English 1A: Composition, Critical Reading, and

English 1A: College Reading and Writing
Instructor: Dr. Scott Lankford
Office Hours: Tues/Thurs@2-3:30 no appointment needed
email: lankfordscott@foothill.edu
Faculty Website: http://foothill.edu/la/staff.php?s=1&rec_id=460
E1A Blog: http://mindsurfing.typepad.com/english1A/
Foothill College – Winter 2010
Office 6015
Phone/voicemail: 650-949-7540
(for instructor info/handouts)
(sample tests/sample essays/info)
Book List:
(presented in the order assigned)
Carol Dweck
Mindset: Psychology of Success ISBN 9780345472328
Greg Craven
What’s the Worst Could Happen? ISBN# 9780399535017
Graff, Birkenstein, Durst They Say/I Say with Readings
ISBN# 9780393931747
NOTE: be certain to buy the version of They Say/ I Say “with Readings”!!!
Assignments Calendar
Week 1
(detailed directions for each assignment will be provided in class):
In-Class Activities
Tuesday in class we’ll preview Mindset 1-14
Discussion = “Ravenous Reading”
Before class Thursday read Mindset 15-54
Discussion = “Taking Timed Essay Tests”
Before class Friday review Mindset 1-54
Graded Assignments Due
practice quiz #1 on pages 1-14 = 5 pts
quiz #2 on pages 15-54 = 5 pts
Email Essay Test #1 = 30 pts on pgs 1-54
Week 2: Before Tuesday read Mindset 55-107
Discussion = “Block Busters”
Before Thursday read Mindset 108-143
Discussion = “Creating Creativity”
Before class Friday review Mindset 55-143
quiz #3 on pages = 5 pts 55-107
Week 3: Before Tuesday read Mindset 144-212
Discussion = “Brilliant Beginnings”
Before Thursday read Mindset 213-246
Discussion = “Terrific Titles”
Before class Friday review Mindset 144-246
quiz #5 on pages 144-212 = 5 pts
Week 4: Before Tuesday read They Say 1-47
Discussion = “Terrific Titles”
before Thursday read They Say 51-87
Discussion = “Perfect Proofreading”
Essay #1 DUE in class Friday Jan 29
Late penalty = -10 points per business day
quiz #7 on pages 1-47 = 5 pts
quiz #4 on pages = 5 pts 108-143
Email Essay Test #2 = 30 pts on 55-143
quiz #6 on pages = 213-246
Email Essay Test #3 = 30 pts on 144-264
quiz #8 on pages 51-87 = 5 pts
No Essay Test this week!
= 200 pts (20% of your final grade)
= 1% of your grade per day late
Week 5: before class Tuesday read What’s Worst 1-37 quiz #9 on pages 1-37 = 5 pts
Discussion = “Exemplary Evidence”
before class Thurs read What’s Worst 38-75 quiz #10 on pages 38-75 = 5 pts
In-class Discussion = “Internet Info”
Before Friday review What’s Worst 1-75
Email Test #4 on 1-75 = 30 pts
Week 6: before class Tues read What’s Worst 76-107
quiz #11 on pages 76-107 = 5 pts
Discussion = “Ten Ways to Type Titles”
before class Thurs read What’s Worst 108-148 quiz #12 on pages 108-148 = 5 pts
Discussion = “Rocket-Powered Research”
Friday Holiday (President’s Day)
no test this week
Week 7: before class Tues read What’s Worst 149-201 quiz #13 on pages 149-201
Discussion = “Top Ten Ways to Quote”
before class Thurs read What’s Worst 202-231 quiz #14 on pages 202-231 = 5 pts
Discussion = “Wise Word Choice”
Before Friday review What’s Worst 76-231
Test #5 = 30 pts on pages 76-231
Week 8: before class Tuesday read They Say 101-122
Discussion = How to Make Quote Sandwiches
before class Thursday read They Say 123-148
Discussion = “Radical Revisions”
Essay 2 DUE on Fri Feb 26 in class
Late penalty = -10 points per business day
quiz #15 on pages 101-122 = 5 pts
Week 9: before Tuesday read They Say pages 211-269
Discussion = “Tempting Transitions”
before Thursday read They Say 270-304
Discussion = “Tempting Transitions”
Before Friday review They Say 211-304
quiz #17 on They Say p. 211-269 = 5 pts
quiz #16 on pages 123-148 = 5 pts
No Friday Email Essay Test this week
= 200 pts (20% of your final grade)
= 1% of your grade per day late
quiz #18 onThey Say pages 211-304=5 pts
Email Essay Test #6 = 30 pts on 211-304
Week 10: before class Tuesday read They Say 305-341 quiz #19 on They Say 305-341 = 5 pts
Discussion = “Optimal Organization”
Before class Thursday read They Say 342-391 quiz #20 on They Say 342-391
Before Friday review They Say 305-391
Email Test #7 on 305- 391
Week 11: before Tuesday Read They Say 392-409
Discussion = Tips for English 1B and Business
before Thursday read They Say 410-441
Friday Make-up Essay Test (replaces low grade)
Essay 3 DUE in class on Friday March 19
Late penalty = -10 points per day
extra credit quiz #21 on 392-409 = 5 pts
extra credit quiz #22 on 410-441 = 5 pts
Email Essay Test 8 = 30 pts on 392-441
Essay 3= 200 pts (20% of course grade)
= 1% of your course grade per day late
Week 12: Final Week Class Meets only Thurs March 25 from 7:30-9:30 in our regular classroom
Extra credit quiz #23 (easy class survey—just show up on time to earn extra points!)
2 hour Final exam = 90 points (Question: How do all these books we read fit together?)
Essay 1-2 Rewrites Due by Thursday March 25 in Class
Essay 3 Rewrites Due under my office door by Friday March 26 at noon.
Course Grading Scale: 1000 points possible ( + up to 75 points extra credit)
930-1000=A; 900-929=A-; 870-899=B+; 830-869=B; 800-829=B-; 770-799=C+; 700-769 = C; 600-699 = D
Points Possible: Essays 1-3 =600 pts; Tests 1-7= 210 pts; Quizzes 1-20 = 100 pts; Final = 90 pts
Essay Rewrites: Essay rewrites are worth up to 20 points extra credit each (max 60 points total).
Attendance Policy: Students who are marked late or absent more than five times may be dropped.
Foothill Honor Code: Students convicted of Honor Code violations will be severely penalized.