Seasonal variability in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients content in the San Juan Channel in Fall, 2007 By Theadora Tolkin Pelagic Ecosystem Function Apprenticeship, Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington Abstract The San Juan Archipelago forms the boundary through which all exchange flow between the Strait of Georgia and the Strait of Juan de Fuca is constricted. The goal of this project was to describe the variability, as well as mechanisms driving the variability, of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrient content within and directly south of San Juan Channel between September and November 2007. A Seabird Seacat SBE-19 CTD profiler was used to measure temperature and Salinity at two sites, North Station and South Station, in and around San Juan Channel on six cruises. Discrete-depth samples taken with a Niskin rosette were analyzed for dissolved oxygen and nutrient content. On two additional cruises, two additional sites at the far south end of San Juan Channel, Cattle Pass North and Cattle Pass South, were sampled for temperature and salinity over the course of a tidal cycle to assess the dynamics of tidal mixing on either side of a sill and constriction there. At North Station, waters were found to be wellmixed and generally less dense than at South Station. Temperature and nutrient content decreased over the season, while dissolved oxygen content increased. South Station was more strongly stratified, with surface waters showing a similar trend to North Station, and deep waters remaining consistently colder, more saline, less oxygenated and higher in nutrients. Winds played the dominant role in shaping the structure of water characteristics at North Station, while tides were more important at South Station. Introduction The San Juan Archipelago forms the boundary between the Strait of Georgia and the Strait of Juan de Fuca (Fig. 1). The Strait of Georgia is a large semi-enclosed estuary bounded by the B.C. mainland and Vancouver Island, fed primarily by the Fraser River, 1 and connected to the Pacific Ocean by the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Waters in the Strait of Georgia bear a brackish, relatively warm signature in the Fall whereas waters in the Strait of Juan de Fuca are colder and more saline (Masson 2006, Thomson 1981, Waldichuk 1957). Redfield (1950) characterized five water masses typically found mixing in the San Juan Archipelago. These water masses each have a discrete origin (Fig. 2), and can be identified by their signature ranges of temperature and salinity (Table 1). Oceanographers plot temperature against salinity to identify which water masses are present in a given sample. Water masses of different origins tend to stratify, with colder, saltier, and therefore denser water masses layering deeper than warmer, less salty water masses. Density stratification is a key metric used by oceanographers to characterize their study sites. Newton (2002) characterized density stratification at sites throughout the inland waters of Washington, with results ranging from strong and persistent to weak and infrequent stratification. A strongly stratified water column is one in which very little mixing between two or more water masses has occurred. Distinct water masses will mix in response to sufficient physical forcing such as winds (Goodrich 1987) or turbulence caused by bathymetric features obstructing current flow (Valle-Levinson and Atkinson 1999). The character of density stratification at a site, together with information about water masses based on temperature and salinity measurements there, can tell us much about how various external forcing mechanisms are acting on local water masses to bring them to a site. A combination of tidal energy and abundant discharge from the Fraser River drive estuarine exchange with coastal shelf water through the Strait of Juan de Fuca (LeBlond 1991, Waldichuk 1957). Complex bathymetry in the San Juan Archipelago, 2 through which all exchange flow between the Straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca is constricted, creates an environment of strong mixing. The Pelagic Ecosystem Function apprenticeship at the University of Washington's Friday Harbor Laboratories was initiated in 2005 to investigate physical oceanography and faunal distribution within and around San Juan Channel during the Fall months. The oceanographic results of these investigations have shown a weakly stratified (according to methods developed in Newton, 2002) water column within the channel, though the properties borne by that mixed water column vary on a meteorological, and seasonal basis (Siple, 2006). Contrastingly, waters just 5km south of the channel have consistently been shown to be more frequently and strongly stratified, with temperature and salinity patterns in the upper 30m comparable to the patterns found within-channel. Typically, there is little variability in the much colder and more saline bottom waters there (Siple, 2006). Despite general adherence to these patterns, apprenticeship data has displayed a large amount of variance in the range of values for all oceanographic parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved O2 content, fluorescence and nutrients) from one year to the next. In order to reduce variance and distinguish between observations caused by stochastic processes and those that may be due to larger-scale climatic oscillations such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Nino Southern Oscillation (Doo 2005), more years of observations through changing global climatic conditions is needed. It was the goal of this project to describe the variability, as well as mechanisms driving the variability, of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrient content in San Juan Channel between September and November 2007. One objective was to sample for all variables at two sites in San Juan Channel on weekly cruises over that study 3 period. The second objective was to monitor changes only in temperature and salinity over the course of a tidal cycle at the most bathymetrically complex point in San Juan Channel: Cattle Pass. Methods North and South Site Characterization To monitor seasonal changes in the water quality, we sampled at “North Station,” (4835.00’N, 12302.50’W) and “South Station,” ( 4825.20’N, 12256.60’W) (Fig. ). These two sites were each sampled on 9/27, 10/4, 10/17, 10/23, 10/30/07 and 11/14/07 with the sample time for each station separated by approximately four hours. A Seabird Seacat SBE-19 CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) scanner was used to sample for temperature and salinity. A Niskin rosette was used to collect water samples at six discrete depths between the bottom and the surface to be analyzed in the lab for dissolved oxygen and nutrients content. Nutrient samples were sent to [what] lab at the University of Washington and analyzed for phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite and ammonium. Dissolved oxygen content was measured according to the Carpenter modification of the Winkler titration method (Codispodi 1988), using a Beckman Dosimat microburet, and used to calibrate dissolved oxygen measurements taken by the CTD (Fig. 3). CTD data was processed using Seabird software, and plotted using SigmaPlot. Tidal Dynamics at Cattle Pass To observe the patterns of tidal mixing around Cattle Pass, we sampled for temperature and salinity using a Seabird Seacat SBE-19 CTD at “Cattle Pass North,” (48 4 28.47N, 122 57.54W) and “Cattle Pass South,” (48 25.83N and 122 56.41W) (Fig. 4). These two sites were each sampled twice a day on 10/25 with the time for each cast separated by about two hours. On 11/7, Cattle Pass North was sampled twice, and Cattle Pass South was sampled only once. Use of External Parameters Tide height data were taken from the NOAA station #9449880 at Friday Harbor, WA. The maximum and minimum tide heights for the 12 hours previous to the time of sampling were used to calculate tidal exchange relevant to each cast. Wind speed and direction as well as air temperature was taken from NOAA NDBC buoy #46088 at New Dungeness. Prevailing wind direction was plotted in a polar histogram using Matlab 7.0. The winds for the 48 hours previous to the date of sampling were used for this. Average wind speed for the same period was also calculated and included in our analysis. Sea surface temperature for the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca was taken from NOAA NDBC buoy #46087 at Neah Bay. Temperatures for each 24-hour period between September 25 and November 14 were averaged to create a single data point for each day, and plotted in Sigma Plot. Fraser River discharge and temperature were taken from Environment Canada station #08MF040 above Texas Creek, BC. Results North and South Station Density Stratification 5 North and South Stations display similar patterns of density stratification over time (Fig. 5). However, on any given day, the depth and slope of the pycnocline vary greatly between stations. Table 2 shows how the density stratification results of this study fit into the context of the inland waters as studied by Newton (2002). North Station The waters at North Station were weakly stratified on all cruises (Fig. 6), with an average Δσ-τ value of 0.42. The least stratified day was October 23. with a Δσ-t of 0.13. The most stratified day was October 17, with a Δσ-t of 0.88. The total density range for all cruises was between 23.08 σ-t, which occurred on the surface on October 30 and 24.1 σ-t, which occurred on the bottom on October 4. October 30 and October 4 were the least dense and most dense days, respectively. South Station The waters at South Station were moderately and persistently stratified, with an average Δσ-τ value of 1.63 (Fig. 7). The least stratified day was October 23, with a Δσ-τ of 1.24. The most stratified day was September 27, with a Δσ-τ of 2.03. The total density range for all cruises was between 23.52 σ-τ at the surface on September 27 and 25.65 σ-τ at depth on October 4. The days of least and greatest average surface (top 20m) density were September 27 and October 4, respectively. Those densities were 23.65 σ-τ on September 27 and 23.98 σ-τ on October 4. The days of least and greatest average density at depth (to 20m above the bottom) were October 30 and October 4, respectively. Those densities were 23.34 σ-t on October 30 and 24.04 σ-t on October 4. 6 Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen North Station Water temperature at North Station went from an average of 10.07C on September 27 to 8.97C on November 14. The temperature of the water sampled on the intervening dates was an average of 9.59C, with all temperatures falling within a range of 0.14C (Fig. 8). Salinity was variable and showed no seasonal trend. The freshest day was October 30, with an average salinity of 30.14 PSU. The Saltiest day was October 4, with an average salinity of 31.17 PSU. The total range of salinity was between 29.92 PSU on the surface on October 30 to 31.21 PSU at the bottom on October 4 (Fig. 9). On a plot of temperature vs. salinity, all waters sampled fell within the range of Type D&C Mixed water according to Redfield (1950) (Fig. 10). Measured dissolved oxygen content increased steadily, from an average of 4.83 μg/L on September 27 to 6.04 μg/L on November 14 (Fig. 11). Percent saturation levels also increased over the season, from 52.01% on September 27 to 63.67% on November 14. The exception to this was between October 23 and October 30, average measured dissolved oxygen content decreased from 5.96 μg/L to 5.95 μg/L and percent saturation decreased from 63.62% to 63.29%. South Station Average water temperature for the surface waters (top 20m) at South Station decreased steadily over the course of all six cruises, from 10.15C on September 27 to 8.87C on November 14. Average water temperatures at depth (bottom 20m) ranged from 8.97C on October 23 to 8.13C on October 4, but did not show a seasonal trend 7 (Fig. 12). Average surface salinity also showed no seasonal trend, ranging between 30.81 PSU on September 27 and 31.17 PSU on October 4. Salinity at depth ranged between 31.99 PSU on October 23 and 32.92 PSU on October 4, showing no seasonal trend (Fig. 13). On a plot of temperature vs. salinity, waters towards the surface fell within the range of water Types D&C mixed, while deeper waters tended to fall within water Types C, or B (Fig. 13) Dissolved oxygen content of the surface waters generally increased over the course of the season, from 5.32 μg/L on September 27 to 7.33μg/L on November 14, with the exception of a marked drop from 6.79 μg/L on October 23 to 6.21 μg/L on October 30 (Fig. 14). Percent saturation of the surface waters showed the same trend. Neither dissolved oxygen content nor percent saturation levels of the deep waters showed any seasonal trend. The minimum dissolved oxygen content occurred on October 4, at 3.93 μg/L. Maximum dissolved oxygen content occurred on October 23, at 5.4 μg/L. Nutrients Data for these nutrients was only available for the three cruises September 27October 17. North Station Phosphate concentrations increased over the course of the first three cruises, with greater concentrations at depth. Silicate concentrations increased at depth and near the surface, but did not show an increase in the mid-water. Nitrate concentrations increased over the study period, with greater overall concentrations at depth. Nitrite concentrations decreased over the study period. Ammonium concentrations were very low, and 8 decreased to trace quantities over the course of the study period (Fig. 15 a-d) South Station Phosphate concentrations were found only at depth at the beginning of the study period, but shoaled over time. Silicate concentrations increased during the study period only in the surface and deep waters, but remained low in the mid-water. Nitrate concentrations began the study period high only at depth, but shoaled over time. Nitrite concentrations were high at the surface only in the beginning of the season, lower at depth, and decreased at all depths over time (Fig. 16 a-d). North and South Tidal October 25 North Tidal Two samples, taken from North Cattle Pass at 0830h and 1415h showed a very narrow range of temperature and salinity, and were extremely well-mixed, with a Δσ-τ of 0.03 and 0.02, respectively. The morning cast, at 0830h, had an average temperature of 9.49C and a range of 0.01C. The average salinity of the water sampled at 0830 was 30.94 PSU, with a range of 0.04 PSU. The average temperature of the sample taken at 1415h was also 9.49C, but with a range of 0.02C. The average salinity of the same water was 31.02 PSU, with a range of 0.03PSU. Tide height at 0830h was 1.24m on a slow ebb, with a current speed of -2.86 kts. Tide height at 1415h was 1.89m on a slow flood, with a current speed of 2.62 kts (Fig. 17). South Tidal 9 Two samples taken at South Cattle pass at 1030h and 1225h showed wider ranges of temperature and salinity, with Δσ-τ of 0.11 and 0.79, respectively. The waters sampled at 1030h had an average temperature of 9.49C and a range of 0.03C. The average salinity of those waters was 30.95 PSU, with a range of 0.14 PSU. Waters sampled at 1225h had an average temperature of 9.49C, with a range of 0.37C. The average salinity of those waters was 31.06 PSU, with a range of 0.94 PSU. Tide height at 1030h was 1m at the end of a slow ebb with a current speed of -1.25 kts. Tide height at 1225h was 1.3m at the beginning of a slow flood with a current speed of 2.04 kts (Fig. 18). November 7 North Tidal Two samples, taken from North Cattle Pass at 1250h and 1630h exhibited varying but overlapping ranges of temperature and salinity values, and stratification values of 0.76 Δσ-τ and 0.35 Δσ-τ, respectively. The temperature of the water at 1250h ranged from 9.28C at the surface to 8.87C at depth. Salinity at that time ranged from 30.51 PSU at the surface to 31.4 PSU at depth. The temperature of the water at 1630h ranged from 9.24C at the surface to 9.05C at depth. Salinity at that time ranged from 30.56 PSU at the surface to 30.98 PSU at depth. Tide height at 1250h was 1.95m, at the end of a slow flood, with a current speed of 1.73 kts. Tide height at 1630h was 1.73m, in the middle of a fast ebb, with a current speed of -2.31 kts (Fig. 19). South Tidal 10 One sample was taken at this location on the south side of Cattle Pass at 1445h. Temperature ranged from 9.23C at the surface to 9.05C at the bottom. Salinity ranged from 30.56 PSU on the surface to 32.97 PSU at the bottom. The stratification index was 2.07 Δσ-τ. Tide height at this time was 2.06m, at slack high tide, with a current speed of -0.12 kts (Fig. 20). Discussion Water Masses Waters at North and South Stations were found to possess different basic characteristics as well as divergent responses to external influences such as winds, tides, oceanic input as a result of coastal upwelling, and freshwater input. North Station was more well-mixed than South Station on every date sampled. Even in this mixed water column, density stratification was such that surface (10m) and bottom (10m) characteristics can be considered separately, and each associated with distinct external forcing mechanisms. Figure 21 shows the patterns of temperature change in the North Station surface and deep waters, as well as the change in air temperature at New Dungeness, and in the temperature of the waters of the Fraser River and of the sea surface at Neah Bay. Correlating any of North Station patterns to the oceanic or atmospheric patterns with statistical significance is difficult because the speed at which water is brought to our study site is unknown. However, the temperature of the surface waters, which in temperature and salinity are most closely related to water mass of type D (originating in the surface waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the intermediate waters of the Strait of Georgia) bear a stronger resemblance to the pattern of 11 change of air temperature and Fraser River temperature than did the deep waters over the season. Deep water temperatures, which are more closely related to water mass of type C (originating in the Pacific Ocean surface zones) bear a stronger resemblance to the change in temperature of sea surface temperature at Neah Bay, which is located in the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. At Neah Bay, sea surface temperature fluctuates based on patterns of upwelling on the outer coast. Upwelling as a result of southerly winds along the outer coast would bring oceanic deep waters, which are colder, more saline, and nutrient-rich (Garvine 1971) into the San Juan Archipelago system. Downwelling results in the input of waters characteristic of the ocean surface. These are warmer, relatively fresher and nutrientpoor waters (Beer 1997). A period of strong downwelling began on September 30, lasting until October 24, during which time was seen an increase in sea surface temperature at Neah Bay, as well as in the bottom waters of North Station (c.f. Fig. 21). The effects of mixing between the surface and deep waters on temperature at North Station reflects the influences of both atmospheric cooling, and warming as a result of oceanic downwelling on the outer coast. The maintenance of an almost constant temperature for the four cruises between October 4 and October 30 is likely a result of the mixing of increasingly colder estuarine water with increasingly warmer oceanic surface water. But because salinity did not change progressively during the study period, it can be concluded that there is variability in the relative influences of waters from the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Georgia/Strait of Juan de Fuca on North Station, and the causes of this variability merit investigation. Factors determining the relative presences of Pacific Ocean vs. Georgia Strait/Strait 12 of Juan de Fuca water, show influence from both tides and winds. It is known that winds from the north, coincident with the neap tide enhance the volume of lower σ-t water advected into the San Juan Archipelago (Griffin and Leblond 1990). However, these conditions did not occur during our study period. During this season, southerly winds dominated (Fig. 22). Days of northerly winds were not coincident with neap tides. Nonetheless, surface (10m) salinity did correlate with wind direction, with the saltiest days occurring on days of the most southerly winds (c.f. Fig. 21). This could be a result of the plume of the Fraser River being pushed towards our study site by those more northerly winds. More investigation is required to determine mechanisms driving the structural details of stratification throughout the water column at North Station. The stratified waters at South Station possess waters of two distinct origins. On the surface, all temperature and salinity fall within the range of "Mixed C and D" as described by Redfield (1950): the surface waters at South Station are the product of mixing of Pacific Ocean surface water, and water originating in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Deeper waters fall within a range indicating mixing between Pacific Ocean middepth water, and Juan de Fuca-Georgia Strait waters (Fig. 21). The signals from other variables are consistent with this: South Station surface waters are also well-oxygenated and have lower nutrients concentrations (c.f. Fig. 16), which is characteristic of surfaceoriginating water masses. Deep waters at South Station bear the typical deeper oceanic signature of low temperature, high salinity, low oxygen, and high nutrients concentrations. The pattern of cooling in the surface waters at South Station is different from that at North Station, indicating that although the same water masses are mixing at both stations, 13 the mechanisms driving the mixing are different for each. The steady decrease in temperature over the season indicates a more atmospheric effect on temperature. On the other hand, a consistently higher and less variable salinity signal in the South Station surface waters than at North Station indicates that there is more of an oceanic influence here. Pacific Ocean mid-depth waters may be exerting an influence here, even though the plot of Temperature vs. Salinity for the surface does not fall within category B. It is possible that as incoming Pacific Ocean surface water was becoming warmer, and mixing to a relatively constant temperature with waters from the Strait of Georgia/Strait of Juan de Fuca over the month of October, the presence of colder Pacific Ocean mid-depth water in the South Station deep layer influenced the South Station surface waters, bringing temperature down progressively. We would expect then that the observations of lower surface salinity at South Station would coincide with when the presence Pacific Ocean intermediate water was not as strong in the deeper layer. This happened on two days, September 27 and October 23. The surface layer extended to the greatest depths on those days, and the waters at the bottom did not bear as strong of a resemblance to Pacific Ocean intermediate water in their temperature and salinity characteristics. These two days exhibited the weakest tidal exchanges (Fig. 23), indicating that tides play a role in bringing Pacific Ocean mid-depth water into the San Juan Archipelago, and are an important factor in structuring the waters at South Station. More investigation will be required to determine whether the influence is stronger on the daily or monthly tidal cycle. Dissolved Oxygen Physical and biological factors control the amount of dissolved oxygen in water. 14 Temperature and salinity affect the solubility of water, with colder, saltier water able to hold more oxygen at saturation level than warmer, fresher water (Beer 1997). Activity of photosynthetic organisms increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, due to the release of oxygen into the organisms' surroundings by photosynthesis. Dissolved oxygen is removed from water with respiration by both photosynthetic and heterotrophic organisms. These processes are operating independently (Kemp and Boynton 1980). Winds also play an important role in the infusion of water with dissolved oxygen. Oxygen is always diffusing over the air-water boundary and further down through the water column. Winds intensify this diffusion by creating breaking surface waves that aerate the water and dissolve atmospheric gasses into it (Beer 1997). Because the abundance of photosynthetic organisms remained fairly constant during the study period (Pennington 2007), and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) decreased (Fig. ), it cannot be considered that photosynthetic activity was responsible for the increase in dissolved oxygen content observed over the course of the season. Ammonium concentrations, which are directly related to herbivory and thus can be a proxy for a portion of the respiratory processes occurring to remove dissolved oxygen from the water, decreased after the first cruise date. It may be hypothesized that a decrease in overall respiration over the course of the season was in part responsible for the increase in dissolved oxygen, but this can not be tested becausee we did not measure respiration directly. The steady increase in dissolved oxygen content and percent saturation over the course of the season at North Station and in the South Station surface waters could also be related to the increase in wind speed and duration during the study period (Fig. 24). A final factor in the increase of dissolved oxygen content and percent 15 saturation could be changing character of the Pacific Ocean surface water at our study sites as a result of downwelling off the coast. Though the rates of this input could not be measured precisely, it is known that coastal downwelling brings larger quantities of oxygen-rich open-ocean surface water to coastal areas (Beer 1997). Tidal Dynamics at Cattle Pass Some preliminary information was gathered regarding the way tidal exchange within one day, and tide height affect the input of oceanic water into San Juan Channel around Cattle Pass. On two cruises, water was sampled on the north and south sides of Cattle Pass over part of a tidal cycle. It was found that water on both sides of Cattle Pass was well-mixed on ebb tides, while the flood tide brought denser water to both sides of Cattle Pass. Flood tide and slack high waters south of Cattle Pass were more stratified than the flood tide waters north of Cattle Pass. Flood tide waters north of Cattle Pass were more stratified than ebb tide waters, with the day of stronger stratification, November 7, corresponding to the weaker tidal exchanges. Strong tides disrupt density structure on the spatial scale of a few kilometers, and the temporal scale of a few hours. This is consistent with observations in LeBlond (1991), describing the effects of spring vs. neap tides on the flow of oceanic water into Strait of Georgia deep and intermediate waters. In that study, it was observed that weaker tides left density stratification intact through the San Juan Archipelago, creating the necessary potential energy to foster a buoyancy current of dense oceanic water flowing beneath less dense Georgia Strait water into the deep and intermediate zones of the Strait of Georgia. This was in contrast to what was observed at South Station, where 16 the weakest tides on a fortnightly scale displayed the lowest degrees of density stratification. While this project was not designed to investigate the development of inter-strait buoyancy currents through San Juan Channel, it is possible that the tidal dynamics observed around Cattle Pass are related to this phenomenon. The limited time and sample size available to this study reduce our ability to further understand inter-strait tidal dynamics. A study of similar design over a longer portion of a single year would lead to valuable insights regarding the dynamics of estuarine exchange and deep-water return flow through San Juan Channel, which is necessary to understanding the variability and mechanisms behind habitat characteristics in the pelagic zone here. Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible without the generous contributions of Friday Harbor Laboratories, the University of Washington and the Washington Research Foundation. I would also like to thank Jessica Gill and Randy Jones for their assistance with data collection aboard the R. V. Centennial, as well as the captains of the ship, Dr. Dennis Willows, Don English, Mark Anderson and Dr. David Duggins, and Craig Staude and Alan Cairns for their tireless patience and technical support. I must also extend gratitude to my family, Vannimal and Dad. Finally I would like to thank my wonderful teaching staff: Dr. Jan Newton, Dr. Sandra Parker-Stetter, Dr. Breck Tyler and Jen Nomura for the time and energy they spent challenging me and supporting me to become a better researcher and scientist. Works Cited Beer, T., 1997. Environmental Oceanography, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chao, Shenn-Yu, 1988. Wind-Driven Motion of Estuarine Plumes Foreman et. al. 1995. A tidal model for eastern Juan de Fuca Strait and the southern Strait of Georgia. Journal of Geophysical Research 100(C1): 721-740. Goodrich, D. M., Boicoirt, W. C, Hamilton, P., Pritchard, D. 1987. Wind-Induced Destratification in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17(12):22322240 Gregg, M. C. 2004. Small-scale processes in straits. Deep-Sea Research II 51:489-403 17 Griffin, D and P. LeBlond (1990). Estuary-ocean exchange controlled by spring-neap tidal mixing. 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Stommel, ed. 175-177. Siple, Margaret, 2006. Factors associated with spatial and interanual differences in temperature and salinity in the San Juan Archipelago, WA. Pelagic Ecosystem Function Apprenticeship Report, Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington. Thomson, R. E. 1981. Oceanography of the British Columbia Coast. Canadian Special Publications in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56, 291pp. Valle-Levinson, A and L. P. Atkinson, 1999. Spatial Gradients in the Flow over an Estuarine Channel. Estuaries 22(2A) 179-193 Waldichuk, M. 1957. Physical Oceanography of the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Washington, 273 pp. 18