TACMinutes_07.11.08 - Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
July 11, 2008 Minutes
Present: Ed Lemos (Barrington), Wallace Dunham (Madbury), John Law (Farmington),
Melodie Esterberg (Rochester), Chris Skoglund (NH DES-ARD), Steven Ireland (NH DOT –
District 6), Patrick Carroll (Rollinsford), Rad Nichols (COAST), Dave Sharples (Somersworth),
Larry Brown (Milton), John Corrigan (NH DOT), Bruce Woodruff (Dover) and Tom Dube
Proxy Votes: Jim Campbell (Durham)
Members Not Present: Mark Stevens (Middleton), Michael Clark (New Durham), Diane Hardy
(Newmarket), Craig Wheeler (Somersworth), Steve Pesci (UNH), Shelley Winters (NHDOT Rails and Transit), Tom Reinauer (SMRPC), Dirk Timmons (UNH)
Staff: Myranda McGowan (Transportation Planner), Dan Camara (GIS/Transportation Analyst)
and Marilyn Barton (Administrative Assistant)
Note: D Sharples called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Two members of the Technical
Advisory Committee were downstairs at the Strafford Regional Planning Commission’s
Executive Committee Meeting and a Quorum could not be established until they arrived.
Introductions were made around the table and people gave their name and what town or agency
they were representing.
Staff Communications
M. McGowan handed out the TAC meeting schedule for the next year. M. McGowan stated a
vice-chair needed to be appointed for Fiscal Year 2009. D. Sharples suggested that the
appointment of a Vice-Chair waited until a quorum could be established (see section 12). There
were no other staff communications.
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Draft Strafford MPO TAC June 6, 2008 Minutes
D. Sharples suggested that the approval of the draft June 6, 2008 minutes wait until a quorum
could be established (see section 12).
2009-2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
M. McGowan handed out the ITS chapter of the Metro Plan. She stated it gave an overview of
various types of ITS and what is appropriate for our region. She noted it identified options and
gave a synopsis of ITS.
R Nichols stated ITS ranges from a website to use of surveillance systems.
M. McGowan noted D. Camara wrote the chapter and asked him to add any additional
comments. D. Camara stated the chapter was a synopsis of ITS and the need for ITS in the
region and the various methods used.
M. McGowan asked everyone to please look the chapter over so that it could be discussed at a
future meeting.
M. McGowan stated in April 2008, COAST requested an amendment to the Strafford MPO’s
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) due to an increase in funding from the Federal
Transit Administration. M. McGowan explained that the increase in funding will trigger an
Amendment and has become part of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
Amendment #8. M. McGowan noted SRPC, COAST, RPC and FTA had a conference call on
June 12, 2008 to discuss the COAST funding requests and how they will be incorporated into
STIP Amendment #8. M. McGowan noted the FTA agreed the additional funding that Coast had
received for years 2008, 2009 and 2010 should be part of STIP Amendment #8.
R. Nichols stated that the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recognized that funding delayed
for COAST would create unnecessary hardship and agreed to a parallel process that would allow
COAST to access funding concurrent with the STIP Amendment #8 process.
R. Nichols stated COAST couldn’t submit FTA grants until FY09 and could expect a nine-month
delay in federal funds to operate their system if this process was not allowed.
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STIP Amendment #8
M. McGowan handed out copies of STIP Amendment #8 and the Public Notice that was sent to
Fosters for STIP Amendment #8. She noted it was up for a thirty-day public comment period.
She noted it would STIP Amendment #8 reviewed and approved at the August 8 Strafford MPO
Executive Committee/Policy Committee Meeting. R. Nichols suggested that TAC hold a vote to
recommend that the Strafford MPO Policy Committee approve STIP Amendment #8 at their
August 08, 2008 Meeting. D. Sharples suggested that the vote wait until a quorum has been
established (see section 13).
Monthly Minor Revisions
L. Brown and B. Woodruff arrived to the meeting, establishing a quorum to conduct official
business. M. McGowan handed out a copy of a memo that had been previously mailed or
emailed to TAC members regarding the June 2008 Monthly Minor Revisions. She noted the
Strafford MPO received a request from NHDOT approve the June 2008 Monthly Minor
revisions. She stated the funding increased from 2.04 million to 6.35 million. B. Woodruff
stated that the Executive Committee had approved the June 2008 Monthly Minor Revisions at
the July 11, 2008 meeting, prior to the start of this TAC meeting. No discussion took place at the
meeting regarding the June 2008 Monthly Minor Revisions.
Draft 2009-2012 Transportation Improvement Program
M. McGowan stated the draft 2009-2012 TIP would have to be deferred until the August 1, 2008
TAC meeting as there was no information available at that time. D. Sharples requested that the
information be sent to the members of TAC prior to the next meeting.
Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
M. McGowan stated in February of 2008 an SPR grant was applied to DOT for Farmington and
was approved in June 2008. She noted the project would start in the fall of 2008.
Safe Routes to School Application
M. McGowan handed out a copy of the scores that Strafford MPO submitted to NHDOT for the
William Allen Elementary School’s application for Safe Routes to School startup funding. She
noted it received 29 out of fifty points. J. Corrigan noted the application was before the
committee and on July 24 the committee is meeting with some of the applicants. He noted
William Allen was not one of schools called to speak before the committee. He stated an
announcement would be made in early September 2008 on who received the funding.
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J. Corrigan, Coordinator of Safe Routes to School, offered to come and do a presentation for the
TAC committee on Safe Routes to School. It was noted a presentation would be set up for a
future meeting.
New Hampshire Rail Authority Update
B. Woodruff stated he is a member of the NH Rail Authority. He noted there are a lot of bikeauto accidents in the area and there should be more awareness of the increased cyclists on the
road. He noted in May and June the Rail Authority met and worked on their vision and mission
statements. B. Woodruff stated that he would send a copy to Strafford MPO staff to send to the
other members of TAC. M. McGowan stated she would send out a copy of this to TAC
members. B. Woodruff stated there are 18-24 members on the Rail Authority.
B. Woodruff stated a priority of the NH Rail Authority is to get the Nashua-ManchesterConcord train service started.
B. Woodruff stated Michael Dukakis would be in Boston to talk about reinstating passenger rail.
He noted the meetings are open to the public and B. Woodruff stated he would send the invite to
M. McGowan who would forward to TAC members.
Nomination of Vice-Chair for Fiscal Year 2009
A quorum had been established at this point during the meeting. R. Nichols volunteered to
become vice-chair and understood next year he would become chair. W. Dunham made the
motion and E. Lemos seconded the motion.
Draft Strafford MPO TAC June 6, 2008 Minutes
A quorum had been established at this point during the meeting. D. Sharples entertained the
notion to approve the June 6, 2008 minutes once it was determined a quorum was in place. W.
Dunham made the motion and E. Lemos seconded the motion. It was noted that R. Nichols
abstained from voting to approve the minutes as he was not present at the June 6, 2008 TAC
meeting. All in favor, motion passed unanimously.
STIP Amendment #8
A quorum had been established at this point during the meeting. R. Nichols made a motion to
recommend approval of STIP Amendment #8 to the Strafford MPO Executive Committee/Policy
Committee. W. Dunham seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed unanimously.
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Project Updates
R. Nichols stated the Beach Bus from Exeter to Hampton Beach was implemented last weekend.
He noted there was a lot of interest; however there was not an overwhelming ridership response
at this time. He also stated that people have been calling COAST, requesting that Portsmouth be
added to this route as well, as this would offer connections with other COAST bus routes.
R. Nichols stated in June, he and his fleet manager went to California to look at the new buses
that COAST has purchased. He stated they were $340,000 each and had a fifteen-year life
expectancy. He noted the new buses offered on board surveillance and would look very different
from any bus in this area. R. Nichols discussed the possibility of adding three-placement bike
racks to the front of the buses in the future. L. Brown asked about storage for groceries and
other items. R. Nichols discussed the layout of the new buses and noted that they will have a
luggage storage area.
B. Woodruff discussed the Dover CMAQ Project, Fast Trans. He stated he met with the
consultant and they came up with some great concepts. He noted they have funding for only two
years instead of three. He stated it should be in place by late fall or early winter of 2008.
B. Woodruff stated the Long Hill Road Signalization project is under construction and
concurrently with the New Rochester Road sidewalks project. He noted this took twelve years to
reach fruition.
B. Woodruff stated the Dover Community Trail Project went to bid and all bids are due on July
27, 2008.
There were no other project updates.
D. Sharples entertained the notion to adjourn the meeting at 10 a.m. W. Dunham made a motion
and E. Lemos seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed unanimously.
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Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Barton
Administrative Assistant
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
David Sharples
Strafford MPO Technical Advisory Committee Chair