Xenos Christian Fellowship Effective Christian Counseling

Xenos Christian Fellowship
Effective Christian Counseling
Recommended Resource List
The Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges, Crossway Books, 2009
For The Love of God, D.A. Carson, Crossway Publishing, 1998
The Gospel-Centered Life, World Harvest Mission (order from website http://www.whm.org/gcl )
A Gospel Primer, Milton Vincent, Focus Publishing, 2008
Heart of a Servant Leader: Letters from Jack Miller, C. John Miller, P&R Publishing, 2004
Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road, Tim Keller, P&R Publishing, 1989. (service,
ministry, using our gifts)
Prayer, Tim Keller & Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 2007 (order from website
http://sermons.redeemer.com/store/ )
The Pressure’s Off, Larry Crabb, WaterBrook Press, 2002
The Safest Place on Earth, Larry Crabb, Word Publishing, 1999. (The Body of Christ)
Changes that Heal, Henry Cloud, Zondervan, 1990
How People Grow, Henry Cloud and John Townsend, Zondervan, 2001
Inside Out, Larry Crabb, NavPress, 1988
Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by Mark McMinn
Seeing With New Eyes, David Powlison, P&R Publishing, 2003
Addictions: A banquet in the grave, Edward Welch, P&R Publishing, 2001 (all ‘addictions’
The Anger Trap, Les Carter, Jossey-Bass Publishing, 2003.
Choosing Gratitude, Nancy DeMoss, Moody Press, 2009
Depression – A Stubborn Darkness, Edward Welch, New Growth Press, 2004.
Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men who struggle with sexual identity, Joe Dallas, Harvest House
Publishers, 1991
Difficult Conversations, Douglas Stone, Penguin Books, 2000. (relational growth & conflict
False Intimacy, Harry Schaumburg, NavPress Publishing, 1997 (sexual behavior)
Grief: A Grace Disguised: How the Soul grows through loss, Gerald Sittser, 1996
2013 Copyright, Xenos Christian Fellowship
Running Scared – Fear, Worry and the God of Rest. Edward Welch, New Growth Press, 2007.
Secrets of Your Family Tree, various authors, Moody Publishers, 1991, (Family of origin issues)
When Sinners Say I Do, Dave Hartley, Shepherd Press, 2007 (Marriage and relational health)
The Wounded Heart, Dan Allendar, NavPress Publishing, 1995 (sexual abuse)
Divorce Care - a 13-week discussion group using video curriculum and covering the
different aspects of divorce. Offers a chance to share about the difficulties of divorce with others
who are going through the same things, leading to resolutions and hope for the future.
GriefShare - a 13-week discussion group using video curriculum for people going through a
time of grief after losing a loved one. People gather to eat together, discuss and support one
another. This material can also be used by individuals, but having a comrade to help one through
this material is recommended.
HEART – a group for mothers and fathers who have chosen abortion. HEART offers a
community of believers to serve them in love and to help reconcile them to God and others.
Contact Barb Hulett (614) 823-6510 x 1727.
NeverAlone – a ministry to help substance abusers discover and experience the hope for change
that God offers. For information please call (614) 823-6510 x 1723.
S.A.F.E. - Weekly meetings designed to help family and friends who are affected by substance
abusers. For more information please call (614) 823-6510 x 1722.
Sexual Abuse Workshop- a 10-week workshop that helps women resolve the damage of sexual
abuse. Contact Barb Hulett (614) 823-6510 x 1727.
Sexual Integrity for Men - A six week class to assist Christian men who struggle with
pornography to reject it, and to replace it with growth in Christ-like character, relational maturity
and productive ministry involvement. Contact the Counseling Department at 823-6500.
Sexual Integrity for Women – A six week class to assist Christian women who struggle with
pornography to reject it, and to replace it with growth in Christ-like character, relational maturity
and productive ministry involvement. Contact the Counseling Department at 823-6500.
Sexual Integrity: A Wife's Perspective - A three-week workshop designed to inform women
how to recognize damage caused by pornography (and other sexual sin) in marriage. Contact
Theresa Moon (614) 258-1273 x 725.
2013 Copyright, Xenos Christian Fellowship