LOS ANGELES TRADE-TECHNICAL COLLEGE Meeting Minutes Committee: Academic Council Date: October 1, 2009 Location: A111 Conference Room, Trade Members Present: Carole Anderson, Paulette Bailey, Kathleen Burke-Kelly, Eric Chavez, Mercedes Gaitan (for Bill Elarton), Denise Fairchild, Vincent Jackson, Steve Kasmar, Dimitri Lagos, Marilyn Maine, John McDowell, Margaret Murphy, John Glavan (for Rodrigo Palacios), Joe Ratcliff, Alicia Rodriquez-Estrada, Rudy Serrato, Xenia Wright Members Absent: Leticia Barajas, Tom Dawkins, Ayesha Randall, Dorothy Smith, Rita Weingourt Meeting Convened: 2:10 p.m. Agenda Item 1: Approval of Minutes: Moved by Cynthia Morley-Mower, second by Paulette Bailey. Minutes approved by consensus. Agenda Item 2: Program Review Update 1. Eddie Afana has set up Program Review workshops – department sign-up sheet. Please return sheet to Eddie. 2. Mission Statement status – All departments are on track. Labor Studies department has a working draft. The convocation provided time for departments to work on mission statements – was very helpful. Note deadlines to turn in to department chairs (10/23/09) and then to the deans (11/13/09). Agenda Item 3: Spring 2010 Galleys 1. Delays in putting the class schedule together due to constantly changing budget resulting in class cuts. The departments were commended for their efforts and patience. Fall FTES credit has been met – 5,450. 2. In the future, Academic Affairs will try to streamline galley review process and eliminate duplication and redundant steps. 3. With the cooperation of all departments meeting set deadlines and the new streamlined process, having schedules ready for registration should be less stressful and efficient. Agenda Item 4: Faculty Evaluation Spreadsheet 1. Faculty (full-time and adjunct) evaluation schedules for department chairs to help expedite performance evaluations as well as to comply with 2002-2005 contract requirements. This will put everyone back on the correct time line. 2. Note that there may be individuals with more than one employee number, depending upon the assignment. The evaluations will be done by the original employee number issued. 3. Contract requires a. Evaluations done in the fall semester b. The year of evaluation determined by employee number divided by 3 – no remainder: 2003; 1 remainder: 2004; 2 remainder: 2005 c. Evaluations done every three years d. All odd employee numbers, the initial evaluation will be a basic one e. All even employee numbers, the initial evaluation will be comprehensive f. All new full-time probationary faculty will be evaluated each year for 4 years (probationary period), then every three years after that point. g. All adjunct faculty will have basic evaluations performed every three years 4. If there are any questions, the department chair and Academic Affairs will resolve any issues. Agenda Item 5: Department Chair Handbook 1. Academic Affairs is compiling a handbook for all department chairs that will include the fiscal budget breakdown, list of all employee evaluations due for that fall, and any Title V requirements for that year. 2. The handbook is still pending for this fiscal year, however for all subsequent years the handbook should be ready in August. 3. If there is any other information that is needed in this handbook that would be of use to department chairs, just inform the office. Agenda Item 6: Course Outlines 1. There are several problems that hinder the timely updates of all courses – limit of 3 per month; not enough faculty to review outlines; tendency of the District to lose outlines; and lapse of time until outlines are posted 2. This is problematic because Title V requires course outlines to be reviewed every 6 yrs. 3. Need to change the process with Bobby Kimble, Deirdre Woods and Joe Ratcliff to streamline the steps 4. Recommendation to investigate District process, once course outlines are reviewed and approved at the campus level. 5. Recommendation that AFT may be able to provide lunch and acquire “volunteers” from faculty not participating in committees to review course outlines. 6. Recommendation to have curriculum in the system so that all faculty can review outlines. 7. Recommendation that meetings be held between department chairs and adjunct with specialized disciplines to review outlines together – particularly for those departments that are multi-disciplined. Agenda Item 7: Student Resolution Procedures 1. Please inform students and faculty of the procedures in place to resolve conflict or academic problems. 2. Each level has its own form (pink, green and gold). 3. Academic Affairs will enforce and require that students and faculty follow the procedure – there will be no exceptions. 4. This procedure documents and keeps all parties informed and avoids misunderstandings and miscommunications. 5. It was noted that in many instances, irate students are determined to involve high authorities (deans, VPs, Presidents, etc.) instead of going through the procedures. In these cases, the students are usually sent to the VPs office. 6. Academic Affairs will recommend students go back to the instructor and department chair to begin the proper process of resolution. Agenda Item 8: Syllabus Handout provided by Auto Tech department as a sample of a syllabus. Uniformity is encouraged; however, each department must approve their own syllabus format. Agenda Item 9: LATTC Campus Resources Handout provided with all information on student and faculty resources on campus. Department chairs can distribute to all those interested. Agenda Item 10: LATTC Website Handout of website listing policies, procedures and forms. Agenda Item 11: Update of Old Skills and Certificates of Completion 1. Changes in State requirements for existing and new certificate programs. 12 to 18 unit skill certificates are no longer being recognized at the State level. 2. Need to review curriculum, provide employment outlook (labor market information), approval from Deans, District and Los Angeles/Orange County workforce Development Leaders (LOWDL). 3. Deirdre Woods, Leticia Barajas and Marcy Drummond are checking new requirements and developing compliance strategy. Information needs to also be sent to the Curriculum Dean. 4. In the meantime, LATTC is issuing internal certificates to students until certificates are approved by the State. Agenda Item 12: Items from the Floor 1. Campus email required for all faculty 2. Rerouting campus email to home emails being discussed with union 3. Recommendation for departments to have emergency contact numbers for all faculty including adjunct. Agenda Item 13: Next meeting Scheduled for Thursday, November 5, 2009 from 1:30 p.m. in A111. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.