1 Supplementary Materials Structure determination of Ser24Ala, Tyr51Phe, and Thr95Ala Crystals were prepared under conditions close to those developed for wild-type RNase Sa. 1 The crystals grew in the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion experiments at room temperature from a solution of 10mg/mL protein in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.2 and room temperature with 0.7-0.9 M ammonium sulfate as precipitant. The mutant T95A was crystallized in cacodylate buffer in the same conditions. The structure of all three mutants was solved and refined by a procedure used for most of RNase Sa structures, their complexes with mononucleotides and their mutants (see ref. 2 ). In brief, data from crystals of all three mutants were collected using synchrotron radiation at EMBL Hamburg. Data were processed with DENZO and SCALEPACK. 2 A summary of data collection and processing is given in Table 1. S24A structure was solved by AMORE 3 using as the starting model RNase Sa 1.2 Å coordinate set 1RGG and refined with the program REFMAC. 4 The structures of Y51F and T95A were solved without molecular replacement. X-ray data were directly used in REFMAC refinement with 1RGG and 1T2H coordinates, respectively. Refinement parameters are given in Table 2. In the structure of Y51F, 13 amino acids were modeled with two alternative conformations of main chain in molecule A (Asp1,Thr5,Val6, Ser24, Asp25, Gly26, Pro27, Glu41, Glu54, Glu74, Ala75, Thr76, Glu77) and 7 in molecule B (Asp1, Val2, Ser3, Gly4, Thr5, Arg65, Tyr86). The structure T95A contains 4 residues modeled with two alternative conformations of main chain in molecule A (Ser42, Arg63, Thr64, Arg65) and 2 in molecule B (Tyr86 and Ala87). Molecules A and B in structures of mutants were 2 superposed with corresponding molecules in 1RGG wt RNase Sa structure using the program LSQAB 5,6 , Table 3. Residues with alternative main chain conformations were excluded from superposition in the figures. 3 Table 1. Data collection statistics. a S24A (4GHO) Y51F (4J5K) T95A (4J5G) X-ray source BW7B X31 X31 Wavelength (Ǻ) 0.834 1.1 1.1 Temperature (K) 298.0 100 100.0 Resolution range (Ǻ) 1.1-20.0 1.2-20.0 1.3-19.6 Space group P212121 P212121 P212121 38.92 64.69 78.28 38.30 63.81 77.62 38.12 64.19 78.23 Last resolution shell (Ǻ) 1.10-1.11 1.23-1.24 1.31-1.32 Matthews coef. (Ǻ /Da) 2.33 2.24 2.27 47 45.2 45.8 80 959 (5 117) 54 845 (3 366) 46 925 (1 240) Completeness (%) 98.2 (96.7) 97.8 (82.6) 93.6 (80.8) I/σ(I) 18.5 (3.3) 29.7 (4.9) 28.5 (4.6) 1.2 (1.0) 2.3 (1.8) 3.5 (3.2) 14.5 12.0 7.5 Unit cell a, b, c (Ǻ) 3 Solvent content (%) No of unique reflections Redundancy Wilson B-factors (Ǻ ) 2 a Values in parentheses refer to the outer shell. 4 Table 2. Refinement statistics. a S24A (4GHO) Y51F (4J5K) T95A (4J5G) Resolution (Ǻ) 1.1-14.5 1.2-18.6 1.3-18.7 Last resolution shell (Ǻ) 1.10-1.13 1.23-1.26 1.31-1.34 R factor (%) 9.8 (15.7) 10.6 (14.6) 11.4 (17.4) Rfree factor (%) 11.7 (18.6) 13.6 (18.0) 15.0 (21.9) 80 959 (5 117) 52 028 (3 366) 41 707 (2 696) 3 991 2 778 2 204 based on R 0.019 0.033 0.046 based on Rfree 0.021 0.034 0.046 Protein molecules in asymm. unit 2 2 2 SO4 2- 1 1 3 Glycerol - 2 2 Cacodylate anion - - 1 Water molecules 341 416 462 1 482 1 490 1 488 5 17 26 14.5 12.0 10.7 13.78/15.47 9.7 / 11.0 8.1 / 9.2 water molecules 37.1 27.4 26.4 SO42- 14.0 8.5 14.6 glycerol - 17.4 18.9 cacodylate anion - - 28.3 bond lenghts (Ǻ) 0.028 0.023 0.023 bond angles (°) 2.140 2.108 2.217 0.362 0.173 0.156 0.011 0.012 0.012 most favourable (%) 97.5 97.7 97.5 additionally allowed (%) 0.5 0.3 0.5 No of reflections No of reflections, test set Coordinates ESU (Ǻ) Protein non-H atoms Ligand atoms Average B factors (Ǻ2) protein atoms molecule A/B RMSD from ideal values chiral centers (Ǻ ) 3 planar groups (Ǻ) Ramachandran profile a b b Values in parentheses refer to the outer shell. Ramachandran profile was calculated using the Molprobity server (http://molprobity.biochem.duke.edu/). 5 Table 3. Superposition of mutant and wt RNase Sa structures. a S24A_1RGG Y51F_1RGG T95A_1RGG A mol B mol A mol B mol A mol B mol 96 96 83 89 92 94 rms (Å) 0.101 0.100 0.245 0.201 0.238 0.337 average (Å) 0.075 0.077 0.214 0.178 0.205 0.282 maximum (Å) 0.444 0.374 0.578 0.452 0.579 0.889 (Pro27) (Ser3) (Arg40) (Ala87) (Thr76) (Gly4) No of atoms XYZ displacement a 1RGG wt RNase Sa structure was used in superposition as a standard molecule. Amino-acid residues with two CA conformations were excluded from superposition. 6 Analysis of the 59 Ser to Ala mutations included in Table VIII For the 59 Ser to Ala mutations, 44 of the Ser residues were hydrogen bonded and 15 were not. This was determined using pfis. 7 Protherm was used to find Ser to Ala mutants where (G) values had been measured. 8 The original reference was then consulted to confirm the results. Twelve of the (G) values for Ser to Ala mutants were from Table VII in this paper. The (G) values for the other 47 Ser to Ala mutants are given below. The name of the protein is followed (in parentheses) by the Ser residue that was mutated, and its Δ(ΔG) value in kcal/mol. The results for the mutants where the Ser was hydrogen bonded in the wild type protein include: Staph nuclease (128, 0.7 and 141, -0.4), 9 barnase (85, 0.1, 91, -1.9, 92, -2.8), 10,11 human lysozyme (24, -0.5, 36, -1.1, 51, -0.2, 61, -1.4), 12 chymotrypsin inhibitor-2 (12, -0.9, 31, -0.9), 13 apoflavodoxin (71, -0.7, 110, -0.6), 14 human growth hormone (71,-1.0), 15 HPr (31, -0.5, 46, -1.0), 16 SH3 domain from Fyn tyrosine kinase (41, -0.7), 17 RNase H1 (68, -0.8), 18 T4 lysozyme (38, -0.8, 117, 1.3), 19,20 Pho PQ activated gene P from E. coli (58, -1.3, 130, -1.3), 21 Succ 1from the cyclin-dependent kinase (cks) family (28, -0.3), 22 Cks-1 (9, -0.3), 23 DHFR (148, -0.4), 24 Arc repressor (32, -3.8, 35, 0.2, 44, -1.6), 25 FF domain from human HYPA/FBP11 (32, 0, 35, -1.0, 56, -0.5), 26 ribose binding protein (9, -1.3), 27 RNase T1 (12, -1.2, 17, 0.6, 64, -1.5), 28 and RNase A (75, -2.5). 29 The results for the mutants where the Ser was not hydrogen bonded in the wild type protein include: Staph nuclease (59, 0.4), 9 barnase (28, 0.4, 31, 0.1), 30 human lysozyme (80, 0.5, 82, 0.4), 12 T4 lysozyme (44, 0.4), 31 Cks-1 (39, -0.8), 23 myoglobin 7 (117, -0.3), 32 hen egg white lysozyme (91, -0.2), 33 Arc repressor (5, 0.1), 25 and the FF domain from human HYPA/FBP11 (50, -0.2). 26 For the 44 hydrogen bonded residues, the average ∆(∆G) = -0.82 with a standard deviation of 0.89. 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