Seven English . Español *KEY*KEY*KEY*KEY*KEY* Market Leader

 Seven English . Español
NAME: __________*KEY*____________________________ COMPANY: ______*KEY*___________
DAYS/TIME: _________________ DATE: ___________________ TEACHER: _____________________
You will hear a meeting between four people who work for Igloo Foods, a company that produces frozen
foods. At the meeting are: Keith (Marketing Manager and Chair), Donna (Market Researcher), Fatima (Sales
Manager) and Jamie (Product Manager). Read the questions, then listen and choose the correct answers.
(0.25 each – total 1.0)
1 The aim of the meeting is to decide …
a) what kind of new products to develop.
b) how to market a new product.
c) how to improve an existing product.
2 What are the current trends in food?
a) more meat dishes.
b) more healthy food.
c) more desserts.
3 What was the problem with the chicken dish
launched in the past. It was …
a) not healthy.
b) not tasty.
c) too salty.
4 In this extract, the team gives opinions about...
a) chicken curry.
b) healthy desserts.
c) vegetarian dishes.
Listen again and complete these sentences. (0.2 each)
A- __60%_____ per cent of people buy healthy foods some or all of the time.
B- __35%________ per cent often buy vegetarian foods.
C- Donna says they have ___3_____ options.
If you could make a suggestion about a new frozen food for Igloo foods, what would it be?
Describe the food and why you think it would be successful: (0.4)
______answers will vary_______________________________________________
II - VOCABULARY (0.2 each – total 1.0)
Igloo Foods, the frozen food company, has sent an internal memo to their employees about a new product.
Read the sentence halves below and match the sentence beginnings in Group A with the ends in Group B.
Product launch
Igloo foods is proud to announce that we are
going to extend….
(c )
(a) the needs of the consumer who loves good food
with a healthy option.
The new product, Rich but Healthy Chocolate
cake, will enter
(d )
(b) advantage of the opportunity of trying the
product at 3:00p.m. this afternoon in the cafeteria.
This new cake is going to meet
(c) the current frozen dessert product range.
Our R&D department has made
We’d like you to take
(b )
(a )
(d) a competitive market.
(e) a breakthrough working with a low fat and
sugar recipe.
 Seven English . Español
 Seven English . Español
III- COMMUNICATION SKILLS (0.25 each – total 1.5)
The same team from Igloo Foods are meeting to discuss the launch date of their new
Chocolate cake. Complete the conversation with the appropriate suggestions from the
box. You will not need to use all the suggestions.
I’m in favour of August.
what do you think?
Let’s get back to the point.
Can I say something? I don’t know about that.
Hold on a minute.
I’m in favour of that.
The purpose of this meeting is to decide the date of the launch. Donna, what do you
I’m in favour of August………(2) There is a gap in the market for our product.
Fatima, what’s your opinion?
I don’t know about that…(3) I think that might be too early. People are still on holiday. I
think we should wait until October.
I agree with Fatima. In addition, I’m not sure that production will be completely ready by
August. We’ll be ready for October.
Can I say something….(4) Perhaps we could think about a limited launch in August before
the main event in October. We could promote the cake in specialist stores with a competitive
price of around £10.
Hold on a moment..(5) I thought we were talking about launch date, not promotion or price.
You’re right, Jamie. Let’s get back to the point..(6) I think on balance we agree that October
is the best option.
IV - LANGUAGE WORK (0.2 each – total 1.0)
In the following email circle the appropriate tense – past simple or present perfect.
Subject Production Issues
I have the information you sent / have sent yesterday about the production problems. I think the equipment
breakdowns occurred / have occurred more frequently this year. Did we have / Have we had the same
number of problems last year with the new products?
I met / have met with the marketing team this morning to postpone the launch until production is at 100%.
After you competed / have completed the repairs, let us know.
We have to be as quick as possible, since Eskimo, our competitor, launched/has launched the new range last
week. We don’t want to let them get too far ahead of us.
Market Research
Igloo Foods
 Seven English . Español
 Seven English . Español
V - READING COMPREHENSION (0.2 each – total 2.0)
Read the article from Financial Times and answer the questions.
Yachts: Business and the ultimate pleasure
Jill James companies as Netjets, Boeing Business Jets and
Premier Automotive Group, owners of Aston
In a world where corporate hospitality and staff Martin, Land Rover and Jaguar.
incentives are big businesses, yachts are chartered Attention to Detail is the brand name of the
by many companies. Miriam Cain of Camper & company that manages corporate charters for
Nicholsons, a company which hires and sells Edmiston’s. They will not say who individual
yachts, says companies use them because they offer clients are, except that a lot of Attention’s business
high levels of security and privacy.
comes from the telecommunication and motors
They are six-star, self-contained private resorts, sectors. The company can arrange anything the
complete with business and conference facilities client wants, including celebrities, guest speakers,
and entertainment and relaxation amenities. Their music and entertainment.
controlled environment is a key selling point, but at Yacht company Moody does a lot of business for
€90,000 a day they may seem expensive for most conferences in Cannes, especially during the film
festival. Companies use the yachts for
It is important to get professional advice when accommodation, meetings and presentations. They
chartering a yacht. Edmiston is one of the best- also specialize in charters or the Monaco Grand
known names in the yachting world, with offices in Prix. These are mostly for companies wanting to
London, Monte Carlo, Los Angeles, Golfe Juan and entertain or impress clients and reward successful
Mexico. Their expertise and specialist knowledge employees.
of large yachts has led to partnerships with such
Mark each statement T (true) or F (false)
People like using yachts because they are more secure than other venues.
Some yachts can cost up to €90,000 a week.
Edmiston charters are managed by a company called Attention to Detail.
Their clients are mainly famous musicians.
Moody organises the Cannes Film Festival.
(T )
( F)
Use the correct form of the words from the article to complete the definitions.
6..If you want to encourage someone to do something, you may offer them an incentive.
7..It’s important to have good security so that no one gets into a building without permission.
8..A town, usually near the sea, where people go for holidays is known as a resort.
9..When someone has a lot of knowledge and experience, we say they have expertise
10.When someone does a job well, it is nice to reward them with a gift or a bonus.
Hand in your process writing project
Choose one of the situations below.
A- You have a friend who is working on a new concept of office equipment. Write an email to the board of directors giving some information about the products your friend
manufactures and on how to get in touch with him. Say what benefits the products
would bring to the company.
B- A distant cousin of yours is looking for a job. She sent you the email below. Answer it
with information about your company.
 Seven English . Español
 Seven English . Español
From: Your cousin
Subject: New job
To: You
You should already know that I am planning to move to Brazil, uh? Well, I was thinking
you may be able to give me a hand in finding a job over there. I have lots of experience
with sales and also with R&D. Is your company hiring at the moment? Can you tell me a
little about it?
Thanks in advance,
You are supposed to write between 80 to 120 words. You are going to be graded on….
A - Lay out & handwriting
B - Cohesion and coherence.
C - Task fulfillment (Followed instructions).
D - Use of vocabulary taught, range of vocabulary, spelling & punctuation.
E - Use of grammar taught & grammar accuracy.
 Seven English . Español