2006 CBS, STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ISRAEL 2006 19 AGRICULTURE This chapter presents annual data on agriculture in Israel (including Jewish localities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza area). Agriculture includes agriculture, forestry and fishing as defined in the Standard Classification of Economic Activities, 1993. The years in the tables, through 1985/86, are agricultural years beginning on October 1. As of 1986, the years in most tables are calendar years (January-December). includes areas in which crops were sown but not reaped. SOURCES AND METHODS OF COMPUTATION Agricultural Areas: Until 2002, data were obtained from an annual census conducted in co-operation with the Ministry of Agriculture. As of 2003, data are obtained from the “Survey of Agricultural Areas and Activities”. Survey data are collected from various sources (e.g., production and marketing boards, and organizations of farmers). Owing to changes in data collection methods, the figures cannot be compared. LAND AND CROP AREA (Tables 19.1-19.4) DEFINITIONS LIMITATIONS OF THE DATA Agricultural areas: The entire farm area is registered according to the geographic location of the locality and not according to the geographic location of the cultivated area. As of 2003, “agricultural crop areas by natural region”, and “agricultural crop areas by regional council” (Tables 19.3-19.4) include only areas in Jewish localities. Area of flowers and garden plants: The area of flowers and garden plants is included in the total area designated for agriculture, but due to problems with data collection in the industry since 2000, there is no way of estimating the exact area in which flowers and garden plants are grown. Physical area for crops: The area in which the farm grew agricultural crops during the survey year. These are areas whose yield was harvested and gathered even if it was poor, and also include areas in which crops were sown but not reaped due to drought. Agricultural area, by industry: The physical area used for agriculture - excluding natural pasture area, and including area that has been sown but not reaped. Area for other uses: Area of buildings, yards and roads in the agricultural farm as well as areas fit for cultivation on which there were no crops during the survey year. Between 2001 and 2004, also includes flowers and garden plants area. Fishery area: Area of fish ponds (including industrialized fishery), and area of reservoirs in which fish are grown. Industrialized fishery: Fish ponds with fully computerized climate control, which allows them to continue production throughout the year. (Production per dunam in industrialized fisheries is 50 times greater than production in regular fish ponds.) Bi-crop: Two crops grown in the same plot during the same year. Species area: Total area (in dunams) of species grown during the survey year (including bi-crops), which were harvested and gathered even if the yield was poor. In drought years (e.g., 2000 and 2001) also AGRICULTURE שנתון סטטיסטי לישראל,למ''ס MARKETING OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS (Tables 19.5 and 19.6) Source of the data: The Ministry of Agriculture, based on reports of the Dairy and Poultry Councils. FOREST AREA (Table 19.7) Forests in Israel, whether natural or planted, constitute about 9% of the total land area, of which 4% is planted. The functions of the forests include: protection of broad land areas, land preservation, improvement of environmental quality (“green areas”), recreation and leisure, )124( חקלאות provision of timber, improvement of animal husbandry, etc. In recent years, the area in which new forests are planted in the northern and central regions of Israel has diminished considerably. Most of the new planting is in the southern region of Israel. Source of the data: Organization of the Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association (I.B.O.A.A.) EMPLOYMENT (Table 19.9) SOURCES OF THE DATA a. Employed persons – according to Labour Force Surveys. b. Employee jobs of foreign workers – according to employers’ reports to the National Insurance Institute. See explanation on Employed Persons, Employees/Jobs, Employee Jobs in the Introduction to Chapter 12, Labour and Wages. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS New forest area - an area in which there were no forests in the past. Reforestation area - An area in which there were forests in the past but the forest was cut down because the trees were damaged due to various causes such as pests, droughts, fires, or snow. Reforestation and filling of the forest space is done in these areas. SOURCE OF THE DATA The Jewish National Fund (JNF). LIMITATIONS OF THE DATA The data in the table refer only to forest areas handled by the JNF, and do not include forest areas in nature reserves and national forests. Because this definition is problematic, no data from natural forests are presented. OTHER PRODUCTION FACTORS (Tables 19.10 -19.12) DEFINITIONS Capital stock in agriculture: Total value of all fixed physical assets, which serve the production of agricultural produce: fruit plantations, livestock, agricultural machinery and equipment, agricultural structures, irrigation network, greenhouses, fish ponds and drainage. Since 1970, land reclamation for agriculture has been included. The value of assets: land, forests, water plants, residential buildings, roads, electricity installations, etc. is not included. Nor is the value of assets in the fishing industry included, or the value of spraying aircraft included. Gross capital stock: Gross value of assets, before deduction of cumulative depreciation. Net capital stock: Gross capital stock less cumulative annual depreciation up to the survey year. SOURCES AND METHODS OF COMPUTATION Capital stock: computed by the “perpetual inventory” method, according to which a given year's capital stock includes the sum of gross capital formation in assets according to whose "lifetime" depreciation is still deducted. The price indices that serve for deducting annual investment are specific for each type of asset. Part of the gross capital formation is obtained from estimates of capital formation for the national accounts (agricultural equipment and machinery, agricultural structures, greenhouses, irrigation network and land reclamation); see introduction to Chapter 14 - National Accounts. ORGANIC AGRICULTURE (Table 19.8) Organic agriculture is a method of growing plants and raising livestock at their natural pace, with full consideration for life processes in their growth environment, careful attention is paid to recycling and prevention of pollution in the environment. Similarly, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and hormones are not used. The volume of organic agriculture has increased in recent years, due to the demands of consumers and the establishment for clean and ecological products. The product basket includes all types of vegetables, fresh fruit, dairy products, eggs, meat and poultry, as well as various processed products. In the Western world there is more demand for and awareness of these products than in Israel. Therefore, most of these products are intended for export. In 2005 there were approximately 360 organic farmers, who were concentrated mainly in the northern and in the southern regions of Israel, because the central region is more affected by crop-dusting and other sources of pollution. AGRICULTURE )125( חקלאות Another part is estimated as follows: Livestock: Data on fixed value of capital stock are obtained by multiplying the number of livestock (with a life span exceeding one year) at the beginning of each year by the respective price of each unit (see also the definition of “number of animals” below). Fruit plantations: The data on capital formation value in new plantations according to species are obtained by a normative computation of the value of expenditure expenditure per dunam multiplied by the number of dunams according to the age of the plantation until fruit bearing. Fish ponds: Data on capital formation are obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, and include capital formation in industrialized fishery. Number of animals. Data were obtained from various professional animal husbandry organizations and from the Ministry of Agriculture. The poultry inventory is based mainly on data regarding chick hatchings. Water for agriculture: See Chapter 21 Energy and Water. area. For local manufacturing includes all of the fresh produce supplied for manufacturing, including fresh produce after industrial processing. Exports: Fresh agricultural produce exported in the same year. As of 1986, excluding sales to the Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area. The prices are recorded as f.o.b. (rates charged at the port). These data are not necessarily identical to those in Chapter 16 - Foreign Trade. The differences result from the fact that part of the fresh produce shipments are exported on a consignment basis. Therefore, the value declared to the Customs authorities when shipping abroad are not necessarily the same as the final sale value of these goods. Intermediate produce is agricultural produce that re-enters the agricultural production process (e.g., locally grown barley used for livestock feed). Data on intermediate produce also include data on destruction of agricultural produce and changes in livestock inventory, Income originating in agriculture is the income of "primary" production factors (labour and capital) employed in agriculture. Income is estimated as the sum of the value of total agricultural output as well as compensation and additional industry receipts, less the value of the input. The estimates of agricultural income that appear here differ from those appearing in Chapter 14 - National Accounts, and do not include income from non-profit institutions. Compensation and other receipts of the industry include all transfers (excluding subsidies to production units), compensation from insurance (such as natural damages), drought compensation, compensation on water cutbacks, wage supplements and other receipts (various subsidies). As of 1991, also including compensation from private insurance companies. SOURCES AND METHODS OF COMPUTATION Purchased input is an inclusive estimate for each of the main input items. The main sources are as follows: imports of agricultural inputs (such as feed); supply from local production (such as oil cake and fertiliser); water consumption, as estimated by the Water Commission; data from surveys of distributors and production boards (such as INPUT, OUTPUT AND DOMESTIC PRODUCT (Tables 19.13-19.21) DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Input: composed of total materials and services purchased by agriculture from other activities in Israel and from imports (the purchased input), the intermediate produce and the depreciation in renewal prices. Output: The value of agricultural production (including intermediate produce) with the addition of investment in new plantations and afforestation. The data include output mostly produced (especially harvested) during the survey year, even if production began during the previous year and the marketing in the years that followed. The data on citrus fruit include all the harvest from AugustSeptember of the preceding year to JulyAugust of the survey year. Destinations of output: For local consumption: The produce destined for direct consumption by the population of Israel including consumption by the farmer and the farmer’s household ("home consumption"), and includes produce directed to Judea, Samaria and the Gaza AGRICULTURE )126( חקלאות pesticides); financial reports of the government and local authorities; analysis of the balance sheets of various organizations. Depreciation is estimated at renewal prices by the 'straight line' method and is based on the Bureau's series on investments in agriculture (see "Capital stock", above). Compensation for employee jobs (formerly: compensation of employees): based on the wages series, obtained from the summaries of employers' reports to the National Insurance Institute (see Chapter 12 Labour and Wages). They include wages of workers paid through the Wages Administration of the Employment Services in addition to social supplements paid by the employer. Wages include only compensation for employee jobs, and do not include imputation of wages to the farm owners. See detailed definition in the paragraph “Definitions of Wages, Compensation and Labour Cost” in Chapter 14 - National Accounts. Output: estimates of vegetables, fruit, poultry, cattle, milk, eggs, fish and part of the field crops are based chiefly on monthly reports from wholesalers, production boards, and from industrial enterprises, on produce received from the farms for the local market, for export and for manufacturing. Estimates of private sales, home consumption and intermediate produce are added to these data. Production of some field crops is estimated by multiplying the average yield per dunam by the area sown. Field data are obtained from the Israel Association of Field Group Growers and from the instructors at the Agricultural Extension Service of the Ministry of Agriculture. The value of agricultural output (quantity multiplied by price) is an estimate adjusted to the average general price level of each year. The value of each product in the month of marketing is adjusted to the average of the year according to the Consumer Price Index. The agricultural output value usually excludes board fees and marketing commissions. Production value at previous year prices is obtained by multiplying the quantity of each item by the price of the previous year. This value is used in calculating the quantitative change in the series (see "Indices" below). New plantations and afforestation. Data on AGRICULTURE investments in afforestation are obtained from the Land Development Authority, while data on investment in new plantations is obtained by normative computation of the costs of cultivating the plantation fields until fruit bearing. Indices: Changes in quantity and price of the various components of the agricultural account were computed according to the Laspeyres and Paasche methods, respectively, using an estimate of the value at previous year's prices. It should be noted that the differences between the price indices derived from the agriculture account (“implicit indices”) and the price indices of agricultural output presented in Chapter 13 - Prices, are due mainly to differences in definition. Whereas the price indices relate to the entire agricultural output, those in Chapter 13 and in Table 19.11 relate to the traded produce only. Moreover, the weights of the production price index are current weights, whereas the weights of the output price index are fixed. The same applies to the Index of Input Prices in Agriculture, which is derived from the Agriculture Account, as compared with the Index of Input Prices in Chapter 13 - Prices. Imports of agricultural produce: data received from the Ministry of Agriculture, which represent the main agricultural imports. Absorption of vegetables and fruit to manufacturing establishments: the source of the data is the survey Absorption of Vegetables and Fruit in Manufacturing Establishments. The survey includes approximately 50 manufacturing establishments. The establishments provide data on the amount of processed produce intended for the domestic market and for export, and on the price paid to the farmer for the products. LIMITATIONS OF THE DATA 1. Data on private sales of produce, on home consumption, and on intermediate produce in agriculture are based on estimates. 2. Data on capital formation in new plantations are mainly based on calculations of the Ministry of Agriculture. 3. Some of the data on inputs are based on partial records )127( חקלאות jams appear under “fruit and sugar”, margarine appears under “oils and fats”, etc. As of 2001, it was decided to add drinks (including water, alcoholic beverages, beer and imported wines) and stimulants (coffee, tea, and cocoa beans) to the food supply balance sheet according to the FAO guidelines. Quantities of commodities are recorded at the weight and measure of the primary commodity. For example, canned vegetables are included in the balance sheet as quantities of fresh vegetables. Legumes - including peas for eating and canning. Vegetables and melons - including corn, watermelons and sweetmelons. Fresh fruits excluding citrus - this group does not include olives for oil, almonds and pecans. Those appear in different items in the balance. The commodity “Butter” is included under Oils and Fats, whereas “Cream” is included under Milk and Dairy Products. The (general) group “From animals” in Table 19.22 includes the groups of commodities: meat, eggs, fish, milk and dairy products. Production: domestic agricultural production in the survey year, i.e., the calendar year (January-December), except for citrus fruits, which are from August-September of the preceding year to July-August of the survey year. Data on production (tons) for the commodities: Unlike data on agricultural production (in previous tables), the production data for the commodities livestock for meat, beef, sheep and goats and pigs do not include internal organs. Internal organs appear in a separate paragraph. Production data for the commodities poultry and turkey include bones and internal organs (live weight). These definitions are in accordance with the international demands of the International Organization of Food and Agriculture. Production data for beverages: water, wine and alcoholic beverages and beer, are listed in millions of litres. Exports: exports sent overseas and surplus (positive) of food commodities transferred from Israel to Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Area. Imports: imports from overseas and surplus (e.g., from agencies that provide spare parts for agricultural equipment). Additionally, some of the input items are measured according to chained changes in quantities and prices, where the base year is 2000 (e.g., data on transport and packing). 4. As of 2000, there has been a break in the series due to changes in the calculation method. FOOD SUPPLY & NUTRIENTS (Tables 19.22-19.24) DEFINITIONS Food supply: The amount of food available to the public (exceeding the amount consumed). Food supply balance sheet is the record and sum total of the sources of food according to their description and the calculation of their nutritional value (calories, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins) consumed on average per capita per day, by the average population living in Israel in the year surveyed (excluding temporary residents and tourists who stay less than a year in Israel). The balance sheet is drawn up in the form determined by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), with some adaptations to conditions in Israel. Until 1986/87 data were published according to agricultural years (October-September). As of 1988, data are published for calendar years. As of 2001, the coefficients used to calculate nutritional values were changed and adapted to Israeli products, with the help of the Department of Nutrition in the Ministry of Health. Food commodity: The food commodities recorded here are generally 'primary' commodities. These commodities serve as the basis for calculating the nutritional values of food commodities obtained from them. For example, the item 'wheat' contains wheat used for manufacture of bread, biscuits, noodles etc., except for quantities that are a component of another commodity in the balance sheet. The “basic” food products were eliminated and were expressed in their basic form; i.e., AGRICULTURE )128( חקלאות (positive) of food commodities transferred from Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Area to Israel. Change in stocks: commodities in the stock at the beginning of the year, both from the and seed, for industrial processing, or for production of another commodity appearing in the balance. For perishable food commodities e.g., fruit and vegetables, waste is estimated according to quantities that rotted or were destroyed between the stage of wholesale marketing and the retail marketing stage or the depreciation resulting from importing and uses by industry. The estimate of waste is calculated according to coefficients. domestic production of the previous year and from imports, less commodities that remained in the stock at the end of the surveyed year - whether they were imported or grown and produced during the surveyed year, but consumed during the following year. Other supply and waste (Table 19.22): This column indicates quantities used for fodder SELECTED PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 1081 Agricultural Survey 1995 CURRENT BRIEFINGS IN STATISTICS 13, 2002 Agriculture in Israel 2000: Area and Livestock 6, 2003 Agricultural Activity Account in Israel, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 58 Input and Output Price Indices in the Agricultural Activity, 1986 JUBILEE PUBLICATIONS (on the occasion of Israel’s 50th year) Agriculture (No. 2 in the series) 2001-2002 20, 2005 Food Supply Balance Sheet, 2003- 2004 14, 2006 Agriculture in Israel 2004-2005 AGRICULTURE )129( חקלאות