Scott A - Batavia Turf

Please find the specifications and material requirements for construction of pitcher’ mounds and home plate
batter’s box areas utilizing Dura Pitch Clay and Turface MoundMaster Bricks.
High School/College/Minor/Major League Fields (90ft. Bases)
1. Check for correct elevation, alignment and distances to the bases
A. Run string lines from point of Home Plate to outside of foul poles.
B. Run string line from point of Home Plate over Pitching Rubber to center of 2nd base.
C. Check distance from point of Home Plate to rear, outside corner of 1st and 3rd base. Should be 90
D. Check distance from point of Home Plate to center of 2nd base. Should be 127’33/8”.
E. Check distance from point of Home Plate to front of Pitching Rubber. Should be 60’6”.
F. Check elevation of Home Plate to insure it is approximately 1” higher than the surrounding turf or
infield mix at the edge of the 26’ diameter circle.
G. Re-install Home Plate as necessary to insure proper elevation, alignment and distances.
2. Layout batter’s boxes and catcher’s/umpire’s box (4’wide x 6’ deep).
A. Center of each batter’s box to be even with center cross section of home plate.
B. Inside of each batter’s box should begin no less than six inches from the side of Home Plate.
C. Catcher’s/Umpire’s box to extend from the rear of the batter’s boxes (4’wide x 6’ deep).
3. Install 12” nails at each corner and center of the batter’s boxes and catcher’s/umpire’s box, driving them
into the dirt so the top of the nail is at the same elevation as home plate. Use a 6 foot level.
4. Excavate and remove all existing infield mix or clay to a depth of no more than 3” from the top of Home
Plate. Make sure all edges are clean and at a 90 degree angle. Remove all excavated material from the
5. Level the subgrade soil, lightly compact to insure there are no soft spots, scarify lightly and moisten.
6. Install ½” of Dura Pitch Mound Clay evenly on top of the subgrade soil.
7. Install moisturized Turface MoundMaster clay bricks within the entire excavated area. Start parallel to
Home Plate and work towards the outside. Make sure last row is a full brick and all boxes have the
same amount of rows.
8. Sweep Dura Pitch moisturized clay on top to fill all voids between the bricks. Leave a thin coat of loose
clay on top of the bricks.
9. Fill against the outer edge of all exposed bricks and tamp lightly on a 45 degree angle.
10. Compact the entire area with a vibratory plate tamper until all voids are filled and there are no visible
spaces between the bricks. Cover the area with Dura Edge infield mix.
11. If no games are scheduled, soak the bricks and clay and cover entirely with a tarp to retain moisture.
Laser level, 2,4 & 6 foot levels, 3-300’ rolls of string line, 3-6 mason pins, 15-20 12” nails, square spades,
square shovel, 24” inch push broom, whisk broom, rectangular hand trowel, hammer, wheel barrows,
watering can, tank sprayer or hose, 12” hand tamper, vibratory plate compactor, 26’ circular tarp.
1. Check for correct elevation, alignment and distance from home plate.
A. Run a string line from point of Home Plate over the Pitching Rubber to the center of 2nd base.
B. Check distance from point of Home Plate to the front of the Pitching Rubber. Should be 60’6”
C. Check to make sure Pitching Rubber is centered on string line.
D. Check elevation of Pitching Rubber. Should be 10” above Home Plate.
2. Lay out plateau.
A. From a distance 6” in front of the rubber, install a 12” nail so the top is at the same elevation as the
top of the Pitching Rubber.
B. Measure 21/2’ on either side of this nail and install a 12” nail at each corner at the same elevation
as the Pitching Rubber.
C. Measure back 3 feet and install a 12” nail at each corner at the same elevation as the Pitching
D. The area should be 3’ deep and 5’ wide with four 12” nails at each corner at the same elevation as
the Pitching Rubber.
3. From the 12” nail located in front of the Pitching Rubber, measure straight towards Home Plate a
distance of 6-8’ depending on the age of the players.
4. Using a mound gauge or string line and level, install a 12” nail every foot, dropping in one inch
increments. For every one foot of distance from six inches in front of the Pitching Rubber, the elevation
drops one inch.
5. Lay out the landing area.
A. From the nail 6” in front of the Pitching Rubber to the nail at four feet, measure over one foot on
either side of the center line. Install 12” nails at the same elevation as the center nail at the same
distance from the Pitching Rubber.
B. From the nail at four feet to the last nail, measure over 21/2’ on either side of the center line. Install
12” nails at the same elevation as the center nail at the same distance from the Pitching Rubber.
6. Excavate and remove all existing infield mix or clay to a depth of no more than 3” from the top of each
12” nail. Make sure all edges are clean and at a 90 degree angle. Remove all excavated material from
the area.
7. Level the subgrade soil, lightly compact to insure there are no soft spots, scarify lightly and moisten.
8. Install ½” of Dura Pitch moisturized clay evenly on top of the subgrade soil.
9. Install moisturized MoundMaster clay bricks within the entire excavated area starting at the Pitching
Rubber and working towards the outside. The plateau will be level with the Pitching Rubber. The
landing area will fall one inch for every one foot of length. Make sure last row is a full brick.
10. Sweep Dura Pitch Mound Clay on top to fill all voids between the bricks. Leave a thin coat of loose clay
on top of the bricks. Fill against the outer edge of all exposed bricks and tamp lightly on a 45 degree
11. Compact the entire area with a vibratory plate tamper until all voids are filled and there are no visible
spaces between the bricks. Cover the mound with Dura Edge infield mix.
12. If no games are scheduled, soak the bricks and clay and cover entirely with a tarp to retain moisture.
Laser level, 2,4 & 6 foot levels, 1-200’ rolls of string line, 2-4 mason pins, 12-15 12” nails, square spades,
square shovel, 24” inch push broom, whisk broom, rectangular hand trowel, hammer, wheel barrows,
watering can, tank sprayer or hose, 12” hand tamper, vibratory plate compactor, 20’ circular tarp.
Maintenance: Pitching Mound and Home Plate Areas:
1. Immediately after a game or practice, sweep all loose clay out of worn areas, scarify, moisten and fill
with Dura Pitch moisturized clay to the surface. Hand tamp or use a vibratory compactor to compact.
2. Water and cover with tarp.
3. Prior to a game or practice, remove the tarp and allow the clay to dry. Final touch up for use.
5 Gallon bucket (Empty), Bag of Dura Pitch, whisk broom, square spade, carpet knife, watering can and
Material Estimate: High School / College / Minor / Major League Fields (90ft. Bases)
Pitcher’s Mound
Turface MoundMaster Bricks (8/Bag) 20-24 Bags (160-192 Bricks)
DuraPitch Mound Clay 50lb. Bag
12-16 Bags
Home Plate
Turface MoundMaster Bricks (8/Bag) 45 Bags (360 Bricks)
DuraPitch Mound Clay 50lb. Bag
24-30 Bags
Note: The field elevations are very important. If the field pitches away from home plate, the pitcher’s mound
may require more material to meet the required height of the rubber in relation to home plate. Conversely, if
the field pitches towards home plate the elevation of the mound may not require a lot of material to achieve the
proper height.