Endangered Species Poster Project

Endangered Species Poster Project
This poster project will be highlighting an endangered species of your choice. Check with Ms. Jensen about your
endangered species before you begin. Information to be included on the poster is as follows:
A title: the common name of the animal
At least one big color picture of the animal (more can be included)
The classification of the animal from kingdom down to species
The number of animals left in the world today
Date when listed as endangered
The animal’s habitat
 Climate
 Plants
 Landforms
 Other animals
The animal’s niche (producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer)
 Producers: make their own food; receive energy from the sun
 Primary consumers: plant eaters
 Secondary consumers: meat eaters
A food web including the animal, what it eats, and what eats it
Background information on your animal (adult size, litter size, habits, fun facts)
Why is it endangered?
What is currently being done to remove your species from the endangered list?
A paragraph explaining, “Why should we be concerned if this animal becomes extinct?”
A paragraph explaining, “What can we do about it; how can we help?”
A paragraph explaining your attitude on your species importance in the world
• Does your species’ endangerment affect your life?
• What does it provide in the world today?
• Why should we care if it goes extinct?
DUE DATE: ______________________________________
PARTNER(S): __________________________________________________
ENDANGERED ANIMAL: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Day 1-2
Common name of animal: ________________________________________________________________________________
Scientific name of animal (Genus and species): _______________________________________________________________________________
Kingdom: __________________________
Phylum: ________________________
Class: ___________________________
Order: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________
Genus: ____________________________
Species: _____________________________
One big COLOR picture of your animal
Number of animals in our world today: ____________________
Date when animal listed as endangered: ________________________________
Description of animal’s ecosystem: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Description of climate your animal lives in:
Average High Temperature: _________________________________________________________________
Average Low Temperature: __________________________________________________________________
Rainfall: __________________________________________________________________________________
Day 3-4
Animal’s niche: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What does it eat? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What eats it? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Design a food web
Find pictures of what your animal eats and what eats it
Paste the pictures into a word document or PowerPoint
Connect arrows to pictures based on what eats what (arrows should be pointed from the prey to the
Label each picture (name of animal/plant)
Print to paste onto your poster
Background information on your animal (adult size, litter size, habits, fun facts): ________________________________________
Day 5-6
Why is your animal endangered? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
How are humans impacting your animal? _____________________________________________________________________________________
How are other plants and animals impacting your species? _________________________________________________________________
Why should we be concerned if this animal becomes extinct? ______________________________________________________________
What is currently being done to remove your species from the endangered list? _________________________________________
How is your species protected by the Endangered Species Act or any other legislative act? _____________________________
Does your species have an organization that specifically aids in its recovery? List organizations that help your
species. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What can you do to help its recovery (at least 2 ways): ______________________________________________________________________
What would have happened if this species had never existed? _____________________________________________________________
Print your requirements and organize on your poster.
You will be graded on the following:
*****All information should be written in complete sentences and typed.
Educational information requirements:
Common name of animal
Scientific name and classification
Number of animals today
Date when listed as endangered
Food web
Background information
Why is it endangered?
1 pt
5 pts
2 pts
2 pts
15 pts
2 pts
13 pts
10 pts
5 pts
Interest Appeal/Design:
Emphasis -- Is there a center of interest?
15 pts_
70 pts
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
Balance -- Is everything evenly distributed?
Written in complete sentences and typed
5 pts__
20 pts
5 pts
Grammar rules followed
Student signature: _____________________________________
Parent signature: ______________________________________
5 pts__
10 pts