School Site Council - Badger Springs Middle School

Badger Springs Middle School
24750 Delphinium Ave
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
Ms. Rose Ann Gasser, Principal
School Site Council
April 25, 2011
I. Opening:
Dr. Norwood, Chairperson called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
II. Members present were: Rose Ann Gasser, Administrator, James Norwood-Certificated,
Dawn Strange-Certificated, Aaron Fischer-Certificated, Peter Bozikis-Certificated Alternate,
Sandra Garcia-Certificated, Melanie Keith-Classified, Maria Becerra-Classified, Crystal
Nicholson-Classified Alternate, Sarah Martin-Student Representative and Jerry Martin-Parent
Guests present were: Janie Friedl, Title I Facilitator.
III. Reports:
a). Ms. Gasser was not present at start of the meeting; therefore Dr. Norwood proposed that we
vote to amend the agenda and move up the presentation of the draft of the 2010-2012 Parent
Involvement Policy.
b). Mrs. Friedl requested that she incorporate her report in the discussion when we begin
working on updating the 2011-12 SPSA.
IV. Public Comment:
V. Action Item(s) a): Parent Involvement Policy. The Council members collectively
reviewed each item in the current 2010-11 Parent Involvement Policy. Each item in the
document was considered and the following updates/revisions were suggested:
A. Policy Involvement (Changes)
Bullet #2 - Replace all wording that indicates “Title I Advisory Council” with
“School Site Council” throughout the document.
Bullet #3 - ELAC meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, no
longer on Tuesdays – biweekly.
Bullet #6 - Add Language Arts so that it reads double math & language arts
periods. Remove High Point, add RTA (Reading to Achieve) each day.
B. Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic Achievement (Changes)
Bullet #1 – Replace “Title I Advisory Council” with “School Site Council”.
C. Building Capacity for Involvement (Changes)
Bullet # 2 - Italicize Title I and insert Spanish and English in sentence.
Bullet # 3 – 1st item; Remove ESL classes, it is redundant. Computer classes are
held once per week, not twice per week.
D. Accessibility (Changes)
Remove “Title I meetings” and “Title I Advisory Council” in paragraph.
Motion to approve amended/revised Parent Involvement Policy for 2011-12 was made by
Aaron Fischer
Seconded by Sandra Garcia
Vote was taken and approved unanimously by all present council members.
V. Action Item(s) b): 2011-12 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Mrs. Friedl presented each member with a draft copy of the proposed 2011-2012 Title I Budget
portion of the SPSA, along with corresponding Strategies 1-5. She then asked for each member
to review the Title I recommended budget allocations, and invited open discussion. It was also
noted that when our CPM Site Review Team was at Badger Springs last Tuesday-4/19, it was
requested that we include deadlines for all items listed in the Strategies. Dr. Norwood also
commented that we have also been told to incorporate Safe Harbor in our School Plan. Mrs.
Friedl informed the council that this is our initial projected allocation; that we should expect to
update and revise the SPSA again next fall when we receive our carryover. This will of course
increase the allotted funds for designated budget codes/expenditures. The only items that will
remain the same are the positions funded by Title I; Community Liaison, Title I Instructional
Assistant and Categorical Clerk.
Discussion also took place in regards to Title I funding a 50% Math Coach position. Ms. Gasser
said that only 23% of Badger Springs’ students are proficient in math. The math coach will work
directly with teachers to assist them with the academic achievement of their struggling students,
by providing tailored lesson plans, classroom direct instruction, and recommendations for
individual student intervention strategies.
These are the suggested changes to make on the drafted Title I budget page and related
Increase the amount allotted under Strategy #4 – item 7, for the childcare (Parent
classes) from $500 to $5,550 with Title I funds.
Add allotment of $2,000 from Title I to estimated cost under Strategy #4 – item
#4 to provide childcare for ELAC parents.
Remove the wording “Use of technology…” from Strategy #1.
Increase Math Coach position to 50%, ($54,000).
Increase estimated cost under Strategy 1 – item #1 to $42,490
Decrease estimated cost under Strategy 2 – item #6 to $6,000 from $15,000
Change wording to Strategy #4 – item #5 from “computer classes” to read
“information session”.
Increase estimated cost on Strategy #5 – item #6 to $9,494 to purchase AR books
for Reading to Achieve.
Motion to approve amended/revised Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) 2011-12 was
made by Dawn Strange
Seconded by Sarah Martin
Vote was taken and approved unanimously by all present council members.
Sandra Garcia, EL Specialist also presented the EIA-LEP proposed budget allocations for the
2011-12 School Plan for Student Achievement, (SPSA). All SSC members were given handouts
of her proposed use of EIA-LEP funds. (Attached)
No changes/amendments to the proposed EIA-LEP 2011-12 budget were made, all members
agreed that suggested funds were appropriate.
Motion to approve proposed EIA-LEP budget items for the Single Plan for Student Achievement
(SPSA) 2011-12 was made by Dawn Strange
Seconded by Melanie Keith
Vote was taken and approved unanimously by all present council members.
A request to add item to the agenda, made by Dr. Norwood in regards to the Restructuring Plan,
for the 2011-12 school year.
Motion to add agenda item in reference to 11-12 Restructuring Plan was made by
Aaron Fischer
Seconded by: Sarah Martin
Vote was taken and approved unanimously by all present council members.
Mrs. Strange informed the council that the staff approved the following Restructuring items for
2011-12 school year; and that these items must also be presented to the School Site Council as
well as ELAC.
Topic Items were:
Continue the RTA (Reading to Achieve) time slot in the Master Schedule, 25 minutes
of quiet daily reading for students and teachers.
Increase passing periods from four (4) minutes to five (5) minutes. This will provide
students with a more reasonable time to report to class, thus reducing tardies.
Retain Wednesday Flex-days for collaborations, staff development and department
Comments made were: Sarah Martin was asked for a student’s perspective on the RTA
program, if she felt it was a valuable use of time. Sarah said that she thought the Reading to
Achieve was a great time for other students and teachers to have the time to read books that they
enjoy. Mrs. Nicholson said that since the start of this school year, she knows of two teachers,
Jason Parry and Allison Montejano, who have students in their language arts classes that have
raised their reading levels 2 and 3 grade levels. She feels that the RTA time that they have had,
has given them the opportunity to work on increasing reading & vocabulary skills. It is also
important that students learn to enjoy reading for pleasure. Mrs. Becerra said that students have
mentioned to her how much they like having books available in the classroom to read. She has
noticed that these students are more confident in their reading. Mrs. Strange explained that the
goal is for 6th grade students to read 500,000 words, 7th & 8th grade students to read 1,000,000
words. Mr. Bozikis said that students who take the AR tests will know how many words they
read, and Mrs. Strange said that TOPS report gives this information to the student and teacher.
Dr. Norwood said that during our CPM review it was mentioned that the team was impressed by
how many books we have available on campus for our students.
Motion to accept the 2011-12 Restructuring Plan as presented was made by Dawn Strange
Seconded by Mrs. Keith
Vote was taken and unanimous School Site Council approval was given for 2011-2012
Restructuring Plan.
Ms. Gasser said that the QEIA (Quality Education Investment Act) allocated funds for 2011-12
are only to be used to fund teaching staff, to reduce class size.
As there is no further SSC business for discussion and/or approvals, a recommendation to
adjourn was made by Dr. Norwood.
Motion to adjourn was made by Aaron Fischer
Seconded by Sarah Martin
VIII. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.