
Orogenic Systems 2013
February 25, 2013
Orogenic Systems Project
Choose a tectonic process or problem that interests you. Based on that choice, select
an orogen for study (or two for a comparative study). Compile information and data on
your orogen(s) including its plate tectonic setting, geologic composition, tectonic
features, geophysical data, geochemical data, etc. Utilize maps, x-sections, stratigraphic
columns, tables, etc. to summarize important data and information (geological,
geophysical, geochemical, geochronological). Synthesize the data in your own figures
and make an interpretation on the tectonic process/problem of interest. Write up your
results as you progress. I expect a well-documented and referenced paper 1) synthesizing
the structure and tectonics of your orogen(s) with 2) a discussion of what you learned
about your orogenic process/problem and 3) important questions yet to be resolved in
your region.
427 students: Your report should be ~10 pages with figures.
527 students: Your report should include a calculation, or simple analysis, pertinent
to your process/problem. The report should be ~15 pages with figures.
Step 1 (HW#3): Due Wed., March 6
~3-5 page writeup on your choice of the Process/Problem and your Orogen(s) that
includes the following:
A) Description of the process/problem. This might involve competing models or
tectonic histories. If appropriate, use a figure to explain it.
B) Your orogen(s) with why this is a good place to study this process/problem.
Include a map of the region with some simplified tectonics and geology.
C) A preliminary list of 3-4 references for the process/problem and the orogen(s).
Appendix A.
Processes/Problems (an incomplete list- for illustrative purposes only):
Role of ________________ in mountain building.
Terrane accretion; subduction erosion; delamination; crustal flow; slab detachment;
oceanic plateau subduction; continental crustal subduction; crustal recycling; mega shear
zones; strike-slip faults; extension; core complex formation; ignimbrite flareups;
batholith formation; slab rollback; triple junction migration; slab windows; structural
inheritance; restraining bends (or transpressional offsets) in strike-slip faults;
climate/erosion; fluids and fluid flow; etc.
Problems (an incomplete list- for illustrative purposes only): Ore formation; initiation and
termination of thrust belts; high plateau formation; removal of lower crust and upper
mantle lithosphere; inboard migration of deformation; Arc shutoff and migration; tectonic
inversion; tectonic escape; orogenic collapse; initiation and termination of orogenesis;
rapid tectonic uplift (subsidence); etc