Programme Title and Award


Programme Specification


Programme Title and Award



External Admissions Code if applicable

Northumbria Programme Code(s)

i.e. SITS route code

4. Mode(s) of Delivery please indicate the main mode of delivery in bold

5. Mode(s) of Attendance please indicate the main delivery in bold


Location(s) of Delivery if

other than


7. Collaborative Provision if applicable


Date(s) of Approval/Review

9. QAA Subject Benchmark Group if applicable

10. PSRB accreditation if applicable a) Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Cognitive Behavioural

Therapy) b) Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Parenting Interventions) c) Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence based Psychological Therapy (Systemic Practice with




Other please specify

Distance Learning




Incorporates assessment of clinical practice


Partner Institution(s)


Validated Joint Dual

QAA Statement of Common Purpose for Health & Social Care Professionals

C&YP-IAPT Project Standards - Based upon British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive

Psychotherapies (BABCP) (CBT Pathway); Association for Family Therapy and Systemic

Practice in the UK (AFT)(Systemic Practice Pathway) and 'Incredible Years' or 'Triple P'

(Parenting Pathway) criteria.



Sections 11 – 20 relate to the main delivery as indicated in bold above.

11. Educational Aims of the Programme Specified in terms of the general intentions of the programme and its distinctive characteristics; these should be consistent with any relevant benchmark and with the Mission of the University.

The overall aim of this Post Graduate Diploma programme is to develop practitioners with knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective evidence based interventions for children and young people with psychological and/or behavioural problems. Importantly, this aim includes a central focus upon the parents/carers and families of these children and young people.

The Children and Young Peoples' Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (C&YP-IAPT) project (Great Britain, Department of Health, 2012) represents the key policy driver for the development of this programme, and stipulates that the above aim is to be achieved within an ethos of 'Service Transformation'. Rather than assuming that by preparing students for enhanced practice roles via this programme service improvements will logically follow when they apply new/enhanced skills to practice within their organisations, the targets for 'Service transformation' are the organisations themselves, with the academic programme described within this specification being one component of the transformation, alongside preparation of the students' seconding organisations themselves via a tailored modular provision for Service Leaders who manage and coordinate the services within which students are developing new and enhanced competency, and a similar provision for Clinical

Supervisors who will be supervising the development of students' competency. The wider workforce of the organisations involved will also be prepared in terms of an understanding of the preparation of these practitioners being part of an overall Service Transformation ethos in improving access and outcomes for users of services focussed upon the mental health needs of children, young people and parents/families/carers. In this sense, the transformation process involves:

Northumbria University: Senior managers and Programme Academic/Teaching staff.

Participating organisations from the most senior levels, down to service leaders responsible for the day-to-day delivery of services.

Students who undertake this academic programme and associated pathways.

Clinical Supervisors of student trainees across the pathways.

Involvement of service users and carers.

The programme involves the provision of three inter-related study ‘journeys’ which share a core component before branching into three distinct but complementary pathways leading to the awards:

Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy): Preparing practitioners to offer evidence based psychological interventions (and in particular Cognitive Behaviourally based interventions) for children and young people experiencing ‘internalised’ psychological and or behavioural problems.

Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Parenting Interventions): Preparing practitioners to offer evidence based intervention and support to parents/carers and families of children and young people with ‘conduct disorders’ relating to psychological and or behavioural problems.

Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Systemic Practice with Families) * Note that there are two 'sub' pathways within this award: a) For Eating Disorders and b) For Depression, self harm and conduct disorder. The award title remains the same for both, with the sub-pathway indicated by transcript of study (i.e. as to whether the student has focussed upon Eating Disorder or Depression/Self harm/Conduct Disorder).


This provision accords with the aims, objectives and standards set out by the Children and Young Peoples’ Improving access to psychological therapies project (Great

Britain, Department of Health, 2012). The CYP-IAPT accreditation standards are based upon those required for accreditation (of programmes and graduates) by:

In the case of the CBT pathway: The British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP).

In the case of the Parenting pathway: 'Incredible Years' or 'Triple P' parenting programme accreditation.

In the case of the Systemic Practice pathway The Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in the UK (AFT).

On completion of the programmes, students will be in a strong position to move forward towards individual accreditation with these professional associations/programmes.

Stipulated Prescription of Programme Resourcing and Student Engagement in Specific Activities

In keeping with the prescription of the Children and Young Peoples' IAPT project specification (informed by BABCP and AFT requirements for accreditation) the programme structure reflects the required criteria as follows:

Within the bid which secured the contract for delivery of the Children & Young Peoples' IAPT project (2012), Northumbria University indicated 2.0 whole time equivalent appropriately accredited (BABCP) educational staff as direct resource to the programme. This resource will be reviewed year-on year with regard to new partnerships, pathways and student numbers, based on established and evolving collaborative networks.

Minimum student hours of study of 450 hours, of which a minimum of 200 hours is provided 'face to face' by experienced trainers.

Of the 200 'face to face' hours, at least 50% must constitute skills development activities.

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy pathway students must demonstrate a minimum of 8 clinical cases worked with from assessment through to completion or termination of treatment.

For the Parenting interventions pathway, student must demonstrate successful completion of at least one (preferably two) structured parenting group programmes. They must also demonstrate management of 6 individual parenting cases, 3 of which may be concurrently involved in group interventions, and

3 of which must be new cases, not concurrently involved in group interventions.

For the Systemic Practice pathway, both 'sub-pathways' undertake a core element where a minimum of 2 clinical cases are to be worked with. The 'Eating

Disorder sub-pathway will involve working with a minimum of 3 cases, one to completion. The Depression/Self Harm/Conduct disorder pathway will involve

3 cases associated with Depression/Self-Harm, one to completion; and 3 cases with Conduct disorder, one to completion.

Students must demonstrate participation within a minimum of 70 hours of clinical supervision with an appropriately experienced and accredited clinical supervisor.

Taken together, the student hours outlined above and within the module descriptors reflect the full time status of the programme over the academic year.

In terms of the development of clinical competence, this is achieved via a competency log document which students maintain from the start of their programme. Developing competency is monitored between student/clinical supervisor and programme staff throughout the programme. It is formatively linked with all modules of study, and assessed in a summative sense at two stages: 1) at the end of the 'core' modules and 2) at the end of the pathways of study. The specific competencies are linked explicitly to the therapeutic modality of their pathway.


This Post Graduate Diploma Programme and the three pathways is constructed with these minimum stipulations in mind, and the processes will be evidenced in student assessments, and the use of appropriate reflective logs, and competency assessment for these activities.

Collaborative Approach with Partner Organisations

The children & Young Peoples' IAPT project specification emphasises a collaborative approach between the Higher Education Institutes (HEI's) providing the academic programmes for clinician preparation and the clinical service organisations from which students are seconded to the programmes. There are two key aspects to this:

Preparation and ongoing support for clinical supervisors for students undertaking the programmes.

Preparation and ongoing support for the clinical service areas within which the IAPT trainees are being prepared and will practice upon qualification.

The intent here is to encourage a 'whole systems' approach to service transformation, and is achieved by the HEI providing programmes of preparation for clinical supervisors and service leads from the collaborating clinical services. In the context of this programme, this is achieved by provision of two Post Graduate Certificates:

Post graduate Certificate in Clinical Supervision for CYP-IAPT Programmes (for the Clinical Supervisors of the CYP-IAPT trainee therapists)

Post Graduate Certificate in Transformational Leadership for CYP-IAPT Programmes (For service leaders from the services where the CYP-IAPT trainees are based).

These Programmes commence in advance of the Therapy Training programmes, and run in 'parallel' throughout the duration, 'intertwined' with the student journey.

Aims of the Core Component

The component of the programme shared by both pathways is concerned with the core knowledge and skills required for working with children, young people, their parents/carers and families. The aim of this component of the programme is to equip students with knowledge and skilled therapeutic competence in the areas of:

Core competencies for working with children, young people, families and parents

The legal-ethical dimensions of practice with children, young people, families and parents

Fundamental cognitive/behavioural therapy (CBT) skills with children and young people

Fundamental parent training skills

Fundamentals of Systemic Practice with Families

Fundamentals of Inter-personal Therapy (with adolescents)

Cultural aspects of childhood and parenting

Working with groups of young people and parents

Service user participation (children, young people and parents and families)

Treatment outcomes and evaluation

Assessment of common childhood disorders, Assessment and formulation of presenting problems in children, young people and parents/families

The importance and use of supervision for CBT, Parenting and Systemic Practice approaches.

These core elements are then built upon as students progress to the three distinct pathways of CBT, Parenting interventions and Systemic Practice with families.


Aims of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Pathway

The aims of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy pathway build upon those of the core component in equipping students with knowledge and skilled therapeutic competence in the specific areas of:

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for: Generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and for depression

Group CBT for depression

CBT for social and other specific phobias

CBT for separation anxiety disorder

CBT for panic disorder

Aims of the Parenting Interventions Pathway

The aims of the Parenting Interventions pathway build upon those of the core component in equipping students with knowledge and skilled therapeutic competence in the specific areas of:

Understanding the causes of conduct problems of childhood

Parenting from a multi-cultural social learning theory perspective

Involving parents/carers in parenting interventions

User participation and running parenting training groups

Evidence based parent group and individual intervention techniques

Integral to the parenting pathway will be the requirement that students attend and successfully complete the assessed requirements of an evidence based parent training programme approved within the context of the Children & Young Peoples' IAPT project specification. Two notable examples of such programmes are: a) 'The Incredible Years' programme (Webster-Stratton & Reid, 2010) b) 'The Triple P' Programme (Sanders, 2009)

These programmes constitute 3 days of intensive training by accredited facilitators. Students of the parenting pathway will undertake the chosen programme nearer the commencement of their Post-Graduate pathway (i.e. within the first month of the programme) so that the required parent training practice and supervision can be achieved within the timescale of the award. The academic module to which the accredited parent training programme is related from the perspective of learning outcomes is AC0743:'Promoting effective parenting for conduct disorders (30 level 7 credits: See section 15 below, and accompanying programme diagram). As this module is delivered in the second half of the programme, an educational strategy will be employed to ensure the accredited parenting programme is rationally linked to the academic module in a coherent way. This also allows prior recognition for students who have already (prior to the academic programme) attained accreditation with a recognised parent training programme (a kind of 'within-module' Accreditation of

Prior Learning, or APL), though they will still address the AC0743 module learning outcomes within the context of their pathway of study.


Precise arrangements for the accredited parent training programme will be organised on an annual basis when planning the forthcoming academic programme delivery. In this way the Post Graduate award in Parenting Interventions is not 'tied' to a particular programme, other than the condition that it is demonstrably recognised by the Children & Young peoples' IAPT central project administration.

Aims of the Systemic Practice Pathway

The aims of the Systemic Practice pathway build upon those of the core component in equipping students with knowledge and skilled therapeutic competence in the specific areas of:

Understanding the core principles of a systemic approach to working with families.

The ability to integrate these core principles into a systematic treatment plan, including the successful initiation of treatment, systemic intervention and therapeutic ending.

The ability to integrate the core principles of Systemic Practice with Families drawing upon appropriate, specific evidence based practice models.

For the 'sub-pathway' concerned with Eating Disorders:

The development of understanding of and competence in delivery of effective family based interventions for Eating Disorders in Children/Young people, within the context of a multi-disciplinary Eating Disorder service.

For the 'sub-pathway' concerned with Depression/Self harm and Conduct Disorder:

The development of understanding of and competence in delivery of effective family based interventions for Depression and Self Harm

The development of understanding of and competence in delivery of effective family based interventions for Conduct Disorders.

Summarising Overall Aims

These three pathways, taken together, will enhance the knowledge and skill base of participating practitioners, and in turn enhance the effectiveness of the services within which these practitioners are employed. In addition to preparation of the practitioners via the two pathways, the programme will be supported by providing infra-structural preparation via provision of dedicated Post Graduate Certificates:

Preparation of clinical supervisors for the students undertaking the programme.

Preparation for service leaders of the organisations within which the practitioners in preparation are employed. The focus for these service leads will be around transformational leadership and change management.


In summary, this programme is aimed to meet the requirements of the Children and Young Peoples' IAPT project specifications (2012) in preparing practitioners for the three roles of therapeutic intervention with children/young people, intervention with parents, and systemic interventions with families whilst also preparing an appropriate infrastructure for effective clinical supervision, organisational leadership and 'whole systems', transformational change management.


Great Britain, Department of Health (2012) Children and young peoples’ Improving access to psychological therapies project, draft curriculum (version 2) London


Webster-Stratton, C. & Reid, J. (2010) The Incredible Years; Parents, Teachers and Children Training Series In: Rutter, M., Bishop, D., Pine, D., Scott, S.,

Stevenson, J., Taylor, E. & Tharper, A. (Eds) Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (5th Edition) Oxford: Blackwell

Sanders, M. (2009) The Triple Programme University of Queensland

The Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in the UK Course Accreditation Guidance at

12. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development e.g.

curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects.

Student access to and progression through these programmes is facilitated by explicit partnership mechanisms between students, the university and the stakeholder children's' and young peoples' services who have invested commitment to developing their workforce through access to these programmes. Though many of the students will be re-engaging with study following previous graduate programmes, students accessing these programmes may have a variety of personal and professional development needs, which require consideration within the ethos of 'lifelong learning'. Lifelong learning strategies are embedded in the curriculum contributing to both practitioner and subject development. This curriculum also provides an effective mechanism for helping students engage with higher education, attention is given to academic, attitudinal and social preparation. Integration of theory and practice is embedded within the programmes, theoretical/academic study is concurrent with clinical practice supervised and assessed by appropriately qualified and experienced practitioners. From the university academic perspective, a

Guidance Tutor system will be the primary student support mechanism, with students being allocated a guidance tutor at the start of their study, when a personal development plan will be commenced. Frequency of contact with the Guidance Tutor will be outlined, and students encouraged to negotiate their individual learning needs. University Learning resources will provide an extensive range of services including on and off campus access to services, electronic resources e.g. The

University 'e learning portal', 'Pebble-pad' and an information skills programme. Assistance is also available from the library help desk, printed handouts, telephone, e-mail and online services. Students are also eligible to use other academic libraries through the SCONUL library scheme.



Learning Outcomes of Programme

Specified in terms of performance capabilities to be shown on completion of the programme. Please identify numerically to correspond to the map of learning outcomes in section 18.

a) Knowledge and Understanding

Core Outcomes

1) Critically appraise theoretical perspectives on child and family development, effective parenting and their explanation of function/dysfunction.

2) Articulate and evaluate processes of assessment and formulation of presenting problems relating to children, young people and parenting, including consideration of legal-ethical dimensions.

3) Critically appreciate the key principles and processes involved in establishing and maintaining effective therapeutic relationships with children, young people and parents, in both individual and group contexts.

4) Critically engage with the key theoretical perspectives which underpin and inform the practice of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Parenting and systemic Interventions.

Specific Outcome for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Pathway

5) Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Cognitive behavioural approaches with the range of common presenting problems in children and young people.

Specific Outcome for Parenting Interventions Pathway

6) Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of interventions designed to support, enhance and facilitate effective parenting for children and young people with psychological/behavioural problems.

Specific Outcomes for Systemic Practice with Families Pathway

7) Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Systemic Practice approaches with families within which children and young people experience psychological/behavioural problems.

For the Eating Disorder 'sub-pathway':

8) Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Systemic Practice approaches with families where children and young people present with Eating Disorders.

For the Depression, Self harm and Conduct disorder 'sub-pathway':

9) Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Systemic Practice approaches with families where children and young people present with Depression and/or Self harm and/or

Conduct Disorder.

b) Intellectual Skills

Core Outcomes

1) Utilise appropriate strategies and tools to critically evaluate outcomes of therapeutic interventions.

2) Identify and critically explore ethical issues and dilemmas arising in the course of therapeutic interventions with children, young people and parents.

3) Engage meaningfully with the process of clinical supervision in the process of applying theoretical knowledge to clinical practice.

4) Critically appraise emergent evidence relating to practice with children, young people and parents, and assimilate this into practice where appropriate.

Specific Outcome for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Pathway

5) Apply principles, approaches and techniques of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches to clinical casework, articulating selected approaches based upon evidence, formulation and reasoning.

Specific Outcome for Parenting Interventions Pathway

6) Apply principles, approaches and techniques of facilitating effective parenting to clinical casework, articulating approaches used based on evidence, formulation and reasoning.

Specific Outcome for Systemic Practice with Families Pathway (both sub-pathways)

7) Apply principles, approaches and techniques of facilitating systemic intervention approaches with families of children and young people who present with psychological/behavioural problems.


10 c) Practical Skills

Core Outcomes

1) Synthesis knowledge from theory and research to inform evidence based practice in working with children, young people and parents, from assessment and problem formulation, through to interventions.

2) Evaluate outcomes of clinical interventions utilising appropriate tools, processes and strategies.

3) Create an appropriate therapeutic context and environment for effective intervention with individual and group approaches.

4) Function effectively within service/team contexts, networking with other services and professionals where appropriate, in providing effective interventions for children, young people and parents.

Specific Outcome for Cognitive behavioural Therapy Pathway

5) Develop a personal skill set in relation to effective Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches to the range of common psychological/behavioural problems presented by children and young people.

Specific Outcome for Parenting Interventions Pathway

6) Develop a personal skill set in relation to effective intervention approaches to support, enhance and facilitate effective parenting of children and young people with psychological/behavioural problems.

Specific Outcome for Systemic Practice with Families Pathway (both sub-pathways)

7) Develop a personal skill set in relation to effective use of Systemic Practice approaches with families of children and young people with psychological/behavioural problems. d) Transferable/Key Skills

1 ) Critical appreciation of the influence of cultural diversity in the context of applying theory to practice.

2) Critical appreciation of the importance of service user/carer collaboration and involvement.

3) Identification and critical evaluation of ethical issues and dilemmas evident within practice situations.

4) Critical engagement with processes of clinical supervision for practice.

5) Employ academic skills, including the location and retrieval of information, in analysis, synthesis and reflection within the development of personal knowledge and expertise.

6) Critical appreciation of approaches to the evaluation of outcomes of interventions.


14. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Specified to enable learners to achieve and demonstrate the above learning outcomes.

The use of technologies to enhance the student experience will be fully integrated across the programmes. Teaching methods are designed to utilise the students’ existing knowledge and skills and facilitate development of individual learning styles and critical reflective abilities. Teaching input is provided by a combination of specialist teachers focussing upon Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Parenting Intervention and Systemic Practice components, and teaching expertise drawn, where appropriate to the curriculum, from educators and practitioners with broader expertise within health, mental health, child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) and social work backgrounds. The Faculty of Health & Life Sciences has and continues to nurture substantive links with expert practitioners from a range of disciplines and specific foci.

The fundamental approach to assessment within the programme is of a tri-partite approach between Student, University/Module staff and Clinical Supervisors of students. All modules (as directed by C&YP IAPT) contain an element of visual recording and analysis of students from actual clinical casework. The ethical issues involved with this will be strictly observed within the ethos of the programme (and the Information Technology governance requirements of partner organisations), i.e.: Confidentiality, informed consent, secure storage of visual data being used for skill development and assessment purposes.

A variety of assessment strategies will be used, based upon the requirements and guidance of the Children and Young Peoples' IAPT project. These will include:

Written academic assignments relating to theoretical components.

Reflective accounts of therapeutic work with service users demonstrating explicit links between theory and practice and incorporating the use of therapeutic outcome measures, manifest in the form of 'learning logs' relating to clinical competencies.

Assessment of video recorded therapeutic work undertaken by students, both formative and summative.

Reports entailing feedback from supervisors and service users.

A summary report of the student's clinical outcomes attained over the period of the programme, with competencies evidenced and acknowledged by academic programme personnel in conjunction with students' clinical supervisors. Practice related competencies are embedded in specific modules over the span of the programmes relating to key developmental time points, and are assessed on a 'pass/fail' basis.

Assessment seeks to recognise the process of learning as well as the end product, embracing the University ethos of ‘assessment for learning’, within which:

Students understand clearly what they are trying to learn and what is expected of them

They are given feedback about the quality of their work, and what they can do to make it better

They are given advice about how to go about making improvements

They are fully involved in deciding what needs to be done next, and who can give them help if they need it

Assessment as learning is valued along with assessment of learning


15. Programme Structure The Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards 2 allows programmes to be validated with up to 30 Level 6 credits. Possible stages/awards are indicated; please delete rows as required. Diagrams can also be used to demonstrate the structure.

Programme Structure

Refer if necessary to appended diagrams



120 credits at Level 7

The overall prescription of contact time within the scope of the award is:

400 total contact hours for each student enrolled.

200 'educational' hours.

200 hours of 'supervised' casework

Core Programme Modules

AC0737: Core competency for work with children, young people & Parents (20 level 7 credits)

AC0738: Therapeutic Skills for work with children, young people & Parents(20 level 7 credits)

AC0739: Assessment and formulation with children, young people & Parents (20 level 7 credits)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Pathway/Award Modules

AC0740: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for anxiety disorders in children and young people (30 level 7 credits)

AC0741: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for depression in children and young people (30 level 7 credits)

Parenting Intervention Pathway/Award Modules

AC0742: Basic skills for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and parenting work (30 level 7 credits)

AC0743: Promoting effective parenting for conduct disorders (30 level 7 credits)

Systemic Practice with Families Pathway/Award Modules

Core to both sub-pathways

AC0750: Foundations for Systemic Practice with families (30 level 7 credits)

Specific to the Eating Disorders sub-pathway:

AC0751: Systemic Practice for Eating Disorders (30 level 7 credits)


Specific to the Depression/Self harm & Conduct Disorder sub-pathway:

AC0757: Systemic Practice for Depression, Self-harm & Conduct Disorder (30 level 7 credits)

See accompanying programme/pathway diagram


The Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards available from



Lower Level Awards Credit Structure and Programme Learning Outcomes for Lower Level Awards.

Please delete or add rows as appropriate, with reference to the Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards 3 . Learning outcomes should be specified for each lower level award in accordance with the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications 4 which also provides generic qualification descriptors for each level. The standard credit structure for each award is given below. The Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards 2 allows postgraduate taught programmes to be validated with up to 30 Level 6 credits.

Award Programme Learning Outcomes may be completed with reference to section 13.

Postgraduate Certificate

60 credits at Level 7

If a student attains any combination of at least 60 credits from the programme modules, but fails to complete the complete

120 credits, this can be awarded as:

'Post Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Studies'.


Variation from Assessment Regulations or the modular Framework

: Provide details of any approved variations from the Assessment Regulations for

Northumbria Awards (ARNA) 3 or the Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards 2

The nature of this programme and pathways is such that the attainment of the award implies attainment of a skill-set and level of competency commensurate with the standards required by the C&YP IAPT project specification (informed by BABCP accreditation requirements for programmes and graduates). As such, in order to attain this award, all modules of study must be achieved as academic passes. There will be no 'compensation' or 'disregarding' of modules within the structure of the programme.



The Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards available from

3 The Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards available from

4 There is a link to the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications at



Mapping of Learning Outcomes

This section shows how the individual modules (with module learning outcomes as written in the module descriptor) together contribute to programme learning outcomes. It should be presented as a matrix of programme learning outcomes (as identified numerically in section 13), against modules. Where a module contributes to a programme learning outcome it should be flagged.



Core/ option a) Knowledge & Understanding b) Intellectual Skills c) Practical Skills d) Transferable Key Skills






2 3 4

X -










- -

































X X X - - - - -

X X X - - - -


X X X X X - - -


X X X X X - - -


X X X X - X - -


O-2 X X X X - X - -
















X -


X -

















X -


























































































C = core to all programmes

O-1= Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Pathway

O-2: = Parenting Interventions Pathway

O-3 = Systemic Practice with Families Pathway: O3a = Eating Disorders 'sub-pathway; O3b = Depression/Self-harm/Conduct disorder sub-pathway













X -






X -



X -

- X

- X

- X






















2 3 4






- - X

- - X




























Admission Requirements

Please give details of specific programme requirements including approved arrangements for admission with advanced standing, where appropriate.

Students will normally be expected to have graduate status (or provide evidence of successful level 6 study) and must have a relevant professional qualification/registration or accepted graduate status working role within partner services (e.g. 'Assistant Practitioner'). All applicants should have current/recent DBS

(Disclosure & Barring Service) clearance at an enhanced level. It is anticipated that those students not possessing a Degree in HE will be able to demonstrate equivalence, for which APEL systems and processes are available. University application processes and where necessary interview will enable student and academic staff to assure themselves of the student’s ability to progress to level 7 study. Normally, students will have a minimum of one year of experience as a registered/qualified practitioner (including graduate roles such as 'assistant practitioner'); however each applicant will be assessed individually. The programmes will be open to the recognition of both acquired previous learning (APL) and acquired previous experiential learning (APEL), where this can be robustly evidenced against the learning outcomes and entry criteria specified for the specialist pathways and modular elements of the programmes. As the intent of this programme is to facilitate practitioners who will be eligible for accreditation with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), 'Incredible Years'/or equivalent Parenting programme, or in the case of the Systemic pathway, that the pathway itself is accredited with the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic

Practice in the UK (AFT). Where applicants do not have a core recognised mental health profession, acceptance to the programme will involve agreeing to construct a portfolio of evidence (commencing from acceptance upon the programme, and constructed throughout the duration of the programme) which 'maps' their experience and development to the criteria of the BABCP 'Key Skills and Attitudes' (KSA) framework. The Systemic Practice pathway will only be open to applicants with a core professional qualification. Candidates whose first language is not English will need to have a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent.

20. Application Procedure The approved procedure should be indicated

Prospective students are identified via the collaborative of Northumbria University and participating services/organisations, who will identify appropriate participants from within their workforces.


Programme Curriculum Diagram a) Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (CBT) b) Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Parenting Interventions) c) Post Graduate Diploma in Evidence Based Psychological Therapy (Systemic Practice with Families)

Semester One (CORE = 60 L7 Credits)

(January- April)

AC0737: Core Competency for work with Children & Young People

(20 credits L7)

AC0738: Therapeutic Skills for work with Children & Young People

(20 credits L7)

AC0739: Assessment & Formulation with Children & Young People

(20 Credits L7)

Semester 2 (PATHWAY)

(May – September)

AC0740: CBT for Anxiety Disorders in

Children & Young People

(30 credits Level 7)

AC0741: CBT for Depression in Children &

Young People

(30 Credits Level 7)

AC0742: Basic Skills for CBT & Parenting


AC0743: Promoting Effective Parenting for


(30 Credits Level 7)

Conduct Disorders

(30 Credit Level 7)


AC0750: Foundations for Systemic

Practice with Families

(* New Module: 30 Credits Level 7)

(Actually Delivered Jan - May)

AC0751: Systemic Practice for Eating


(* New Module: 30 Credits Level 7)

(Actually Delivered May - Sept)


AC0757: Systemic Practice for Depression,

Self Harm and Conduct Disorder

(*New module: 30 Credits Level 7)

(Actually Delivered May - Sept)
