I7D Bonding 1. The bonding characteristics of oxygen are most similar to the bonding characteristics of –SAME GROUP O=16 A hydrogen B silicon C helium D sulfur=16 2. Which of these elements is most likely to donate one electron? A Be B CsG1 +1 Charge C Rn C act like metals D solidify at room temperature Al 3+ SO42- (3 X 2=6) 12. According to this information, what is the chemical formula for aluminum sulfate? A AlSO4 B Al2(SO4)3 (+6 -6) C Al3(SO4)2 D Al6SO4 D He Calcium (Ca2+) + Chloride (Cl–) Calcium chloride 13. The chemical formula for calcium chloride is 3. Alpha particles are one type of radioactivity. These particles have a nucleus A Ca2Cl B CaCl C CaCl2 (+2 -2) D Ca2Cl3 of two protons and two neutrons but have no orbital electrons. Based on this information, it can be inferred that alpha particles are positive ions of the 14. An unidentified element has many of the same physical and chemical element properties as magnesium and strontium but has a lower atomic mass than A actinium B curium C radium D helium atomic # 2 either of these elements. What is the most likely identity of this element? A Sodium B Beryllium Top of Group 2 C CalciumD Rubidium 4. A certain atom has a nucleus containing six protons and eight neutrons and has six electrons orbiting the nucleus. This atom is a form of the element 15. The elements from which of the following groups are most likely to react A silicon B carbon atomic #6 C magnesium with potassium (K)G1 +1? D calcium A Group 2 B Group 7 C Group 13 D Group 17 -1 5. Silver bromide is a type of halide. Elements from which group in the periodic table are necessary to form halide compounds?HALOGENS A Group 4 B Group 5 C Group 10 D Group 17 16. The elements of which of these groups on the periodic table are most resistant to forming compounds? A Group 1 B Group 9 C Group 14 D Group 18 NOBLE GAS 17. Calcium ions play an important role in the function of neurons in the brain. Elements that are chemically similar to calcium G-2 can interfere with the function of neurons. Which of the following is most likely to imitate calcium’s role in the function of neurons? A Sodium B Potassium C Strontium Group 2 D Rubidium 6. Elements found in which shaded area of this periodic table undergo the fewest chemical reactions? AQ BR CS D T Noble Gas 7. According to the periodic table, which of these elements will form an ion with a –2 charge? AS B Mg CF D Rb 18. The bonding characteristics of oxygen G16are most similar to the bonding characteristics of A hydrogen B silicon C helium D sulfur Gr16 o=x=o 19. The model above shows how an unidentified element, X, forms covalent. In which group on the periodic table does Element X most likely belong? +2= Group 2 A Group 6 B Group 12 C Group 14 D Group 18 20. In which model of the periodic table does the shaded area show the location of elements that require the least energy to lose one electron +1 charge? GROUP 1 A 8. The ionic compounds that result from combining Group 2 and Group 16 elements have a 1:1 ratio because A Group 2 elements are electrically neutral B Group 2 elements have two valence electrons C Group 2 elements contain neutrons in the nucleus DGroup 2 contains more elements than other groups 9. Which of the following groups contains members with similar chemical reactivity? GROUP/COLUMN A Li, Be, C B Be, Mg, Sr-G-2 C Sc, Y, Zr D C, N, O 10. According to the periodic table, which element most readily accepts electrons? AL IS A METAL A Fluorine B Nitrogen C Arsenic D Aluminum 11. Elements in Group 16 -2 of the periodic table usually (electrons are -) A form large molecules B gain electrons when bonding 21. The elements in which of these sets have chemical properties that are the most similar? A K, Ca, Sc B O, S, Se (same group) C Na, Ca, YD P, S, Cl