Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher: Third Grade Pacing Guide Week #:3 Dates: 8-18-2014 to 8-22-2014 Subject: ELA Common Core Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard) Spelling: L.3.2e Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other words and for adding suffixes to base words. L.3.2f Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing words. English: L.3.1i produce simple, compound, and complex sentences. Reading: RL.3.3 describe characters and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Writing: W.3.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. a. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. b. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations. SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI) Spelling: SPI 0301.1.12 Choose correctly (or incorrectly) spelled words in context. SPI 0301.1.18 Distinguish individual sounds, including consonant blends, within words. English: SPI 0301.1.6 Select the compound sentence that correctly combines two simple sentences. SPI 0301.1.6 Select the compound sentence that correctly combines two simple sentences. Reading: SPI 0301.5.1 Draw appropriate inferences and conclusions from text. SPI 0301.8.2 Identify setting, characters, and plot in a reading selection. I Can Statements : Student Agenda: I can identify individual sounds. Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan I can describe characters in a story. I can describe the sequence of events in a story. I can write simple, compound, and complex sentences. Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Day 1: Spelling: Check spelling words to assess if students were able to underline the vowel pairs in each word. Phonics: Take up workbook page 29 to check for understanding of vowel pairs. Reading: Observe as students track story being read and observe responses to reading for comprehension. Vocabulary: Look at vocabulary cards for accurate definitions. Reading Skill: Observe to check for understanding of skill as students create and take notes of character map. Grammar: Check students work to assess understanding. Day 2: Spelling: Check workbook page for skill of dividing spelling words into vowel pairs, can they find and divide by vowel pairs? Phonics: Connected to spelling assessment. Reading: Observe as students read to listen for flow, fluency, and accuracy, observe as students answer questions about text for comprehension. Vocabulary: Check cards to assess if students were able to create a correct sentence using vocabulary words. Reading Skill: Check character map overs reading story to assess if they were able to correctly identify character facts and give a description of character. Grammar Check students work to assess understanding. Day 3 Spelling: Check spelling paper to see if students could find misspelled spelling words from reading text. Phonics: Observe as students work with spelling words were they able to correct missed spelled vowel pair words. Reading: Observe as students read and compare their second time reading the passage to the first time, assess essential question for understanding of the story topic. Vocabulary: Assess cards to see if students can accurately illustrate each vocabulary card. Reading Skill: Check reading note book page for understanding of skill. Grammar: Check students work to assess understanding. Day 4: Spelling: Check to see if students were able to put words in ABC order. Phonics: Phonics test. Reading: Read second text for story, observe as they compare text to check for reasoning and understanding. Vocabulary: Vocabulary test. Grammar: Check students work to assess understanding. Day 5: Spelling: Spelling test. Phonics: Can they sort vowel teams. Reading: Reading test Vocabulary: Observe as students create in their vocabulary journals for understanding of vocabulary words. Reading Skill: Reading test. Grammar: Test Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Day 1: Spelling: Selling words. Phonics: Reading Note book page 29 Reading: Student text page 87- 109 Vocabulary: Index cards and vocabulary cards. Reading Skill: Example character map and definitions. Grammar: Worksheet. Day 2: Spelling: Reading notebook page 32 Phonics: Vowel pair cards and list of words. Reading: Reading text and questions. Vocabulary: Vocabulary cards. Reading Skill: Text book and character maps. Grammar: Worksheet Day 3 1 Spelling: Spelling words and workbook page 38. Reading: Reading text and essential question. Vocabulary: Vocabulary cards. Reading Skill: Reading notebook page 35 Grammar: old text page 74 Day 4: Spelling: ABC order Phonics: Test Reading: Reading text to compare. Vocabulary: Test Reading Skill: Reading notebook page 36. Grammar: Old text page 75. Day 5: Spelling: Test Phonics List of vowel team words. Reading: Test Vocabulary: Vocabulary cards and journals Reading Skill: Test Grammar Test Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction. Formative Assessment: Oral questioning Day 1 Teacher observation Introduce spelling words Workbook Highlight vowel pairs in spelling words. Writing Review short and long vowel sounds. Graphic organizers Introduce vowel pairs for a and e/ do workbook page 29. Introduce vocabulary words create vocabulary cards. Track in book as they listen to story, answer text questions. Talk about feelings, traits, and motivation to learn about a character. Review sentence types by playing sentence game. Review subject and predicate and do worksheet. On worksheet classify sentence types. Writing Day 2 Workbook pages Sort words by vowel pairs do workbook page 32. Oral questioning Go over ai, ay, ee, ea vowel pairs. Teacher observation Write sentences to go with vocabulary cards. Read story in group and answer text questions. Do understanding character map. Review sentence types by placing sentences under correct column. Underline each simple subjects and circle each simple predicate in each sentence. Oral questioning Day 3 Oral reading Have students reading spelling words in pairs. Teacher observation Workbook page 38. Workbook pages Draw pictures to go with vocabulary words. Writing Read story in pairs and answer essential question on page 87. Textbook Workbook page 35 to review reading skill. Introduce simple and compound sentences using old text pg 74. Do number 1-10 together, page 30 independently. Oral questioning Day 4 Teacher observation Put spelling words in ABC order. Workbook Take phonics test. Test Take vocabulary test. Read second text for story, compare text. Answer question on page 36 from Reading Notebook in writing journal. Talk about conjunctions using old book page 75. Do numbers 7-12 together, do workbook page 31 alone. Oral questioning Day 5 Teacher observation Spelling Test Writing Do cumulative review of phonics on page 34. Test Write three vocabulary words in vocabulary journals. Draw pictures and write a sentence to go with each. Listen to story, do sequence cards, take reading test. Grammar test. Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching. Small groups, individualized tutoring, peer tutoring, and alternate assessments will be used as needed. Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson. The Elmo will be used during instruction to keep students on task. The computer will be used to supplement learning where applicable. 2