Challenges in General Practice

Dr Katherine Teare
GP Educator Fellow
October 2013
77% GPs – work more stressful past year
40% complete 40-60 consultations/day
Salaried and locum GPs do less during
working day and take less work home
11 or 12+ hour days not uncommon
¼ GPs had to seek support for work related
7 days a week - ?reduce weekday availability
and continuity of care
RCGP – shortfall 16000 GPs by 2021
?fewer will choose GP career
Plan – named GPs
Plan – train extra GPs – 2000
Effect of extended hours working
90% NHS contacts in GP
GP get 9% total NHS funding in England
RCGP want 10% funding increase
RCGP want 10000 more GPs
JH wants to increase proportion NHS funding
to primary care
?PMS funding reduction to be equitable with
Scaled back QoF - ?reduced payments also
Will we all become salaried?
Demand to improve online access to records
and care plans
CG proposed move to single provider
organisations spanning primary and secondary
GPs responsible for health and social care
around the clock
?return personal responsibility for lists
GP magazine 19/08/13, 02/09/13
Pulse magazine October 2013