Access to Services This leaflet outlines the Access to Services priority measure, which is funded under the RDC’s Local Regeneration Programme. The Local Regeneration Programme aims to contribute to the sustainable improvement of economic, environmental and social conditions in disadvantaged rural communities. Aims We believe an inclusive society means that all residents, including those living in rural areas should have access to decent levels of services. The Access to Services measure aims to support groups or partnerships to develop innovative tailor-made solutions that meet service provision needs at a local level. Objectives The objectives of this measure are to ensure: o access to services is more evenly balanced and available to rural communities o positive action is taken in the development and retention of service provision in rural areas To fulfil these objectives we are particularly interested in funding service projects that address rural isolation through, the: o o o promotion of mobile solutions; innovative use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in service delivery; and/or joint provision of rural services Mobile Solutions Reasonable access to services is essential in rural areas if they are to be a place where people can both live and work and in which provision is made for the varied needs of people in a wide range of circumstances. We want to fund projects that offer mobile solutions to rural service problems. Your project might: o o o o develop outreach work provide ‘door-step’ delivery of a range of services promote community transport schemes support mobile entertainment Innovative use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) The answer to rural service problems is not always to provide more of the same but to look at creative means of delivering services at a local level. We want to fund projects that consider new ways of utilising technologies to overcome service problems. Your project might: o promote or develop service delivery networks which provide access to information on housing; healthcare; benefits; jobs; education or other services to rural communities Joint provision of rural services The sharing of premises, vehicles, staff or other resources by different service providers is one way of ensuring that services for rural people survive or are developed. We want to fund projects that encourage greater opportunities for services to be delivered in rural areas. Your project might: o allow equipment and premises to be shared in order to deliver value for money services o build upon existing delivery networks of local shopkeepers, postal and milk delivery workers o encourage better or multiple usage of existing or new community buildings or other public facilities in providing access to a wide range of services We also wish to promote the development of ‘Flexible Resource Centres’ that house a number of key services such as healthcare; training; IT; childcare; library; community shop; pharmacy or other service provisions. These are only a few examples of the types of projects we might fund. If the work you want to do is not listed here but you think that it fits with access to services – addressing isolation you can still apply. You will still have to demonstrate how the project fits with the access to services priority. Further examples of case studies can be accessed on our website at If you do not have access to the internet let us know and we shall forward a copy to you. Available support Funding and developmental support will be available for the implementation of regeneration projects that address this priority. Grants of up to £150,000 at a maximum rate of 75% will be available. The grant scheme is also open to small or new organisations that need small amounts of money. A proportion of the budget is earmarked to facilitate these groups. Please note: The funds available are limited and we do not expect to be able to fund all applications at the maximum amount. Match Funding You cannot match fund the Local Regeneration Programme grant with any other European Union (EU) grant, therefore 25% of your money must be raised from other non-EU sources. At least 5% must be raised locally. We shall require evidence of this prior to any release of funds. Applying for support. If you have read all the priority leaflets and have decided that the Access to Services priority best reflects the project you are proposing you should complete and submit an application to us.