An Introductory Guide to Anatomy and Physiology (EMS Publishing, 2008) ISBN 9781903348284 A-level revision site for biology NHS Direct patient information leaflets The Physiological Society GCSE and A-level revision site Science pages – links This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose Assessor Ms Fensome Signature Internal verifier Signature Date 06/07/2015 Date 06/07/2015 Mrs Turner-Smith 3 Unit 11: Physiology of Human Body Systems Organisation within the human body BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Applied Biology) Assessor's comments Qualification BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science Assessor name Unit number and title Unit 11: Physiology of human body systems Learner name Ms Fensome Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: P1 Describe the organisation of a eukaryote cell in terms of how organelles function. P2 Describe the four different tissue types. M1 Explain the process of differentiation forming the four tissue types, illustrating the process and how this may influence the organelles or structure of the cells Explain the levels of organisation, from organelles of a eukaryote cell toan organ system. D1 Learner feedback Assessor feedback 4 Assessor signature Date Learner signature Date Achieved?