FOUR STEP ARGUMENT REFUTATION PROCESS 1. THEY SAY 2. WE DISAGREE 3. BECAUSE 4. SO THIS MEANS THAT…. SAMPLE ARGUMENTS TO REFUTE ON THIS MOTION: This house would not allow extremely violent and sexually explicit videogames to be played by children under the age of 16. REFUTE USING 4 STEP METHOD 1. Violent videogames lead to violent behavior. 2. Sexually explicit videogames cause young people to experiment with sex. 3. Corporations just want to sell videogames, they do not care about harmful effects to children. 4. Children are too young to know which videogames are bad for them. 5. Time spent playing videogames takes time away from education. 6. Parents are currently able to supervise the videogames that children play. 7. Videogames cause children to become isolated from their friends.