Describing Plankton (Things to think about when sharing what you have seen.) Do you think the plankton is phytoplankton (plant) or zooplankton (animal)? What shape is the plankton? Does the plankton look like any other creature or object that you have seen? Does the plankton have eyes? Where are they? What kind of body parts does the plankton have to help it move? What was the plankton doing? Was it moving or still? Example: Through my microscope I saw a zooplankton. It had a roundish body with a long spear-like projection at the front and back. This plankton reminded me of an insect. There were four legs at the front, two on one side and two on the other. I thought that the legs looked like spider legs. This creature had two very large eyes with big black pupils. (I think it was looking at me.) While I was watching it the plankton was darting around in the sample jar, moving very quickly. I identified this zooplankton to be some kind of crustacean.