Author: Bob Shaw

Title of Module: Life of Atom
Bob Shaw
Ritenour Middle School
Overland, MO
(formerly of Unity Point School, Carbondale, IL)
Modules used for inspiration:
“Virtual Museum Tours” by Margaret Johnson of Richard J. Daley College and
“Mineral Structures” by Bob English of John A. Logan College.
I was inspired by the lessons regarding the virtual field trip and the structures of
minerals. I have taken the two concepts and applied them to the virtual structure
of atoms. This will allow for students to work on this concept outside of school if
they desire.
Grade level:
Description of Module:
Through the use of the Internet and hands on activities, students will explore the
structure of matter. Students will create models of atoms and through a virtual
tour discover how scientists investigate the smallest known particles.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the study of this unit, students will be able to:
 Identify the parts of an atom.
 Discuss the development of the atomic model from the Greeks to Heisenberg
 Construct accurate models of atoms.
 Explain how subatomic particles are detected.
Transferability to Other Courses:
Virtual field trips are a great way to ‘take’ students to see far away places without
the travel expenses. This has applications in all subject areas.
Faculty Technology Skill Needed:
Basic Internet skills.
Student Technology Skill Needed:
Basic Internet skills.
Faculty Equipment Needed:
Computers with Internet access and mass-viewing device are needed.
Student Equipment Needed:
Computers with Internet access.
Cost Involved:
Most institutions are equipped to have each student or pairs of students at a
computer during classtime.
Improvement on Teaching and Learning:
This could all be done on the computer, but the drawing segment makes it
difficult. I feel the tactile part of the learning must take place on paper in this
situation. Therefore, the technology is limited in this area. Otherwise, the ability
to maginify images on the screen allows for a free use of electron microscopes.
This is not possible in most institutions.
Non-technology comparison:
One would need an electron microscope and many books of previous atom
configurations in order to do this lesson as it is written.
Issues to be aware of:
Make sure all the computers that will be used have the appropriate shockwave
plugin and the games will run. Shockwave plug-in available for free download at:
How to use in the classroom:
Introductory Activity: Setting the Stage
The following activity will provide an introduction to the parts of the atom as well
as provide a means for introducing the periodic table.
Step 1:
Distribute copies of the periodic table or open the textbook to a periodic table.
Orient the students to the periodic table.
Point out that each element is represented in a box by its symbol. The symbols are
always 1 or 2 letters always starting with a capital letter. Also, usually the symbol
is directly related to the American English word, with the first letter being the
symbol, like O for oxygen and C for Carbon. Sometimes 2 letters are used such as
He for Helium and Ne for Neon. There are times though when the symbols do not
appear to relate to the symbol. That is because the symbol relates to the element’s
name in a different language - sometimes Latin, Greek, German or whatever the
origin of the name for the symbol - to limit repeating symbols. For example, W
stands for Wolfram, which is German for Tungsten. Then point out the number in
the upper right corner. This is the atomic number that represents the number of
protons in the element. Usually the number of protons, electrons and neutrons are
equal for most elements. This creates a neutral atom, but sometimes naturally
occurring elements do have a charge and will have either extra electrons or will be
missing electrons.
For our modeling, students should assume that the element is neutral and the
tomic number will represent the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. Then
ask for a student to find the element Nitrogen and tell the class the symbol and
atomic number (symbol N, atomic number 7).
Then ask for Beryllium’s symbol and atomic number (symbol Be, atomic number
3). Continue this until you are sure the class understands how to read the periodic
Step 2:
Distribute clay and toothpicks to students. Model the construction of an atom.
Choose an element from the periodic table, for example, Carbon. Ask students
how can they determine the number of protons that are needed for the model.
(This is done by reading the atomic number next to each symbol, and this atomic
number represents the number of protons in the element. Also, most atoms that
we are investigating have a neutral charge so they will have equal numbers of
protons, neutrons, and electrons.)
The atomic number of Carbon is 6 so for your example there will be 6 protons,
neutrons, and electrons. Students should respond that this could be determined by
reading the atomic number of the element. Then ask them the same question for
protons and electrons. Inform students that the atomic number does not always
correlate to the number of electrons and neutrons, but for our models we will
model neutral atoms and we will use equal numbers of protons, neutrons and
Step 3:
Students should then choose 3 elements and make models. After successfully
making models, they should raise their hand to have the model checked by the
teacher; then they can make a drawing of their model. Caution students that
elements with large atomic numbers like Mercury (HG) will require 240 small
balls of clay, so their models should have atomic numbers 10 or under.
An extension for older students would be to use the periodic table to create
molecules. The portion of the video that deals with the remaining part of the
periodic table can be watched. It demonstrates how atoms bond. Students then
could choose elements that easily combine, and after making individual atomic
models they could combine these models into molecules. Also small groups of
students could create large molecules if they plan and work together, or the entire
class could make complex carbohydrate molecules.
End of Day 1
Day 2
Step 1:
Divide the class into groups of 2 or 3 for computer use. Either visit the computer
lab or have enough computers available in the classroom so that students can
work in groups of no larger than 3 students per computer. Go to the bookmarked
website Instruct students
that they will be visiting several websites. The first is the website that includes the
handout online, and students can use either the printed handout or follow along
online. The first site is a virtual tour of Fermi Lab. Fermi Lab is a particle
accelerator where scientists investigate subatomic particles.
Provide students with a FOCUS FOR MEDIA INTERACTION, directing
them to focus on the methods used for investigating subatomic particles and
what are the smallest particles that are currently known.
Step 2:
Guide the students to the start of the Fermi Lab Tour, then allow students to
navigate the tour at their own pace. Students should answer the questions for the
handout as they proceed through the tour. Every stop does not have a question
associated with it, and some questions require information from more than one
stop, so students should read carefully and proceed through each stop. Instruct
students to have the questions checked by the teacher after they have finished the
tour, and tell them that after successfully completing the tour they will be allowed
to go on to the next step. Then allow students to go through the tour at their own
pace. If students have correctly answered the questions, then instruct them to visit
the next site on the handout.
Step 3:
Guide students to the start of the game Push Push the Particle (Shockwave
by clicking on the bookmark. Tell students the goal is to accelerate the particle as
fast as possible, and that this is accomplished by shielding the negative pushes
and allowing the positive pushes to force the particle forward.
Provide students with a FOCUS FOR MEDIA INTERACTION by
instructing the students that they will be simulating how scientists accelerate
subatomic particles and they should focus on the methods used to accelerate
Arrows pointing to the left represent negative pushes, and arrows pointing to the
right represent positive pushes. Sliding the tube and changing its size to block out
the left arrows accomplish shielding. Allow students to try this on the practice
Then instruct them to click on “Next.” The first time “Next” is clicked the resize
button is illustrated. Instruct students that they can make the shield larger or
smaller by clicking and holding onto this point. Slide the shielding tube so its left
edge is at the point the first right arrow stops and stretch to the point where the
second right arrow stops. Clicking “Next” again brings up an explanation of how
this simulates the real activity of particle acceleration. Clicking “Next” again
starts the game. On this screen are 4 buttons Start, Reset, Save Data, and Show
Data. Start puts the particle in motion. Reset resets the screen in case a particle
becomes trapped in the tube. Save Data will save the data. Show data shows the
data that was displayed in the small blocks showing the particles velocity. Also
on this screen is a place for students to answer a question related to the shielding.
This may be used with older students.
To be successful, first adjust the first tube so that the first half of the first arrow is
shielded except for a very small portion next to where the particle enters the tube.
Adjust the second tube so that almost the entire second arrow is blocked except
for the last portion of the right facing arrow. Then adjust the third shield so that
the second half of the third arrow and the first half of the fourth arrow are
shielded. Slight adjustments may need to be made to each of these to be
successful. Allow students to work at their own pace and monitor their frustration
levels and give appropriate hints to help them experience success. When students
complete the game, check their answers. If they are appropriate, allow them to go
to Particle Pinball.
Step 4:
Guide students to the start of the game Particle Pinball at
me=chris. On the introductory page click on the words “Particle Pinball.” The
first page shows the shape of the target and how the BB’s react when they hit this
object. Point out that with a round object that some go directly past the top and
bottom but those that hit the object reflect in all directions depending on the angle
that is encountered as the BB hits the object, and that if the BB’s had hit a flat
surface like a square they would have reflected directly back. Instruct students
that when they are ready they should click on “Go Experiment”. Provide
students with a FOCUS FOR MEDIA INTERACTION, Instruct students to
focus on what clues do they use to determine the shape of the hidden object.
Students should watch the BB’s hit the target. BB’s are sent 3 different times and
students should wait until all 3 rounds are sent before proceeding, then click on
“Show Patterns A,B,C”. This brings up 3 patterns and students should click on the
one that represents the pattern they saw (pattern C) if they want to see the BB’s
reflect a second time they can click on “Play Again”. After students correctly
identify the pattern they go back to the previous screen and click on the box under
the pattern that says “Experiment 2”, and repeat the activity this time after
clicking on “Show the Patterns A,B,C” they should click on “Pattern A”. Then
finally they should click on “Experiment 3” and this time the correct answer is
Pattern B. Then students will be able to try to identify the shapes (the shape may
be different depending on which version of the game students are playing). To do
this they click on “Double Your Bucks”. When students think they know the
shape of the hidden pattern they should click on that pattern. When students
complete the game check their answers.
Culminating Activity
Step 1:
After a majority of students have completed the tours, review with them the parts
of an atom. Randomly display atomic models made the previous day and ask
students to identify the elements. Then review with students the current methods
scientists use to investigate the smallest particles of matter. Ask students to
describe the best method they developed to accelerate particles. (This probably
will include creating tubes of increasing length and shielding as much of the
backward push as possible). Then ask how they successfully identified the correct
pattern (carefully watching where the BBs landed and then thinking about how
they reflected). Also you might ask how they determined the difference between 3
posts and a triangle (with 3 posts some BBs passed through the middle).
Web Sites
Fermilab Tour
This site is a tour of Fermilab, including detailed discussion on how subatomic particles
are discovered. This tour will lead the visitor through the inside of a particle accelerator
and explain in simple terms how it works. Real images from inside Fermilab are used
along with detailed drawings to illustrate difficult concepts.
Push Push Push the Particle
This site is an interactive game that explores how particles are accelerated using
electromagnetic forces to speeds approaching the speed of light. Students will manipulate
shielding that simulates the shielding scientists use to provide a positive push to atomic
particles. This activity simulates the actual methods used at Fermilab. (Shockwave
Particle Pinball
This is an interactive game that explores how scientists identify particles as the result of
atomic collisions. Students will witness the results of collisions. Then they are required to
predict the shape of the hidden object. This activity simulates actual methods used in
particle detection.
Fermilab’s Virtual Tour
Click on the link and explore Fermilab. Use the questions to guide your visit.
1. What is Fermilab’s mission?
2. What’s the name of the world's highest-energy particle accelerator?
3. Haw fast do particles travel inside the particle accelerator?
4. What 2 particles are used in the accelerator?
5. How many subatomic particles have been found?
6. What are the names and size of Fermi lab’s two detectors?
7. What are 2 things you need to work on high energy physics projects?
8. Who works at Fermilab?
9. What else is done at Fermilab besides physics research?
10. What lives on top of the particle accelerator?
11. What is the subject of the most recent research at Fermilab?
12. Write a thoughtful question you would ask a high-energy physicist about how the
world is put together?
13. Have your answers checked by the teacher. Then click on the link below and
follow the directions.
1. What do scientists have to do in order to accelerate particles?
2. Draw a picture of your successful attempt of accelerating the particle.
3. Have your picture checked by the teacher. Then go to the link below and follow
the directions.
1. What was your total number of Einstein bucks at the end of identifying the
2. What was the hidden pattern?
3. What was your strategy for identifying the patterns?
Fermilab’s Virtual Tour (answer sheet)
Click on the link and explore Fermilab. Use the questions to guide your visit.
14. What is Fermilab’s mission?
To Explore nature on its smallest scale and to understand the most basic building
blocks of matter and the forces binding them together.
15. What’s the name of the world's highest-energy particle accelerator?
The Tevatron
16. Haw fast do particles travel inside the particle accelerator?
99.9999% the speed of light
17. What 2 particles are used in the accelerator?
Protons and Anti-protons
18. How many subatomic particles have been found?
Three (at the time the tour was created)
19. What are the names and size of Fermi lab’s two detectors?
CDF and Dzero, they are the size of a small apartment building
20. What are 2 things you need to work on high-energy physics projects?
Patience and computing power
21. Who works at Fermilab?
Researchers from all over the US and the world including 2400 scientists and
students including men and women of all backgrounds and nationalities.
22. What else is done at Fermilab besides physics research?
Prairie Restoration
23. What lives on top of the particle accelerator?
Bison, Deer, Canadian Geese
24. What is the subject of the most recent research at Fermilab?
Searching for the key to understanding the origin of all mass
25. Write a thoughtful question you would ask a high-energy physicist about how the
world is put together?
Accept any reasonable answer
Have your answers checked by the teacher. Then click on the link below and follow the
1. What do scientists have to do in order to accelerate particles?
Using electro-magnetic fields scientists shield the negative force and allow the
positive forces to push the particles.
2. Draw a picture of your successful attempt of accelerating the particle.
Have your picture checked by the teacher. Then go to the link below and follow the
4. What was your total number of Einstein bucks at the end of identifying the
This will be displayed and depends on how successful each student is at
identifying the patterns.
5. What was the hidden pattern?
The answer varies for each attempt at playing the game
6. What was your strategy for identifying the patterns?
Accept any reasonable answer
Educational and/or Technology Standards:
Illinois Content-Area-Standards: Technology Standards for All Teachers:
Standard 1: Basic Computer / Technology Operations and Concepts
Standard 2: Personal and Professional Use of Technology
Standard 3: Application of Technology in Instruction
Standard 4: Social, Ethical, and Human Issues
Standard 5: Productivity Tools
Standard 7: Research, Problem Solving, and Product Development
Standard 8: Information Literacy Skills
Standard 9: Collaborative Planning and Teaching