MDUSD Support Programs - Mount Diablo Unified School District

1936 Carlotta Drive, Concord, CA 94520
(925) 682-8000
District Student Support Programs
C.A.R.E.S. After-School
Offers after-school tutoring and enrichment opportunities at various
sites throughout MDUSD.
Contact Information
Ali Medina
After-School Programs
(925) 691-0351
Alternative Education
Olympic/Alliance Continuation High School, Necessary Small
Continuation High Schools: Crossroads, Gateway, Nueva Vista,
Summit / TLC & Prospect. After-School Programs, Summer School
Programs. Horizons: Home Study and Center for Independent
Felicia Stuckey-Smith, Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4168
Director, Alternative Education
(925) 682-8000, ext. 3907
Building Effective Schools
Together (BEST)
Coordinated Care Teams
Counseling Clinic
County Mental Health Dept.
Positive school climate and positive school discipline program
designed to reduce discipline rate and increase positive connections
to school. Implemented in 12 elementary schools, 7 middle schools,
3 high schools, and 7 Alternative Education schools in MDUSD.
Comprehensive referral and coordination system for student services
and enrichment opportunities. Designed to bring county and
community partnership programs to schools. Based at 35 schools
throughout MDUSD.
Connie Cushing, Program Specialist
(925) 348-1758
Collaborative program with County Dept. of Mental Health. Offers
mobile mental health intervention by school psychologists for
students with Medi-Cal insurance. Referrals are made by school
psychologists to the Triage Team.
Partnership program that places clinical psychologists in schools to
provide mental health services for students and families with Medical insurance.
Will Bove, School Psychologist
Fair Oaks Elementary School Site
(925) 685-4494
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James Wogan, LCSW
Administrator, School Linked Services
(925) 458-6858
Dr. Mildred Browne, Assistant Superintendent
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4047
Child Health and Disability
Prevention Partnership
Program (CHDP)
Diagnostic Team
Links students and families with needed health care and health
insurance. Distributes flyers and information at school sites and
student handbooks, participates in school activities, co-locates
Contra Costa County Community Outreach Workers in Schools in
the Monument Community and at the Bay Point Family Health
Center at Riverview Middle School.
Provides specialized special education assessments and assessment
required through mediation and due process complaints.
Contact Information
(925) 313-6150
Carolyn Sakkis, Lead Psychologist
(925) 682-8000 ext. 4064
Elementary School
Counseling Enriched
Alternative Learning
Foster Youth Services
Food Program - MDUSD
Homeless Outreach Program
for Education (HOPE)
Home and Hospital Program.
Loma Vista Adult Education
Alternative education program for elementary school general and
special education students in grades 2-5 who exhibit chronic
learning or behavioral difficulties. Program provides a literacybased academic program, psychological and behavioral support, and
intensive support services.
District-wide program serving children who live in foster care
placements. Offers enrollment assistance, tutoring, mentoring, and
counseling support services.
Fax the Foster Youth enrollment form to MDUSD Foster Youth
Services @ (925) 566-6692
Nonperishable food is provided to families in need. Boxes of food
can be picked up by school staff only.
MDUSD District Office Cafeteria, 1936 Carlotta Drive, Concord
District-wide program serving legally homeless children and their
families. Offers assistance with transportation to/from school,
meals, and assistance to obtain health care and needed services. Fax
HOPE enrollment form to MDUSD HOPE @ 566-6692
A temporary program that maintains a student’s academic standing
during a time of illness or other temporary disability. Students are
entitled to a maximum of 5 hours per week of home instruction.
Adolescent Anger Management Workshop, Adolescent Drug and
Alcohol Workshop, Bullying and Harassment Workshop, Child
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James Wogan, LCSW
Administrator, School Linked Services
Social Work Specialist
Lori Amenta, 682-8000, ext. 4001.
James Wogan, LCSW (925) 458-6858
James Wogan, LCSW
Administrator, School Linked Services
Tel: (925) 682-8000 X 3054
(925) 938-2564, ext. 3940
Contact Information
JoAnn Durkee, Director, Adult Education
Loma Vista Adult Education Center
Mental Health Collaborative
Parent Project Parenting
Parent Liaison
Positive Behavior Team
Parenting Classes, Loving Solutions, Parent Project Parenting
A partnership program with County Mental Health, Fred Finch
Youth Center, Families First Inc., Lincoln Child Center, Seneca
Center, and Spectrum Center that provides special education and
mental health services in the least restrictive setting. Includes
classrooms for autism and mental health collaborative programs.
A nationally proven program for changing destructive and out-ofcontrol adolescent behavior. Meets at Mt. Diablo Medical
Pavilion/John Muir Behavioral Services Center, 2730 Grant St.,
Concord Classroom “A” Wednesday Nights 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Provides support and information to families regarding district
policies and procedures, SARB, suspension and expulsion
procedures, 504 plans, Special Education, Uniform Complaint
procedures, and parental rights.
Intervention team for students whose chronic behavioral difficulties
require additional support and could result in a recommendation for
expulsion. Students with 10 or more days of cumulative suspension
may be referred. Serves special education and regular education
students in grades 1 – 12. Referrals made by site administrators.
(925) 685-7340
Dr. Mildred Browne, Assistant Superintendent
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4047
Registration: (925) 685-7340, ext. 2771
Hilary Shen, Parent Liaison
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4297
Positive Behavior Team Office
Tel: (925) 682-8000, ext. 5277
Felicia Stuckey-Smith, Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4168
Referral Form::
Safe and Drug Free Schools
Task Force & Coordinated
School Health Council
Coalition of district and community members promoting safe and
drug-free schools combined with: Coordinated School Health
Council to promote student and staff wellness.
, Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4168
Special Education
Provides comprehensive special education and school psychology
programs and services to meet the range of needs of special
education students. Promotes the educational success of all students
within the least restrictive environment.
Child Welfare and Attendance Liaisons work with school sites and
Student Attendance Review Board to address truancy and related
Melinda Hall, Director, Special Education
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4045
Parent volunteers provide information regarding MDUSD programs,
Contact Information
Hilary Shen, Parent Liaison
Student Attendance Review
Board (SARB)
Support, Training and
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Felicia Stuckey-Smith, Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4168
Education for Parents
Special Education and 504 procedures, and resources for parents of
at-risk students.
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4297
Student Services
Provides support in promoting positive school climate and the
following: attendance, counseling, health services & school nurses,
student conduct, classroom management, student records, section
504, prevention and intervention strategies, at-risk students, safe and
drug free schools. Provides a resource for school staff and
parents/guardians. Home and Hospital Program. School Linked
Services. Diablo Community Day School.
Collaborative program with Dept. of County Mental Health to
address emotional and behavioral concerns that interfere with a
students' academic success. Ensures that students are educated in
the least restrictive environment. Referrals made by school
Felicia Stuckey-Smith, Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4168
Triage Team
Margaret Norris, Asst. Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4061
Connie Cushing, Program Specialist
(925) 348-1758
Jerry Zimmerman, School Psychologist
(925) 687-0374
Tobacco Use Education
Program (TUPE)
Wrap Counseling Program
Provides tobacco use prevention and cessation interventions and
activities. Includes Healthy Kids surveys, site TUPE coordinators,
peer educator classroom presentations, Too Good For Drugs and
Violence for all 9th grade students, Too Good For Drugs for 7th
grade students, alternatives to suspension for high school students
observed using tobacco (Tobacco Education Class) led by Center for
Human Development.
Mental health and wrap-around services offered for students and
families in collaboration with Dept. of County Mental Health.
Referrals by school psychologists to Triage Team.
Margaret Norris
Asst. Director, Student Services
(925) 682-8000, ext. 4061
Fair Oaks Elementary School Site
(925) 685-4494
Connie Cushing, Program Specialist
(925) 348-1758
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