1.01 Vocabulary

VOCABULARY – Unit 1.01
Career Management
To help us learn all of our vocabulary words – we are going to do a “Word Wall.” Actually, we will do
a “Word Room,” because we are going to hang words from all over! Every student will contribute.
Having the words posted where we can see them everyday will give us the focus we need to
1. You will be assigned words from this vocabulary list.
2. You will create a sign (Have fun! Be creative!) for each word & present it to the class (see rubrix).
3. NO LATE WORK!!! If you do NOT have your sign & presentation on the due date, your word will be
given away to another student.
4. Signs & presentations done early will earn 5 bonus points.
Use this checklist to make sure you have completed your word wall sign CORRECTLY. Then use it to
make sure you PRESENT ALL the necessary information to earn full points!! Miss Ebner will use this
same list to score your work.
_____ Sign created
_____ Word is legible from across the room
_____ Word is spelled correctly
_____ Sign is eye catching (creativity, color, etc.)
_____ Picture is on the sign
_____ Picture is appropriate for the vocabulary term
_____ Oral Presentation included formal definition
_____ Oral Presentation included explanation why the picture was selected
_____ Oral Presentation included explanation of importance of understanding this vocabulary term
_____ Oral Presentation included correct example of how to use this word in a sentence
_____ Oral Presentation included hanging up the sign
_____ Sign & Presentation were completed on date assigned
_____ TOTAL POINTS (30 Possible – 2 per blank)
_____ Add 5 Bonus Points if presented EARLY!
1. Abilities
2. Achievement
3. Adaptability
4. Affirmation
5. Aptitudes
6. Attitudes
7. Bias
8. Change
9. Consequences
10. Defeatist attitude
11. Dependability
12. Discrimination
13. Emotional
14. Empathy
15. Flexibility
16. Global awareness
17. Honesty
18. Human relations
19. Inferior attitude
20. Integrity
21. Interdependence
22. Interest inventory
23. Interests
24. Interpersonal
25. Leader
26. Leadership
Skills one has developed
Something that somebody has succeeded
in doing, usually with effort
Capable of being modified to suit different
conditions or a different purpose
An assertion of support or agreement
A natural tendency to do something well,
especially one that can be further
An opinion or general feeling about
An unfair preference for or dislike of
To become different, or make something
or somebody different
The relation between a result and its
Showing a tendency to expect failure or
accept it too readily
Able to be trusted or depended on
Unfair treatment of one person or group,
usually because of prejudice about race,
ethnicity, age, religion, or gender
Personal attributes that enable people to
succeed in life, including self-awareness,
empathy, self-confidence, and self-control
The ability to identify with and understand
somebody else's feelings or difficulties
Able to change or be changed according
to circumstances
Relating to or happening throughout the
whole world
The quality, condition, or characteristic of
being fair, truthful, and morally upright
The study of the ways in which people
relate to each other in group situations
A feeling of failure to meet a standard of
quality, ability, or achievement
The quality of possessing and steadfastly
adhering to high moral principles or
professional standards
Unable to exist or survive without each
An assessment of likes and dislikes
Something that somebody enjoys doing
Concerning or involving relationships
between people
Somebody who guides or directs others
The ability to guide, direct, or influence
27. Learning Styles
28. Loyalty
29. Mature attitude
30. Needs
31. Performance
32. Personal
33. Prejudice
34. Punishment
35. Respect
36. Responsibility
37. Reward technique
38. Self-concept
39. Self-control
40. Self-esteem
41. Self-observation
42. Skills
43. Stereotype
44. Stimulus
45. Strengths
46. Superior attitude
47. Sympathy
48. Talents
The manner in which one gains
knowledge or skill through education
A feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment
to somebody or something
Showing the mental, emotional, or
physical characteristics associated with a
fully developed adult person
The basics one must have to live
The manner in which something or
somebody functions, operates, or behaves
Traits relating to a specific person
A preformed opinion, usually an
unfavorable one, based on insufficient
knowledge, irrational feelings, or
inaccurate stereotypes
A penalty that is imposed on somebody
for wrongdoing
A feeling or attitude of admiration and
deference toward somebody or something
The state, fact, or position of being
accountable to somebody or for
Something desirable given in return for
what somebody has done
A complete and individual personality,
especially one that somebody recognizes
as his or her own and with which there is
a sense of ease
The ability to control your own behavior,
especially in terms of reactions and
Self-esteem - confidence in your own
merit as an individual person
Awareness of one’s own personality, skills,
and traits
The ability to do something well, usually
gained through training or experience
An oversimplified standardized image of a
person or group
Something that encourages an activity or
a process to begin, increase, or develop
A valuable or useful ability, asset, or
A feeling of surpassing others in
something such as intellect, achievement,
or ability
The ability to enter into, understand, or
share somebody else's feelings
Natural ability in particular activity. a
natural ability for being good at a
particular activity
49. Transferable skills
50. Values
51. Visualization
A skill that is not limited to a specific
academic discipline, area of knowledge,
job, or task and is useful in any work
situation, e.g. communication or
organizational skills
The worth, importance, or usefulness of
something to somebody
To form a visual image of something in
the mind