Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA USE OF GPS SATELLITE SYSTEM WITH GRID COMPUTING Sheikyousuf.T1, Rasina begum.B2, Balasubramanian.N3, Mithunkannan.K4, Srinivasan.M5 Student1,4&5, Senior Lecturer2, Assistant Professor3 Department of Computer Science & Engineering1&2, Department of Computer Applications3, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College., kilakarai, Tamilnadu 1,2&3, Sree Sowdambika college of Engineering, Aruppukottai, Tamilnadu4&5. military .GPS provides specially coded ABSTRACT: satellite signals that can be processed in Our project aims at extending the a GPS receiver, enabling the receiver to application domain of the GPs satellite compute position, velocity and time. from a mere tracking and positioning Four GPS satellite signals are used to satellite system to a earth quake compute positions in three dimensions predicting system. The GPS systems and the time offset in the receiver clock. signal can map the ionosphere’s f2 The GPS receivers can be used by layer. This layer is amplifier of the anyone and are free to access. earth’s environmental conditions. When nominal GPs Operational constellation the GPS signal is delayed due to consists of 24 satellites that orbit the refraction of the ionosphere particle, we earth in 12 hours. There are often more are able to map the TEC and thus we than 24 operational satellites as new can effectively predict earth quake as ones are launched to replace older shown in our study. The earth quake satellites. The satellite orbits repeat detection system is proposed to be almost the same ground track (as the implemented earth turns beneath them) using a real time distributed environment. The once each day. The orbit altitude is such that the satellites repeat the same track and GPS is a Satellite Navigation System. configuration GPS is funded by and controlled by the approximately each 24 hours (4 minutes U.S Department of Defense (DOD). earlier each day). There are six orbital While there are many thousands of civil planes (with nominally four SVs in users of GPS world wide, the system was each), equally spaced (60 degrees designed for and is operated by the U.S apart), and inclined at about fifty-five over any point Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA degrees with respect to the equatorial The space component, plane. This constellation provides the control component and user with between five and eight SVs component. visible from any point on the earth. consists of 24 satellites that emit high 2. The 3. User The space component frequency radio waves. Each satellite has its own orbit 11,000nautical miles Objectives: above the earth. The aims of the project are: There are also five ground stations located around the world 1.To study the significant improvement in TEC tomography resolution. 2.Accurate earthquake warnings are, that make up the control component. They track and monitor the GPS satellites. The user components is the GPS receivers like the ones you will be at last, within reach. These predictions using today. will come from signals gathered not only decodes, and processes GPS satellite at the earth's surface but also far above signals. it, in the ionosphere. Why was it developed and what is it 3. To support research in the field of tropospheric products applicable to A receiver detects, used for? Navigation systems have been in use meteorology, with the aim of having an since prehistoric times. operational production after 2years. always been concerned about where they 4. To provide awareness of earth People have are, where they are going, and how they are going to get there and back again. quake in advance. Various methods have been used over GLOBAL POSITIONING the course of time from simply leaving markers along a trial, following a SYSTEM (GPS) global coastline or river, to charting the stars. positioning system (GPS) was designed In later years compasses and sextants to show your exact position on the Earth where developed. As travel capabilities anytime, in any weather anywhere. It is and technology increased the need for the most advanced system of navigation. amore accurate system with wider There are three components to GPS. 1. coverage also increased. In the early 20th INTRODUCTION: the Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA century, ground based radio navigation through the computation of total electron systems were developed. This system content (TEC) assuming straight line was launched into space in 1978 with the propagation. first satellite. The last satellite in the theGPS frequencies and TEC assuming system was put into orbit in 1994. straight The initial purpose for developing this demonstrate that for GPS frequencies world encompassing system was to and for observations in LEO ,the assist the U.S. armed forces in military assumption of straight line propogation operations and weapons systems. It was (neglecting bending) introduces small used extensively during operation desert errors when monitoring the F2 layer. storm. The Since then, new uses are constantly being discovered. We demonstrate that for line second propogation algorithm .We which also Other assumes straight line propogation ,is applications include vehicle tracking in athree dimensional (3-D) inverstion fleet vehicles, public transportation, constrained with the horizondal structure delivery trucks, and courier services, of a priori electron density fields.As a emergency vehicle services to improve priori response time, mapping and surveying solutions and the parameterized real time and scientific monitoring and assaying. ionospheric specification model(PRISM) GPS and Ionosphere Relation. when adjusted with ionosoned data or fields we use tomographic Global positioning system (GPS) ground based GPS vertical TEC maps. radio occultation signals received by For both algoriths we calibrate the slow earth orbit (LEO) satellite provide occultation data by utilizing observation information about the global distribution s from the part of LEO that is closer to of electron density in the ionosphere. We the GPS satellite. For inversions we use examine two radio occultation inversion dual frequency observational data ( the algorithms. The first algorithm utilizes difference the Abel integral transform, which observables) which cancel orbit errors ( assumes spherical symmetry of the without electron density field. We test this determination) and clock errors ( without algorithm with two approaches, through requiring synchronous ground data) and the computation of bending angles and thus of L1 applying may allow and L2 phase precise inversions orbit to be Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA computed close to real time future .The ABEL and 3-D constrained algorithms are validated by statistically comparing 4 days of inversions And L2 carrier phase The C\A code (coarse critical Acquisition) modulates the L1 frequencies(f0F2)data from a network of carrier phase .The C\A code is a 45 ionosonde stations and with vertical repeated 1 MHZ pseudo Random TEC data from the global network of Noise (PRN) code .This noise GPS ground receivers . Globally ,the like code modulates the L1 Abel inversion approach agrees with the carrier signal, “spending” the f0F2 correlative data at 13% rms level, spectrum with negligible mean difference . All bandwidth .The C\A code repeats tested inversion every 1023 bits .There is a statistically different C\A code PRN for each 3-D with Three binary codes shift theL1 constrained approaches posseses significant mean a a 1 MHz .when SV .GPS satellite are often compared with the ionosonde data. The identified by their PRN number , vertical TEC correlative comparisons for the unique identifier for both the abel and 3-D constrained pseudo random noise code. The inversions C\A that modulates the L1 carrier are difference over significantly biased (~30%)by the electrons above 735 km each is the basis for civil SPS. The p-Code modulates both the LEO altitude. L1 and L2 carrier phase .The pcode is a very long 10 MHz PRN code .In the anti spoofing (AS) GPS SATELLITE SIGNALS The SVs transmit two mode of operation ,the p-Code is microwave carrier signals .The encrypted L1 MHZ) requires a classified AS module carriers the navigation message for each receiver channel and is and the SPS code signals .The L2 for use only by authorized users frequency(1227.60 MHZ) is used with cryptographic keys . frequency(1575.42 to measure the ionospheric delay by PPS equipped receivers . into the Y-code The navigation message also modulates the L1 –C\A code Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA signals .The navigation message STEC at SIPs. Note that for GPS is a 50 Hz signal consisting of data availability reasons a delay data bits that describe the GPS of satellite orbits ,clock corrections computations has been fixed . and other system parameters. Products of day D are computed at 3 days day in the D+3.Below product is an illustration of all the IPPs at a given instant Colors represent GPS representation number The STEC is first converted into VTEC data st SIPs Then they are interpolated on a regular grid to create VTEC distribution maps over the world. This is performed with Kalman filter. IFB and TGD are also IONOSPHERIC TOTAL ELECTRON CONTENT MAP The VTEC( mapped TEC data is mapped in 4 steps GPS data and satellite orbit data are downloaded external daily FTP from servers estimated and appended to the products created at previous step. Finally these data are filtered with low pass filters to create 15 minute and 1 hour VTEC maps. MEASURING THE TEC VALUE (IGS,EUREF,……). The time samplings of these data are 30 Appleton and Hartee have derived the seconds refractive index of the ionosphere ,n and and 15 minutes respectively. Orbit data are resampled at 30 seconds and GPS and orbit data are prossesed to compute the it can be reduced as a function of electron density N to an accuracy of better than 1% to the following n=1-(X/2)=1-(40.3N/f2) Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA Knowing the refractive of Several different types of seismic waves ionosphere ,it is possible to derive the move through the ground during an total no of electrons in ionosphere the earthquake, the largest scale (and the one parameter of the ionosphere which that does most of the moving) is the produce most of the efforts in the GPS Rayleigh Wave. This type of wave rolls signal along the GPS signal trajectory along the ground, up and down and side- from each satellite to the observer. This to-side, in the same way as a wave rolls integrated no of electrons is commonly along the ocean. Since the atmospheric called density decreases exponentially with the index total electron content(TEC).TEC is expressed as a no altitude, the wave amplitude increases of electron in a vertical column having a exponentially as it propagates towards one square meter cross section and the extending all the ways from the GPS ionosphere, and can reach several tens of satellite to receiver where meters for M > 6 earthquakes. 1TECU =1*1016el.m-2 At GPS signal time delay means that the frequency acoustic waves interact with signal s traversing the ionosphere will the ionospheric plasma and induce arrive slightly later than they would have variations in the electronic density if they were traveling through ionospheric heights, these low a vacuum.By measuring the group path delay independently at the two widely spaced GPS frequency L1=f1=1.57542GHz namely and L2=f2=1.2276Ghz The TEC path of the satellite is calculated using O ur format goes beyond this to explore GPS signals pass through the ionosphere the possibilities of earthquake detection. . Various ground-based or satellite Earthquake Detection observations Earthquakes waves, perturbing create the acoustic ionosphere. have shown strong perturbations of the ionosphere after earthquakes. Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA The observed signals can be explained making use of thousands of computers to by the propagation of pressure waves in make a “virtual super computer”. When the atmosphere, generated by the ground implementing the system would be using displacement near the source or due to a high performance optical fiber network Rayleigh waves A one millimetre peak- which to-peak displacement at ground level can measurements transfers set up oscillations larger than 100 metres at an altitude of 150 km. We could also separate the small total electron content signal from the very large total electron content variations related to the daily variation of the ionosphere." Piercing points' shown where signals cross the the data from the US DOD servers .This ionosphere. Dual frequency GPS sensors data is received by local servers .This have absorbed post seismic disturbance server then redistributes the data to on TEC thousands of idle computer connected to internet to process the data .The netwok SYSTEM DESIGN should have a high speed of transfer as it would support the real time transfer of For harvesting such immence computational power ,we propose the use of grid computing .By utilizing this architecture of computing we would be data to and from server. This project will use a software to use idle processor time of computers across the internet to form Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA a super computer .This processor will download information from a remote FUTURE ENHANCEMENT sensor which would distribute GPS satellite data to all the idle computers across the globe with the software installed .. Our future plan is to produce a simulation software to show the working of this system using test data .GPS has been initially installed for various purposes ,but the GPS and Grid computing can be used to provide signs of the upcoming deviation due to earthquakes. Accurate short-term forecasts would save lives and enable businesses to recover sooner With just a 10-minute warning, trains could move out of tunnels, and people could move to safer parts of buildings or flee unsafe buildings. We shall look forward for a full pledged implementation of this system there by avoiding the reoccurrence of a large no of earth quakes across the globe The data would be processed in the systems across the internet and the result REFERENCE will be sent back to the server. We thus have a super computer capability using 1.SETE@HOME the idle time of million computer across 2.BERKELEY OPEN INFRASTRUCTURE FOR NETWORK COMPUTING Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” 8th , MAY 2010 - by Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli Dt-Tamil Nadu,PIN-627 114,INDIA 3.General Presentation of SPECTRE 5.Calais E. & Minster B.,1995, GPS Project detection of ionospheric perturbations 4. Artru J., P. Lognonné et al, 2001, following Normal modes modeling of post-seismic Northridge ionospheric oscil ations, Geophysical Research Research . . the January Earthquake 17, 1994, Geophysical