Section C.2. continued from page 2 The 10-year storm event overtopped the roadway for existing conditions. Overtopping occurs for the 50-year storm event with proposed conditions. There is no significant change in the 25-year design storm or 100-year risk assessment storm floodplains. The greatest change in backwater elevations occurs at the cross section directly upstream of the project location. Backwater decreases approximately 1.2 ft at this cross section for the 25-year design storm. The proposed structure will be built under a traffic detour thus avoiding the need for a temporary road crossing. No wetlands will be impacted by construction of the proposed structure. Shuckers Run is neither a stocked or wild trout stream. There are no historical resources involved with this replacement project. The PNDI search resulted in zero known impacts. R-6 rip-rap will be used in accordance with Design Manual, Part 4, Section 7.2.5. Rip-rap will be placed along the face of the wingwalls at a 30-degree angle to divert flow into the culvert. All temporary fills will be removed in their entirety and the affected areas stabilized and returned to pre-existing elevations. The stream will be diverted around the worksite by a temporary pipe culvert or cofferdams protecting the excavated areas. The District’s recommendation is to pump construction water through the grass greater than 50 feet from reentering the stream. The filtering of the water will be performed with caution and will be favorable to the surroundings. Determination of the use of this temporary facility will be based on the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) recommendation. 10