4-H Camp Counselor Backpacks Each set of cabin counselors will get a 4-H Camp Counselor Backpack to use during County Time. County time is one hour on the schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Campers will do quick game rotations every 10 minutes. During county time, you’ll meet our campers under the pavilion. Line them up youngest to oldest. Count them off in even groups. Staying in the shade spread out groups at least 50 feet from each other. Start games and rotate clockwise when it’s time. Assign a counselor as timekeeper each day. Camp Counselor Backpack Inventory 1 Games & Activities for 4-H Camp Counselors 1 Camp Skits Booklet 1 Soft Sports Ball 1 Rope 5 Balloons 3 Markers 1 Pad of Sticky Notes 4 Small Stuffed Animals 1 Frisbee 1 Roll of Toilet Paper 1 Stopwatch – only in one backpack MONDAY Lead Counselor Game we’re playing Timekeeper TUESDAY Lead Counselor Game we’re playing Timekeeper WEDNESDAY Lead Counselor Game we’re playing Timekeeper WEDNESDAY Lead Counselor Game we’re playing Timekeeper County Time Game Rotation – use this grid to plan for the hour. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Using your stopwatch, yell, “START!” After 10 minutes, yell “ROTATE!” You’ll do this until county time is over. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Using your stopwatch, yell, “START!” After 10 minutes, yell “ROTATE!” You’ll do this until county time is over. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Using your stopwatch, yell, “START!” After 10 minutes, yell “ROTATE!” You’ll do this until county time is over. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Using your stopwatch, yell, “START!” After 10 minutes, yell “ROTATE!” You’ll do this until county time is over. Mummy Wrap Category: Trust building Materials: Roll of toilet paper, watch Preparation: None Instructions: One member of the group is designated as the mummy. The other team members are given 5 minutes to wrap their mummy with the roll of toilet paper. They should be careful wrapping so that the toilet paper does not separate or tear. The mummy should be wrapped from head to toe, but with some leg movement so walking is possible. At the end of 5 minutes, wrapping stops and team members walk their mummy around the room. Care must be taken to be sure the mummy doesn’t get hurt or bumped. Campers should gently move their mummies. If another cabin group is working with you, a race could be held with cabins racing their mummies. Discussion: How does it feel to be confined and have to rely on others? What times in this game made you nervous or worried? How careful were the campers? How can we depend on others as well as use our skills as helpers? Rainstorm Category: Time filler Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Tell campers that they are about to make a rainstorm with their bodies. Gather everyone in the circle, and then establish yourself as the leader of the rainstorm. Begin by gently rubbing your hands together back and forth to make a soft rustling sound. This is the misting/sprinkling part of the rainstorm. Gradually increase the intensity of the rubbing so that the sound gets louder. Slowly, move to patting your hands against your lap to get the sound of drizzle. Again, you will want to increase the intensity of the sound as the storm grows. While still patting your hands against your lap, begin to move your feet up and down to get the thunder and pouring rain. Fade out the patting on your lap and increase the speed and loudness of your stomping to make a really big rainstorm. Let the pouring rain subside, and let the storm drop back to a drizzle by patting your hands on your lap. As that subsides, go back to rubbing your palms together to make the sprinkling rain. Tip: This activity works best if nobody talks, and students simply mimic your actions. Campers will often want to try again to make the most realistic sounding rainstorm. Human Knot Category: Problem-solving, team building Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Everyone stands in a circle. Tell everyone to reach across the circle and shake hands with someone (the person cannot be standing next to them.) After shaking hands, they should not let go of that person’s hand. Then, tell them to use their free hand to grab the free hand of a different person – not the same person that they shook hands with the first time. Now that the group is all knotted up, ask the campers to unravel the knot by unthreading their bodies without letting go of each others’ hands. Discussion: What strategies worked best for unraveling the knot? If we were to do it again, how could we be more efficient? My Name Is… Category: Icebreaker, physical activity Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Gather campers in a large circle. Tell them that they must think of a movement to accompany their name. Begin the game by demonstrating a movement with your own name (for example, say “Peter!” and spin around once.) The next person must repeat that name and movement, then add their own name and movement. This continues around the circle. The last person will have to do the names and movements of everyone else in the circle! Help prompt the campers if they have trouble remembering the names and movements. Discussion: Which movements and names were the easiest to remember? Pass It On Category: Icebreaker Materials: Softball Preparation: None Instructions: Have everyone in your cabin group get in a single file line. Give the softball to the person at the head of the line and instruct them to hold it between their elbows. They must pass the softball down the line using only their elbows. If someone drops the softball, it must return to the beginning of the line and start over. The goal is to get the softball to the end of the line and then back to the front using only elbows. Discussion: What was the most difficult part of this game? How could we make it easier? Tips: If your group really wants a challenge, have them clench the softball between their chin and their chest and pass it on using only their chin and their chest. Because this method has people get in each other’s personal space, you will have to watch carefully to see if it is making campers uncomfortable. This game is also a good team-builder and encourages groups to work together to achieve a common goal. You may want to pair up with another cabin group and have them race each other to see who can pass the softball the fastest. Giants, Wizards, Elves Category: team building, physical activity, energizer Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Before you begin, explain the three rules to the campers: 1. Giants conquer wizards. To be a giant, raise your arms high above your head. 2. Wizards conquer elves. To be a wizard, make a triangle with your arms over your head. 3. Elves conquer giants. To be an elf, place your hands alongside your ears with index fingers extended. Divide the campers into two teams with a space of about 4 feet between them. Direct each team to retreat a few feet for a huddle to decide which they will be: giants, wizards, or elves. In their huddles, each team decides what they will be, plus a backup choice. Then they come back to their 4-feet-apart stance. On a count of three, each team yells what they are. If one team yells "Elves!" and the other yells "Wizards!," the wizard team will chase the elves to their safe zone (you can mark these with cones or use a tree or other found object). Anyone who is tagged becomes part of the opposing team. If both teams yell the same creature, they do it over using their backup choice. Blind Shapes Category: Problem-solving, team building Materials: Rope, blindfolds for each camper Preparation: You will need a large open area in which your group can move around. Instructions: Give instructions before you hand out the blindfolds. Tell campers they will be blindfolded, arranged into a single file line, and in their hands they will be holding onto a rope. Once everyone is grasping the rope, they entire group must work together to form a certain shape (a square, triangle, or oval – whatever you instruct them to form.) After they’ve heard the directions, line them up and blindfold them. Then place the clothesline in their hands so that each person is holding onto it with two hands. Allow them to move around the space until they think they’ve correctly formed the shape that you requested them to make. They can talk to each other as they work to form the shape. Once they’re done moving, go around the room and take off their blindfolds so that they can check accuracy. Discussion: Was it hard to form the shape when you weren’t able to see what you were doing? Do you think the group worked well together? Tips: If your group enjoys this game, tell them that they’re not allowed to talk to each other when they have the blindfolds on. This takes away two of their senses and makes communication very challenging. Minute Mysteries 1. If a plane crashes on the border of Canada and the United States, where would the survivors be buried? (You don’t bury survivors.) 2. If you have ten cows and all but three die, how many are left? (Three.) 3. Do they have a Fourth of July in England? (Yes.) 4. In the Old West, a man rides into town on Thursday, stays three days and rides out on Thursday. How can this be? (Thursday is the name of his horse.) 5. There is a man walking down the road dressed entirely in black. There are no lights on anywhere and no moon. A car with no lights on comes down the road and manages to avoid the man. How? (It’s daylight.) 6. How far can a bear run into the forest? (Halfway, then it is running out again.) 7. The person who makes it sells it. The person who buys it doesn’t need it. The person who needs it doesn’t care. What is it? (A coffin.) 8. What gets bigger when you take away from it? (A hole.) 9. Two people are out in the desert with nothing around them, not even any tracks. One is dead and one alive. The dead person has a full backpack and the living person has an empty one. What was in the backpacks? (Parachutes.) 10. Spell “most.” Spell “boast.” What goes into a toaster? (Bread.) 11. Do the candles burn longer on a boy’s birthday cake or a girl’s birthday cake? (Neither, candles burn shorter not longer.) Rush Hour Traffic Category: Trust game Materials: Bandannas or blindfolds Preparation: None Instructions: This is trust walk adaptation. Everyone partners up and uses their bandanna as a blindfold for one partner. The person who is the car puts on the blindfold and holds hands up as “bumpers” right in front of shoulders, thumbs almost touching. The driver stands behind the car, placing hands on their shoulders. The counselor plays policeman calling for “traffic rolling,” “slow for school area,” “red light,” “freeways,” etc. The drivers respond by steering their cars through the other traffic without touching or bumping anyone else. After awhile groups change roles. “Beep beeping” is encouraged. Tip: Special emphasis should be placed on caring for your car. Avoid holes, curbs, rocks, roots as well as other people Group Juggle Category: Team building, energizer Materials: 1 beanbag, several small stuffed animals Preparation: None Instructions: Start with everyone in a circle. Take the beanbag and toss it underhand across the circle to someone on the other side. As you do so say, “Here John!” John says: “Thanks Sally!” Tell them after catching it to pass it across the circle to someone who has not yet caught it (each person only catches and throws it once.) It’s okay to ask for someone’s name before tossing it. And, that the most important thing is to remember who they threw it to!! Ask them to cross their arms once they have caught and tossed it so that everyone knows no to throw it to them again. The last participant to receive the beanbag should throw it bag to you. Once the beanbag has been tossed around to everyone and back to you, ask everyone to “Point to the person you threw it too.” This ensures that everyone will be able to repeat the pattern on the next round. Tell them that you’ll be going around again in the same pattern and that it ought to go much more smoothly and quickly this time! When the beanbag gets back to you tell everyone to give themselves a round of applause. Then announce they need to stay very alert because things are about to get more challenging. Throw the beanbag once again to the same person to get things started. After it has gone to another two or three people begin pulling the other stuffed animals from your pockets/bag and tossing it, until there are about 4 things going at one time. You’re doing a group juggle! Tips: It’s fun to secretly stuff your pockets with the stuffed animals before the activity begins, and start out with just one that everybody can see. This creates a funny surprise on the third go-round when you start pulling stuffed animals out of your bag. Towel Chicken Category: Time-filler, energizer, ‘magic trick’ Materials: Towel Preparation: None Instructions: First, roll up the towel like a scroll. Fold the scroll in half so that the rolls are on the outside and pull each of the four corners of the towel up out of the center of each roll so that they stick out a little. Grab each pair of opposite corners and pull firmly away from each other. See the diagram on the back of the card for visual instructions. Tips: It’s always good to have some chicken jokes on hand to go with the towel chicken trick. Suggestions are on the back. Also, campers will probably want to lean how to make the chicken themselves, so once you get back to your cabins teach them how to do it with their own towels. Chicken Jokes: Why did the rubber chicken cross the road? She wanted to stretch her legs. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a bell? An alarm cluck. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a pit bull? Just the pit bull. Why did the chewing gum cross the road? Because it was stuck to the chicken. What do you call a crazy chicken? A cuckoo cluck. What do chickens serve at birthday parties? Coop-cakes. Why did the chicken stay outside during the thunderstorm? Because it was ‘fowl’ weather. Tag Variations Category: Physical activity, time filler Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Try playing one of the following variations on the game of tag: Blob Tag: When the tagger tags someone, they join hands to form a tagging pair. They now chase while holding hands, moving as a "blob." When they tag someone else, that person joins hands and becomes part of the tagging blob. The members of the tagging blob have to work together to keep moving in the same direction to achieve their goal. Tips: Break up groups of four into two-person blobs to minimize confusion and stepped-on toes. Tunnel Tag: Tunnel tag is a variation on freeze tag. In freeze tag, kids "freeze" in the position they’re in when tagged. In tunnel tag, someone has to crawl through a child’s feet to "unfreeze" him or her so they can rejoin the game. Vegetable/Fruit Tag: When a tagger approaches a child in this game, he or she must squat down and say the name of a vegetable or fruit for protection. If the tagger gets you first, you also become "it." Band-Aid Tag: In this variation, when a child is tagged, he or she places a hand on the spot that was tagged. The child must keep a hand on that spot for the rest of the game. If the child gets tagged a second time, a hand must be placed on the second spot. Now the child has used up all the band-aids. If tagged a third time, the child must go to the "hospital" (the sidelines) and do five jumping jacks to "get well" and rejoin the game. What Am I? Category: Guessing game, energizer, time filler Materials: Sticky notes, marker Preparation: On each sticky note, write a noun. It can be a place, an object, a color, or a food. If you want, all of the nouns can relate to a theme, such as 4-H camp. Make sure that there is one sticky note for each camper. Instructions: Place the sticky notes on the campers’ backs so that they cannot see their own sticky note. Tell them that their sticky note could be a place, an object, a color, or a food. They must walk around, go up to other campers, and ask Yes or No questions about their sticky note. Once they guess what they are, they can sit down. Discussion: Which were the hardest things to guess? Tips: Don’t make the items too difficult to guess, this will make the game more frustrating than fun. Ship’s Captain Category: Energizer, physical activity Materials: None Preparation: You will need space to move around. Instructions: The counselor starts as the captain. The captain must call out the orders to the rest of the players, who are the crew. If a crew member does not follow an order correctly, they are out. (This decision is made by the captain, who is always right – for the sake of game playing purposes.) The last player left is the new captain. Teach the action for each command first, and once everyone has learned them you can “officially” begin the elimination. The orders are printed on the back. Orders To the ship: run to the captain’s right To the island: run to the captain’s left Hit the deck: crouch down or lay on your stomach Attention on deck: salute and yell “Aye, aye, captain!” Three men in a boat: crew forms groups of three and sings Row, Row, Row Your Boat (anyone not in a group of three is out) The love boat: crew members grab a partner and dance (anyone without a partner is out) Clear the deck: everyone must have their feet up off the floor Scrub the deck: everyone on their knees scrubbing Captain’s quarters: everyone run towards the captain Periscope: everyone falls on their back and sticks one leg up in the air SHARK!: everyone runs to a designated base. The last player to run to the base is eliminated Sick turtle: everyone falls onto their backs and waves hands and feet in the air Row the boat: everyone finds a partner, sits face to face, and pretends to row a boat Birthday Circle Category: Energizer, teambuilder Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Ask the group to place themselves clockwise in order of their birthday months and days. Give more specific directions and demonstrations if your group is young or confused. Ultimate Frisbee Category: Team builder, physical activity Materials: Frisbee Preparation: None Instructions: Create teams with another cabin group and play a game somewhat like football but with a Frisbee. Players can run anywhere except when they have the Frisbee. Then they must throw it from where they are. Elephant Category: Energizer, icebreaker Materials: None Preparation: None Instructions: Have the group form a circle. If “It” points to you, you must make a trunk with your arms. The people on either side of you must put their hands by your ears so that the three of you look like an elephant. Anyone who is unable to do so by the time “It” counts to ten becomes “It.” Rhinoceros variation: This game is played just like Elephant except that the person “It” points to puts fists together by the noise with the outer pinkie finger extended up. During the play of Rhinoceros, “It” may call out either “Rhinoceros” or “Elephant.” Monkey variation: Played like Elephant and Rhinoceros, except that the person “It” points to must scratch his or her head with the right hand while scratching the right armpit with the left hand and making monkey noises. The people to the right and left of the person doing the scratching must put their hands in the air and sway as if they were coconut palm trees. During the game “It” may point and call out “Elephant, “Rhinoceros,” or “Monkey.” Boop Category: Team builder, physical activity Materials: Balloon Preparation: Blow up a balloon. Instructions: Ask participants to hold hands in a circle. Toss a balloon into the circle. Tell the group to do anything necessary (without hurting each other and while holding hands) to keep the balloon from hitting the ground. Crab football style: This variation of Boop needs no formation but does require that participants move in crab football style. Demonstrate by sitting on the floor and then using hands behind and feet in front to move around like a crab. Participants may kick the ball or keep it aloft with their heads but may not use their hands. Variations: Add more balloons. Balloon Volley Category: Team building, physical activity Materials: Balloon Preparation: Blow up the balloon before you begin the game. Instructions: Tell your campers to gather in a circle. Give them the inflated balloon. Tell them they must toss the balloon amongst themselves, and they cannot let it touch the ground. There are three levels to this game. Level One: They can pass the balloon using only their heads or shoulders. Level Two: They can pass the balloon using only their hands or arms. Level Three: They can pass the balloon using only their ankles or feet. Give the teams about three to five minutes to pass the balloon at each level, and then give them instructions to move up to the next level of volleying. Discussion: Was it difficult to keep the balloon off the ground? Which was the hardest level? Did you learn to anticipate the actions of the other people in your group? Tips: Talk about working together as a team and sharing a task. The task shared in this activity is the responsibility of keeping the balloon off the ground – everyone must help. Relate it to a task that your group actually shares, such as setting up for a meal or cleaning up the cabin. Fun Ideas for Leading Games Ideas for forming partners: Find someone with the same eye color as you. Find someone who had the same thing you had for breakfast. Start hopping on either your left foot or right foot and find a partner who is hopping with the same foot you are. Find a partner who has a different number of brothers and sisters than you do. Find a partner who is wearing one item of clothing the same color as yours are. Put either your pinky or thumb in the air. Find one other person who is doing the same thing you are, and that person is your partner. Would you rather eat an apple or an orange? Find someone who would rather eat the same thing you like. Tips: Need blindfolds? Fold up bandannas and tie them around the head. If you have icebreakers involving M&Ms or Skittles, do those early on at camp so that they don’t melt in your backpack and make a mess. Throw your towel in your backpack so that you can make a towel chicken. Always participate in games with your cabin groups. Try to get the adult chaperones to play too! Artistic Genius Skit The scene is an art show where judges are inspecting several canvases that are on display. They comment on the brightness, color, technique, that is used on the different pictures. They select one for the prize and comment additionally on the genius, imagination, and the beauty of the picture. The artist is called up and the winning picture is shown to him. The painter exclaims, "Oh, my goodness! That got in by mistake. That's the canvas that I clean my brushes on.” Balloon Orchestra Skit The players in the orchestra each hold a balloon. They blow up their balloons in unison, then let out the air in a squeak at a time to the rhythm of some easily recognized rhythm such as "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or "Jingle Bells". To end the skit all fill their balloons with air and let go at the counselor’s signal. Important Papers Skit A person should be chosen as “royalty” to sit on a chair on stage. They should begin by yelling out, “Bring me my important papers.” Someone should rush on stage carrying papers of some kid (newspapers, books, worksheets – what ever is around) and say, “Here are your important papers!” The royalty should look at the papers and reply, “No! Those are not my important papers.” The messenger should rush off stage. Again the royalty should yell out, “Bring me my important papers.” Another messenger should enter with different papers and say, “Here are your important papers.” The royalty should look at the papers and reply, “No! Those are not my important papers.” The messenger should rush off stage. This should continue until all but one person has entered. The last time the royalty shouts the messenger should enter carrying a roll of toilet paper. The royalty should say, “Ahhh yes, those are my important paper.” The Lost Quarter Skit One person holds up a flashlight like a lamppost. Another person is crawling around on the floor looking for something. Someone walks in and says, “Do you need some help?” Reply, “Yeah, I lost a quarter.” The person who walked in gets down and starts looking too. Another person comes in, “Do you need some help?” Same reply. This person also gets down to help look. This continues until all but one person has come in. The last person enters and says, “Do you need some help?” “Yeah, I lost a quarter.” “Where at?” “Over there.” “Why are you looking over here then?” “Because the light is better.” Push a Rope? Skit All of the campers (except the one with the rope) line up in a strait line facing the audience. Then from off stage, the camper with the rope walks right in front of them pulling the rope behind him. Well he keeps on doing this, while the campers in the line are looking puzzled and confused, snickering at him and pointing. Finally after awhile, one of the lined-up campers asks the camper with rope, "Why are you pulling that rope?" The camper with the rope stops and looks at him and says, “Well, have you ever seen a person push a rope before?” The Doctor Skit The doctor should start the skit by standing in front of the audience next to a chair or bench. The first patient should enter and the doctor should ask, “What is wrong?” The patient should complain of a particular symptom as they act it out. (Broken arm, stomachache, sprained ankle, etc.) The doctor tells them to, “Sit in my magic chair.” The patient sits down and the doctor makes some action to pretend to heal them. (Make a noise, touch the back of the chair, etc.) The doctor then tells them, “You are healed.” The patient gets up and leaves as the doctor pretends to take on the symptom the patient had. The next patient enters with a new symptom. The same exchange takes place and when the patient leaves the doctor now acts out both symptoms. This continues until all but one person has entered and left. The last patient should come in and when the doctor asks what is wrong they say, “I have diarrhea.” As soon as the doctor sits them in the chair and starts to heal them the doctor should run offstage pretending they have diarrhea. Echo Skit The counselor announces that he has noticed an echo and he is going to try it out. The following is a dialogue between the counselor and the echo - a camper out of sight. Counselor: Hello Echo: Hello Counselor: Cheese Counselor: Cheese Leader: Bologna Echo: (silence) Leader: (to group) It must not be working now. I'll try again. (to echo) This counselor is great! Echo: Bologna! Dead Fly Skit A person should walk out in front of the audience and look down. They pretend to see something on the floor and pick it up. “Hmm, a dead fly. I’m going to rip one of its’ legs off.” They then drop it back on the floor and walk off stage. A second person enters and stops in the same place. When they pretend to pick up the dead fly they say, “Hmmm, a dead fly with five legs. I’m going to pull another leg off.” They then walk away. A third person enters, stops in the same spot, and repeats the same actions and lines, ripping off another leg. This continues until all the legs are off. The next person says, “Hmm, a dead fly with no legs. I’m going to rip one of its’ wings off.” After the other wing and head are off the last person should enter. They stop in the same spot, pretend to pick something up, look at it, say, “Hmmm, a raisin,” and pop it in their mouth as they walk away. The Fisherman Skit Set this up by having someone sit on a chair pretending they are fishing. Next to him should be a large bag (garbage bag or pillowcase works) with items in it to make it look full. An announcer should tell the audience, “This scene takes place on a frozen lake. The fisherman has obviously been successful because look at his full bag of fish.” The first person walks on stage and exclaims, “Wow! Look at all the fish! What is your secret?” etc. The fisherman mumbles a reply but doesn’t open his mouth. The first person says, “I can’t understand what you said.” While he is trying to understand the fisherman the next person walks on stage. “Wow! What’s your secret? How did you get all these fish?” The fisherman mumbles again but doesn’t open his mouth. This continues until the whole group is on stage. Once everyone is there they start to get mad at the fisherman because they cannot understand him. Finally the fisherman cups his hands under his mouth and goes, “Patooee” and says, “The secret to my success is that you have to keep the worms warm.” The Elevator Skit An elevator operator announces “Ground floor” and opens the door. A passenger gets on and begins to jiggle slightly as the elevator rises. The elevator operator announces each floor: “First floor, women’s clothing.” She opens the door and another passenger gets on and begins to jiggle too. Continue up through as many floors as you need to get your whole group onto the elevator. “Second floor, men’s clothing.” “Sixth floor, kitchenware,” etc. As the elevator rises higher and higher, the passengers jiggle more and more. The elevator stops. The operator calls, “Top floor, last stop.” Everyone starts to jiggle like crazy. “Bathrooms!” Everyone rushes off the elevator and races offstage toward the bathrooms. The elevator operator shakes her head in disbelief. Suddenly she looks funny and she too, begins to jiggle. The operator shouts, “Me too!” and rushes after them. JC Penney Skit Begin with one person (character A) sitting on a bench or chair on stage. Have the second person walk onto stage examining an article of clothing, watch, etc. (These items can be props or something the person already has.) As the person walks by, character A should say, “Hi, how are you?” and ask, “Where did you get that new shirt?” (or item of clothing.) The person replies, “JC Penney” and walks off stage. A third person walks onto stage examining a different article of clothing. Character A says the same thing, “Where did you get that (what ever piece of clothing they are looking at)?” Character B replies “JC Penney.” This continues until all but one person has entered. The last person runs onto stage with a blanket or towel wrapped around them. As they pass Character A asks, “Hey, who are you?” The last person replies, “JC Penney.” Mysterious Flying Object Skit One person walks onstage with head titled up at an awkward angle, stops, and stares up at the sky. The position of this person’s head should not change during the entire skit. One by one the others walk onstage, notice this staring person, and look up to see what she is looking at. They stay on stage the entire skit, forming a line next to the person with the crooked neck. Once all are onstage they comment to one another: “Do you see it?” “There it goes!” “I think I just saw it!” etc. They clearly believe something is up there and talk excitedly about the mysterious flying object in the sky. The last person to come on stage asks the person at the end of the line what he is looking at. That person asks the next person, “So you know what we are looking at?” The question passes down the line, finally reaching the first person. She is still staring up at the sky and has taken no notice of the people next to her. She is tapped on the shoulder and asked, “Pardon me, but what is it we’re looking at?” The first person turns with her head still tilted awkwardly and says, “Oh hi. I didn’t see you all there. I’m afraid I’ve got a stiff neck today.” Empty Heads Skit The participants are lined up. The announcer explains that these remarkable people all have empty heads. To demonstrate this the first person in line takes a huge drink of water from a glass. His cheeks bulge out with water. He then pretends to spit the water in the ear of the next person in line. Actually he just lets the air out of his cheeks, only pretending to have a mouthful of water. As the “water” enters her ear, the second person balloons out her cheeks to make it look like they are filling up with water. Practice this. It should look as if the second person’s mouth is filling up as the first person’s mouth empties. Keep passing the “water” down the line until it reaches the last person. The last person in line receives the “water” in his ear, puffs up his cheeks, and spits the water into a glass. This time it is real water, for the last person had a mouthful of water during the entire skit without letting anyone know. It it Time Yet? Skit Have all skit participants sit side-by-side in a row on the floor or on a bench. One leg should be crossed over the other so everyone is sitting the same way. The person on the end should whisper in the ear of the next person loud enough for the audience to hear, “It it time yet?” The second person should whisper the same question to the third person, again loud enough for the audience to hear, and so on. When the last person is asked the question they should look at their watch. They then whisper back to the person next to them, “No, it’s not time yet.” This should be passed down the line. When it gets to the last person with the watch they should reply, “No, it is not time yet.” Again, the first person sighs, and re-asks the question. On this round the person with the watch says, “Yes, it’s time.” After it has passed all the way back to the first person the group should look at one another and all uncross their crossed leg and cross the other leg in unison. Gotta Go Wee Skit All participants should line up two-by-two with one chair in front of the next. This represents students sitting on a bus (but participants are actually standing).One person should stand in the front, acting as the bus driver, hands on the steering wheel, etc. The person in the very last seat should whisper loud enough for the audience to hear to the person in the “seat” next to them, “I gotta go wee.” This message should be passed from person to person until it reaches the driver. The drier should look over their shoulder and reply, “We don’t have time to stop now.” This should be whispered loudly from the person in the front of the bus back to the wee-er. The back person should wait a few seconds and in more urgency whisper to the person next to them, “I gotta go wee.” Again the message is passed from person to person until it reaches the driver who replies, “Not now.” This message returns to the back of the bus and for a third time the back person says, “but I really gotta go wee.” When the message reaches the bus driver the third time the driver should simulate hitting the breaks and opening the bus door. The back person should rush to the front of the bus, jump out the door with arms in the air and yell, “Wheeeeeeeee!” Invisible Bench Skit One person should be on stage in front of the audience to begin the skit. They should pretend to be sitting on a bench reading a book or looking around. Person A should enter and ask, “What are you doing?” The reply is, “I’m sitting on the invisible bench.” Person A should ask, “Can I join you?” The reply is, “Sure.” Person A pretends to sit on the bench next to the original person. Person B then enters and repeats the same exchange to the bench sitters. The replies are the same and Person B joins them on the bench. This continues until all members of the group except one are sitting on the invisible bench. The last person enters, asks, “What are you doing?” The original person answers, “Sitting on the invisible bench.” The last person who entered replies, “The invisible bench? I moved that last week.” All the people on the bench fall on the floor.