Cambridge Computer Training Materials Featured At Fall 2005

WALTHAM, MA—JANUARY 2006—Cambridge Computer Services, a national
integrator specializing in data storage and data protection solutions, today announced that
its training materials were featured at the Fall 2005 Storage Networking World
Conference. Cambridge Computer presented two topics, one in the technical tutorials
track and the other in the general sessions.
The technical tutorial, Eliminating Backup System Bottlenecks, surveyed the major
bottlenecks found in enterprise backup systems and provided a summary of the
technologies and paradigms being used to address them. The lecture started by
identifying both the obvious and hidden bottlenecks found in enterprise backup systems
by tracing the I/O path from a backup client, through the data or storage network, through
the backup servers, and ultimately on to the backup media. The lecture also grouped the
solutions into categories of efficiency, parallelism, and brute force, and outlined how the
major vendors are attacking the problems and which problems still need to be addressed.
The general session lecture was entitled Disk-To-Disk to the Next Level: Comprehensive
Data Protection for SMEs and Branch Offices. The thesis of this talk was that the lion’s
share of innovation in the data protection marketplace is happening in the branch office
and small-to-medium enterprise. Whereas most new storage technologies emerge in the
high-end enterprise and trickle down to the branch and SME, data protection works in
reverse. Cambridge Computer reasoned that the complexity and risk-adversity of the
large enterprise makes it difficult for these end users to adopt new technologies. It is safer
and easier for the large enterprise to throw money and people resources at the problem,
rather than adopt new solutions from the market innovators. Meanwhile, the branch and
SME end users have simpler environments and less tolerance for runaway costs and
excessive demands on people resources. As such, the SME and branch have more
incentives and fewer obstacles to adopting new technologies. The moral of the story is
that SMEs and branches should not look to the large enterprise to set the example.
Rather, the large enterprise should be carefully watching the SME and deciding when the
timing is right to pounce on the new solutions.
In a conference dominated by industry analysts and major manufacturers, Cambridge
Computer’s practical, solutions-based messages were well reviewed. A sampling of
attendee comments from the feedback forms include:
Excellent! This is why I'm here this year!
Information packed presentation, practical and real world
 Best short course in backup I have seen
I’m stealing this presentation
About Storage Networking World
Storage Networking World is the world’s largest educational event on storage networking
technologies. Storage Networking World took place on October 24 - 27, 2005 at the JW
Marriott Grande Lakes Resort in Orlando, Florida.
About Cambridge Computer Services, Inc.
Now celebrating 15 years of successful business, Cambridge Computer is a national
integrator of data protection and storage networking solutions. Cambridge Computer is
best known for authoring industry best practices for enterprise data protection and for its
expertise in designing storage networking solutions for small-to-medium enterprises.
Under the technical leadership of industry veteran, Jacob Farmer, Cambridge Computer
has amassed a client list that includes many of the world’s top universities and research
facilities, leading corporations, major financial institutions, the most vital of government
facilities, as well as small to medium size businesses. For more information, please visit or call 781.250.3000.