Earth`s Mantle Lab

What is Earth’s Mantle Like??
Period: ____________ Date:
*Be sure to write your full name, …period and date (look on
board) legibly. Failure to do so may result in a 0 on the
TOD: IN Is it possible for something to be a solid and a liquid at the same time? ___________
Explain your answer: ______________________________________________________________
The mantle is a solid, but it still flows. Think about it!!!! I think the mantle can flow because
__________________________________________________ my evidence to show this occurs is
Draw a picture of what you imagine the mantle to look like below!
Materials: 1 paper/plastic cup, cornstarch, paper towels, water
1. Put 2 spoonfuls of cornstarch into your cup. (Be careful not to crack the cups)
2. Slowly add water to the cornstarch while stirring with your spoon.
3. Continue to add water until the mixture looks like a liquid but is hard to stir.
4. Pour the mixture into your hand being careful not to make a mess. (When in your hands, if the
mixture runs right out it has too much water. If the mixture comes out in a big clump, it has too
little water.) You should do this over an old newspaper to ease clean-up.
5. Experiment with your finger and the mixture. (all observations should be relevant to what you are
trying to determine in the lab)
a) When I press the mixture fast and hard the mixture acts like a ________________________.
b) When I press the mixture slowly and softly the mixture acts like a ____________________.
c) When I squeeze the mixture into a ball and then release the mixture
6. Clean up your work area.
Questions: (put your answers in your composition book page 25)
1. A mixture can/cannot have the properties of both a solid and liquid. I know this because
2. When pressure was applied to the mixture the mixture ____________________________________.
3. What is Earth’s Asthenosphere?
4. Earth’s asthenosphere has very similar properties to this cornstarch mixture you made. Explain how
you think that may be so.
5. What causes Earth’s asthenosphere to be ooey gooey much like the mixture you made???