Daniel Prinz: Zonation on an exposed rocky shore. Abundance of flora and fauna in the different tidal zones of St. Donat's Beach Introduction Aim The aim of the practical work is to investigate the abundance of plants and animals in the different tidal zones on St. Donats Beach. (In the practical work abundance will mean either the number of individuals or percentage cover.) Location and ecosystem St. Donats Beach is a rocky shore on the Bristol Channel situated 51°N 3°W next to the campus of the United World College of the Atlantic. The wind comes from south-west, the tidal range is the 2nd highest in the world. At the time of the practical work the shore was not covered with water, but small pools of water were noticed in every tidal zones. Hypothesis Our prediction was that the abundance is increasing in the direction of the sea. The plants and animals depend on water as water itself and the nutrition carried by the water are of vital importance, consequently the more water they get (in this case the more time they spend under water) the bigger is their abundance. Because of the tidal changes the areas next to the sea get more water than the areas far from the sea. Image 1: Photo of the area (maps.google.com) Variables In the practical work the distance from the shoreline is the independent, the abundance is the dependent variable. The distances between the points of measurement, the use of the quadrat, the people doing the whole measurement, the weather are assumed to be controlled variables. Apparatus The apparatus of the practical work consisted of a metre rule, a quadrat, species keys and a table for the notation of species and distances. Method The quadrat was laid down to the ground at every 2 meters from the cliffs until 40 meters and at every 5 meters onwards. The abundance was measured within the quadrat as an estimation of percentage cover using eyesight or in the case of some species the number of individuals was counted. The species were identified with species keys, the data was written to the notation tables. Image 2: A simple image of the method Results Irish moss Barnacles Gut weed Coral weed Black tar lichen Brown lichen Fucus spiralis Fucus vesicolosus Periwinkle Fucus serratus Gelidium spinosum Lithothamnion Cladophora Dulse 15 20 25 10 80 25 10 5 10 90 50 5 90 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 Top shell (pcs) Anemonie (pcs) Mussel (pcs) Whelks (pcs) Limpet (pcs) 2 2 2 5 5 5 15 10 15 5 1 4 3 4 2 10 5 10 5 6 1 9 1 1 2 4 4 6 6 13 10 10 15 5 1 4 1 10 2 2 15 9 *clear water! Table 1: The abundance of flora and fauna on St. Donats Beach Uncertainties in the data The main uncertainties of the data are caused by the percentage cover measured with eyesight and the inaccuracies of the distance caused by the lack of flatness on the seashore. Especially the percentage covers are just harsh measurements. The sum of the measurements of the different species have been taken and two graphs occurred: one presenting the group of species which have an abundance measured with the estimation of percentage cover (Graph 1) and one presenting the group of species which have an abundance measured with counting individuals (Graph 2). 3 110 100 90 Abundance (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0* 4 2 8 6 12 10 16 14 20 18 24 22 28 26 32 30 36 34 40 38 50 45 60 55 70 65 80 75 90 85 100 95 110 105 Distance from the cliffs (m) Abundance (pcs) Graph 1: Sum of the abundance of the species with an abundance measured with the estimation of percentage cover 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0* 4 2 8 6 12 10 16 14 20 18 24 22 28 26 32 30 36 34 40 38 50 45 60 55 70 65 80 75 90 85 100 95 110 105 Distance from the cliff (m) Graph 2: Sum of the abundance of the species with an abundance measured with counting individuals Analysis The data shows an increasing abundance from the cliffs to the shore. An outstanding exception is the large abundance of lichens and gut weed just at the cliff. It is caused by the presence of clear water coming from the top of the cliff. It is also noticeable that despite of the general increase of the abundance in the direction of the sea, there are points where it immediately falls. A possible cause of the phenomenon is the presence of the small pools of water mentioned when the ecosystem was described. So the abundance may be influenced by two factors: the distance from the sea and the presence of the small pools. The distance factor causes the general increase of the abundance, the pools cause the local declines and increases. We can see a clear specific example below on Graph 3: Number of limpets 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 45 50 Distance from the cliffs (m) Graph 3: Number of limpets from 26 m to 50 m It is also visible that there are different species in the different zones. It may suggest the idea of an alternative zonation based on the typical species rather than the total abundance. Three possible zones according to their typical species (from the cliff to the sea): Table 2: Typical species in the different zones 0-26 m from the cliff 26-50 m from the cliffs Gut weed Irish moss Black tar lichen Barnacles Brown lichen Coral weed Fucus spiralis Lithothamnion Fucus vesicolosus Anemonie (pcs) Periwinkle 50+ from the cliff Irish moss Barnacles Cladophora Top shell (pcs) Whelks (pcs) Images 3-5: Gut weed (teara.govt.nz), limpet (dpo.uab.edu) and whelks (imagecache2.allposters.com) Conclusion The division of St. Donats Beach into zones is possible. There are two concepts which can be investigated: the total abundance and the actual species. The total abundance shows a general increase with local declines, possibly caused by the small water pools. The species are different in the different zones depending on the circumstances which make various plants and animals to adapt. Our hypothesis has been proven to be fairly right, however other factors have to be taken into consideration in addition to the distance from the cliffs. Evaluation The estimation process contains a number of factors which make it to be uncertain. First of all as it was mentioned earlier the seashore is not flat, making the measurement of the distance slightly uncertain. This uncertainty grows with the change of the distances between the measurement points: caused by a lack of time this distance was changed from 2 meters to 5 meters. The smaller is the distance the more precise is the experiment. These problems could be solved with a better use of time and calculations before the practical work of the time needed and what it lets us to do (meaning if we just have time to do measurement at every 5 meters, than it is better than changing the distance during the experiment). The problem of the lack of flatness could be solved by measuring the abundance at various transects and taking an average. The permanent level of the sea during the practical work was assumed but in fact the level of the sea and the changes in the level always influence the abundance. The higher is the tide and the nearer we are to the high tide in time, the bigger abundance will occur.