Planning Application No: 56/2006/6283


Planning Application No: 56/2006/6283

7-Day Notice: No

1. Site Description

1.1 The application property is on the east side of Church Lane, in the southern part of East

Marton, within the village’s Conservation Area. Church Lane provides access to St.

Peter’s Church, neighbouring attached property St. Peter’s Cloister to the south, and detached dwelling St. Peter’s barn beyond. The property’s garden area is extensive, with a density of mature shrubbery; adjacent to the northern boundary is a small summerhouse with a pitched roof, which has been stained dark brown.

2. Proposal


The proposal is for the removal of the existing summerhouse and it’s replacement with a larger structure, which would have a separate storage area in the rear part. The summerhouse would measure 4.2 metres in length (with an additional 0.45 metres to the front providing a cantilevered roof), and 3.6 metres wide. Constructed from stained timber, with a green mineral felt roof, the summerhouse would have double doors in its front elevation, with double glazed windows to the sides. The roof is to be pitched, at a height of 1.9 metres to the eaves, and 2.5 metres to the ridge.

3. Planning History

3.1 5/56/51/E – Conversion of existing barn to form 2 No. dwellings with garages.

Approved 29/02/1988. Permitted Development rights were removed as a condition of consent.

4. Planning Policy Background

4.1 Policies H20 and BE11 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National

Park) Local Plan.

5. Parish/Town Council Comments

5.1 None received

6. Consultations

6.1 None necessary

7. Representations

7.1 None received

8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues

8.1 The effect of the proposal on; the character and appearance of the dwelling, street scene and Conservation Area; neighbouring privacy and amenity; and off-street car parking facilities.

9. Analysis

9.1 Although the proposal is not strictly for a residential extension, the principles in Policy

H20 are considered relevant, and will examine whether the proposal is in keeping with the existing dwelling and street scene in terms of scale, design, proportion and materials. Criterion two is concerned with protecting neighbouring dwellings from loss of privacy and amenity. Criterion three requires that a proposal will neither create nor increase a shortfall in off-street parking below minimum requirements.

9.2 Policy BE11 relates to development within Conservation Areas; a proposal should contribute to, rather than harm, the character and appearance of the area.

Development must be in scale and harmony with adjoining buildings, and incorporate materials appropriate to the area. The development should not adversely affect the

important open spaces, streetscape, roofscape, skyline, setting and views into or out of the Conservation Area.

9.3 Character and appearance;

9.4 The proposed summerhouse would be replacing an existing structure yet on a larger scale. In relation to the size of the property’s garden area, the proposal is an appropriate scale, and would be in proportion with the application property. Although visible from Church Road, and forming part of East Marton Conservation Area, the proposed summerhouse would adequately blend into its surroundings, largely hidden from view by the extensive evergreen foliage. Even were the landscaping not in place, the design and appearance of the proposal would still relate well to the garden setting.

It is considered that the proposal would maintain the appearance of the Conservation

Area, incorporating materials and use appropriate to a garden location. The proposal is considered to meet the requirements of criterion one of Policy H20 and Policy BE11.

9.5 Neighbouring privacy and amenity;

9.6 The proposed summerhouse is situated such that it would not result in any loss or privacy or amenity to neighbouring property St. Peter’s Cloister, thus meeting the requirements of criterion two of Policy H20.

9.7 Highway issues;

9.8 In accordance with criterion three of Policy H20, the proposed summerhouse would be located in the property’s garden area, and would not impact on any existing car parking facilities.

10. Recommendation

10.1 Approval

11. Summary of conditions

11.1 Standard 3 year time limit and standard reason 2.

11.2 Prior to the first use of the development hereby the window frames, doors and door frame shall be fabricated in timber and stained dark brown unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

11.3 Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted all external timber boarding shall be stained dark brown unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning


11.4 Reason: In the interests of preserving the character of the Conservation Area.
