How GPS Works

How GPS Works
NAVigation Satellite Timing And Ranging
Operated by Air Force
Launch Weight 1800 kg (4000 lb)
Orbital radius 20,200 km
Orbital Period 12 hours
Inclination 55 degrees
24 active, 4 spare
4 planes, 6 satellites per plane
Locating Earthquakes
Locating Earthquakes - Depth
GPS and Seismology
• GPS is a lot like locating earthquakes
– Use Trilateration
– Locate an unknown point using distances
from three known points
– Unknown point is actually at intersection of
three spheres (in earth, sort of)
• One important difference
– Earthquakes create signals with different
speeds so distance is coded in the signal
The Timing Problem
Travel time = Radius to satellite
Distance to NAVSTAR: 14,000-20,000 km
Travel time =.05-.07 seconds
Have to measure travel time to sub-ppm
• How do you know radius if you don’t know
where you are?
• Synchronized signals in GPS unit and
Signals in GPS
An Early Pseudo-Random Code
1776 (seed)
17762 = 3154176
15412 = 2374681
37462 = 14032516
40322 = 16257024
62572 = 39150049
91502 = 83722500, etc.
The Clock Problem
• Atomic clocks costs thousands of dollars
– In the overall budget of a satellite program, that’s
chump change
– In the cost of a hand-held GPS unit, not so much
• GPS units use inexpensive quartz clocks
– Not precise enough
– One microsecond = 300 meters
• Have satellites broadcast time signals?
– How do we know the travel time?
• Unpredictable timing error introduced
Timing Errors
• Satellite positions known precisely and
ephemeris (or almanacs) updated
• If distances r1, r2, r3 are known, we can
solve for latitude, longitude, and elevation
• 3 variables, 3 unknowns
• If we also have to solve for an unknown
timing error, three radii are insufficient
Effect of Timing Error
Correcting Clock Errors
• We have four unknowns: latitude,
longitude, elevation and error
• Can solve with four satellite fixes
• Once error is known, can reset GPS unit
• This is why the magic number of four for
GPS signals
• Full x,y,z solution = 3D
What About Less Than Four?
• We have four unknowns: latitude,
longitude, elevation and error
• Three satellites aren’t enough
• But we have a fourth sphere: the Earth
• May have to make assumptions about
radius due to oblateness of earth and
• Can get latitude and longitude (2D) and
accuracy limited