Billy Bob's Protocol Guide to the NBRC Hospital Revised: Oct. 13, 2008 Adult CMV Rules Intubate and Ventilate if: PaCO2 with pH < 7.30 (Hypercarbia with Respiratory Acidemia) Initial Ventilator Settings; use (adult) A/C or SIMV (add PS +512 cwp to WOB through ETT) f = 812 breaths per min. Vt = 1012 ml/Kg (or 89 ml/Kg if 1012 not a choice) Use only 10 ml/Kg Vt for child For exacerbation of Severe COPD try1st: V/M @ 28% or 2 L/m N/C if V/M not an option; but avoid N/C b/c delivery is estm. 2nd: BiPAP - if pH is < 7.30 (see: N COPD ABG) where IPAP adjusts ventilation (1015 cwp)~ Vt with pH and EPAP adjusts oxygenation (4 cwp) ~ PaO2 3rd: CMV with smaller Vt & FIO2 initial parameters or If fails, switch to SIMV with PS f = 812 breaths per min. Vt = 6 10 ml/Kg (b/c hypercompliant)(also adjust with IPAP) FIO2 = 30% 40% PEEP = 2 5 cwp will help prevent air-trapping causing intrinsic PEEP or auto-PEEP For ARDS with PIP; can use Permissive Hypercapnea with Vt = 57 ml/Kg allowing PaCO2 & keep pH > 7.25 (see below) Initiate Pressure Control Ventilation (PCV) when Pplat > 3540 cwp or PIP > 50 cwp b/c of chemical mediator release lung damage (ALI= acute lung injury) Initial PCV settings; PIPPCV estm. = at 50% of PIPA/C (on A/C) or = Pplat, then target Vt by adj. PIPPCV where 5 7 ml/Kg IBW (See Permissive Hypercapnea above) and add PEEPPCV = 50% of PEEPA/C FIO2 = 100% or 1.0 I:E = 1:2 or inverse ratio with pt. sedation; caution 2:1 ratios or > b/c Auto- PEEP can occur Monitor Vt Exh. b/c PIP limit determines Vt: CL or Raw changes affect Vt Exh PCV also indicated in pleural air leak where set PIPPCV = PPlateau adjusting f to control PaCO2 For NMD with fatigued muscles and stable Cst - use Bilevel ventilation Ventilation - Always treat FIRST; a combination of PaCO2 and pH; ventilation when respiratory acidosis < 7.30 pH; remember respiratory alkalosis is not a ventilation problem Exceptions: Severe COPD:- try BiPAP 1st b/c hard to wean from CMV initiate IPAP~15 cwp with an EPAP~ 4 cwp (See: COPD normal ABG's) NMD:- Respiratory Insufficiency (i.e.: RR >35 b/min., HR>100 b/min. & even though N acid/base balance = intubate & CMV b/c impending AVF Cerebral Trauma:- (i.e.: MVA, Sub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage) keep PaCO2 = 25-30 Torr so pH is alkalotic to ICP (via vessel constriction) & keep PaO2 ~ 100 Torr (i.e.: FIO2 as needed) Oxygenation – Always treat 2nd; after evaluating ABG for Respiratory Alkalosis (Acute or Uncompensated) with Mod. Hypoxemia FIO2 to 60% max., then start CPAP b/c refractory hypoxemia Wean from FIO2 and CPAP (or PEEP) by FIO2 1st till reach 60 %, then PEEP until = 5 cwp, and then FIO2 again in 10% increments to ~ 40-30% b/c O2 toxicity is 1st concern and barotraumas is 2nd Can MV if FIO2 and PEEP is not an option (i.e.: f, Vt, add PS) to PaO2 Tissue Hypoxia exists if PvO2 < 30 Torr & or SvO2 < 56 % DC all O2 therapy if PaO2 = > 5 X FIO2 % Supplemental O2 Adult ~ should be in range of 30% to 60% FIO2 NRB (100%) ~ indicated ONLY in emergency or trauma conditions CMV - Weaning Parameters: weanable ifVC 1015 ml/kg IBW; measures for effective cough (monitor daily) MIP ≤ -20 cwp; measures strength for effective cough (monitor daily); N= -50100cwp Vt spont 3 ml/lb. or 6.6 ml/Kg of IBW indicates "continue weaning" RSBI = RRspont./Vt spont.(L) ; # < 100 = weanable; # > 100 = needs CMV (A-a)G on 100% < 350 Torr before weaning attempted; where N = 60100 Torr; b/c >350 Torr V/Q mismatch or diffusion deficit [i.e.: (A-a)G should be ] VD/Vt < 0.60 = pt ready to wean; where 25%35% (i.e.:0.25 0.35)= N Where: VD/Vt = PaCO2 - PECO2 and therefore PaCO2 VD = PaCO2 - PECO2 X Vt PaCO2 PEP > 40 cwp = weanable b/c effective cough (also: MEP, MEF) Always choose MIP, VC, RRspon, Vt spon., when considering weaning, even if on A/C= 12 ETT Sizes - Adults: Teenager (16 YO) Female (average size) Male Large Adult = 7.0 mm; = 7.5 – 8.0 mm; = 8.0 – 8.5 mm = 9.0 – 10.0 mm CMV - Weaning Strategy Switch from A/C to SIMV where f =10, 8, 6, 4 or 2 flow-by; after ABG results reveal respiratory alkalosis without hypoxemia; always adjust f (not Vt) to change Valveolar with SIMV or Control modes and always adjust Vt (not f) to change Valveolar in A/C mode consider PS of 512 cwp to WOB through ETT (or 510 cwp) FIO2 to 60 %, then PEEP/CPAP to 5 cwp, then FIO2 until 4030 % Make changes b/c of : ABG results reveal respiratory alkalosis without hypoxemia or b/c pt. is resting comfortably with good spontaneous ventilation measurements or b/c MIP & VC (done daily) are acceptable Note: Small ventilator changes are better than big changes Remember: Adjust f to alter PaCO2 in SIMV or Control modes AND Adjust Vt to alter PaCO2 in A/C (where VE is best changed) Auto-PEEP (intrinsic PEEP) - Monitor expiratory flow curves returning to zero; causes risks of barotrauma & CO ABG for Severe COPD; Normal values PaO2 = 50 65 Torr PaCO2 = 50 60 Torr or pH = 7.30 7.35 HCO3- 32 mEq/L Note - COPD chemoreceptors not depressed until PaO2 ~ >70 Torr IBW Calculation (NBRC) female = 105 lb for 60" plus 5 lb/in. over 60" male = 106 lb for 60" plus 6 lb/in. over 60" Estimate VE, PaCO2, Vt or f, where: f(Desired) X PaCO2 (Desired) = f(Actual) X PaCO2 (Actual) and therefore the following can be formulated: fdesired = (f current) (PaCO2 current)/ PaCO2 desired ; where (↑)(↓) = (↓)(↑) or (↓)(↑)=(↑)(↓) . . VE desired = (VE current)(PaCO2 current) , Also PaCO2 desired Vt desired = (VE current)(PaCO2 current) PaCO2 desired Neonatal Rules (3,000 g or 3 Kg is normal birth wt. ~ 6.6 lbs.; anything less is probably a premie) Initial Ventilator Settings for babies; Switch baby to PCV from CPAP after: CPAP = 8 10 on 80% with PaO2 < 50 Torr and PaCO2 > 60 Torr (see neonate N ABG below) Pressure Control for neonates with f = 40 breaths per min.(or in range 3050 b/min.) where normal RR = 4060 b/m PIP = 25 cwp (or in range 1525 cwp) FIO2 = 0.60 (b/c baby was on CPAP at 0.60) PEEP = 2 4 cwp (only after initial therapeutic setting of 45cwp) *Note - when PEEP, Vt will b/c of PC mode (i.e.: Vt=PIP-PEEP) HFV = 3 types 1) HFPPV: where f = 60100/min., Vt = 35 ml/Kg, I:E = 1:3 or < 2) HFJV: where f = 100600/min., PIP ~ 810 cwp, I:E = 1:11:4 Alarms: PLow 3) HFO: where f = 603,600/min., Vt < VD anatomic Also: ECMO is indicated for those infants not responding to PC ventilation Surfactant replacement is indicated for infants with RDS to open up atelectatic alveoli; given within 1224 hours of 1st symptoms Ventilator Changes for Neonates Ventilation - Always treat first; a combination of PaCO2 and pH Oxygenation – Always treat 2nd a combination of FIO2 and PEEP PEEP by only 24 cwp at a time Caution with PPHN (Persistent Pul. Hypertension Neonate) b/c compressed alveolar capillaries patent ductus arteriosis & or Foramen Ovale FIO2 = 0.10 max. at a time, unless option exists to: Titrate FIO2 to maintain SpO2 93% Extubate when CPAP is @ 2 cwp (b/c normal FRC is maintained with CPAP = 2 cwp) Apgar Scores: 5 parameters @ 0, 1 & 2 pts with 10 pts max. 710 = N = observe, sx upper awy w bulb syr., place in warmer 4 6 = moderate asphyxia = BVM stimulate & place on O2 0 3 = severe asphyxia = immediate resuscitation, ventilation with FIO2 ABG for Neonates: PaO2 = 50 70 mmHg (Sills PaO2 neonate = 60 – 70 Torr) PaCO2 = 35 45 mmHg pH = (7.25) 7.35 7.45 HCO3- = 2026 where, ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) ~ PaO2 > 80 Torr also, Umbilical ABG = Radial ABG Capillary Gases for Neonates: PcO2 = 4050 Torr PcCO2 = 4050 Torr N Vital Signs for Neonates: HR = 130-150 b/min., BP = 75/45 (9060/6030); RR = 4060 b/min. acrocyanosis (peripheral cyanosis) is N after birth; however, central cyanosis is NOT Normal and O2 trx must be initiated Serum Glucose Levels should be measured in INFANTS CBC should be assessed for O2 carrying capacity of the blood & infection Ductus Arteriosus – detected via two PTCO2 electrodes i) R upper chest (preductal) & ii) L chest, abdn, or thigh (post ductal) CPAP for Neonates: Start CPAP ONLY when pt demonstrates hypoxemia on 60 % FIO2 (indicates atelectasis) Remove ETT when CPAP = 2 cwp b/c < will ↓ FRC below N CPAPmax. Neonates = 12 cwp (Sills p. 402) ETT Sizes (neonates): 3,000 g or 3.0 Kg is normal birth wt.; anything less is probably a premie) Pre-Term 2.5 Kg = 2.5 mm; Full Term (3840 wks gestational) = 3.0 mm; 1 year old = 4.0 mm CSE- DO NOT ORDER ON INFANTS - PEFR, MIP, VC as inappropriate EKG Recommend 12-lead ECG = to dx. signs/symptoms of acute serious cardiac arrhythmia Atrial Fibrillation = Cardioversion is indicated; energy level = 25100 joules Ventricular Fibrillation (also: Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia) = Defibrillation is indicated; 200 J initially, then energy to 360 Joules if 2nd or 3rd is not successful. All other cardiac arrhythmias are trxed w medication Medication vs. Cardiac conditions: Lidocaine - trx. Ventricular Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachycardia & PVCs Epinephrine - trx. Ventricular Fibrillation, Sinus Arrest & Asystole Atropine - trx. Sinus Bradycardia & Asystole HR measured via EKG grid lines as: 300 (60/0.2), 150, 100, 75, 60, 50 (6th box or 60/1.2) Equipment Rules Flow Conversion to L/sec: 60 L/min = 1.0 L/sec 50 L/min = 0.83 L/sec 45 L/min = 0.75 L/sec 40 L/min = 0.67 L/sec 30 L/min = 0.50 L/sec 5 L/min = 0.0833 L/s; i.e.: 20 L/m = 4(0.08333) = 0.33 L/s Air:Oxygen Ratios: 60% = 1:1 50% = 5:3 45% = 2:1 40% = 3:1 35% = 5:1 30% = 8:1 28%= 10:1 26%= 15:1 24% = 25:1 Heliox: ONLY delivered via NRM 80/20 mixture = 1.8 X O2 flow = actual flowHeliox shortcuts = multiply O2 flowmeter rate by 2 & round to estm. He/O2 flow = divide He/O2 Rx by 2 & round for O2 flowmeter flow to use 70/30 mixture = 1.6 X O2 flow = actual flowHeliox shortcuts = multiply O2 flowmeter by 1.5 & round estm. He/O2 flow = divide He/O2 Rx by 1.5 & rd for O2 flowmeter flow to use 70/30 is lowest He concentration delivered b/c O2 is heavy LOX: 1 lb LOX = 344 L gaseous O2 1 L LOX = 2.5 lb LOX = 860 L gaseous O2 Cylinder to Empty Textbook calculation # min = (# psig)X[(0.28~E; 3.14~H )] # L/min # min = # hours 60 min/hr. Billy Bob's Shortcut: * for E cylinder ~ substitute 0.28 to 0.3 * drop one zero from the # psig and multiply by 3 * divide by # L/m, which ~ # min * drop the last digit and divide by 6, ~ # hours * choose the # min or hours that is slightly lower than calculated * for H cylinder: substitute 3 for 3.14 and round up Capnography - N exhaled air contains CO2 = 4.55.5% or 3545 Torr If ETT is in the esophagus, then this value will be near zero % (i.e.: 0.5%) Note: PaCO2 > PETCO2 and P(a-ET)CO2 + PETCO2 estimates PaCO2 also P(a-ET)CO2 = 15 Torr P(a-ET)CO2> N or is indicates Pulmonary Emboli, LHF or COPD Also: exhaling to END Max Exhalation can differentiate PE above: i.e. P(a-RV)CO2> N = PE where P(a-RV)CO2= N indicates LHF or COPD Transcutaneous O2 Analyzers – PTCCO2 zeroed on RA: think Perfusion & Diffusion IS - min VC => 10 ml/kg otherwise chg to IPPB UAC ~ distal tip @ T6 T10; b/c lower causes cyanosis of lower extremities CPT with head ~ if not tolerated add 10% FIO2 or change to PEP Device NO (nitric oxide) is adm @ 10 ppm initially & to 20 ppm, where PVR>240 Reminder: PVR = N = 1.5 3.0 Torr or 80 - 240 dynes∙sec∙cm-5 SPAG - set the nebulizer as high as it will go, then add enough drying flow to = 15 L/min total; also, drying chamber should have < 10 L/min. or no aerosol Oropharyngeal Awy - used ONLY for unconscious pt. to maintain patent upper airway. Combitube (ETC: Esophageal Tracheal Combitube) - an emergency awy device inserted with minimal skill; not used with pediatric nor short adult pt.s; use a colorimeter or capnography to determine where the tube is placed Chest Tubes: placed in 2nd 4th anterior intercostal space to evacuate air placed in 6th 8th intercostal space to evacuate fluid vacuum set at -20 cwp for Pleur-Evac System, or at -15 cwp for direct line suction (b/c of < sx control) Galvanic Fuel Cell – “recalibrate” before replacing fuel cell, if FIO2 measurement a problem LMA – Laryngeal Mask Airway: - inserted by minimally skill or perhaps an anesthesiologist during surgery (vs. ETT) - lubricate posterior mask; insert with the index finger over epiglottis f/b mask inflated 60 cwp - can NOT be used on conscious nor semiconscious pts (b/c of gag reflex) (must be unconscious) - gastric distention = bagging or CMV where PIP > 20 cwp b/c LMA will leak - aspiration can still occur Pulse Oximeters – think Perfusion & shine a Light through the blood Hemodynamics CVP = N = 6 1 Torr; reflects RH pressure (also reflects RV preload) PAP = N = 25/10 Torr (3020 Torr/155 Torr), reflects RH pressure PAP when PVR or PCWP; then CVP also also PAP b/c of PaCO2, pH, or PaO2, hypervolemia (start Lasix) PAP b/c hypovolemia (add fluids), pul. vasodilation, or PaO2 PCWP; N = 124 Torr; measures L Atrial press. & LV end-diastolic press.; where PCWP = left heart abn.s (i.e.: CHF, Mitral & Aortic Valve Stenosis) PCWP > 18 Torr b/c of "Cardiogenic PE" from CHF (LHF) Also, increased b/c aortic stenosis, mitral valve regurgitation) PCWP < 4 Torr = hypovolemia; NOTE: PE with N PCWP indicates "Noncardiogenic PE" (i.e.: ARDS); Balloon tip inflation hold for < 1520 sec. to prevent infarction PVR = N = 1.5 3.0 Torr or 80 - 240 dynes∙sec∙cm-5 if PVR = pulmonary hypertension (b/c of acidemia, hypercapnia, hypoxia, then PAP) then CVP & PAP are also SVR (Systemic Vascular Resistance) = N = 900 - 1400 dynes∙sec∙cm-5; SVR < 900 ~ hypovolemia; SVR > 1400 ~ hypervolemia Tissue Hypoxia = SvO2 < 56% & or = P vO2 < 30 Torr: where N. P vO2 = 40 Torr (3743) CI =Cardiac Index =QT/BSA N QT = 2.54.0 L/min/sm2of body surface area = a reflection of QT (cardiac output) CI < 2.5 ~ hypovolemia; CI > 4.0 ~ hypervolemia QT = VO2 __________ = Cardiac Output (or total perfusion), [C(a-v)O2] X 10 where VO2 = O2 consumption C(a-v)O2 = Arteriovenous O2 Content = (1.34)(Hb)[S(a-v)O2] + (0.003)[P(a-v)O2] N = 4 6 vol% or where > 6 ~ CO (maybe trx w fluid intake) and < 4 ~ CO (septic shock or anemia may be indicated) If PvO2 after PEEP, then QT demonstrated; therefore PEEP to previous level RQ = V/Q = 4.2/5.0 = 0.8 = N Lab Data Air bubble - should be suspected in an ABG when PO2 + PCO2 > 140 Torr on RA Sputum: Green ~ pseudomonas (foul smelling) Yellow ~ WBC's or staph Color vs. disease: CB = viscous yellow or green CF = viscous yellow or green PE = Pink & frothy Asthma without infection = Clear, white Electrolytes: Na+ = 135 145 mEq/L; ~ 140; Na+ = muscle weakness & difficult vent weaning K+ = 3.5 5.0 mEq/L; ~ 4; K+ = muscle weakness & AVF; cardiac arrhythmias & flatted "T" wave; difficult vent. Weaning Cl = 95 105 mEq/L; ~ 100; Cl- = K+ also ; Cl- = weakness Ca+ = 4.25 5.25 mEq/L; ~ 5; Ca+ = muscle weakness & difficult vent weaning Others: WBC > 11k = infection; > 17k = severe infection Sweat Chloride Test - for CF; positive > 60 mEq/L HTLV-III ~ test for HIV infection L/S Ratio = N = 2:1; 1.5:1 = 50% chance RDS; 1:1 = 90% chance RDS (start surfactant) Umbilical ABG = Radial ABG Cardiac Enzymes - Lab blood test run to determine if MI occurred BUN ~ blood/urea/nitrogen = in renal failure HbCO measurement is an effective test for smoking cessation program noncompliance Pathology: Tension Pneumothorax - suspect when PEEP, with suddenly restless, agitation, BS on a lateral side, asymmetrical chest movement, tracheal movement away from midline; Trx - insert Lg bore needle/rubber catheter into 2nd (between 2&3) intercostal space. Severe COPD - typical ABG's PaO2 = 50 - 65 Torr (chemoreceptors are activated in this range) PaCO2 = 50 to 60 Torr (respiratory acidosis) pH = 7.30 - 7.35; (partly compensated respiratory acidosis) HCO3- = 34 - 37 mEq/L (metabolic alkalosis compensation) Note - chemoreceptors not depressed until PaO2 ~ >70 Torr Try NIPPV (BiPAP) first before intubating b/c hard to wean COPDers from CMV I-Hold or Ipause = helps to distribute Vt more evenly to all lung areas; Gas diffusion, intrathoracic pressure, atelectasis, P(A-a)G & oxygenation Percussion ~ tapping over pt.s chest & listening to the sound Flat sound - over areas of sternum, muscles, atelectasis (tissue or bone) Dull sound - over areas that are fluid filled (heart, liver, pleural effusion, pneumonia) Resonant – normal Hyperresonant – over hyperinflated areas i.e. COPD, Status Asthmaticus Palpation ~ to touch for, or listen to: Abnormalities of anatomy or areas of tenderness: ie.: tracheal shift, fractured ribs Tactile fremitus – “99” is spoken with changes in vibrations felt Vocal fremitus – 99’ is spoken with normal air muffling heard via stethoscope IPPB indicated post-op for a sedated pt. requiring prevention of atelectasis trx when IS not tolerated PFT Rules: Interpretation of Results # > 15% = significant response (improvement) to bronchodilator mild, moderate and severe Inspiratory flow = N = 2530 L/m When interpreting PFT results, look at the choices~ 3 incorrect choices will type a wrong pathology (i.e.: restrictive vs. obstructive). Choose the other single type. MVV - performed for 5 -12 sec only (Sills); 10, 12, 15 sec's (Persing); @70-120 bpm Geisler Tube Ionizer- a nitrogen analyzer used to measure ing exhaled N2 during inspiration of 100% O2 for the determination of RV, FRC and TLC\ However, use helium washout with COPD pts b/c 100% O2 not used Physiology Calculations: Alveolar-Air Equation PAO2 = (PB - PH2O)FIO2 - PaCO2(1.25); simplify where shortcut PAO2 = (7)O2% - PaCO2 + 10 i.e.: PB = 747, FIO2 = 50 and PaCO2 = 35 = (7 X 50) - (35+10) = 350 - 45 = 305 Torr Desired FIO2 ; where FIO2 = PaO2 therefore divide; i.e.: where FIO2/PaO2 = 1; or Desired FIO2 = Actual FIO2 Desired PaO2 Actual PaO2 simplified Desired FIO2 = (Desired PaO2) X (Actual FIO2) Actual PaO2 Also via math: where (↑)(↓) = (↓)(↑) or (↓)(↑)= (↑)(↓) Bubble in ABG if:PaO2 + PaCO2 > 140 Torr on RA; {should be < or = with (A-a)G} Dead Space: Anatomic normal: VD anatomic = 1 ml/lb. IBW = 2.2 ml/kg IBW Intubated Pt.: VD Intubation = 0.5 ml/lb. IBW = 1 ml/kg IBW ↑VD = ↑ PaCO2 (i.e.: pulmonary emboli) Capillary Refill = N = or < 3 sec.; If > 3 sec. = indicates ↓perfusion, hypotension or a cold extremity Cyanosis ~ 5 g/dL Hb is unsat.: or Hb > 5 g/dL Oxygen Content = CaO2 = (1.34)(Hb)[SaO2] + (0.003)[PaO2] Where N = 15 20 vol % (NO REFERENCE) IBW Ht. 5'0" 5'2" 5'4" 5'6" 5'8" 5'10" 6' M(lb./Kg) 106/48 118/54 130/59 142/65 154/70 166/76 178/81 F(lb./Kg) 105/48 115/52 125/57 135/61 145/66 155/71 165/75 Peak Flow Conversions: 50 L/min = 0.83 L/sec 40 L/min = 0.67 L/sec 30 L/min = 0.5 L/s Cstatic (adult) = Nadult = 100 ml/cwp Nventilator = 6070 ml/cwp Cst (neonate) = Nneonate = 5 ml/cwp (3 Kg) Cst = N = Vt exh________ Pplat - PEEP Cdyn = N = Vt exh________ PIP - PEEP Raw = PIP - Pplat / # L/sec ; Nnonintubated = 0.6 2.4 cwp/L/s; Nintubated = 5 cwp/L/s NBTsat = 47 mmHg (PH2O) = 44 mg H2O/Lgas Pharmacology Mucomyst - ONLY adm for thick & tenacious secretions i.e.: Bronchiectasis & CF; also: can bronchospasms Lidocaine(Xylocaine) - instilled directly into ET tube - will cease coughing due to bronchospasm (see cardiac conditions below) and - also adm for ventricular arrhythmias via IV or ETT if IV not available Sedate & Paralyze is most efficient method of treating combative pt on CMV Valium (diazepam) - a sedative commonly administered during a bronchoscopy\ (a short acting antianxiety med.) Versed (midazolam) - a sedative commonly administered during a bronchoscopy (a short acting barbiturate) succinylcholine (Anectine) - muscle relaxant facilitates intubation; paralysis X 5', 2 mg (should add sedative) pancuronium (Pavulon)- paralysis while on CMV; reversed with Tensilon (neostigmine) nitroprusside sodium (Nipride)- a potent fast-acting peripheral vasodilator to BP(hypertension) Inderal - adm to BP (hypertension) Servanta (artificial surfactant) - indicated for RDS with CXR revealing ground-glass appearance or L:S < 2:1; adm. 12-24 hrs after symp. appear; PaO2 will as atelectasis reverses Narcan - reverse effects of narcotics Hypertonic Saline - 1.8% (2 X 0.9) to induce cough Theophylline - AOP (apnea of prematurity); an oral Bd in COPD; 10 20 mg/L Added to regime only after albuterol, Atrovent & IV steroids fail to reverse B.spasm Tobramycin (Tobi)- antibiotic(pseudomonas); 300 mg X 2/day aerosolized digoxin (Lanoxin) - adm to SV and CO b/cpumping action of heart i.e. CHF dornase alpha (Dnase)- trx copious secretions of CF; adm. 1 X /day aerosolized Atropine - adm to HR (rev. bradycardia): can occurrence of PVC's if present dopamine (Inotropin) - adm to BP; also HR after atropine failed nitric oxide - inhaled to trx PVR; a pulm. vasodilator; 10 ppm initial, where >20 ppm is toxic Bretylium - for pulseless V-tach and V-fib epinephrine - for pulseless V-tach and V-fib; also a standard for CPR to BP and HR; NOT if PVC's present as can their occurrence Mestinon (pyridostigmine Br.) - for trx of MG (cholinesterase inhibitor); a neostigmine prototype Mannitol (osmitrol) - adm to ICP (# >25 cwp), a neurologic diuretic Luminal (phenobarbital) - sedative - hypnotic (barbiturate) - for fighting CMV Dilantin - Trx seizure activity Medication vs. Cardiac conditions: Lidocaine - trx. Ventricular Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachycardia & PVCs Epinephrine - trx. Ventricular Fibrillation, Sinus Arrest & Asystole Atropine - trx. Sinus Bradycardia & Asystole Other: - Stop bronchodilator if HR > 20 b/m or >20% - med. dose will adverse reaction CSE - Assessment for Level of Respiratory Distress CMV Ventilator function - quick check of vent for appropriate settings/function Ability to pass suction catheter - ensures tube patency from secretions/kink BS - to check for bilateral inflation or adventitious (bad) sounds Chest percussion - assessing percussion note can help diagnose pul. problem Manually ventilate - to assess compliance and Raw Chest excursion - unequal or asymmetrical chest movement Heart rate - to assess level of distress Tracheal shift - palpate suprasternal notch for midline or shifted (pneumothorax) Quick Assessment ~ Choose ONLY those assessments that can be performed visually & at bedside (stage 1 & 2; No ABG, CXR, CBC, etc.) CSE - POSSIBLY SELECT ON THIS EXAM Muscle tone - pt with NM disease or premature infant Clubbing - consider age of pt. (except CF adolescents) Deep tendon reflex - differentiates GB vs. MG b/c weakness () with GB diseased pt vs. normal in MG (MG/Myasthenia Gravis; GB/Guillain-Barre’) QT - for pt with cardiac disease only PAP - only for cardiac pt or where a Swan-Ganz catheter is already inserted PvO2 only where a Swan-Ganz catheter is already inserted Allen's test - only before performing an arterial stick at the wrist Ability to swallow - only in NM disease pt (swallowing difficuly may require intubation) Swallow ability- for toddler R/O epiglottitis or upper awy obstruction CVP - only a cardiac pt. or where a central line has been inserted ABG's - evaluates ventilatory & oxygenation status; however, this painful test may NOT be necessary if pt is resting comfortably or SpO2 = N ICP - only in head trauma pt's; zero on RA and ONLY before attachment Tracheal position - ONLY when pneumothorax is suspected Serum glucose level - only for diabetes or neonatal pt's Breathe mints - are helpful after pentamidine trx b/c of bad taste Pulmonary angiogram - procedure to detect pulmonary embolus Response to painful stimuli - select only when pt is unconscious Babinski reflex - bottom foot rubbed with dull object, toes inward = N, toes outward = neurologic defect ONLY i.e. brain damage, - GB; +MG Gag reflex - tested with NMD determines level of paralysis; also unconscious or semiconscious - determines depth of depression; caution b/c can cause vomiting and aspiration; assess level of hazard chocking with MG & GB but not performed if pt. eating/drinking properly Electromyography – EMG tests muscle weakness & endurance of NMD i.e. MG Sx - ONLY PRN; Never q10 or q20, etc. ABG - ONLY PRN; Never q day Urine Output - measured (40 ml/hr) to assess cardiac (perfusion) or kidney failure Bilateral grip test - in NMD tests muscle endurance via hand muscles CBC (infant) - 30k at birth, 18k at 1 wk, 11k at 2 wk (Wilkens; Assess, p223) Post Extubation - if offered, choose SVN with Epinephrine X 2 over 2 hour & or Beclovent MDI X 2 over 2 hour (remember: only if offered) IPPB with FIO2 1.0 ~ Choose when ABG demonstrates 1) poor ventilation & 2) poor oxygenation and more assessment information is needed Carotid Artery Message or Valsalva Maneuver ~ common nonelectrical trx for SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia) via vagal stimulation. Lukens Trap- used for collection of sputum during sxing Expiratory Retard- use to help splint obstructive awys (ie.: wheezes) to remain open Heimlich Maneuver- performed 1st during choking (do not clap on pts. back) Urine output and color – if a trauma patient b/c can demonstrate internal bleeding Peripheral Pulses – Only if cardiac pt. & to evaluate foot perfusion (dorsalis pedis) CSE - ALWAYS SELECT VS - should always be a part of pt evaluation; Also BP - to assess CV status Pulse & respiratory rate - assess CP status Body Temperature - assess presence of infection LOC - important to evaluate in any pt. BS - essential to evaluate adventitious air movement through areas of the lungs MIP - evaluates respiratory muscle strength cough effort & production - can pt protect airway & presence of Pul infection Vt spon. - evaluates respiratory muscles for effective alveolar ventilation VC - evaluates effectiveness of cough to protect airways (should be >1,000 ml) Sputum production - can be diagnostic for infection or other conditions CBC - to determ O2 capacity (Hb) and presence of infection (WBC>11K) CSE - DO NOT SELECT ON THIS EXAM Hering-Breuer reflex - stretch receptors cannot be evaluated bowel sounds - provides little relative information about respiratory status VD/Vt ratio - time consuming and difficult to assess O2 Consumption - hard to tolerate by pt; is also expensive and time consuming MVV - performed in the PFT lab, it is stressful and offers little information Moro reflex - performed on infants (startled, they raise their arms up & out) EEG – can be mistaken for ECG or EKG PA CXR – must be an AP view ONLY (pt.s are very sick & can not stand) 100 ml VD is NEVER added to spontaneous breathing pt b/c will PaCO2 Silverman Score - newborn assessment Dubowitz Score - estm. gestational age of newborn DO NOT ORDER ON INFANTS PEFR, MIP, VC CSE - ALMOST ALWAYS SELECT SpO2 - Except for suspected HbCO poisoning MIP, VC, RRspon, Vt spon., RSBI, BS, VS, T, CBC, LOC, CXR, Pulse, when considering weaning, even if on A/C= 12 but without major acute health issues Also called bedside spirometry; weaning parameters