Department of Defense Hybrid Optimization Approach for Solving Parameter Estimation Problems Demonstration of High-Performance Computing Reservoir Simulation Problems Project EQM-KY6-003 Automated Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis Deliverable 5 PI: Hector Klie (UT-Austin) E-mail: Voice: (512) 475-8634 Fax: (512) 232-2445 Team Members: Leticia Velázquez (UTEP) Miguel Argáez (UTEP) Carlos Quintero (UTEP) Mary F. Wheeler (UT-Austin) Abstract We present the numerical performance of a hybrid optimization approach for solving automated parameter estimation problems based on the coupling of the Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) and the Newton-Krylov Interior Point (NKIP) methods via the generation of metamodels. The approach is tested on a suit of different problems that illustrates potential for addressing large-scale EQM inverse problems. Keywords. SPSA, Newton-Krylov, interior point methods, global and local optimization, metamodels, parameter estimation, inverse problems, groundwater flow. 1 Introduction In this report we present the numerical performance of a hybrid optimization approach for solving automated parameter estimation problems based on the coupling of the Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) and the globalized Newton-Krylov InteriorPoint algorithm (NKIP) [1] described in previous reports of this project ([7, 8]). In brief terms, the approach generates a surrogate model (also known as metamodel or proxy) based on the best approximate solution yield by SPSA. We filter its corresponding sequence of points with a user-specified radius. The set of points is enriched with additional sampling of points that allows for creating an interpolated response surface in a neighborhood of the optimal solution. Furthermore, this procedure allows for creating first and second order derivative information. At this stage, the NKIP algorithm can be applied to find a refined optimal solution. We implement the hybrid optimization algorithm on four relatively small test cases, and demonstrate its capabilities for performing parameter estimation based on a two-phase flow problem of interest to the PET-DoD using a HPC platform. 2 Hybrid Optimization Finding a global optimal solution is a challenging task in many DoD environmental applications that either estimate subsurface parameters or find an optimal management of resources/operations on contaminated sites as stated in the first two deliverables of this EQM Project [7, 8]. Many of these problems are computationally demanding and, therefore, have motivated the need to develop novel optimization approaches. Hence, we have proposed a suite of different optimization problems to evaluate the capabilities of combining both SPSA and NKIP in searching for an optimal solution. The list of problems ranges from analytical expressions to PDE-based problems. The Hybrid Optimization Scheme uses SPSA as a global strategy and NKIP as a local strategy. SPSA is an algorithm that does not depend on derivative information, and it is able to find a good approximation to the solution using few function values. Its disadvantage is that once we have a good approximation, it may not satisfy some conditions and constraints associated with the problem. NKIP principal advantages are its fast rate of convergence to a local optimum, and it can be implemented for solving large-scale problems. This approach finds local solutions that meet certain conditions and constraints that the SPSA's solutions may not necessarily satisfied. For our purpose, NKIP has the disadvantage that is a local strategy, then this solution may not necessarily be the global solution. This strategy requires first and second order derivative information which could be expensive or even impossible to evaluate (as it occurs in most EQM applications that mostly rely on legacy code). Our objective is to combine these two strategies taking the advantages of each one. Figure 1 shows our hybrid optimization scheme. Figure 1: Hybrid Optimization Scheme. 3 Metamodeling Strategy Most problems require experiments and/or simulations to evaluate objective and constraint functions as in terms of design variables. Frequently, optimization strategies requires thousands or even millions of evaluations, and often the associated high cost and time requirements render this infeasible. We can overcome the computational cost of the optimization by constructing analytical expressions, known as surrogate models, that locally approximate the original simulation or forward model with a limited amount of data. This approach is very appealing when the simulation or forward model is based on the solution of a set of differential equations consisting of hundreds of thousand to millions of elements and with a significant number of time steps. Obviously, the accuracy of the surrogate model depends strongly on the number and location of samples (as it generally occurs with any approximating function). The most popular surrogate models are provided by polynomial response surfaces, kriging, artificial neural networks and radial basis function (see e.g., [5]). In particular, the hybrid optimization approach seems to provide more reliable results when using radial basis functions to create the surrogate model. We find the surrogate model fs(x) using an interpolation method with the data, (xk,f(xk)), k=1,…,p, provided by SPSA. In our test cases, we optimize the surrogate function m f x (x) w j h j ( x) j 1 where the multiquadric basis functions are given by n h j ( x) 1 i x c 2 i ij rij2 with cij,rij,,wj, ,i=1,…,n and, j=1,…m. We also consider the Gaussian basis functions defined by n x c 2 i ij h j ( x) e i rij2 . A radial basis function (RBF) is typically parameterized by two sets of parameters: the center c, which defines its position, and a second set of parameters that determines the shape (width or form) of an RBF. In the case of a one-dimensional Gaussian function, this second set of parameters is given by the standard deviation 1/2 rij2 .We use the Gaussian RBF to create the surrogate model for Pinter, Rastringin and the small reservoir problem. The multiquadric RBF is use for Chandrasekhar and Bratu problems. Figure 2 shows the metamodel obtained for Pinter's Figure 2. Metamodel representation for the Pinter's function (d=2). 4 Numerical Experiments We consider 4 cases: (1) Pinter's problem, (2) Rastringin's problem, (3) Chandrasekhar integral equation (see [3, 6]) and, (4) the nonlinear elliptic equation Bratu [4, 9, 8]. All of these cases were presented in detailed on the previous report [8]. For each case, we use five different random initial points to start SPSA. We show an example for the Pinter's problem in Figure 3. Figure 3. Solution to Pinter's problem using SPSA with 4 different initial points (indicated with a white circle). Next, we filter out the data resulting from searching for the lowest function value and construct a surrogate model using additional sampling. In that way, derivative information can be associated with the interpolating function that represents the surrogate model. This is used by the NKIP algorithm to find an optimal solution. This solution is evaluated and compared with the original model (function). If the solution satisfies certain tolerance, then we claim it is the global solution. If this is not the case and this solution is better than SPSA's solution, then this point is added to reconstruct a new surrogate model. Otherwise, we restart SPSA using this solution as a new initial point. The process is repeated again until there is sufficient agreement between the model and metamodel value at the optimal solution. In Figures 4-9, we plot the results obtained for the four test cases in terms of residual reduction vs number of iterations. The blue and red lines represent the iterations performed by SPSA and NKIP, respectively. Here the blue line represents the best search space found by SPSA from one random point. Each iteration of SPSA requires 2 function evaluations of the original function (simulator), while NKIP requires one function evaluation and corresponding 1st derivative of the surrogate model per iteration. Each plot shows that the hybrid optimization approach worked efficiently, i.e. the connection was able to refine the solution. As an example, the function value obtained for the Pinter's problem using the hybrid approach is -1.926142 which is lower than the one reported by running SPSA or NKIP alone (see [8]). Figure 4. Convergence history for minimizing Pinter's function (n=2). Figure 5. Convergence history for minimizing Rastringin's function (n=50). Figure 6. Convergence history of the hybrid optimization scheme for the Chandrasekhar function for c=.9. Figure 7. Iteration report of the hybrid optimization scheme for the Chandrasekhar function for c = .9. Figure 8 Convergence history of the hybrid optimization scheme for theChandrasekhar function for c = .999999 Figure 9 Convergence history for Bratu problem. 5 Two-Phase Flow Parameter Estimation We experimented with a small and large scale parameter estimation problem using sensor pressure data. This analysis was included to show that despite having full information of the fluid flow pressure field in this small case, the inverse problem is still highly ill-posed and has multiple local minima. This also illustrates how challenging parameter estimation can be on realistic on groundwater flow scenarios. Therefore, strategies to regularize and re-parameterized the inverse problem need to be employed. Our goal is to estimate the permeability based on pressure measurements. We formulate the parameter estimation as a nonlinear least squares problem: 1 ( x x* )T W ( x x* ), 2 n where x , x* is the true values of the pressure, and W is a positive diagonal matrix. min f ( x) 5.1 Small and Sequential Case We run a single-phase simulation for a given permeability field K of size 10x10 and some given default parameters. The simulation returns the pressure head field at 100 different pressure observations points. We run the test case in a laptop Windows-based system using Matlab 7.1. We use 5 starting random points and allow 2000 iterations for SPSA. We obtain 10167 search points, then we filter some of these points to obtain 105 points for creating a surrogate model. Next we use NKIP to find a local solution in 103 iterations and the optimal function value obtained is 0.00353. Figures 10 and 11 show the permeability and pressures calculated from the hybrid approach versus true data for the small test case. Figure 10. Permeability: true field (top-left),Initial input for SPSA (top-right), estimated output with only SPSA (bottom-left) and estimated output with the hybrid optimization approach (bottom-right). Figure 11. Pressure field : true field (top-left), Initial input to SPSA(top-right), estimated output with the SPSA (bottom-left) and estimated output with the hybrid optimization scheme (bottomright). 5.2 Using HPC We run the hybrid optimization algorithm on conjunction with the simulator framework IPARS (Integrated Parallel Accurate Reservoir Simulator) [10, 12] on a Linux-based multicore network of workstations. The problem consists of finding a permeability field that involves 2000 prameters. The field is parameterized by the singular value decomposition (SVD) [11] reducing the original parameter space to only 20 (each parameter represents a scale resolution level). We choose several initials points adding a percentage of noise to the true singular values. We choose 5%, 10%, and 15% of noise. Tables 1-3 summarize the results obtained for the best 3 test cases, and Figures 13-26 show the corresponding permeability fields obtained. As we can observe, the SPSA algorithm does a good job in obtaining an estimation that is further improved by the hybrid approach. As the noise level was increased, both the SPSA and NKIP presented more difficulties in reproducing the true permeability field. However, the estimation is very accurate in all cases. The metamodels was constructed on the SVD parameterization. Note that the parameterization criterion was also effective in this case. Table 1. Hybrid Optimization Parameters. Noise 5% Number of runs by SPSA 30 Total Iterations SPSA 3645 Function Evaluation SPSA(2xTotal Iterations SPSA) Initial Objective Function Value 7290 8 to 10 Final Objective Function Value given by SPSA .568 to 2.5 Best SPSA Iteration- Initial Objective Function Value 9.03 Best SPSA Iteration - Final Objective Function Value 0.568 Number of Function Values Used to create Surrogate Model Iterations NKIP 156 94 Objective Function Hybrid 0.478 % Gain by Hybrid Approach 16 Figure 12. True permeability field. Figure 13. Initial permeability field with 5% noise. Figure 14. Solution by SPSA. Figure 15. Hybrid scheme final solution (improved). Figure 16. Convergence history of HPC problem with 5% noise. Table 2. Hybrid Optimization Scheme Parameters. Noise 10% Number of runs by SPSA 20 Total Iterations SPSA 2248 Function Evaluation SPSA(2xTotal Iterations SPSA) 4496 Initial Objective Function Value 18.72 to 53.9 Final Objective Function Value given by SPSA .858 to 6.785 Best SPSA Iteration- Initial Objective Function Value 19.67 Best SPSA Iteration - Final Objective Function Value 0.858 Number of Function Values Used to create Surrogate Model 81 Iterations NKIP 67 Objective Function Hybrid 0.747 % Gain by Hybrid Approach 13 Figure 17. True Permeability Field. Figure 18. Initial Permeability Field with 10% Noise. Figure 19. Solution by SPSA. Figure 20. Hybrid optimization scheme final solution (Improved). Figure 21. Convergence history of HPC problem with 10% noise. Table 3. Hybrid Optimization Scheme Parameters. Noise 15% Number of runs by SPSA 20 Total Iterations SPSA 1647 Function Evaluation SPSA(2xTotal Iterations SPSA) 3294 Initial Objective Function Value 29.46 to 120.56 Final Objective Function Value given by SPSA 1.8 to 15.89 Best SPSA Iteration- Initial Objective Function Value 31.35 Best SPSA Iteration - Final Objective Function Value 1.541 Number of Function Values Used to create Surrogate Model Iterations NKIP 57 110 Objective Function Hybrid 1.465 % Gain by Hybrid Approach 5 Figure 22. True permeability field. Figure 23. Initial permeability field with 15 % noise. Figure 24. Solution given by SPSA. Figure 25. Hybrid optimization scheme final solution (improved). Figure 26. Convergence history of HPC problem with 15 % noise. 7. Conclusions We combine SPSA and NKIP strategies into a Hybrid Scheme that exploit the best of these two approaches for a given problem in order to achieve maximum efficiency and robustness. It is clear that certain broad exploration of the parameter space should be done to increase the chance of finding a global optimum when using SPSA. On the other hand, this search has to be performed in a controlled way to keep the number of function evaluations within reasonable computational bounds. In this report, we show how this could be achieved by generating metamodels (or proxies) and adjusting the degree of exploration as the iterations proceed. We present promising numerical results that show the efficiency of the hybrid scheme. Further experiments should be contacted using high-performance computing to exploit the hybrid scheme for solving very large-scale problems. As we showed, the hybrid scheme is trivially parallel since different initial guesses for the optimization can be independently deployed. Nevertheless, further levels of parallelism could be exploited when computing the stochastic gradient in SPSA and evaluating the function itself (e.g. using a parallel groundwater simulator). This project results open new development avenues to be further pursued. These avenues are mainly related to the ill-possedness associated with the parameter estimation process in EQM problems. We mention some of them: (1) Regularization; (2) parameterization; (3) preconditioning; and, (4) uncertainty and sensitivity. The first two seek to reduce the parameter space and yet, be able to come up with better estimations. Preconditioning aims at improving efficiency and has a regularization effect that is traditionally hard to measure or control. Uncertainty and sensitivity assessment provide the means to determine reliability bounds to the estimation. Fortunately, the metamodel framework offers interesting possibilities for developing the above ideas. We consider the parameterization (or reparameterization) a natural issue to improve both accuracy and performance in large-scale estimation. Some of the authors has initiated part of that effort [2, 11] and has been already planned for future DoD PET developments. Acknowledgements The authors thank DoD for the support given with the grant DoD-PET Project EQM-KY6-003. References [1] Miguel Argáez and R.A. Tapia. On the global convergence of a modified augmented Lagrangian linesearch interior-point Newton method for nonlinear programming. J. Optim. Theory Appl., 114:1-25, 2002. [2] R. Banchs, H. Klie, A. Rodriguez, and M.F. Wheeler. A neural stochastic optimization framework for oil parameter estimation. In Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 147-154, Burgos, Spain, Sept. 20-23 2006. [3] S. Chandrasekhar. Radiative Transfer. Dover, New York, 1960. [4] R. Glowinski, H.B. Keller, and L. Reinhart. 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