SPECIFICATION FOR RINGING-DATA EXCHANGE FILE FORMAT Specification 3.40 The BTO Ringing Unit encourages the submission of ringing data (relating to newly-ringed birds, retraps and recoveries, including controls) in the form of computer data files via email to ringing.data@bto.org or on floppy disks. To enable smooth operation of this system, and minimise the risk of incorrect data being incorporated into the BTO’s computerised archives, there are two essential requirements: ALL data files and disks MUST conform to the format expected by the system; and ALL data to be submitted MUST have passed a preliminary verification, performed by a program supplied by the BTO, before despatch to BTO HQ. This document sets out the technical specification for the content and format of computer data files (and disks) containing ringing data for verification and subsequent submission to the BTO Ringing Unit. This format applies to ALL such files and not just to those produced using the IPMR (and B-RING) programs. This document is primarily intended for users who wish to prepare appropriate submission files using their own systems and programs; most of the information it contains will be embodied in the relevant parts of the IPMR program, so users of this program do not need to study it unless they wish to do so. Ringers writing their own software should follow this specification carefully. Please note that all data will still have to be verified (in IPMR) before submission to BTO HQ. Queries about the procedure for sending emails or submitting disks and the data on them should be directed to BTO HQ (Tel: 01842 750050, Email: ringing@bto.org); for programming and other technical queries: IPMR Mark Cubitt (Email: mark@cubes.f9.co.uk). B-RING David Coker ( Tel: 0118-901-6339, Email: david.coker@btinternet.com). Submission of Ringing Data Files A ringing data submission file should be prepared and submitted to the Ringing Unit: a) when 3 months have elapsed since the last file was submitted AND there are at least 200 newly-ringed birds to be reported; OR b) when 6 months have elapsed since ringing of a bird which has not yet been reported to the Ringing Unit; OR c) when the number of newly-ringed birds not yet reported reaches 1,000 (irrespective of the time elapsed since the last file was submitted); OR D:\106753889.doc 1 17/02/2016 21:49 d) by the end of February at the very latest in each year if any bird ringed in the previous year has not yet been reported to the Ringing Unit; OR e) if there is a specific need to submit a submission file at a particular time (eg to report a newly-controlled bird). A ringing data submission file should include details of all birds ringed but not yet reported to the Ringing Unit at the time the file is prepared; so a file submitted under d) above may include details of birds ringed in January or February of the current year in addition to those ringed in the previous year. Each file should be emailed to ringing.data@bto.org or on put a clearly labelled disk, which should be mailed to BTO HQ using a disk mailer obtainable from the Ringing Unit. Email The email must contain the following information: Name(s) and Permit number(s) of ringer(s), partnership(s) and/or group(s) whose data are in the file(s) Name(s) of data file(s) which are attached (see below) One or more attached submission files Explanatory remarks eg if file(s) contains corrections to data already submitted Disk Format The following disk format is also acceptable: PC: 3½” high (1.44MB) density disks Disk Label The disk must have affixed a label containing the following information: Name(s) and permit number(s) of ringer(s), partnership(s) and/or group(s) whose data are on the disk Name(s) of data file(s), which are on the disk (see below) Pre-printed labels with space for this information are available from the Ringing Unit. Disk Volume Label (ie 'volume label' or 'name' stored magnetically on the disk itself). This label has no significance to the Ringing Unit system; accordingly it may have any value or be left blank. Email or Disk Contents An email will have attached, or disk will carry, one or more data files each conforming to the data file naming scheme and format specified below. An email or single disk may carry files for more than one ringer/partnership/group. However ALL records (whether for newlyringed birds, retraps or recoveries, including controls) in an individual file must include the same permit number (ie the permit number to which the newly-used rings were issued or transferred); for controlled birds reported in a submission file the Ringing Unit will send the original ringing details to the address on record for the permit number specified in that file, or member of the public (MOP) finder if the details are included in the finder field (94). D:\106753889.doc 2 17/02/2016 21:49 Data for birds ringed outside UK and Ireland using BTO scheme rings can (from 2005) be submitted electronically using a separate foreign version of IPMR, available directly from Mark Cubitt. No files other than verified ringing data files should be present on the disk. Data File Names A ringing data file name must have the general form NNNNN.YYS where: NNNNN (permit number) is the single number to which the new rings reported in the file were issued or transferred. The permit number should be expressed as two to five digits, with no leading zeroes; the permit type (eg A) and any endorsement (eg M or P) should not be included. This number is followed by a full stop. YY (year of preparation) is the calendar year in which the data file was prepared for submission to the Ringing Unit. A data file may contain data for handlings in years prior to the year of preparation (eg the first file prepared in each year may contain data for remaining unreported rings used at the end of the previous year). The year should be expressed as two digits (decades and units), with a leading zero if necessary (eg 96 for 1996, 02 for 2002). S (sequence indicator) is one plus the total number of files already prepared and submitted to the Ringing Unit in relation to the permit number NNNNN during the current calendar year. This sequence number should start at 1, and increment by 1 for each successive file submitted; if more than nine files are submitted in one calendar year, the sequence indicator should step through the letters of the alphabet, starting with A (=10). Thus the fifth file in 2001 containing data on rings issued to permit number 3242 would be named 3242.015, the twelfth file would be named 3242.01C, and the eighth file in 2002 would be named 3242.028. ZIP file submissions One (and only one) data file can be included within a zip file. The name of the included file must conform to the specification above. The ZIP file name must be of the format NNNNN_YYS.zip where these are defined as above. Files produced in v2.2 of IPMR (2005 onwards) will be automatically zipped as part of the submission creation process. Data File Format A ringing data file must consist of one or more records (lines), each record giving the details for a single bird in accordance with the data record format specified below, followed by a total count record as specified below. The contents of a file must be in plain text form, ie as a sequence of ASCII codes representing the sequence of alphanumeric characters forming the data items and their separators. Data should not be stored in any further-encoded form (such as the encoding of numeric values). Decimal points should be included explicitly where relevant. A ringing data file may contain records for rings of one or more sizes, and records may be in any order. D:\106753889.doc 3 17/02/2016 21:49 Header Record Format The first record should be a comment line containing a structured set of values. Each value is separated by a comma and must not contain a comma. The format is: SOFTWARE VALIDATION CREATION DATE/TIME, APPVERSION, SPECIFICATION, OS eg *IPMR,I,15/04/2004 15:02,2.1.75,3.30,3.95 Field SOFTWARE Meaning Software that created file VALIDATION Type of validation: Internal or External Date and time that submission file created Version of Application that produced file Submission specification version Operating system running software CREATION DATE/TIME APPVERSION SPECIFICATION OS Valid values *IPMR, *B-RING *MACRING I or E or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm Application determined eg 2.1.75 or 2.20 3.30 or 3.40 DOS or Windows version eg 3.95 Optionally a second comment line can be present which allows the submitter to specify an email address. The EMAILADDRESS must contain no spaces and one @ character. The format is: *mailto:EMAILADDRESS eg *mailto:bridget.griffin@bto.org Further comment lines (which must start with an asterisk), for example containing warnings about not altering the content of the file may be added as required. Data Record Format A data record consists of a series of fields. The content and required sequence of these fields are specified in Appendix A. Successive fields are separated by a comma character (ASCII code 44). Any field, which may include a comma character (including PLACE NAME – field 20 and EXTRA TEXT - field 63) must be enclosed in double quote marks (ASCII code 34); double quote marks are not permitted within any field. Any field for which there is no value is left empty but the comma characters separating it from adjacent fields must still be present (ie two commas immediately following one another signify a null field); thus each record must have a full complement of comma separators (one fewer than the total number of fields). There must not be any leading or trailing spaces in any field. Where code fields contain alphabetic characters these must be in upper case. D:\106753889.doc 4 17/02/2016 21:49 Every record (line) in a data file must be self-contained, with all relevant values indicated explicitly. No ditto marks should be used, even if the value of a field is repeated in successive records. The end of a record is marked by a new line character sequence, the exact form of which varies from system to system; for MS-DOS files it is a CRLF pair (ASCII 13,10); for Macintosh files it is a CR alone (ASCII 13). Total Count Record Format After the last record in a file the total count of data records in the file should be indicated on a separate line, as a sequence of ASCII codes representing the digits making up the count, followed by an end of record marker. This count is exclusive of comment lines and the total record count itself; thus a file containing fifty data records, for a complete string of rings, would end with a total record count containing the value 50 (and not 51). Note: The data file format specified above is different from that of the BTO MicroComputer Coding Scheme for Bird Ringing Data (used by B-RING for data files): in particular the identity and sequence of data fields are fixed, so there is no header. Data Verification In order to minimise the risk of incorrect or suspect data entering the BTO's computer archives, all ringing data files to be supplied to the Ringing Unit must pass a preliminary verification before despatch to the BTO HQ. This verification can be carried out using IPMR, which can be downloaded from the BTO website (www.bto.org). The program is also available (on CD only) free of charge from the Ringing Unit. IPMR Captures> Validate externally produced submission files menu option reads data files conforming to the format defined above and performs various checks (eg validity of species, habitat and region codes, appropriate ring size - as indicated by the ring number - for the species, consistency between codes used in different fields, and consistency of any biometrics with expected ranges for the species). Any discrepancy is reported to the user, alternatively original data files can be amended, a new file for the Ringing Unit prepared and the verification program re-run. If no discrepancy is found a verification code derived from the contents of the data file is appended to the file to indicate to the BTO computer system that the verification has been completed successfully. The data fields specified in Appendix A include some that are mandatory and some that are optional (eg for biometrics, though ringers are strongly encouraged to submit these). Sometimes a computer program for preparing ringing data according to this format may not have all the mandatory data available to it (eg a user's data files may not contain details of the original ring carried by a re-ringed bird). In this case a preliminary data file must be edited manually (eg to insert the original ring number) prior to verification. Other Notes 1 Handlings (new birds, retraps or recoveries, including controls) should be reported to the Ringing Unit once only in a ringing submission file; such a file should not normally contain details of rings reported in a previous submission file. However, repetition of a record is permissible to correct any inaccuracy in the record as originally submitted. D:\106753889.doc 5 17/02/2016 21:49 Note: for any duplicate records that are received by the Ringing Unit the latest version is generally assumed to be correct (unless it is obvious that it was sent in error). Likewise, details of a controlled bird, which are reported in a submission file should not be reported on a paper recovery form as well. (If it is desired to report a controlled bird without delay, a submission file may be submitted with a file containing a single record relating to that bird.). If the original ringing details have not been received from the Ringing Unit for the control, DO NOT resubmit the control in a subsequent data file, contact the Ringing Unit to check the reason for the delay. Note that, if the ringing details for a bird are specifically requested by the Ringing Unit (ie on a 'Blue Card'), the requested information should be supplied immediately by sending in a data submission file. 2 Ringers ringing species on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act at sites they wish to be confidential should submit the open details. Confidential details should be sent in on paper schedules – see Ringers’ Manual for details. 3 It is suggested that programs for preparing ringing data submission files should produce a report summarising the contents of a file by species and record type, species and place, and species and date. This report is not required by the Ringing Unit but may assist the user to make a manual cross-check of the records contained in the file. 4 A comma-delimited file as required by this specification is available as an output option in a variety of commercial application programs, such as spreadsheet and database programs. 5 When a submission file is received at BTO HQ it is scanned for viruses. Email submissions receive an immediate, automated reply. Attached email files and disk files are checked for record counts and validation codes and then the data files are copied over to the BTO's main computer where additional checks are performed (eg for new rings, were the rings issued or transferred to the relevant permit number). Once the data have been transferred, a reply email is sent or the disk is returned confirming data have been loaded. If any problems have been encountered it may not be possible to transfer part or all of a file, in this case a note of the problem is returned with the email or disk and the ringer is asked to resubmit the data 6 Examples of the format specified above are given in Appendix B2 D:\106753889.doc 6 17/02/2016 21:49 List of Appendices A Content & Sequence of Fields comprising a Ringing Data Record B 1: Example ringing data records; 2: Example ringing data file C Ringing Scheme codes D Species codes for birds occurring in Britain and Ireland D:\106753889.doc E F G H I 7 Habitat Codes EURING region codes Species with precocial young or others where brood size may not be known Colour Mark Coding Race Codes 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX A-1 Summary of Fields comprising a Ringing Data Record 1 Record type 2 Permit number 37 Time of weighing 38 Wing measurer’s initials 39 Wing length 40 State of wing point 41 Length of primary feather 42 Moult code 43 Primary moult score 44 Primary moult 45 Old greater coverts 46 Alula 47 Bill length method 73 Userc1 74 Userc2 12 Sexing method 48 Bill length 84 13 Activity code 1 85 14 Activity code 2 49 Total head length/THL (head+bill length) 50 Bill depth method 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 3 Ringing scheme 4 Ring number 5 Species 6 7 8 9 10 11 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Age Sex Pulli ringed Pulli alive Condition of bird Ring information Date of capture Time of capture Habitat code 1 Habitat code 2 Registered site code Place name Region code Grid reference Grid reference accuracy Latitude - degrees Latitude - minutes Latitude hemisphere Longitude - degrees Longitude - minutes Longitude hemisphere Co-ordinate accuracy Finding condition Other ringing scheme Other ring number Biometrics flag Weight Date of weighing D:\106753889.doc Bill depth Tarsus method Tarsus length Tail length Claw length Plumage Brood patch Fat score Pectoral muscle score 60 Capture method 61 Pullus Stage code 62 Race 75 Userc3 76 Userc4 77 Userc5 78 79 80 81 82 83 86 96 97 98 Userv1 Userv2 Userv3 Userv4 Userv5 Left leg below tarsus colour mark Right leg below tarsus colour mark Left leg above tarsus colour mark Right leg above tarsus colour mark Neck collar colour mark Left wing colour mark Right wing colour mark Nasal colour mark Sample Time nearest high tide Fat score method Finder IPMR Observation Bird Identifier Project code 1 Project Registration 1 Project code 2 63 Submission extra text 64 Validation codes 65 Capture type 99 Project Registration 2 100 Project code 3 101 Project Registration 3 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Place code Subsite Processor’s Initials Date accuracy Finding circumstances Own data Own data 2 8 Body Moult code Tail Fork length Extractor’s Initials Ringer’s Initials Checker’s Initials Nest Recorder code Nest Record Number 17/02/2016 21:49 109 Euring code 110 Sibley-monroe Species Code 111 CES subsite type 112 Secondaries moult scores 113 Tail Moult scores 114 Primary covert moult scores 115 Greater covert moult scores 116 Carpal covert moult scores 117 Alula moult scores 118 Left wing primary moult scores 119 Left wing Secondaries moult scores 120 LeftTail Moult scores 121 Left wing Primary covert moult scores 122 Left wing Greater covert moult scores 123 Left wing Carpal covert moult score 124 Left wing Alula moult scores 125 Lesser & Medium covert moult 126 Underwing covert moult 127 Head moult 128 Upperparts moult 129 Underparts moult D:\106753889.doc 130 BTO Record_ID 131 Edit_flag 132 Moved by 133 Finding Circumstances Presumed 134 BTO Extra Text 135 Ring Number Verified 136 Identification Verified 137 BTO Finder 138 Reporter 139 Submission Flag 140 Captures Key 141 Submission Finding Circumstance Code 9 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX A-2 Content and Sequence of Fields comprising a Ringing Data Record Fields marked *** must always contain a value; fields marked ** must normally contain a value; fields marked * must have a value for certain categories of record, as indicated. This record format is independent of the BTO coding scheme for ringing data held on computers. However, to assist users of that scheme the fields in that scheme which correspond to fields specified in this record format are indicated where appropriate. 1 *** Record type (RTYPE$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: N R 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 S 8 O A X 9 P E M New bird (or ring lost/missing/destroyed) Retrap Retrap, ring replaced Retrap, ring added Retrap, already with two rings Control Control, ring replaced Control, ring added Control, already with two rings Control (field record/Observation)1 Control (field record/Observation) already with two (metal) rings Retrap (field recordObservation)– usually ringer’s Own bird Anything Else2 Dead (except pulli which die before fledging) Dead, already with two rings Pullus which died before fledging (must be the sole record for a bird ie should be used instead of N where a bird is ringed and subsequently dies before fledging) Keep date the same = date of ringing New bird, excluded from ringing totals (eg captive-bred birds, birds in poor condition, birds captive for more than 24 hours) Measurement only (Metal ring number not known) 1 Sightings/Observations are reports of metal or colour rings read in the field, or records from satellite, RFID tag or radio tag without the bird being caught. They may be either controls or retraps. 2 ie alive but not a new bird, control, retrap or sighting, or not known if alive. Eg ringed bird, which came down neighbours chimney and was handed to ringer, note put through ringers letterbox with note of a ring number but no indication if bird alive or dead and no contact name and address. D:\106753889.doc 10 17/02/2016 21:49 For type E, an appropriate Condition code (H, P, C or R) must also appear in the condition of the bird field (field 10). For types R, C, S, O, 1 to 6 and 8, the time (typically of capture) must appear in the time field (field 16), to enable multiple records of a bird on one day to be distinguished. For types R, C and 1 to 6, the appropriate code (8, or 7 if the bird was caught and released by a member of the public) must also appear in the Finding Condition field (field 31). For types X and 9, the appropriate code (1, 2, 3 21 or 22) must also appear in the Finding Condition field (field 31), and a brief description of finding circumstances must also appear in the Submission Extra Text field (field 63). For types O, S and 8, the appropriate code (89, or 79 if the sighting was by a member of the public) must also appear in the Finding Condition field. and the type of ring read selected from the list in the Finding Circumstances field (field 70). For type A the appropriate code (0, 4 5, 6, 7 or 9) must also appear in the Finding Condition field (field 31) and a brief description of the bird’s condition (eg found sick, released), and the circumstances in which it was found must appear in the Submission Extra Text field (field 63). For types N, E and P no code should appear in the finding condition field. 2 *** Permit number (RPN) Numeric max 5. For new birds: the permit number to which the ring identified at field 4 was issued or transferred. For retraps and controls: the permit number of the group, partnership or individual ‘A’ ringer responsible (ie to whom rings used at the site were issued). Two to five digits, with no leading zeroes; permit type (eg A) and any endorsement (eg M, P) should be omitted (eg 579, 3079). 3 *** Ringing scheme (SCHEME$). Character = 3. The code for the ringing scheme which issued the ring identified at field 4 - Ring Number (see Appendix C); for all newly-ringed birds (record types N, P and E or 1, 2, 4, 5) this is GBT 4 *** Ring number (RING$) Character max 12. Record type Contents of this field N,E,P The number of the ring placed on the bird, must be a valid and existing ring number R,C,S,X,P,O,A The number of the ring already on the bird 1,2,4,5 The number of the new ring placed on the bird, must be a valid and existing ring number 3,6,8,9 The number of one of the two rings on the bird Missing or unreadable characters should be entered as _ (underscore), not valid for newly ringed birds (record types N, P, E or 1, 2, 4, 5) 12 characters maximum D:\106753889.doc 11 17/02/2016 21:49 5 *** Species (SPEC$) Character = 5. Species code from the approved Ringing Unit list (see Appendix D). Note that names which contain fewer than five letters are padded with trailing periods (eg JAY.., KNOT., WREN.). The following codes are also allowed: *LOST ring lost *MISS ring missing *DEST ring destroyed HYBRI hybrid species; when used then the names of the species must appear in the Extra Text field *UNKN ring used but ringing data lost If code ****1 is used for a rarity then the name of the species must appear in the Submission Extra Text field (field 63). 6** Age (AGE$) Character max 2. EURING age code. 1J, 2J, 3J, 5J, 4I, 6I and 8I should be entered where appropriate. Note that the code for pullus is 1, not P. Required value except for rings lost / missing / destroyed/unknown. Maximum value 16. 7 Sex (SEX$). Character = 1. Sex. M or F; leave empty if not known 8* Pulli ringed (BFRACT1%) Numeric max 2. Total number of birds ringed in this brood. Leading zeroes are not necessary. Required for pulli (age code 1) including record type (field 1) P (ie pullus which died before fledging). Where number from a brood that have been ringed is not known because of creching then enter 1. Where some pulli are removed for ringing,translocation & release (eg Red Kite) then record the number ringed at the time (ie not including the ones removed to be ringed at another location) but the pulli alive should be recorded as the total number of pulli (ie include the ones removed for release elsewhere). A supplementary note in the submission text field (field 63) noting ‘X pulli removed for translocation & release’ should be inlcuded). Optional for local young (age code 1J) and young (age code 3) Mute Swans. Not allowed for other age codes. 9* Pulli alive (BFRACT2%). D:\106753889.doc 12 17/02/2016 21:49 Numeric max 2. Total number of birds alive in this brood at the time of ringing, including runts and any others not ringed (including those that are removed for translocation & release eg Red Kites). Must be a figure not less than Pulli Ringed. Must not be present if Pulli Ringed value not present. For species with precocial young as given in Appendix G if the brood size is not known (eg Lapwings), leave empty. If number of pulli alive is not known and species is not listed in Appendix G then this field can be left blank if an explanatory comment is added to Extra Text (field 63). Leading zeroes are not necessary. Required for pulli (age code 1) if known unless record type (field 1) is P (ie pullus which died before fledging). Optional for local young (age code 1J) and young (age code 3) Mute Swans 10* Condition of bird (COND$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: H captive-bred (ie with Human involvement) P Poor condition C Captive more than 24 hours M Manipulated on ringing (eg radio transmitter added) R in poor condition because captured (Ringing accident) N held over Night T transported To place specified at fields 19 to 30 K Fledging provoKed If code T is specified here, the place specified at fields 19 to 30 must be the place where the bird is released. If multiple codes are applicable the one which occurs first in the list should be selected: for example, if a radio transmitter is fitted to a bird which is held overnight, the correct code is M. Required (with value H, P, C or R) if the record type (field 1) is E. H only allowed with record type E Record type N not permitted for P, C and H 11* Ring information (RINFO$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: U individual (Unique) colour mark, eg Wing tag I Individual colour ring combination M colour Mark (not ring), not individually identifiable, eg leg flag or dye R conventional colour Ring(s), not individually Identifiable A any metal ring Above tarsus W Wing tag (not a ring or colour mark), ie this bird is wing-tagged instead of being ringed; normally only used for penguins, not for coloured wing tags (which are codes U or M) O On tarsus (indicates re-ringed at finding) S Metal ring already present X Metal ring removed N No metal ring D:\106753889.doc 13 17/02/2016 21:49 If multiple codes are applicable the one which occurs first in the list should be selected: for example, if a wader is dye-marked and has a metal ring above the tarsus, the correct code is M. Required only for records where a colour mark has been added or changed, where the colour mark codes are detailed in the appropriate field (83-90) otherwise leave blank (see fields 83-90). 12* Sexing method (SXMTD$) Character = 1. Required if birds sexed by using method other than plumage. In order to provide information on breeding seasons ringers are asked to collect this information even when birds have been sexed using plumage. One code only, from the following list: D DNA T DissecTed L Laproscopy E internal cloacal Examination C Cloacal protuberance (males only) B Brood patch (females only) S Size difference (ie a measurement such as wing length is the only criterion of sexing) A Activity If multiple codes are applicable, the one that occurs first in the list should be selected: for example, B for sexed on brood patch and measurement. Code C may only be used if sex is M Code B may only be used if sex is F 13* Activity code 1 (ACT$) Character = 1. Required if bird is carrying out any of these activities when caught. One code only, from the following list: A Artificial bait – provided intentionally or Unintentionally T Tape lured L at Lighthouse S at Sea N Nesting/breeding adult C at Colony (must not be used for pulli) M Moult of wings or tail R at Roost P on Passage W Wintering If multiple codes are applicable, the one that occurs first in the list should be selected; a second code may be entered in the following field only if this field is completed. If active moult is indicated among the biometrics (ie fields 42, 43 or 44), code M should be entered here or in the next field if higher priority codes are not already in these fields. Conversely, code M should not be present if any of fields 42, 43 or 44 contain a value but, of those that are present, none indicate active moult (NB Active moult is defined as a bird which is currently growing some wing or tail feathers). It is acceptable for all of fields 42, 43 and 44 to be blank and Activity code to be M. D:\106753889.doc 14 17/02/2016 21:49 14* Activity code 2 (ACT2$) Character = 1. One code only, as for Activity code 1. May only be completed if Activity code 1 is present. 15 ** Date of capture (DAY%,MONTH%,YEAR%) Numeric = 8. In sequence day month year, all as numbers with leading zeroes. The year should have four digits. Examples: 1 January 1996 = 01011996, 29 September 2002 = 29092002. Required except for rings lost/missing/destroyed/Unknown. If date is not known exactly, the beginning and end of the range of possible dates should be put in the Submission Extra Text field (field 63), and the appropriate date accuracy in days in the Date Accuracy field ( field 69). 16 * Time of capture (and possibly of weighing) (TIMC% or TIM%) Numeric = 4. Local time (eg BST in summer, GMT in winter): 24-hour clock, hours and minutes, IPMR (and B-RING) allow four digits to be input. Required if the record type (field 1) is R, C, S, 1 to 6 or 8 (retrap, control, etc.), or if there is an interval between capture and weighing (eg cannon-net catches of waders, and roost catches). If time of capture is the same as time of weighing, duplicate time of weighing here. 17 ** Habitat code 1 (HAB1$) Character = 2. One two-character habitat code, using the appropriate letter and Column A code from the BTO Habitat Coding Scheme (see Appendix E; note that code G10 becomes GA for electronic ringing data files). Required except for rings lost/missing/destroyed/unknown or when Finding Condition = 8 or 89 and (in IPMR) where Place code is not an Owner Place. In this case the user should be requested to enter the habitat code if it is known. 18 Habitat code 2 (HAB2$) Character = 2. One optional additional habitat code, as for Habitat code 1. May only be completed if Habitat code 1 is present. Should not be the same as Habitat code 1. 19 ** Registered site code (REGCODE$) Character = 3. (Applicable only to birds ringed within the British Isles) 3-letter site code, Alphabetic characters only. if any, registered with the Ringing Unit under the permit number at field 2 in respect of the place of ringing or of release if transported - Condition code T (field 10). From summer 2005 new sites are no longer registered, but existing registered site codes will be maintained and submitted in electronic data files. 20 ** Place name (PLNAME$) D:\106753889.doc 15 17/02/2016 21:49 Character max 40, enclosed in (and not including) double quote marks Name of place of ringing or of release if transported – Condition code T (field 10). Omit if the ring is lost/missing/destroyed/unknown; otherwise must be included. In the case of confidential ringing sites, this field should contain the text “Site Confidential” (including the double-quote marks) it may also contain a vague name (see Other Notes - 2 above) or its registered site code. For ERH Sitename1 & Sitename2 on the ORACLE Sites table are concatenated, separated by a comma, to a maximum of 80 Characters. 21 ** Region code (IRPL$) Character max 5 (field length of 4 for 3.40 spec or lower for foreign places). EURING region (county) code (see Appendix F). Required except for rings lost/missing/destroyed/unknown. 22 ** Grid reference (GRID$) Character max 6. (Applicable only to birds ringed in Britain and Ireland). Character Grid reference of ringing place, to 1 km accuracy. Two letters (or I and one letter for Ireland) followed by four digits. Required except for rings lost/missing/destroyed/unknown. 23 Grid reference Accuracy (GRIDACC$) Numeric max 2. (Applicable only to birds ringed in Britain and Ireland). Grid reference accuracy: distance in km (0,1 or 2) of maximum extent of site from central location identified at field 22 or deliberate inaccuracy in km (5 to 25 or 99) of grid reference for a confidential ringing record. 24 * Latitude – degrees (IRLA$) Numeric max 2. (Applicable only to, and required for, birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland) Degrees part of latitude of ringing place (0 to 90). 25 * Latitude – minutes (IRLA$) Numeric max 2. (Applicable only to, and required for, birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland). Minutes part of latitude of ringing place (0 to 59). 26 * Latitude – hemisphere (IRLA$) Character = 1. (Applicable only to, and required for, birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland). Hemisphere containing latitude of ringing place: N for North or S for South. 27 * Longitude – degrees (IRLO$) Numeric max 3 . (Applicable only to, and required for, birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland) Degrees part of longitude of ringing place (0 to 180). D:\106753889.doc 16 17/02/2016 21:49 28 * Longitude – minutes (IRLO$) Numeric max 2. (Applicable only to, and required for, birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland). Minutes part of longitude of ringing place (0 to 59). 29 * Longitude – hemisphere (IRLO$) Character = 1. (Applicable only to, and required for, birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland). Hemisphere containing longitude of ringing place: E for East or W for West. 30 Co-ordinate accuracy (IRLACC$) Character max 3. (Applicable only to birds ringed outside Britain and Ireland). As a numeric value alone if in minutes; as a numeric value followed by the letter D if in degrees. 31 * Finding condition (FIND$) Numeric max 2. One code only, from the following list: 0 Unknown 1 Dead - no information on how recently 2 Freshly dead (died less than one week ago) 21 Destroyed 22 Dying 3 Dead: Not fresh (died more than one week ago) 4 Sick or injured: now released 5 Sick or injured: not released or not known if released 6 Alive and probably healthy and taken into captivity 7 Alive and probably healthy and released by non- ringer 79 Field record by non-ringer 8 Controlled (by a ringer) 89 Field record by a ringer 9 Alive and probably healthy, fate unknown The normal code for a bird controlled or retrapped and released after examination of the ring is 8. Required if the record type (field 1) is R, C, 1 to 6, S, 8, O, X, 9 or A. 32 * Other ringing scheme (SCHEM2$) Character = 3. The code for the ringing scheme that issued the ring identified at field 33 (see Appendix C); GBT for the BTO ringing scheme. Required if there is a second ring at field 33. 33 Other ring number (RING2$) Character max 12. Record type Contents of this field 1,2,4,5 The number of the old ring already on the bird 3,6,8,9 The number of the other of the two rings on the bird Missing or unreadable characters should be entered as _ (underscore). 12 characters maximum. This field should be empty for all other record types. D:\106753889.doc 17 17/02/2016 21:49 34 *** Biometrics flag This is an indicator to help ORACLE processing at BTO HQ. Numeric = 1. Fields 1-34, 60,63-82,94,95-101, 104-111 and 130-131 are ignored for the biometrics flag. Fields 35-59, 61,62, 91-93, 102-103 and 112-129 are defined as group A (Biometrics). Fields 83-90 are defined as group B (colour marks). Biometrics flag values: 0 if no values in group a or b 1 if values in group a 2 if values in group b 3 if values in group a & b 35 Weight (WT%) Numeric(real) max 7. Weight in grams, to a maximum precision of 0.1 g, with explicit decimal point (up to five digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). 36 * Date of weighing (WTDTE$) Numeric = 8. In sequence day month year, all as numbers with leading zeroes. The year should have four digits. Examples: 1 January 1996 = 01011996, 29 September 2002 = 29092002. Required if a weight is given at field 35; if date of weighing is the same as the date of capture (field 15), repeat date of capture here. Must be equal to, or after, date of capture. Not required if Capture Date/Time are not recorded, or a weight is not recorded. 37 * Time of weighing (WTTIME%) Numeric = 4. Local time (eg BST in summer, GMT in winter): 24-hour clock, hours and minutes, . IPMR and B-RING allow four digits to be input. Required if a weight is given at field 35. Must be equal to, or later than, time of capture if date of weighing is same as date of capture. IF weight is given but no time is recorded, defaults to time of capture but IPMR issues a warning to record the time of weighing. Not required if Capture Date/Time are not recorded, or a weight is not recorded. 38 Wing measurer's initials (WINGINIT$) Character max 3. Initials of the person making the wing measurement recorded at field 39. Uppercase character. 39 Wing length (WING%) D:\106753889.doc 18 17/02/2016 21:49 Numeric(real) max 5. Wing length in millimetres, to a maximum precision of 0.5 mm, with explicit decimal point (up to three digits plus decimal point plus fraction digit); flattened and straightened (Svensson method 3). It is recommended that wing length normally be measured to the nearest millimetre; however, a higher precision is permitted here to accommodate occasional circumstances in which it is justified. 40 State of wing point (POINT$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: A Abraded V Very abraded B Broken G Growing M feather Missing There should be no wing measurement recorded in WING% if codes V, B, G or M are recorded, except for pullus for which G is permitted. 41 Length of primary feather (PRIML%) Numeric(real) max 5. Length of primary feather (usually the eighth, numbered descendently) in millimetres, to nearest 0.5 mm, with explicit decimal point (up to three digits plus decimal point plus fraction digit). 42 Moult code (MOULT$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: J wholly Juvenile plumage P undergoing Post-juvenile body moult (see codes M, A if in full postjuvenile moult) B undergoing active Body moult - not a post-juvenile moult and not part of a Full moult of wings and tail O Old plumage, no body or main moult (includes birds that have completed partial post-juvenile moult, and also birds of unknown age in Autumn before 31/12 S Starting body moult: main moult yet to start – wings and tail old E Ending body moult: main moult finished - wings and tail new N New plumage following main moult, no body or main moult (used for birds that have recently completed moult. Not used after 31 December) M* active Moult of wings and tail (main moult) A Arrested wing moult (primaries or secondaries) T Post-juvenile moult involving Tail or Tertials *if Moult Code = M then ACT$ or ACT2$ (fields 12 or 13) should be set to M if not already in use for other higher priority activity codes. 43 Primary moult score (PPSC%) Numeric max 2. Sum of moult scores (see next field) for primary feathers (0 to 50). D:\106753889.doc 19 17/02/2016 21:49 If Primary Moult (field 44) is completed then this field must equal the sum of the first ten numeric values in field 44. A code of V in primary moult (field 44) should be scored as 0. If a code of U appears in primary moult (field 44), then this field should not be completed. If the Primary Moult Score is 1-49 (inclusive) then ACT$ or ACT2$ (fields 12 or 13) should be set to M if not already in use for other higher priority activity codes, unless score is because of arrested moult. If there is a value in Moult code and the Primary Moult Score is not 0 or 50 then Moult code must be M or A. If Moult code is A then Primary Moult Score must end in 0 or 5 as individual codes must all be 0, 5 or V. 44 Primary moult (PPMLT$) Character max 20. Between ten and twenty moult scores for individual primary feathers, in sequence from the body outwards (descendently): 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for each feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. If any of the 10 Primary Moult Scores is 1-4 then ACT$ or ACT2$ (fields 12 or 13) should be set to “M” if not already in use of other higher priority activity codes. If Moult code is A then individual moult scores must not be in the range 1-4. If there is a value in Moult code and the sum of the individual moult scores is not 0 or 50 then the Moult code must be M or A. 45 Old greater coverts (OGC%) Numeric =2. Progress of post-juvenile moult through the greater coverts – number of old greater coverts (0 to 10). 46 Alula (ALULA%) Numeric = 1. Progress of post-juvenile moult through the two largest feathers of the alula; one code only, from the following list: 0 both old 1 largest old, other new 2 largest new, other old 3 both new 47 * Bill length method (BLMTD$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: S to Skull F to Feathers C to Cere N to Nostril Required if a bill length measurement is given at field 48. 48 Bill length (BILL%) D:\106753889.doc 20 17/02/2016 21:49 Numeric(real) max 5. Length of bill in millimetres, to a precision of 0.1 mm if less than 100 mm; normally to a precision of 1 mm if 100 mm or more (maximum precision of 0.1 mm), with explicit decimal point (up to three digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). 49 THL (head+bill length) (THL%) Numeric(real) max 5. Total head length (length of head plus bill) in millimetres, to a precision of 0.1 mm if less than 100 mm; normally to a precision of 1 mm if 100 mm or more (maximum precision of 0.1 mm), with explicit decimal point (up to three digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). 50 * Bill depth method (BDMTD$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: N at distal edge of Nostril T at Tip D at Deepest point along bill G at proximal end of Gonys F at Feathers B at Bone M at Midpoint O at any Other point Required if a bill depth measurement is given at field 51 51 Bill depth (BILLD%) Numeric(real) max 4. Depth of bill in millimetres, definitely to a precision of 0.1 mm, with explicit decimal point (up to two digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). 52 * Tarsus method (TSMTD$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: S Minimum tarsus (Svensson) – length of tarso-metatarsal bone T Tarsus and Toe: length to end of longest toe, foot flattened on rule M Maximum tarsus (folded foot to extreme end of tarsal joint) Required if a tarsus measurement is given at field 53. 53 Tarsus length (TARSUS%) Numeric(real) max 5. Length of tarsus in millimetres, to a precision of 0.1 mm for methods S and M (field 52) and to a precision of 0.5 mm for method T, with explicit decimal point (up to three digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). 54 Tail length (TAIL%) D:\106753889.doc 21 17/02/2016 21:49 Numeric(real) max 5. Length of tail recorded to 0.5 mm, but more usually to nearest mm. (up to 3 digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fracton digit). Decimal point and fraction digit are optional and if missing does not imply reduced accuracy. 55 Claw length (CLAW%) Numeric(real) max 4. Length of hind claw in millimetres, ideally to a precision of 0.1 mm, with explicit decimal point (up to two digits plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). 56 Plumage (PLUM$) Numeric = 1. One code only, from the following list: 1 full winter plumage 2 trace of summer plumage 3 ¼ summer plumage 4 ½ summer plumage 5 ¾ summer plumage 6 trace of winter plumage 7 full summer plumage Note: codes J and I, if applicable, should appear in AGE (field 3). 57 Brood patch (PATCH$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: 0 absent 1 starting 2 well defined 3 veined and red 4 wrinkled 5 feathering over P present 58 Fat score (FAT$) D:\106753889.doc 22 17/02/2016 21:49 Numeric max 2. See Fat Score Method (Field 94) For Fat Score Method ‘E’ one code only, from the following list based on codes described by A. Kaiser (1993, J. Field Ornithol. 64: 246-255) (F=Furcular region; A=Abdomen; B=Breast muscles; see diagrams below): 00 No fat, or trace 05 F: small strip. A: fat not delimited 10 F: wedge of fat. A: trace of fat. 15 F: almost completely covered. A: trace. 20 F: filled but concave. A: slips of fat. 25 F: filled but concave. A: very small pad. 30 F: moderate covering of clavicles. A: flat or slightly bulging pad. 35 F: still concave. A: slightly bulging. 40 F: completely filled up to far end of clavicles. A: covered by clearly bulging pad of fat. 45 F: filled to far end of clavicles. A: abdominal structures covered 50 F: convex bulge, perhaps overlapping breast muscles. A: extreme convex bulge. 55 F and A: flight muscle border covered by a few mm 60 F and A: fat covering breast muscles by several mm. 65 Fat reaches flight muscle from side of wings 70 F and A: ¾ of breast muscles covered. 75 Small rounded fat free area 80 F and A: breast muscles not visible. For Fat Score Method ‘B’ one code only, from the following list based on codes described by BTO Biometrics Working Party No visible Fat. Dark Red 0 F: trace of fat (~E05). Light red/pink 1 F: base of trachael pit obscured by fat to about one third full (~E10). Yellow2 pink D:\106753889.doc 23 17/02/2016 21:49 3 4 5 6 7 8 59 F: Trach pit about two-thirds full. Muscle within trachael pit visible between fat and clavicles (~E15). Yellow-pink. F: completely filled up to far end of clavicles but still concave (not bulging) (~E30) F: convex bulge, perhaps overlapping breast muscles. A: extreme convex bulge (~E50). F and A: fat covering breast muscles by several mm (~E60). F and A: ¾ of breast muscles covered (~E70). F and A: breast muscles not visible (~E80). Pectoral muscle score (PEC%) Numeric = 1. Size of pectoral muscle. One code only, from the following list: Prominence of sternum Pectoral muscle shape 0 Sternum sharp Muscle depressed 1 Sternum easy to distinguish Muscle neither depressed, sharp nor rounded but not sharp 2 Sternum still distinguishable Muscle slightly rounded 3 Sternum difficult to distinguish Muscle rounded (full) D:\106753889.doc 24 17/02/2016 21:49 60 Capture method (MTHOD$) Character = 1. One code only, from the following list: A Actively-triggered trap (by ringer) B trap automatically triggered by Bird C Cannon net or rocket net D Dazzling F caught in Flight by anything other than a static mist net (eg flicked, Fleyged) G nets put under water’s surface and lifted H by Hand (with or without hook, noose etc.) L cLap net M Mist net N on Nest (any method) O any Other system P Pneumatic/Phut net R Round up whilst flightless S Bal-chatri or other Snare device T Helgoland Trap or duck decoy U dutch net for plUvialis apricaria V roosting in caVity W passive Walk-in/maze trap Field not applicable to pulli 61 Pullus Stage code (PULCODE$) Character = 2. Pullus stage code (not age in days). One code only, from the following list: DO Downy IP primary feathers In Pin FS primary Feathers Short: < 1/3 emerged from sheath FM primary Feathers Medium: 1/3 to 2/3 emerged from sheath FL primary Feathers Large: > 2/3 emerged from sheath 62 Race (RACE$) Numeric max 2. If there is no race code this field should be null. See Appendix I for details of Race Codes (new for 3.40) D:\106753889.doc 25 17/02/2016 21:49 63 * Submission Extra text (TEXT) Character max 40 enclosed in (and not including) double quote marks. Required with brief description of finding circumstances if the record type (field 1) is X or 9; Required with brief description of finding conditions and circumstances if the record type (field 1) is A; Required with the beginning and end of range of possible dates if an exact date cannot be given in field 15: Required with brief explanation of circumstances if the non-standard ring size used; Required if number of Age is 1 and pulli alive is not known and species is not listed in Appendix G. Required if record is being resubmitted – ie to correct a previous error. 64 Validation codes Not loaded into ORACLE from submission files. Codes used internally by B-RING’s BTOCHK program to avoid multiple prompts for user to confirm record content. 65 Capture Type Character = 1. Not loaded into ORACLE from submission files. Always blank for ringing capture records with a ring number in submission files sent to BTO HQ. Only used for Electronic Recovery History files and Observation reports where metal ring not known (these are submitted to BTO HQ and currently printed out to send to colour mark co-ordinators). O Observation records where bird has no unique metal ring number specifed in Ring Number (field 4), but has other means of identification – currently colour marks. There should be no Ring Information value for these records. F First Ringing details; used for importing these Capture Type records into IPMR R Subsequent encounter of bird; which has been made by someone other than the original ringer. Used for importing these Capture Type records into IPMR 66 Place code (PLACE) Character max 6. Place code (up to 6 alphanumeric characters in uppercase plus _-/ and space); (BRING only supports 3 characters) 67 Subsite (SITE) Character max 6. Subsite code (up to 6 alphanumeric characters in uppercase plus _-/ and space) 68 Processor’s Initials (INIT) Character max 3. Processor’s initials (uppercase) 69 Date Accuracy (DTEACC) D:\106753889.doc 26 17/02/2016 21:49 Character max 4. Either a positive integer from 1 through 9999 indicating a range in days either side of the date in field 15 OR one code from the following list. The record type must be one of those listed for each code. I Date of ring issue NEP123456 L Long dead X9 R Date of report RC123456AS8X9 U Unknown date NEPRC123456AX9S8O 70 Finding Circumstance (CIRCUMSTANCE) Numeric = 2. Not loaded into ORACLE from submission files. One code from Euring list of finding circumstance codes. When a submission file is created only the finding circumstance codes relating to field sightings and controls are included and imported into ORACLE (see Submission Finding Circumstance Code field 141): 71 Own data (OWN) Character max 10. User’s own data (up to 10 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 72 Own data 2 (OWN2) Character max 20. User’s own data (up to 20 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 73 Userc1 Character max 1. User field (up to 1 character); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 74 Userc2 Character max 2. User field (up to 2 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 75 Userc3 Character max 4. User field (up to 4 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 76 Userc4 Character max 8. User field (up to 8 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 77 Userc5 Character max10. User field (up to 10 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. D:\106753889.doc 27 17/02/2016 21:49 78 Userv1 Character max 255. User field (Variable length, up to 255 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 79 Userv2 Character max 255. User field (Variable length, up to 255 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 80 Userv3 Character max 255. User field (Variable length, up to 255 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 81 Userv4 Character max 255. User field (Variable length, up to 255 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 82 Userv5 Character max 255. User field (Variable length, up to 255 characters); enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. 83 Left leg below tarsus colour mark (LB) Character max 12 enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark (ring or flag) codes for left leg below tarsus. See Appendix H for field content. Leg flags are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 84 Right leg below tarsus colour mark (RB) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark (ring or flag) codes for right leg below tarsus. See Appendix H for field content. Leg flags are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 85 Left leg above tarsus colour mark (LA) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark (ring or flag) codes for left leg above tarsus. See Appendix H for field content. Leg flags are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 86 Right leg above tarsus colour mark (RA) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark (ring or flag) codes for right leg above tarsus. See Appendix H for field content. Leg flags are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 87 Neck collar colour mark (NC) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark codes for neck collar. See Appendix H for field content. Neck Collars are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. D:\106753889.doc 28 17/02/2016 21:49 88 Left wing colour mark (LW) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark codes for left wing. See Appendix H for field content. Wing tags are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 89 Right wing colour mark (RW) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Colour-mark codes for right wing. See Appendix H for field content. Wing tags are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 90 Nasal colour mark (NA) Character max 12, enclosed in, and not containing, double quotation marks. Not in use currently – reserved for future. Colour-mark codes for nasal tag or saddle. See Appendix H for field content. Nasal tags and saddles are unconventional marks and require special permission for use. 91 Sample (SAMPLE$) Character = 1 Used to indicate the sample of birds processed. E Everything R Random sample A Adults only J Juveniles only C ReCaptures only (controls and retraps), O Other non-random sample 92 Time of nearest high tide (HTTIME%) Numeric max 4. Time of the nearest high tide being the nearest one within six hours of the current time (catch). 24-hour clock, hours and minutes, eg2026. 93 Fat score method (FATMTD$) Character = 1. Code to indicate method used for FAT SCORE (Field 58) B Biometrics Working Group E ESF Required if a Fat Score is given at field 58. 94 Finder (FINDER$) Character max 100, enclosed in (and not including) double quote marks. Finders’ name, address and postcode if not same as submitting ringer. Commas to be used to delimit lines in the name, address and postcode with a maximum of 30 characters between commas. Between three and seven commas to be present ie between four and eight lines in a name/address/postcode. No spaces after commas. Only normal display characters. Must not be more than 100 characters in length. Only to be used for Record types X, 9, O, S, 8, A, P D:\106753889.doc 29 17/02/2016 21:49 95 IPMR Observation Bird Identifier (OBSERVATIONBIRDID) Character max 18. A unique code for the submitting permit number identifying the individual bird. Up to 18 Characters in length composed of Character, numeric or the forward slash (/) character. Only to be used for CAPTURETYPE O and F. It will be used on an F record when providing first ringing details of a submitted Observation. Stored on BTO ORACLE database as separate field to ORACLE Bird Identifier. 96 Project Code 1 (PROJECTTYPE) Character max 3. A code to identify the BTO/Euring project of which this capture forms part. The value must be one of those in the list of valid project codes listed below together with the species codes valid for the project: SRP Swallow Roost Project SWALL 97 Project Registration 1 (PROJECTREGISTRATION) Numeric max 8. A registration number or code unique to the ringer or group for the project identified in the Project Code 1 field (96). The format of the registration number or code are given in the example below (where 9 is a mandatory numeric; 0 is optional numeric: 98 eg 0009 Note: if it is max 8, why 4 digits here?? Project Code 2 (PROJECTTYPE) Character max 3. A code to identify the BTO/Euring project of which this capture forms part. The value must be one of those in the list of valid project codes listed under Project Code 1 field 96. 99 Project Registration 2 (PROJECTREGISTRATION) Numeric max 8. A registration number or code unique to the ringer or group for the project identified in the Project Code 1 field (96). The valid formats for this field are given under Project Registration field 97. 100 Project Code 3 (PROJECTTYPE) Character max 3. A code to identify the BTO/Euring project of which this capture forms part. The value must be one of those in the list of valid project codes listed under Project Code 1 field 96. 101 Project Registration 3 (PROJECTREGISTRATION) Numeric max 8. A registration number or code unique to the ringer or group for the project identified in the Project Code 1 field (96). The valid formats for this field are given under Project Registration field 97. 102 Body moult code (BODYMOULT) D:\106753889.doc 30 17/02/2016 21:49 Numeric = 1. A code to record the degree of body moult present in a bird. Single code from following list: 0 No body feathers growing. 1 A few body feathers growing: up to about 20 growing feathers. 2 Many body feathers growing (more than about 20). This includes feathers growing due to the completion of the juvenile plumage in birds just after fledging. 103 Tail Fork length (TAILFORK) Numeric(real)max 4. The distance between the tip of the shortest innermost and the longest outermost tailfeather to 0.5 mm. (up to 2 digits in length, plus, if appropriate, decimal point and fraction digit). Decimal point and fraction digit are optional and if missing does not imply reduced accuracy. A zero (0) need not be present before the decimal point if the figure is less than 10 mm. A hyphen (-) charatcer may be present immediately preceding the left most number to indicate a negative tail fork (i.e rounded tail shape). 104 Extractor Initials (EXTRACTINIT) Character max 3. Extractors initials in uppercase. 105 Ringer Initials (RINGINIT) Character max 3. Ringers's initials in uppercase. 106 Checker Initials (CHECKINIT) Character max 3. Checker's initials in uppercase. 107 Nest Recorder Observer Code (NRNO) Character min 2 max 4. Codes must be 2, 3 or 4 digits long, can be any alphabetic or numeric character or the / or & characters. 108 Nest Record number (NRCNO) Numeric max 6. Nest record number, optionally with leading zeroes. 109 Euring Species Code Numeric max 5. Not loaded into ORACLE from submission files. Euring Species Code from list in Species table of IPMR. Not used by BTO. 110 Sibley-Monroe Species Code Numeric max 6. Not loaded into ORACLE from submission files. Sibley-Monroe Species Code. Not used by BTO. 111 CES subsite type D:\106753889.doc 31 17/02/2016 21:49 Character = 1. Code to identify status of subsite for CES use. S Standard net A Additional net X Excluded net 112 Secondaries moult scores (SSMLT) Character max 40. Between nine and forty moult scores for individual secondary and tertial feathers, in sequence from the middle of wing inwards, towards body: 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for each feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. 113 Tail Moult scores (TAILMLT) Character max 20. Between five and twenty moult scores for individual tail feathers, in sequence from the centre of tail outwards: 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for each feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. 114 Primary covert moult scores (PCMLT) Character max 20. Between ten and twenty moult scores for individual primary covert feathers, in sequence from the middle of wing outwards, away from body: 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for each feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. Final value can be X for outer diminutive feather. 115 Greater covert moult scores (GCMLT) Character max 40. Between nine and forty moult scores for individual greater covert feathers, in sequence from the middle of wing inwards, towards body: 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for each feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. 116 Carpal covert moult scores (CCMLT) Character = 1. Moult score for carpal covert feather: 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. 117 Alula moult scores (ALULAMLT) Character = 3. Three alphanumeric moult scores for individual alula feathers, in sequence from the inner wing outwards, away from body: 0 (zero, not letter O) for old to 5 (not letter N) for full grown new, V for very old, for each feather. Use code U for feathers where unknown if old or new. 118 Left wing primary moult scores (LPPMLT) D:\106753889.doc 32 17/02/2016 21:49 Character= 20 As 44 for left wing. 119 Left wing Secondaries moult scores (LSSMLT) Character = 40 As 112 for left wing. 120 LeftTail Moult scores (LTAILMLT) Character = 20 As 113 for left tail. 121 Left wing Primary covert moult scores (LPCMLT) Character = 20 As 114 for left wing. 122 Left wing Greater covert moult scores (LGCMLT) Character = 40 As 115 for left wing. 123 Left wing Carpal covert moult score (LCCMLT) Character = 1 As 116 for left wing. 124 Left wing Alula moult scores (LALULAMLT) Character = 3 As 117 for left wing. 125 Lesser & Medium covert moult (LMCMLT) Character= 1. Code for representative state of lesser and median wing coverts (both wings). 0 All old 2 Beginning 3 Middle 4 Ending 5 All new U Uncertain 126 Underwing covert moult (UWCMLT) Character = 1. Code for representative state of under-wing coverts (both wings). 0 All old 2 Beginning 3 Middle 4 Ending 5 All new U Uncertain 127 Head moult (HEADMLT) Character = 1. Code for representative state of head moult. D:\106753889.doc 33 17/02/2016 21:49 0 2 3 4 5 U All old Beginning Middle Ending All new Uncertain 128 Upperparts moult (UPPMLT) Character = 1. Code for representative state of upperpart moult. 0 All old 2 Beginning 3 Middle 4 Ending 5 All new U Uncertain 129 Underparts moult (UNPMLT) Character = 1. Code for representative state of underpart moult. 0 All old 2 Beginning 3 Middle 4 Ending 5 All new U Uncertain 130 BTO Record Identifier (RECORD_ID) Character max32. Not populated for submission files to BTO. This field is set in the BTO ORACLE Database and will not be changed even if a correction is made to the record. It is present in the Electronic Recovery History (ERH) downloads, which are imported back into IPMR from the BTO ORACLE Database. 131 Edit_Flag (EDIT_FLAG) Numeric = 1. Not populated for submission files to BTO. This field is set to zero in the BTO ORACLE Database when a new record is added. If a correction is made to a record then this value will be incremented by one for each change. The value is used during import back into IPMR to decide whether the record is new, needs to overwrite an existing record or should just be skipped. 132 Moved by (MOV) D:\106753889.doc 34 17/02/2016 21:49 Character = 2. Not populated for submission files to BTO. One code from the following list: WA MI UI MO -- Moved by water Moved intentionally by man Moved unintentionally by man Moved by other agency Not moved or not recorded Only valid for Record Types A, X and 9. 133 Finding Circumstances Presumed (FCP) Character = 1. Not populated for submission files to BTO. One code from the following list: P presumed Null Only valid for Record Types A, X and 9. 134 BTO Extra Text (BTOEXTRATEXT) Character max 80, enclosed in but not containing double quotation marks. Not populated for submission files to BTO. Text describing additional ringing or finding information entered by BTO staff (normally during recovery processing). Valid for all record types. For ERH finding information is generated by concatenating FXT1 and FXT2 (each max 40 characters) with a space to separate each field of text. For ringing information it uses RXT (max 40 characters). 135 Ring Number Verified (RNV) Character = 1. Not populated for submission files to BTO. Single code ‘V’ added by BTO during processing of record types X & 9 only, where the ring number has been sent in and verified. 136 Identification Verified (IDV) Character = 3 Not populated for submission files to BTO. One code from following list added by BTO during recovery processing to indicate whether the finder verified identification of the species or not: SPV - Species Verified GPV - Group Verified (e.g finder says bird was a Raptor or Gull) SSV - Subspecies Verified SPX - Species changed (e.g ringing in mixed Gull colony, where bird is subsequently recovered as for example a Herring Gull rather than L B B Gull) SSX - Subspecies changed GPX - Group changed. --- - Unknown 137 BTO Finder (BTOFINDER) D:\106753889.doc 35 17/02/2016 21:49 Character = 100 Not populated for submission files to BTO. Populated during ERH download to provide details of the finder. If a ringer then format is: Name (permit), Email Address e.g Bridget Griffin (4711), bridget.griffin@bto.org If a MOP finder then the name and address (if recorded) separated by commas is sent back (Intermediate ringers do not receive the address). 138 Reporter (REPORTER) Character = 45 Not populated for submission files to BTO. This name is added by BTO during recovery processing if the bird has been reported by a MOP or another ringer via the ringer submitting the report. 139 Submission Flag (SUBM) Character = 3 Populated as part of IPMR data submission process, one code from following list: NOT – i.e ‘not yet submitted’ (so the first submission of this record to BTO). RES - used if data is being resubmitted to BTO. YYN - Where YY is the two digit year code (eg 05 for 2005) and N is the file sequence number (eg 1 for first file for that year). This flag will come in where a submission file has had to be re-created. 140 Captures Key (CAPTURESKEY) Numeric =7 This is the unique reference within an IPMR database to a bird capture. The key starts at 1 and is added sequentially. This field will be picked up by ORACLE during data loading and along with the submission flag field (139), will assist with identifying if a correction is being submitted by the ringer. 141 Submission Finding Circumstance Code (CIRCUMSTANCE) D:\106753889.doc 36 17/02/2016 21:49 Character = 2 Loaded into ORACLE from submission files created from 3.40 Spec or later, only for following ‘Trusted’ finding circumstances: 20 Intentionally Taken 27 At Nest Box/Artificial Site 28 Metal Ring Read in Field 29 Colour Mark Record 81 Identified from Leg Ring(s) 82 Identified from Neck Ring(s) 83 Identified from Wingtags 84 Identified with Radio Tracking 85 Identified with Satellite Tracking 86 Identified from Transponder Record Types R,1,2,3,C,4,5,6 – Circumstance Codes 20 or 27 Record Types O,S,8 – Circumstance Codes 28,29,81,82,83,84,85 or 86 Otherwise the correct Circumstance code is entered by BTO based on the text in Submission Extra Text field (63). D:\106753889.doc 37 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX B-1 *****Not yet updated for 3.40***** Example ringing data records • Newly-ringed adult passerine N,579,GBT,9F7838,WREN.,5,M,,,,,C,,,22041999,1100,B3,G7,SWG,,GBLO,TQ1968,,,,,,,,,,,,1,11.0,22041999,1100,MW,48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Newly-ringed pullus passerine N,579,GBT,RH35035,BLABI,1,,4,4,,,,,,18041999,0700,B3,G7,SWG,,GBLO,TQ1968,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Pullus passerine not successfully fledged (found in nest on 18 June 1994) P,3079,GBT,VB92428,GRETI,1,,7,7,,,,,,18061999,,F3,E1,,”Filton, Bristol”,GBAV,ST6177,1,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”Nest predated”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Retrapped adult non-passerine R,579,GBT,SB29214,KINGF,4,F,,,,,,,,27031999,1000,B3,G7,SWG,,GBLO,TQ1968,,,,,,,,,8,,,1,39.1,27031999,1000,MW,79,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,M,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Newly-ringed adult wader N,3079,GBT,NV68635,RINPL,4,,,,,,,R,,15092000,0850,H3,C9,SBE,,GBAV,ST5384,,,,,,,,,,,,2,74,15092000,1000,SGD,133,,,O,,,,,,,41.4,,,,,,,,,,, C, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Controlled adult wader C,3079,NOS,8385910,DUNLI,4,,,,,,,R,,15092000,0850,H3,C9,SBE,,GBAV,ST5384,,,,,,,,,8,,,2,59,15092000,1130,SGD,119,,,O,,,,,,,56.3,,,,,,,5,, ,,C,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, D:\106753889.doc 38 17/02/2016 21:49 • Newly-ringed adult wader (ring above tarsus) N,3079,GBT,SX28501,TURNS,3,,,,,A,,R,,15092000,0850,H3,C9,SBE,,GBAV,ST5384,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Ring destroyed N,579,GBT,9F7833,*DEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Newly-ringed swallow part of Swallow Roost Project N,3079,GBT,KK33403,SWALL,4,M,,,,,,,,15082002,2050,C7,G3,SBE,,GBAV,ST5384,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SRP,34 5,,,,,0,69 D:\106753889.doc 39 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX B-2 *****Not yet updated for 3.40***** Example ringing data file *IPMR,I,03/05/2002 19:43,2.02q,3.30,1.4.10 *joe@ringinghaven.co.uk N,7777,GBT,P320451,ROBIN,4,,,,,,,A,M,03082001,0000,F3,G7,BML,,GBLR,NS9877,0,,,,,,,,,,,2,14.9,03122001,0600,MGC,66,,1 4.9,M,28,5555431000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BML,,MGC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N,7777,GBT,P320452,BLUTI,4,,,,,,,A,,03082001,0000,F3,G7,BML,,GBLR,NS9877,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,BML,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N,7777,GBT,P320453,COATI,4,,,,,,,A,,03082001,0000,F3,G7,BML,,GBLR,NS9877,0,,,,,,,,,,,2,10.1,03082001,0000,MGC,58,,10 .1,N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BML,,MGC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N,7777,GBT,2345601,STOPE,6,,,,,,,T,,03072001,0000,F3,G7,BML,,GBLR,NS9877,0,,,,,,,,,,,2,25.1,03072001,0000,MGC,124,,2 5.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00,,M,,,,,,BML,,MGC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E,,E,,,,,,,,,, N,7777,GBT,2345602,STOPE,6,,,,,,,T,,03072001,0000,F3,G7,BML,,GBLR,NS9877,0,,,,,,,,,,,2,23,03072001,0000,MGC,118,,23, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,M,,,,,,BML,,MGC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N,7777,GBT,2J3401,WILWA,4,,,,,,,T,,03042001,0000,F3,G7,BML,,GBLR,NS9877,0,,,,,,,,,,,2,11.1,03042001,0000,MGC,65,,11. 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BML,,MGC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N,7777,GBT,GH23101,MALLA,4,M,,,,,E,,,03122001,0000,H1,,,"TYNEMOUTH",GBTY,NZ3769,1,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7 ,,10,,,,,,,,TYN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E,,,,,,,,,, 7 B030 D:\106753889.doc 40 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX C Country EUROPEAN RINGING SCHEMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Scheme (+ = scheme believed to be extinct) Code Albania Tirana ABT Belarus Minsk BYM Belgium Bruxelles BLB Bulgaria Sofia BGS Channel Islands Jersey CIJ Croatia (Hrvatska) Zagreb (Ornit.Inst) HRZ (Formerly YUZ) Czech Republic Praha CZP (Formerly CSP) Cyprus Nicosia CYC Cyprus, North Kuskor CYK Denmark Copenhagen Kalo Viborg Skovgaard DKC DKK DKV Estonia Matsalu ETM (Formerly SUE) Finland Helsinki Museum SFH France Paris Strasbourg FRP FRS Germany Wilhelmshaven (Helgoland) Hiddensee Radolfzell DEW (Formerly DFH) DEH (Formerly DDH) DER (Formerly DFR) Greece Athens GRA Hungary Budapest Orn. & Mad. HGB Iceland Reykjavik ISR Italy Bologna Ozzano (BO) IAB Latvia Riga LVR (Formerly SUR) Lithuania Kaunas (Zool. Mus.) LIK (Formerly SUK) Macedonia Skopje MKS Malta Valletta MLV Netherlands Arnhem NLA Norway Stavanger + Oslo Museum + As NOS NOO NOA Poland Gdansk/Varsovia PLG D:\106753889.doc 41 17/02/2016 21:49 Portugal Lisboa + Porto POL POP Romania Bucharest ROB Russian Federation Moskwa RUM (Formerly SUM) Slovakia Bratislava SKB (Formerly CSP) Slovenia Ljubljana SLL (Formerly YUL) Spain Madrid (SEO) San Sebastian + Seville (Biol. Donana) Madrid (Icona) ESM ESA ESE ESI Sweden Stockholm Museum SVS Switzerland Sempach HES UK & Ireland London (Brit. Museum/Thetford) GBT Ukraine Kiev UKK Yugoslavia Beograd YUB NON-EUROPEAN SCHEMES Angola Australia Brazil Canada China Egypt Ghana Hong Kong India Iraq Iran Israel Japan Jordan Kazakstan Kenya Malaysia New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Philippines USA Saudi Arabia South Africa South Korea Taiwan D:\106753889.doc Luanda Canberra Brasilia Washington Bejing Cairo Legon Hong Kong Bombay Bagdad Univ. Teheran Tel-Aviv Univ. Yamashina Inst. O.Z. Jordanie Almaty Nairobi Kuala Lumpur Wellington Jos Lahore … Washington Rhyiad Pretoria/Cape Town Korea Taipei ALL AAC BAB NAW CPB EGC GHL CGH + INB IQB IPT ILT JHY JO. KZA GPN FVK AJW NVJ + PNL + OE + NAW ARR FPP TXS CXT 42 17/02/2016 21:49 Tunisia Turkey Zambia Zaire D:\106753889.doc Tunis Ankara University Zambia Congo TOT + TUA ZMZ + ZIC + 43 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX D SPECIES CODES EURING CODE CODE 617 ALETE 425 ALLGA 1094 ALPAC 798 ALPSW 96 AMEBI 430 AMECO 4841 AMGPL 305 AMEKE 1014/4 AMEPI 426 AMPGA 1755 AMERE 1203 AMERO 180 AMEWI 1242 AQUWA 1664 ARCRE 567 ARCSK 616 ARCTE 1295 ARCWA 456 AVOCE 183 BAITE 411 BAICR 506 BAISA 244 BALEA 534 BATGO 735 BAROW 167 BARGO 1273 BARWA 0217 + BRWGO 157 BEAGO 1364 BEATI 840 BEEEA 834 BELKI 153 BEWSW 11782 BICTH 962 BIMLA 95 BITTE 187 BLADU 332 BLAGR 638 BLAGU 238 BLAKI 1121 BLARE 131 BLAST 213/2 BLASC 627 BLATE 1158 BLAWH 1720 BAWWA 727 BLBCU D:\106753889.doc SPECIES EURING CODE 1148 1881 582 1307 1256 1638 168 622 514 1069 635 516 216 1710 34 287 961 166 1749 335 29 1567/1 480 606 111 1220 1636 1875 13110 790 1559 1858 1644 1018 998 1461 684 1348 465 590 786 16633 556 213 615 1762 429 Aleutian Tern Allen's Gallinule Alpine Accentor Alpine Swift American Bittern American Coot American Golden Plover American Kestrel American Pipit American Purple Gallinule American Redstart American Robin American Wigeon Aquatic Warbler Arctic Redpoll Arctic Skua Arctic Tern Arctic Warbler Avocet Baikal Teal Baillon's Crake Baird's Sandpiper Bald Eagle Bar-tailed Godwit Barn Owl Barnacle Goose Barred Warbler Barrow's Goldeneye Bean Goose Bearded Tit Bee-eater Belted Kingfisher Bewick's Swan Bicknell's Thrush Bimaculated Lark Bittern Black Duck Black Grouse Black Guillemot Black Kite Black Redstart Black Stork Black Scoter Black Tern Black Wheatear Black-and-white Warbler Black-billed Cuckoo 44 CODE SPECIES BLEWH BLHBU BLHGU BONWA BOOWA BRAMB BREGO BRITE BRBSA BROTH BRUGU BUBSA BUFFL BULLF BULPE BUZZA CALLA CANGO CAMWA CAPER CAPPE CARCR CASPL CASTE CATEG CETWA CHAFF CHEBU CHIFF CHISW CHOUG CIRBU CITFI CITWA CLISW COATI COLDO COLFL COLPR COMGU COMNI COMRE COMSA COMSC COMTE COMYE COOT. Black-eared Wheatear Black-headed Bunting Black-headed Gull Western Bonelli’s Warbler Booted Warbler Brambling Brent Goose Bridled Tern Broad-billed Sandpiper Brown Thrasher Brunnich's Guillemot Buff-breasted Sandpiper Bufflehead Bullfinch Bulwer's Petrel Buzzard Calandra Lark Greater Canada Goose Cape May Warbler Capercaillie Capped Petrel Carrion Crow Caspian Plover Caspian Tern Cattle Egret Cetti's Warbler Chaffinch Chestnut Bunting Chiffchaff Chimney Swift Chough Cirl Bunting Citril Finch Citrine Wagtail Cliff Swallow Coal Tit Collared Dove Collared Flycatcher Collared Pratincole Common Gull Common Nighthawk Common Redpoll Common Sandpiper Common Scoter Common Tern Common Yellowthroat Coot 17/02/2016 21:49 14 1882 421 36 433 464 972 1454 1868 1666 1667 1567 BLBAL CORBU CORNC CORSH CRANE CRCCO CRELA CRETI CREBU CROSS SCOCR CROW. 724 541 509 1149 1050 482 512 1084 1303 1196 744 1307/2 170 781 247 206 311 537 ? 1718 1195 1226 202 1198 1315 618 1834 577 22 182 CUCKO CURLE CURSA DESWH DIPPE DOTTE DUNLI DUNNO DUSWA DUSTH EAGOW EABWA EGYGO EGYNI EGYVU EIDER ELEFA ESKCU EURTE EVEGR EYBTH FATWA FERDU FIELD FIREC FORTE FOXSP FRAGU FULMA GADWA Black-browed Albatross Corn Bunting Corncrake Cory's Shearwater Crane Cream-coloured Courser Crested Lark Crested Tit Cretzschmar's Bunting Common Crossbill Scottish Crossbill Carrion/Hooded Crow (unspecified) Cuckoo Curlew Curlew Sandpiper Desert Wheatear Dipper Dotterel Dunlin Dunnock Dusky Warbler Dusky/Naumann's Thrush Eagle Owl Eastern Bonelli's Warbler Egyptian Goose Egyptian Nightjar Egyptian Vulture Eider Eleonora's Falcon Eskimo Curlew Eurasian Teal Evening Grosbeak Eye-browed Thrush Fan-tailed Warbler Ferruginous Duck Fieldfare Firecrest Forster's Tern Fox Sparrow Franklin's Gull Fulmar Gadwall 71 1276 191 599 136 1314 296 1508 396 GANNE GARWA GARGA GLAGU GLOIB GOLDC GOLEA GOLOR GOLPH Gannet Garden Warbler Garganey Glaucous Gull Glossy Ibis Goldcrest Golden Eagle Golden Oriole Golden Pheasant D:\106753889.doc 72 CORMO 1520 GRGSH 4 GRNDI 1253 GRRWA 0040 + GRTSH 569 GRESK 520 GRESN 716 GRSCU 876 GRSWO 1464 GRETI 121 GRWEG 147 GREFL 479 550 161 251 184/2 634 605 318 211 1717 750 261 1176 592 310 231 219 1567/3 1771 846 444 1001 1591 533 1300/2 1311/5 598 1259 1892 1567/4 1514 1144 604 518 1560 1539 477 304 474 45 GRSPL GREYE GREGO GRIVU GRWTE GUILL GUBTE GYRFA HARDU HAWFI HAWOW HENHA HERTH HERGU HOBBY HONBU HOOME HOOCR HOOWA HOOPO HOUBU HOUMA HOUSP HUDGO HULWA IBECH ICEGU ICTWA INDBU INTCR ISASH ISAWH IVOGU JACSN JACKD JAY. KENPL KESTR KILLD Cormorant Great Grey Shrike Great Northern Diver Great Reed Warbler Great Shearwater Great Skua Great Snipe Great Spotted Cuckoo Great Spotted Woodpecker Great Tit Great White Egret Greater Flamingo Greater Sand Plover Greater Yellowlegs Greylag Goose Griffon Vulture Green Winged Teal Guillemot Gull-billed Tern Gyrfalcon Harlequin Duck Hawfinch Hawk Owl Hen Harrier Hermit Thrush Herring Gull Hobby Honey Buzzard Hooded Merganser Hooded Crow Hooded Warbler Hoopoe Houbara Bustard House Martin House Sparrow Hudsonian Godwit Hulme’s Leaf Warbler Iberian Chiffchaff Iceland Gull Icterine Warbler Indigo Bunting Carrion/HoodedCrow (intermediate) Isabelline Shrike Isabelline Wheatear Ivory Gull Jack Snipe Jackdaw Jay Kentish Plover Kestrel Killdeer 17/02/2016 21:49 485 GOLPL 218 GOLDE 573 GBHGU 1178 GRATH 446 GREBU 9 GRCGR 397 LAAPH 1235 LANWA 1847 LAPBU 493 LAPWI 1824 LARSP 576 LAUGU 55 LEAPE 504 LEASA 591 LBBGU 1664 LECGO 609 LECTE 1519 LEGSH 303 LESKE 970 LSTLA 887 LESWO 160 LWFGO 1274 LESWH 1663/4 LESRE 551 LESYE 1660 LINNE 647 LITAU 98 LITBI 1874 LITBU 119 LITEG 7 LITGR 578 LITGU 757 LITOW 469 LIRPL 48 LITSH 501 LITST 800 LITSW 624 LITTE 536 LITWH 527 LOBDO 767 LOEOW 212 LOTDU 568 LOTSK 1437 LOTTI 503 LOTST 58 MADPE 93 MAGFR 1750 MAGWA 1549 MAGPI 186 MALLA 178 MANDA 46 MANSH 1261 + MAMWA D:\106753889.doc Golden Plover Goldeneye Great Black-headed Gull Gray-cheeked Thrush Great Bustard Great Crested Grebe Lady Amherst's Pheasant Lanceolated Warbler Lapland Bunting Lapwing Lark Sparrow Laughing Gull Leach's Petrel Least Sandpiper Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Canada Goose Lesser Crested Tern Lesser Grey Shrike Lesser Kestrel Lesser Short-toed Lark Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Lesser White-fronted Goose Lesser Whitethroat Lesser Redpoll Lesser Yellowlegs Linnet Little Auk Little Bittern Little Bunting Little Egret Little Grebe Little Gull Little Owl Little Ringed Plover Little Shearwater Little Stint Little Swift Little Tern Little Whimbrel Long-billed Dowitcher Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Long-tailed Skua Long-tailed Tit Long-toed Stint Madeiran Petrel Magnificent Frigatebird Magnolia Warbler Magpie Mallard Mandarin Manx Shearwater Marmora's Warbler 207 KINEI 831 KINGF 602 KITTI 496 KNOT. 1260 MELWA 1557 NUTCR 1479 NUTHA 1255 OLIWA 1008 OLBPI 1272 ORPWA 1866 ORTBU 301 OSPRE 1756 OVENB 450 OYSTE 4842 PAGPL 797 PACSW 1247 PADWA 1895 PAIBU 1233 PAGWA 1878 PARBU 663 PALSA 1298 PALWA 262 PALHA 796 PALSW 1752 + PLMWA 1668 PARCR 1856 PINBU 1699 PINGR 158 PIFGO 189 PINTA 198 POCHA 566 POMSK 330 PTARM 654 PUFFI 124 PURHE 510 PURSA 370 QUAIL 1301 RADWA 1572 RAVEN 636 RAZOR 329 REDGR 239 REDKI 1515 REBSH 1343 REBFL 169 REBGO 221 REBME 196 RECPO 1663 REDPO 1633 REEVI 1113 REFBL 307 REFFA 1880 REHBU 358 RELPA 46 King Eider Kingfisher Kittiwake Knot Melodious Warbler Nutcracker Nuthatch Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Olive-backed Pipit Orphean Warbler Ortolan Bunting Osprey Ovenbird Oystercatcher Pacific Golden Plover Pacific Swift Paddyfield Warbler Painted Bunting Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Pallas's Reed Bunting Pallas’s Sandgrouse Pallas’s Warbler Pallid Harrier Pallid Swift Palm Warbler Parrot Crossbill Pine Bunting Pine Grosbeak Pink-footed Goose Pintail Pochard Pomarine Skua Ptarmigan Puffin Purple Heron Purple Sandpiper Quail Radde's Warbler Raven Razorbill Red/Willow Grouse Red Kite Red-backed Shrike Red-breasted Flycatcher Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Merganser Red-crested Pochard Redpoll spp Red-eyed Vireo Red-flanked Bluetail Red-footed Falcon Red-headed Bunting Red-legged Partridge 17/02/2016 21:49 260 547 1440 1250 1011 575 995 2 1012 16630 546 1122 1201 1877 1251 1002 1186 589 200 712 470 1237 1099 1860 665 1014 1604 1162 841 1563 1887 1584 614 601 290 607 225 171 517 1095 689 1798 1269 1873 579 316 981 497 436 611 1267 1826 498 MARHA MARSA MARTI MARWA MEAPI MEDGU RERSW RETDI RETPI REDPO REDSH REDST REDWI REEBU REEWA RICPI RINOU RIBGU RINDU RINPA RINPL RIVWA ROBIN ROCBU ROCDO ROCPI ROCSP ROCTH ROLLE ROOK. ROBGR ROCST ROSTE ROSGU ROLBU ROYTE RUDDU RUDSH RUFF RUBRO RUTDO RUSTO RUPWA RUSBU SABGU SAKER SANMA SANDE SANCR SANTE SARWA SAVSP SEMSA D:\106753889.doc Marsh Harrier Marsh Sandpiper Marsh Tit Marsh Warbler Meadow Pipit Mediterranean Gull Red-rumped Swallow Red-throated Diver Red-throated Pipit Redpoll Redshank Redstart Redwing Reed Bunting Reed Warbler Richard’s Pipit Ring Ouzel Ring-billed Gull Ring-necked Duck Ring-necked Parakeet Ringed Plover River Warbler Robin Rock Bunting Rock Dove Rock Pipit Rock Sparrow Rock Thrush Roller Rook Rose-breasted Grosbeak Rose-coloured Starling Roseate Tern Ross's Gull Rough-legged Buzzard Royal Tern Ruddy Duck Ruddy Shelduck Ruff Rufous Bush Robin Rufous Turtle Dove Rufous-sided Towhee Ruppell's Warbler Rustic Bunting Sabine's Gull Saker Sand Martin Sanderling Sandhill Crane Sandwich Tern Sardinian Warbler Savannah Sparrow Semipalmated Sandpiper 10 RENGR 779 RENNI 564 RENPH 526 SHBDO 768 SHEOW 968 SHTLA 1487 SHTTR 194 SHOVE 1105 SIBRU 1171 SIBTH 1654 SISKI 976 SKYLA 11 SLAGR 0585 + SLEGU 220 SMEW 519 SNIPE 1850 SNOBU 1611 SNOFI 163 SNOGO 749 SNOOW 491 SOCPL 26 SOPPE 552 SOLSA 1835 SONSP 1200 SONTH 43 SOOSH 623 SOOTE 409 SORA. 1520/3 SOGSH 1592 SPASP 269 SPARR 1264 SPEWA 144 SPOON 408 SPOCR 293 SPOEA 1335 SPOFL 545 SPORE 557 SPOSA 108 SQUHE 1582 STARL 209 STEEI 515 STISA 668 STODO 459 STOCU 1139 + STOCH 52 STOPE 1265 SUBWA 1786 SUMTA 214 SURSC 992 SWALL 1177 SWATH 795 SWIFT 1256/2 SYKWA 47 Red-necked Grebe Red-necked Nightjar Red-necked Phalarope Short-billed Dowitcher Short-eared Owl Short-toed Lark Short-toed Treecreeper Shoveler Siberian Rubythroat Siberian Thrush Siskin Skylark Slavonian Grebe Slender-billed Gull Smew Snipe Snow Bunting Snow Finch Snow Goose Snowy Owl Sociable Plover Soft-plumaged Petrel Solitary Sandpiper Song Sparrow Song Thrush Sooty Shearwater Sooty Tern Sora Southern Grey Shrike Spanish Sparrow Sparrowhawk Spectacled Warbler Spoonbill Spotted Crake Spotted Eagle Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Redshank Spotted Sandpiper Squacco Heron Starling Steller's Eider Stilt Sandpiper Stock Dove Stone-curlew Stonechat Storm Petrel Subalpine Warbler Summer Tanager Surf Scoter Swallow Swainson's Thrush Swift Syke's Warbler 17/02/2016 21:49 1640 80 508 173 978 770 1724 555 1254 1103 1009 1598 1486 1676 203 561 687 1662 1665 544 1179 215 1482 10141 407 1048 1255/2 499 1146 538 1137 SERIN SHAG. SHTSA SHELD SHOLA TENOW TENWA TERSA THBWA THRNI TREPI TREESP TREEC TRUFI TUFDU TURNS TURDO TWITE TWBCR UPLSA VEERY VELSC WALLC WATPI WATRA WAXWI WEOWA WESSA WHEAT WHIMB WHINC Serin Shag Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Shelduck Shore Lark Tengmalm’s Owl Tennessee Warbler Terek Sandpiper Thick-billed Warbler Thrush Nightingale Tree Pipit Tree Sparrow Treecreeper Trumpeter Finch Tufted Duck Turnstone Turtle Dove Twite Two-barred Crossbill Upland Sandpiper Veery Velvet Scoter Wallcreeper Water Pipit Water Rail Waxwing Western Olivaceous Warbler Western Sandpiper Wheatear Whimbrel Whinchat 0626 + WHKTE Whiskered Tern 88 WHIPE 134 WHIST 1170 WHITH 5 WHBDI 1157 + WHCBL 1839 WHCSP 51 WHFPE White Pelican White Stork White's Thrush White-billed Diver White-crowned Black Wheatear White-crowned Sparrow White-faced Petrel D:\106753889.doc 48 1343/2 TAIFL 761 TAWOW 1005 TAWPI 184 TEAL. 502 TEMST 159 WHFGO 505 WHRSA 243 WHTEA 492 WHTPL 1117 WHTRO 1840 WHTSP 628 WWBTE 965 WHWLA 215/2 WHWSC 1275 WHITE 154 WHOSW 179 WIGEO 1442 WILTI 1312 WILWA 50 WILPE 563 WILPH 177 WOODU 554 WOOSA 1308 WOOWA 1523 WOOSH 529 WOODC 974 WOODL 670 WOODP 1066 WREN. 848 WRYNE 1017 YELWA 1733 + YLWWA 872 YEBSA 728 YEBCU 1876 + YBSBU 1871 YEBBU 1300 YEBWA 5926 YELGU 1751 YERWA 1857 + YELHA Taiga Flycatcher Tawny Owl Tawny Pipit Teal (unspecified) Temminck's Stint White-fronted Goose White-rumped Sandpiper White-tailed Eagle White-tailed Plover White-throated Robin White-throated Sparrow White-winged Black Tern White-winged Lark White-winged Scoter Whitethroat Whooper Swan Wigeon Willow Tit Willow Warbler Wilson's Petrel Wilson's Phalarope Wood Duck Wood Sandpiper Wood Warbler Woodchat Shrike Woodcock Woodlark Woodpigeon Wren Wryneck Yellow Wagtail Yellow Warbler Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-breasted Bunting Yellow-browed Bunting Yellow-browed Warbler Yellow-legged Gull Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellowhammer 17/02/2016 21:49 *DEST *LOST *MISS *UNKN ****1 HYBRI RING DESTROYED RING LOST RING MISSING RINGING DATA LOST Rarity code unknown (comment must be added in extra text) Hybrid species NB + indicates code derived in non-standard manner D:\106753889.doc 49 17/02/2016 21:49 Appendix E HABITAT CODES A WOODLAND (more than 5m tall) D5 D6 Breckland Drained bog A1 A2 A3 Broadleaved Coniferous E FARMLAND Mixed broadleaved & coniferous (at least 10% of each) A4 Broadleaved water-logged E1 Apparently improved grassland A5 Coniferous water-logged E2 Apparently unimproved grassland A6 Mixed broadleaved & coniferous water-logged E3 Mixed grass/tilled land E4 Tilled land B SCRUBLAND (or very young woodland less than E5 Orchard 5m tall) E6 Other farming B1 Regenerating natural or semi-natural woodland B2 Downland (chalk) F HUMAN SITES B3 Heath scrub B4 Young coppice F1 Urban B5 New plantation F2 Suburban B6 Clear-felled woodland, with or without new F3 Rural saplings B7 Other G WATER BODIES (freshwater) C SEMI-NATURAL GRASSLAND & MARSH G1 Pond (less than 50m2) C1 Chalk downland G2 Small water-body (50-450m2) C2 Grass moor (unenclosed) G3 Lake/unlined reservoir C3 Grass moor mixed with heather (unenclosed) G4 Lined reservoir C4 Machair G5 Gravel pit, sand pit, etc. C5 Other dry grassland G6 Stream (less than 3m wide) C6 Water-meadow/grazing marsh G7 River (more than 3m wide) C7 Reed swamp G8 Ditch with water (less than 2m wide) C8 Other open marsh G9 Small canal (2-5m wide) C9 Saltmarsh GA* Large canal (more than 5m wide) D HEATHLAND & BOGS H COASTAL D1 D2 D3 D4 H5 H1 H2 H3 H4 I6 Dry heath Wet heath Mixed wet/dry heath Bog Open sea D:\106753889.doc 50 Marine - open shore Marine shore - inlet/cove/loch Estuarine Brackish lagoon Mine/spoil/slag heap 17/02/2016 21:49 I7 Cave I INLAND ROCK I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 J MISCELLANEOUS J1 Other Cliff Scree/boulder slope Limestone pavement Other rock outcrop Quarry * Note: code GA differs from the Nest Record Scheme code (G10) for this habitat. See Ringers Manual pp 48-51 for further details. D:\106753889.doc 51 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX F EURING REGION (County) CODES *New codes added 2005 (see Table B for full list of new codes) TABLE A ENGLAND Avon Bedfordshire Berkshire Buckinghamshire Cambridge Cheshire Cleveland Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham Essex Gloucestershire Hampshire (excl. I.o.W.) Hereford & Worcester Hertfordshire Humberside Isle of Man Isle of Wight Kent Lancashire Leicestershire & Rutland Lincolnshire London (Greater) Manchester (Greater) Merseyside Norfolk North Yorkshire Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Salop/Shropshire Scilly Isles Somerset South Yorkshire Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Sussex (West & East) Tyne & Wear Warwickshire West Midlands West Yorkshire Wiltshire GBAV GBBD GBBK GBBC GBCA GBCH GBCV GBCO GBCU GBDB GBDV GBDO GBDU GBES GBGL GBHA GBHF GBHT GBHU GBIM GBIW GBKE GBLA GBLE GBLI GBLO GBMA GBME GBNK GBNY GBNH GBNL GBNT GBOX GBSA GBSI GBSO GBSY GBST GBSK GBSR GBSX GBTY GBWK GBW GBWY M GBWT WALES Anglesey Clwyd Dyfed Glamorgan (W., Mid- & S.) Gwent Gwynedd Powys Wales GBAN GBCW GBDY GBGM GBGT GBGD GBPO GBW- D:\106753889.doc New Code* GBBED GBBUC GBCAM GBCHE GBRAC GBCOR GBCUM GBDES GBDEV GBDOR GBDOR GBDUR GBESS GBGLS GBHAM GBHES GBGMA GBIOM GBIOW GBKEN GBLAN GBLIN GBGMA GBMER GBNOR GBNYO GBNOS GBNOL GBNTS GBOXF GBSHR GBIOS GBSOM GBSYO GBSTA GBSUF GBSUF GBSUR GBTWE GBWAW GBWMI GBWYO GBWIL GBIOA SCOTLAND Borders Region Central Region Dumfries & Galloway Region Fair Isle Fife Region Grampian Region Highland Region Lothian Region Orkney Shetland Strathclyde Region Tayside Region Western Isles Scotland GBBR GBCR GBDR GBFI GBFR GBGR GBHR GBLR GBOR GBSH GBSC GBTR GBWI GBS- New Code* GBSBO NORTHERN IRELAND Antrim Armagh Down Fermanagh Londonderry Tyrone GBUN GBUR GBUD GBUF GBUL GBUT GBUAN GBUAR GBUDO GBUFE GBULO GBUTY EIRE Carlow Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Leitrim Leix Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow ERCW ERCV ERCL ERCK ERDO ERDU ERGA ERKE ERKD ERKK ERLM ERLX ERLK ERLG ERLU ERMA ERME ERMO EROF ERRO ERSL ERTP ERWA ERWM ERWX ERWI ERCAR ERCAV ERCLA ERCOR ERDON ERDUB ERGAL ERKER ERKIL ERKIK ERLEI GBDAG GBFIF ERLIM ERLON ERLOU ERMAY ERMEA ERMON EROFF ERROS ERSLI ERTIP ERWAT ERWES ERWEX ERWIC GBVOG GBGWY GBPOW 52 17/02/2016 21:49 TABLE B New five letter county codes 2005 COUNTY ENGLAND Bath and N. E. Somerset Bedfordshire Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Bournemouth Bracknell Forest Brighton & Hove Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cornwall Cumbria Darlington Derby Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham East Riding of Yorkshire East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Greater London Greater Manchester Halton Hampshire Hartlepool Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Man Isle of Wight Isles of Scilly Kent Kingston upon Hull Lancashire Leicester Leicestershire Lincolnshire Luton Medway Merseyside Middlesbrough Milton Keynes Norfolk North East Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire North Somerset D:\106753889.doc REGION COUNTY_CODE South West East of England North West North West South West South East South East South West South East East of England North West South West North West North East East Midlands East Midlands South West South West North East Yorkshire and The Humber South East East of England South West London North West North West South East North East West Midlands East of England Isle of Man South East South West South East Yorkshire and The Humber North West East Midlands East Midlands East Midlands East of England South East North West North East South East East of England East Midlands Yorkshire and The Humber South West GBBAS GBBED GBBWD GBBLA GBBOU GBBFO GBBAH GBBRS GBBUC GBCAM GBCHE GBCOR GBCUM GBDAR GBDER GBDES GBDEV GBDOR GBDUR GBERY GBESU GBESS GBGLS GBGLO GBGMA GBHAL GBHAM GBHAR GBHER GBHES GBIOM GBIOW GBIOS GBKEN GBKUH GBLAN GBLEI GBLES GBLIN GBLUT GBMED GBMER GBMID GBMKE GBNOR GBNEL GBNLI GBNSO 53 17/02/2016 21:49 North Yorkshire Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottingham Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Peterborough Plymouth Poole Portsmouth Reading Redcar & Cleveland Rutland Shropshire Slough Somerset South Gloucestershire South Yorkshire Southampton Southend Staffordshire Stockton-on-Tees Stoke-on-Trent Suffolk Surrey Swindon Telford and Wrekin Thurrock Torbay Tyne and Wear Warrington Warwickshire West Berkshire West Midlands West Sussex West Yorkshire Wiltshire Windsor and Maidenhead Wokingham Worcestershire York Yorkshire and The Humber East Midlands North East East Midlands East Midlands South East East of England South West South West South East South East North East East Midlands West Midlands South East South West South West Yorkshire and The Humber South East East of England West Midlands North East West Midlands East of England South East South West West Midlands East of England South West North East North West West Midlands South East West Midlands South East Yorkshire and The Humber South West South East South East West Midlands Yorkshire and The Humber GBNYO GBNOS GBNOL GBNOT GBNTS GBOXF GBPET GBPLY GBPOO GBPOR GBREA GBRAC GBRUT GBSHR GBSLO GBSOM GBSGL GBSYO GBSOU GBSOE GBSTA GBSOT GBSTR GBSUF GBSUR GBSWI GBTAW GBTHU GBTOR GBTWE GBWAR GBWAW GBWBE GBWMI GBWSU GBWYO GBWIL GBWAM GBWOK GBWOR GBYOR WALES Blaenau Gwent Bridgend Caerphilly Cardiff Carmarthenshire Ceredigion Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales GBBGW GBBRI GBCAE GBCAR GBCAS GBCER GBCON GBDEN GBFLI D:\106753889.doc 54 17/02/2016 21:49 Gwynedd Isle of Anglesey Merthyr Tydfil Monmouthshire Neath Port Talbot Newport Pembrokeshire Powys Rhondda Cynon Taff Swansea Torfaen Vale of Glamorgan Wrexham Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales Wales GBGWY GBIOA GBMTY GBMON GBNPT GBNEW GBPEM GBPOW GBRCT GBSWA GBTOF GBVOG GBWRE SCOTLAND Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Angus Argyll and Bute Clackmannanshire Dumfries and Galloway Dundee East Ayrshire East Dunbartonshire East Lothian East Renfrewshire Edinburgh Falkirk Fife Glasgow Highland Inverclyde Midlothian Moray North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Orkney Perth & Kinross Renfrewshire Scottish Borders Shetland South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire Stirling West Dunbartonshire West Lothian Western Isles North Scotland North Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland North Scotland South Scotland South Scotland North Scotland South Scotland South Scotland North Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland North Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland South Scotland North Scotland GBABE GBABS GBANG GBAAB GBCLA GBDAG GBDUN GBEAY GBEDU GBELO GBERE GBEDI GBFAL GBFIF GBGLA GBHIG GBINV GBMLO GBMOR GBNAY GBNLA GBORK GBPAK GBREN GBSBO GBSHE GBSAY GBSLA GBSTI GBWDU GBWLO GBWIS NORTHERN IRELAND Antrim Armagh Belfast Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland GBUAN GBUAR GBUBE D:\106753889.doc 55 17/02/2016 21:49 Down Fermanagh Londonderry Tyrone Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland GBUDO GBUFE GBULO GBUTY EIRE Carlow Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laois Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire Eire ERCAR ERCAV ERCLA ERCOR ERDON ERDUB ERGAL ERKER ERKIL ERKIK ERLAO ERLEI ERLIM ERLON ERLOU ERMAY ERMEA ERMON EROFF ERROS ERSLI ERTIP ERWAT ERWES ERWEX ERWIC D:\106753889.doc 56 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX G SPECIES WITH PRECOCIAL YOUNG OR WHERE BROOD SIZE MAY NOT BE KNOWN 20 70 90 220 460 520 550 710 720 800 1520 1530 1610 1660 1670 1730 1790 1820 1840 1860 1890 1910 1940 1980 2030 2060 2230 3670 4070 4080 4210 4240 4290 4500 4560 4590 4690 RETDI LITGR GRCGR FULMA MANSH STOPE LEAPE GANNE CORMO SHAG MUTSW BEWSW GREGO CANGO BARGO SHELD WIGEO GADW TEAL A MALLA PINTA GARGA SHOVE POCHA TUFDU EIDER GOOSA GREPA WATRA SPOCR CORNC MOORH COOT OYSTE AVOCE STOCU LIRPL D:\106753889.doc Red-throated Diver Little Grebe Great Crested Grebe Fulmar Manx Shearwater Storm Petrel Leach's Petrel Gannet Cormorant Shag Mute Swan Bewick's Swan Greylag Goose Canada Goose Barnacle Goose Shelduck Wigeon Gadwall Teal Mallard Pintail Garganey Shoveler Pochard Tufted Duck Eider Goosander Grey Partridge Water Rail Spotted Crake Corncrake Moorhen Coot Oystercatcher Avocet Stone-curlew Little Ringed Plover 4700 4820 4850 4860 4930 5120 5170 5190 5290 5320 5380 5410 5460 5480 5540 5560 5640 5670 5690 5750 5780 5820 5900 5910 5920 6000 6110 6140 6150 6160 6240 6340 6360 6380 6540 7240 57 RINPL DOTTE GOLPL GREPL LAPWI DUNLI RUFF SNIPE WOODC BLTGO WHIMB CURLE REDSH GRESH WOOSA COMSA RENPH ARCSK GRESK MEDGU LITGU BLHGU COMGU LBBGU HERGU GBBGU SANTE ROSTE COMTE ARCTE LITTE GUILL RAZOR BLAGU PUFFI CUCKO Ringed Plover Dotterel Golden Plover Grey Plover Lapwing Dunlin Ruff Snipe Woodcock Black-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Curlew Redshank Greenshank Wood Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope Arctic Skua Great Skua Mediterranean Gull Little Gull Black-headed Gull Common Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Herring Gull Great Black-backed Gull Sandwich Tern Roseate Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Little Tern Guillemot Razorbill Black Guillemot Puffin Cuckoo 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX H COLOUR MARK CODING Position Each leg bone can have up to four colour marks attached. Wing and neck up to two. Each of these body parts are known as positions. Marks are always recorded from the top down. The reading of any digits eg BIN should be from left to right as if they were the letters from a word. The orientation of the writing on the ring whether it goes round, up or down should not affect the code. In the Submission file the position codes mentioned below are not included as the position is indicated by the field in the submission record. The colour mark codes are also enclosed in double quotation marks. The first two characters denote the position LB: left below the intertarsal joint ("knee"), LA: left above, RB: right below, RA: right above, NC: Neck collar, RW: right wing tag, LW: left wing tag. NS: Nasal tags and saddles. Note that special permission is required to use unconventional marks (ie anything other than conventional colour rings), please contact the Ringing Unit for details. O BT KK 3 The colour marks at each position are listed from top down separated by commas (,). So for yellow over BTO ring on the right leg on the tarsus (below the tarsal joint) we have RBY,M. If colour marks are on multiple positions each position code is separated by a semicolon eg LAG,Y;RAP,M . Inscriptions (including digits, bands and wasp rings) If the colour mark has digits enscribed these are recorded after the mark's colour code in parentheses. The colour of the digits is required this is recorded as the second colour of a two colour code eg a Green darvic with Black digits on a Gull's left tarsus with code XSL would be LBGN(XSL);RBN,M when the black over BTO position is added. If there are bars around the ring then these are recorded using the forward slash (/) symbol. Example 1: letter R separated from letter B by a bar (all black) round a white ring (on the left tarsus) would be LBWN(R/B); Example 2: as example 1 except that the bar is replaced by a bar at each end of the ring would be LBWN(/RB/). BTO XSL 437 BTO GH43 If a two-colour mark is used with different colour digits on each it should be recorded as two marks; if they are the same colour then see below under two colour marks. To record a tall ring a suffix code of T is used. For ‘Wasp’ rings with positional bands on a (tall) ring a suffix of a hash (#) is used; the wasp bands are recorded as for inscriptions except that the only characters allowed are 0 for ‘no band’, 1 for thin band and 2 for ‘thick band’. For a yellow wasp ring with black bands on the left tarsus with a thin band over a thick band over ‘no band’ is coded LBY#N(120). D:\106753889.doc 58 17/02/2016 21:49 Leg Flags Note: Special permission is required to use leg flags as they are an unconventional mark, please contact the Ringing Unit for details. To record leg flags a suffix code of F is used. eg LBRF is a red flag on the left tarsus. Nasal tags and saddles Note: This field is not currently in use. Special permission is required to use nasal tags or saddles as they are unconventional marks, please contact the Ringing Unit for details. Nasal tags and saddles are both recorded using the NS position code. Nasal saddles follow the standard convention eg NSRB(QQ) for a Red Nasal Saddle with a Blue "QQ" inscription. Nasal tags always come in pairs and are treated as two marks on the same position with the tag on the bird’s right side being recorded first. Tags also have a shape which is recorded after the colour code within square parentheses. Tag shape codes are: square [Q], rectangle [R], triangle [T], circle [C], hexagon [H], octagon [O], star [S]. For a bird with a red, square tag on the right and green circular tag on the left the coding is NSR[Q],G[C]. Marks with two colours (on one ring, tag or flag). For two-colour marks a number after the colour indicates the type. Blank is the default for a single colour, 2 for narrow (multiple stripes of each colour) stripes and 3 for thick (one stripe of each colour) stripes. eg RAPC2,M for a Pale Blue/Dark Pink narrow striped ring over BTO metal. The top colour, if applicable, should be the first letter of the code. If a striped colour mark has digits inscribed that are all the same colour then the colour code of the digits follows the colour codes for the ring. eg a white and green thick striped neck collar with dark blue digits XYZ would be recorded as NCWG3B(XYZ). Colour codes for colour marks R W G L N M Y U Red White Green (dark) Light Green (Lime) Black (Niger) BTO Metal Ring Yellow Brown (Umber) D:\106753889.doc P O C K B V S A Pale Blue Orange Dark Pink (Carmine) Light Pink Blue (dark) Violet/Mauve/Purple Silver/Grey Any other metal ring 59 RTY NCY(RTY) 17/02/2016 21:49 APPENDIX I RACE CODES ENGLISH_NAME LATIN_NAME Bewick's Swan Whistling Swan Bewick's Swan (bewickii) Bean Goose Taiga Bean Goose Tundra Bean Goose White-fronted Goose European White-fronted Goose Greenland White-fronted Goose Brent Goose Brent Goose (dark-bellied) Brent Goose (light-bellied) Black Brant Dunlin Dunlin (alpina) Dunlin (arctica) Dunlin (schinzii) Dunlin (schinzii/arctica) Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull (fuscus) Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermed) Herring Gull Herring Gull (argentatus) Caspian Gull Herring Gull (argenteus) Herring Gull (smithsonianus) Iceland Gull Iceland Gull (glaucoides) Kumlien's Gull Barn Owl Barn Owl (alba) Barn Owl (guttata) Yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail Yellow Wagtail (flavissima) Grey-headed Wagtail Yellow Wagtail (feldegg) Yellow Wagtail (cinereocapilla) Yellow Wagtail (beema) Yellow Wagtail (simillima) Yellow Wagtail (leucocephala) Pied Wagtail Pied Wagtail (White) Pied Wagtail (yarrellii) Cygnus columbianus Cygnus columbianus columbianus Cygnus columbianus bewickii Anser fabalis Anser fabalis fabalis Anser fabalis rossicus Anser albifrons Anser albifrons albifrons Anser albifrons flavirostris Branta bernicla Branta bernicla bernicla Branta bernicla hrota Branta bernicla nigricans Calidris alpina Calidris alpina alpina Calidris alpina arctica Calidris alpina schinzii Calidris alpina schinz/arctica Larus fuscus Larus fuscus fuscus Larus fuscus graellsii Larus fuscus intermedius Larus argentatus Larus argentatus argentatus Larus argentatus cachinnans Larus argentatus argenteus Larus argentatus smithsonianus Larus glaucoides Larus glaucoides glaucoides Larus glaucoides kumlieni Tyto alba Tyto alba alba Tyto alba guttata Motacilla flava Motacilla flava flava Motacilla flava flavissima Motacilla flava thunbergi Motacilla flava feldegg Motacilla flava cinereocapilla Motacilla flava beema Motacilla flava simillima Motacilla flava leucocephala Motacilla alba Motacilla alba alba Motacilla alba yarrellii D:\106753889.doc 60 EURI NG SPECIES RACE INITIAL NOTES RACE NO CODE CODE CODE 1530 BEWSW 0 0 1531 1 1 1532 2 2 1570 BEAGO 0 0 1571 1 1 1574 4 4 1590 WHFGO 0 0 1591 1 1 1592 2 2 1680 BREGO 0 0 1681 1 1 1682 2 2 1683 3 3 5120 DUNLI 0 0 5121 DUNLI 1 1 5122 DUNLI * 3 3 NB doesn't follow pat 5123 DUNLI * 2 2 NB doesn't follow pat 5128 DUNLI * 4 4 NB doesn't follow pat 5910 LBBGU 0 0 5911 1 1 5912 2 2 5913 3 3 5920 HERGU 0 0 5921 1 1 5927 7 7 5928 8 8 26632 12 26632 Corresponding with e 5980 ICEGU 0 0 5981 1 1 5982 2 2 7350 BAROW 0 0 7351 1 1 7352 2 2 10170 YELWA 0 0 10171 1 1 10172 2 2 10173 3 3 10174 4 4 10175 5 5 10178 8 8 26643 13 26643 Corresponding with e 26642 12 26642 Corresponding with e 10200 PIEWA 0 0 10201 WHIWA 1 1 10202 2 2 17/02/2016 21:49 Dipper Black-bellied Dipper Dipper (gularis) Bluethroat Bluethroat (svecica) Bluethroat (cyanecula) Redstart Redstart (phoenicurus) Redstart (samamisicus) Stonechat Stonechat (stejnegeri) Stonechat (maura) Stonechat (hibernans) Lesser Whitethroat Lesser Whitethroat (curraca) Lesser Whitethroat (halimomodendri Lesser Whitethroat (minula) Lesser Whitethroat (min./halim.) Long-tailed Tit Long-tailed Tit (caudatus) Long-tailed Tit (rosaleus) Woodchat Shrike Woodchat Shrike (senator) Woodchat Shrike (badius) Bullfinch Bullfinch (pyrrhula) Bullfinch (pileata) D:\106753889.doc Cinclus cinclus Cinclus cinclus cinclus Cinclus cinclus gularis Luscinia svecica Luscinia svecica svecica Luscinia svecica cyanecula Phoenicurus phoenicurus Phoenicurusphoenicurus hoenicurus Phoenicurusphoenicurus amamiscus Saxicola torquata Saxicola torquata stejnegeri Saxicola torquata maura Saxicola torquata hibernans Sylvia curruca Sylvia curruca curruca Sylvia curruca halimodendri Sylvia curruca minula Sylvia c. minula/halimodendri Aegithalos caudatus Aegithalos caudatus caudatus Aegithalos caudatus rosaleus Lanius senator Lanius senator senator Lanius senator badius Pyrrhula pyrrhula Pyrrhula pyrrhula pyrrhula Pyrrhula pyrrhula pileata 61 10500 DIPPE 10501 10504 11060 BLUTH 11061 11062 11220 REDST 11221 11222 11390 STOCH 11392 11394 11395 12740 LESWH 12741 12743 12744 99817 14370 LOTTI 14371 14375 15230 WOOSH 15231 15232 17100 BULLF 17101 17103 0 1 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 2 4 5 0 1 3 4 17 0 1 5 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 2 4 5 0 1 3 4 99817 NB doesn't follow pat 0 1 5 0 1 2 0 1 3 17/02/2016 21:49