HBSE 4704 - Association for Behavior Analysis International

Teachers College Columbia University
HBSE 4704 - Fall 2001
Student Teaching Practicum
Applied Behavior Analysis - Behavior Disorders
Professor: Dolleen-Day Keohane, Ph.D, CABAS®SBA
Telephone: (work) (914) 588-4844; (office) (212) 678-3809;
Fax: (845) 351-5240;
e-mail: DDKeohane@aol.com
Office: 527 B Thorndike Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:30-5:00 (class nights),
and 4:30-6:30 (non class nights), and by appointment.
Class: TBA
Class Hours: Tuesday 5:10-6:50
Reading Assignments: TBA
Course Description and Objectives:
HBSE 4704 is structured to provide an intense hands-on practicum for students enrolled
in the Applied Behavior Analysis Behavior Disorders program. Over the course of two
semesters students will learn to identify and effectively apply teaching strategies and
tactics based on the science of behavior. The course will focus on the following areas of
learning: a) analysis of academic and social behavior of students with a broad spectrum
of needs, b) identification and application of effective teaching tactics through analysis of
the learn unit, and, c) identification and application of effective instructional decisions
based on the CABAS® CORK decision protocol, revised August, 2001.
HBSE 4704 provides students with a student teaching placement in which the course
content covered in HBSE 4015 and HBSE 4041 may be applied. Students will learn to
analyze the graphic display of instructional data as they identify and apply effective
instructional tactics from the research literature.
Demonstration of Effective Teaching Repertoires through the following student teacher
It is expected that students will demonstrate competency in the application of the
materials mastered in HBSE 4015 by the end of the Fall semester. Additionally, students
are expected to demonstrate mastery of the following three repertoires of teaching: a)
Verbal Behavior about the Science, b) Contingency Shaped Behavior and c) Verbally
Mediated Behavior. Modules demonstrating mastery of the above repertoires are to be
completed and submitted on the last day of class.
Verbal Behavior about the Science
Students are expected to participate in class discussions, prepare lesson plans in the form
of portfolio assessments, prepare projects consistent with an analysis of the learn unit
based on the revised CABAS® Cork Decision Protocol, August, 2001.
Contingency Shaped Behavior
Students will be observed (TPRA’s) in situ to assess the rate and accuracy of their
delivery and recording of the learn unit consistent with portfolio reviews of individual
students’ data.
Verbally Mediated Behavior
Students will be observed in situ to assess: a) their competency regarding ongoing
analysis of individual students’ data, and, b) their effective use of scientific tactics
identified in the relevant literature and based on the revised CABAS® Cork Decision
Protocol, August, 2001.
Related Requirements
Students are expected to complete requirements associated with state teacher certification
over the course of two semesters. The requirements include attendance at TC programs
on substance abuse and child abuse (required to receive a passing grade) and registration
for state teacher certification examinations.
Please register for these courses as soon as possible:
1st semester
CT 4504
CRN 30596
Child Abuse October 5th - 1-4
Substance Abuse
October 19th - 1-4
(408 Main Hall)
2nd semester Teacher Certification
Examinations/School Violence
Project I - Present a title page, abstract, a mini review of the tactic(s) chosen (1-2
articles), a reference page, and 1 graph with 0% decision errors (with recycle) analyzed
according to the CABAS® Cork revised decision protocol August, 2001 (graphing
decisions only). (APA format required) 1 TPRA per phase should be included in the
Project II - Present a title page, abstract, a mini review of the tactic(s) chosen (1-2
articles), a reference page, and 1 graph with 0% decision errors (with recycle) analyzed
according to the CABAS® Cork revised decision protocol August, 2001
(graphing/tactical decisions). (APA format required) 1 TPRA per phase should be
included in the presentation.
Project III - Present a title page, abstract, a mini review of the tactic(s) chosen (1-2
articles), a reference page, and 1 graph with 0% decision errors (with recycle) analyzed
according to the CABAS® Cork revised decision protocol August, 2001
(graphing/tactical decisions). (APA format required) 1 TPRA per phase should be
included in the presentation.
Project IV - Present a title page, abstract, a mini review of the tactic(s) chosen (1-2
articles), a reference page, and 1 graph with 0% decision errors (with recycle) analyzed
according to the CABAS® Cork revised decision protocol August, 2001
(graphing/tactical decisions). (APA format required) 1 TPRA per phase should be
included in the presentation.
Final Project - Present a title page, an abstract, a mini review of the literature (4-6
articles), a discussion, a reference page, and 1 graph with 0% decision errors as analyzed
according to the revised CABAS® Cork decision protocol, August, 2001
(graphing/tactical decisions). (APA format required) 1 TPRA per phase should be
included in the presentation.
In Situ Observations
There will be three observations per semester and each will include direct observation of
the student teacher working individually with two students (1 program per student).
(Observations will take approximately 30 minutes). Mini portfolio reviews (lesson plans)
are required to be handed in on the day of observation. They should include: a) the
student’s level of verbal behavior (pre-listener, speaker, reader, writer, etc.), b) long and
short term objectives for each program, c) the data collection (rpm, interval recording,
video tape, etc.), d) instructional strategies/tactics using the revised CABAS® Cork
decision protocol, August, 2001, and, e) a graph which includes data for prior
instructional sessions.
Student Products and Point Values
A. Class attendance 15 pts per class (105 pts)
B. Class participation 15 pts per class (105 pts)
C. Projects (4) 25 pts per project (100 pts)
D. Final Project
75 pts (75 pts)
E. Classroom Observations 50 pts per observation (150 pts)
F. Teacher Modules 100 points (pro rated per module)
G. Submission of student teaching paperwork and attendance at required related sessions
(substance/child abuse)
50 pts (50 pts)
Total points
685 pts
Student grades will be determined by totaling all points earned throughout the semester
and letter equivalence will be awarded as follows:
686 and above
660 to 685
634 to 659
608 to 633
582 to 607
556 to 581
Students will be given the opportunity to recycle projects to earn additional point value.
All recycled projects are due at the start of the next class.
Class Schedule
September 11 Review: Syllabus, Projects,
Revised CABAS® Cork Protocol,
OTE paperwork,
Student teacher placements,
Registration for sessions on
Dates for 3 observations:
10/9-R, 10/10-FSK, 10/11-DGS
11/12-FSK, 11/13-DGS, 11/14-R
12/3-DGS, 12/4-R, 12/5-FSK
September 25 Review: OTE paperwork,
Review of student teacher
Review of module requirements,
Review of projects/summary of
decision tree/graphing and
October 9
1st project/presentation due
Review of modules
October 30
2nd project/presentation due
Review of modules
substance/child abuse,
tactical decisions
November 20 3rd project/presentation due
Review of modules
December 4
Final ProjectApprovals
Review of modules
4th project/presentation due
December 18 OTE paper work due
Final Project/presentation due
Signed teacher modules due
Teacher Decisions Correct/Incorrect
Dates of review:_______Student: ____________ Program:____________
# Decision
# Decisions # Decisions # Graphing
Opportunities CorrectIncorrect
errors (not
(incl. graphing)
errors) related)
Totals: % Correct
Teacher Decision Opportunities
Dates of review:
Decision Rationale Phase 1:
Related Tactic:
Decision Rationale Phase 2:
Related Tactic:
Decision Rationale Phase 3:
Related Tactic
(incl. graphing