Sample Syllabus - Borough of Manhattan Community College

The City University of New York
Department of Modern Languages
Title of Course: Spanish II
Course Number: SPN 102-981
Instructor: Hilario Barrero
Office: N548. Telephone: (212) 220-8361
Lecture hours per week: 4
Credits: 4
A. Course Description
This course is a continuation of Spanish 101. Grammar, composition
and conversation are developed and supplemented by readings in
Spanish texts.
B. Prerequisites and/or Corequisites
Spanish 101 or departmental approval.
C. Student Learning Outcomes
Continuation of study of language fundamentals with emphasis on
conversation, reading and composition. Students will be helped to
develop communications skills in the oral and written components of
the language. Diverse cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world
will be studied as well.
D. Required Texts and/or Supplementary Materials
1. Online Textbook: Blanco, Dellinger, En Línea 2.0. Published by Vista
Higher Learning, Boston, MA 2004. You will purchase an access key
that will allow you to complete 2 semesters of Spanish (101 & 102).
2. Dictionary: It is a good idea to buy a Spanish-English dictionary for
this course.
E. Use of Technology
The skills students are expected to acquire in this course will be
reinforced via the in-class viewing of video-stream material related to
Hispanic-American culture and course content, oral and written webbased activities, and audio exercises.
1. Technological requirements: It is required that students own a
computer so that they can access the course 24-7. Students are
responsible for making sure they have adequate access to the course.
Students also need to buy a microphone[1], Quicktime (comes with
textbook). You will need Acrobat Reader to read the online textbook.
The link for a free download comes with the access key.
2. Basic computer knowledge: Students must know how to cut and
paste, navigate the Internet, send e-mails, operate a computer mouse,
3. Additional help:
a. On the DISCUSSION BOARD section of your course in
BLACKBOARD, there will also be a permanent section called
"PREGUNTAS Y SUGERENCIAS" where students will be able to post and
answer questions related to the course. I will also intervene in this
section whenever additional explanations or clarifications are needed.
Students are encouraged to make use of this facility.
b. BMCC s Learning Resource Center (LRC) located in Room S-500
provides free tutoring for this course. They usually have a schedule for
tutors beginning on the second week of classes. Check them out.
c. If you feel that you are really having problems and neither points a
or b above are helping, get in touch with me. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT
iS TOO LATE to catch up. As posted at the top of this syllabus, my
office number is (212) 220-8361. I can also be reached at When you write to me, make sure that
under the SUBJECT line, you write SPANISH CLASS. Otherwise, your
message will be erased if I don’t recognize your e-mail address.
F. Evaluation and Requirements of Students
1. Participation is mandatory. 20% percent of the final grade will be
based on class participation. The participation portion of your grade
will come from your timely participation in the discussion boards that
will be posted during the term. They must be done by the due date. All
discussion boards will be timed. That is to say, that after a specified
date and time, they will no longer be available for students to
complete or participate in them. Students, who do not turn in their
assignments on time, will lose points for that particular assignment.
Needless to say, if a student fails to participate in class discussion,
he/she will lose a percentage of the final grade.
NOTE: Your participation on the DISCUSSION BOARDS is worth 20%
of your final grade. In the DISCUSSION BOARDS you will be able to
put in practice the grammar, structure, vocabulary, etc. that you learn
in the course. This is a time to shine, to be adventurous with the
language while trying to correctly apply concepts learned. Poor, brief,
and uninspired participation on the DISCUSSION BOARDS may
negatively affect your grade.
2. Time: This course will require that students dedicate a great deal of
time to the readings, translations, memorization, and assignments.
Although there is some flexibility for turning in assignments,
participating in discussion boards, and taking exams, there is a limited
window of time for completing all assigned work. This course is as
time-consuming as a face-to-face course and students must make sure
that they are comfortable using a computer, the Internet, and that
they are highly motivated and disciplined to allot the appropriate
amount of time every week to the course in order to successfully
complete it. Students will only be graded on their performance in the
course. Grades cannot be given for outside the classroom duties,
activities, or problems. There will be NO EXTRA CREDIT given in this
3. Assignments: Will appear weekly under the ASSIGNMENT button of
BlackBoard. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Missing assignments
will negatively impact your final grade.
4. Laboratory: Weekly completion of assigned lab. work is required.
►Unless otherwise instructed, the lab activity for each chapter will
consist of doing the FOTONOVELA exercises 1, 2, & 3 found under the
ASSIGNMENT BUTTON on the upper left corner of your screen.
5. Exams: There will be total of 6 exams given in the course. There will
be an exam every two chapters, a Mid-term (for which students have
to come in to take the test in person) and a Final exam (for which
students also have to come into BMCC to take it).
6. No make-ups: Students are expected to take exams on the
scheduled dates. Students will receive a 0" on every exam they miss.
G. Final grade:
Your final grade will be based on the following guidelines:
►Participation in the discussion boards
►Final examination