Go to the questions

Reef Front questions* Click on the Predation and Parasitism and describe this type of connection. (Hint click
on Learn more)
* Then you need to click on all the animals that have the yellow dotted line connections.
Moving your cursor to the edge of the picture will make the image move.
* Click on the Tiger Shark and read its information
- How do they detect prey?
- What allows them to eat the Green Sea Turtles?
* Click on the Green Sea Turtle
- What is one of the turtles common defenses?
* School of Trevallies
- How do they hunt the Cardinalfish?
*Cardinalfish School
- What do they do to try and minimize predation?
* Sea Sponges
- How do they stop predation?
*Crown of Thorns starfish?
- What allows them to eat coral?
- What is one of their defenses?
* Giant Triton
- What allows them to eat the Crown of Thorns Starfish?
* Sea Slug
- How do they repeal predators?
- What allows them to be able to eat sea sponges?
*Describe the relationship of Competition
* Describe the differences between the dolphins and trevallies tactics for eating the
Cardinal fish.
* How do the Spanish Dancers compete against each other?
* Dow do Sea Sponges complete with each other and why do they compete?
* Describe the relationships of commensalism and mutualism.
* Describe the relationship between Mana Rays and Remora.
* Describe the relationship between Zooxanthellae and Coral.
Reef Crest
* Click on Predation and parasitism
* What make the Barracuda such a good predator?
* What do Parrotfish do to make up for their poor defenses?
* What makes Parrotfish so adapt for eating algae?
* Do Bentic Algae have any defenses?
* What allows the Saddled butterflyfish to eat sea anemones?
* What do Sea Anemones have as their defenses?
* What makes Scorpion fish Such good Predators?
* What defenses do Goby fish have?
* Click on Competition
* How do Parrot fish avoid predators?
* How do the long-nosed Butterfish avoid predation?
* Why do the Saddled Butterfish and the Clownfish compete with each other?
* Click on Commensalism and Mutualism
* Describe the relationship between Parrotfish and Barred Rabbitfish.
* Describe the relationship between Branching Coral and Calcareous algae.
* Describe the relationship between Clownfish and Sea Anemones.
* Reef Flat
* Click on Predation and Parasitism
* How does the Blue Stripped Fangblenny prey on the Reef Lizard Fish?
* How do the Coneshells prey on the Blueband Goby?
* Are Coneshells dangerous to humans?
* Click on Competition
* How do the Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse and the Bluestripped Fangblenny compete
against each other?
* Why and how do the Cuttlefish compete against each other?
* Click on Commensalism and mutualism
* Describe the relationship between Giant clams and Zooxanthellae.
*Describe the relationship between the Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse and the Reef Lizard
* Describe the relationship between Jellyfish and Zooxanthellae.
Reef Cay
Click on Predation and Parasitism
* Why do the fishfry school fall prey to the Hunting Reef Herons?
* What adaptations does the Reef Heron to help it be a predator?
* What do the Black Noddy do to protect their eggs and young from predation?
*Click on Competition
* What allows the Ghost Crabs to know where new food is?
* What allows the Hermit Crab to compete against the Ghost Crab?
* Click on the Commemsulisum and Mutualism
* Describe the relationship between the Ghost Crab and the Dead Tern.
* Describe the relationship between the Hermit Crab and the Giant Triton.